Artist rendition looks stunningly realistic and fictional at the same time

Jun 21, 2012 11:56 GMT  ·  By

Dakota Adney of AdneyFilms created a breathtaking iPhone 5 concept that probably won’t see the light of day for another decade or so. And even that’s a stretch.

Showcased as an Apple-style TV commercial, the conceptual device is said to be built around a quad-core A5 chip that “delivers even more power,” a laser projection keyboard which “liberates your thumbs,” and the all-new iClear Retina display, which “presents sharp graphics and stunning images.”

“iOS 6 will take your iPhone experience in an entirely new direction. And if there's anything else you need, just ask Siri,” Adney adds.

Wouldn’t want to burst anyone’s bubble here but when this thing becomes a reality, it’ll be running iOS 90. And while we’re eons away from such a product to even be attempted, I’m taking comfort in the thought that something this thin and this flat wouldn’t be very practical. What do you guys think?