“Browse, bookmark or share,” they say; better ask your friends first, though

Oct 29, 2012 12:31 GMT  ·  By

Considering that people give up their privacy to Facebook willfully, an application like Badabing! shouldn’t pose many risks, should it? Well, not if it doesn’t fall in the wrong hands, anyway.

Developed by a company that seemingly owns skin-recognition software (or at least swimming-trunk recognition tech), Badabing! lets users sign in with their Facebook credentials and fetch all the photos depicting people at the beach, or at a pool party.

It uses precise algorithms to determine the level of nakedness in the photos and downloads these images in bulk for you to browse, bookmark and (you guessed it!) share. This thing has trouble written all over it.

Advertised as “the only social image recognition app” out there, Badabing! is in line for a fresh update soon, according to its developers. This should be interesting. Let’s try and guess what other filters they might implement next. Camel-recognition, maybe?

Download Badabing! ($1.99 / €1.79)