Google Docs Manager Apps and Alternatives

2 applications in this hubLast updated: May 11th 2015, 22:24 GMT

Google Docs is a free and Web-based service created and maintained by Google, containing processing tools for Word documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and forms.

Because this online platform can also be used for data storage, Google Docs managers have been created to enable users to easily upload their files to secure servers.

One may also have the option to synchronize data from their desktop with items stored inside a Google Docs account.

Most of these utilities can also be used to easily access the Google Docs files without having to use a web browser.

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CloudPull 2.8.1 Build 4093

Back up Google Docs to your Mac

May 11th 2015, 22:24 GMT

NoteSync 1.2

Syncs your notes with the files saved in your Google docs account

Aug 2nd 2012, 07:06 GMT