Image Uploader Apps and Alternatives

2 applications in this hubLast updated: Mar 8th 2011, 22:44 GMT

Image uploading apps allow their users to quickly and easily upload multiple pictures to previously selected image hosting servers.

Some image uploaders are designed to work with a specific image hosting server (Flickr, TwitPic, ImageShack, etc), whereas others will enable their users to choose the server they prefer.

For protecting one's images' security, one will be required to specify the username and password of the account they have on the chosen server.

Most image uploading apps can also be used to resize or rotate the user's images before uploading them to the chose server.

273 HITS

filed under: upload, copy, uploader, image, picture



ImageWell 4.0.7 / 4.1.0 Beta

Edit images and upload to the web

Mar 8th 2011, 22:44 GMT
ImageShack Uploader

ImageShack Uploader 2.6

Easily upload images directly from your desktop to ImageShack

Dec 18th 2010, 21:42 GMT