Now you can search for playlists and use the “play all” button

Aug 21, 2013 09:49 GMT  ·  By

Google has updated the official YouTube app for iOS devices adding “picture-in-picture” functionality for a leg up in browsing, as well as playlist search.

YouTube version 2.0 allows you watch a video on your iPhone or iPad while searching for the next one, a function described by Google as “just like picture-in-picture.”

Additionally, with the new YouTube app you can now search for playlists and use the “play all” button, which means you can get back to whatever you’re doing and not touch the device for an hour (or more).

Although this is not mentioned in the release notes, Google also offers its Cast button to send YouTube videos from the iPhone / iPad to a connected TV – “Chromecast, Google TV, Playstation 3 and other TVs,” according to the search giant.

“To make it easier to choose what to watch next, you’ll see a preview screen when your devices are connected and you select a video, with options to play the video to queue it up to watch next,” the company says on its blog.

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