Timezone Manager Apps and Alternatives

1 application in this hubLast updated: Mar 7th 2012, 01:11 GMT

Depending on one's location, certain timezones will apply. When having to travel to another country, the timezone may change, therefore users have to rely on specialized apps that will help them view the correct time in several timezones at once.

In other words, while using such apps users will have the option to create a list with all the timezones they are interested in, and the corresponding time will be automatically displayed on their desktop.

This functionality is typically integrated within time synchronizers or desktop clocks in order to complement their default functions.

444 HITS

filed under: timezone, manage, view, time zone, clock


Simple World Clock

Simple World Clock 1.4

A simple, space efficient world clock

Mar 7th 2012, 01:11 GMT