“Takes care of the UI to gather payment information from the user,” says PayPal

Mar 9, 2013 18:21 GMT  ·  By

Online payments giant PayPal has announced the release of its PayPal iOS SDK (Software Development Kit) which provides a native iOS library that simplifies accepting payments in iPhone and iPad apps

The PayPal iOS SDK library comes with an intuitive interface, credit card scanning with support for card.io, and offers proof of payment system which does away with PCI compliance.

The PayPal iOS SDK takes off some of the workload involved with creating a UI for gathering payment information from a user, and is able to coordinate payment with PayPal, as well as return proof of payment to the developer.

PayPal offers sample code and setup instructions on its developer site. Requirements include Apple’s own Xcode 4.5+ and iOS SDK 6.0+; iOS 5.0+ target deployment; armv7 and armv7s devices and the simulator (not armv6). The development kit support all iPhone and iPad models, PayPal confirms.