Re Accessory contains the codes for most popular AV devices

Sep 28, 2011 14:54 GMT  ·  By

NewKinetix has launched Re Remote Control 3.0 for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch which can turn your iDevice into a media command center and universal remote with so many buttons you won’t even know what to do with it.

The new app, especially enhanced for the iPad’s big screen, arrives refreshed with remote selection, activity remotes, favorites and device remotes all in one view.

To work the app, you must buy the Re IR Accessory from NewKinetix, or any retailer that’s carrying it.

The Re Accessory contains the codes for most popular AV devices, while button images, layout, labels, background image and color are all customizable. You can actually create folders to allow more buttons per remote without scrolling. Crazy!

But hey, if you’re a true geek, this is the next app you can download to know you’re staying true to yourself.

Download Re Universal Remote Control (Free)