Plume Changelog

What's new in Plume 0.9.8 Beta

Jun 25, 2024
  • New features:
  • Support for right-to-left languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, etc
  • Pasting links from recognized domains now automatically converts them into clickable hyperlinks
  • Added the ability to duplicate a Kanban task by right-clicking on it
  • Bug fixes and improvements:
  • Resolved a bug that caused Kanban columns to become stuck when dragged upward or downward

New in Plume 0.9.7 Beta (Jun 20, 2024)

  • New features:
  • You can now right-click on Kanban columns to easily paste new tasks
  • Bug fixes and improvements:
  • Refined design that provides more breathing room between different UI elements, along with numerous subtle yet significant enhancements
  • Resolved a persistent issue on Windows and Linux where dragging a Kanban card would inadvertently move the entire Kanban view
  • Resolved an issue that prevented links from being set correctly
  • Corrected an issue where right-clicking inside a Kanban did not trigger the expected context menu
  • Resolved an issue that prevented links from being set correctly
  • Fixed a bug where pasting plain text would not strip out advanced block syntax
  • Addressed the stuttering animation problem that occurred while expanding or collapsing the folders/notes panes
  • Optimized the rendering of advanced blocks like Kanban boards and images for smoother scrolling

New in Plume 0.9.6 Beta (Jun 12, 2024)

  • Added the ability to drag blocks and external images into empty areas in the editor
  • Improved stability and memory management, fixing several memory leaks
  • Fixed an issue where "amp" was displayed instead of "&" in the notes list
  • Fixed an issue where the Kanban task editor didn't close after finishing editing

New in Plume 0.9.5 Beta (May 29, 2024)

  • Enhanced Heading Placeholders: Added proper placeholders for different heading levels
  • Resolved an issue where the app mistakenly recognized the Ctrl and Shift keys as still pressed after closing the types menu via shortcut
  • Fixed a bug preventing searches in the types menu when accessed through text selection
  • Redesigned dialogs for a more cohesive experience on Windows and Linux
  • Corrected issues with block dragging to ensure accurate placement and sizing
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when attempting to convert a block when none was selected
  • And many other small improvements and bug fixes for a smoother user experience

New in Plume 0.9.4 Beta (May 24, 2024)

  • New features:
  • Hover over the tasks' pie chart, either in the Kanban view or the app's top bar, to view the total, completed, and remaining tasks
  • Press '/' on an empty line to open the types menu and quickly insert a block of your chosen type
  • Bug fixes and improvements:
  • Use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + C to open the types menu
  • Fixed a long-standing issue where an empty line of text had an incorrect height compared to other lines
  • Resolved a bug that prevented ordered lists from being created or converted correctly
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling on Windows and Linux was too frictionless
  • Added the ability to drag a Kanban column by its title
  • Use the Ctrl + W shortcut to hide the app on macOS
  • Fixed an issue where to-do text was not vertically centered with the checkbox