Devices sold in China will get a special instruction set for camera consent

Aug 5, 2013 11:11 GMT  ·  By

Apple reveals in the iOS 7 Beta 4 release notes that the new software now requests “user consent” for apps that use audio and video input.

“iOS now requests user consent for apps to use audio input on all iOS 7 devices,” according to the documentation posted by Apple online on July 29.

The release notes mention that iOS video apps for devices sold in China “will also request user consent for apps to use the camera hardware.”

Apple explains to developers of video apps that iOS 7 will present the consent alert when they set the category of the instantiated AVAudioSession application programming interface.

“The AVAudioSession categories that will present the alert are AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord and AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord,” Apple shares with developers.

The user can choose not to allow access in both instances. In the case of audio input request, if the user says “no,” the video session data will be all zeros or silence, according to the documentation.

“For devices where camera access is requested and denied by the user, the video capture session is a black screen,” Apple says.