Automatically adjustable, complete with magnification

Feb 3, 2015 15:54 GMT  ·  By

When Steve Jobs unveiled the original iPhone in 2007, he said the phone’s underlying software was OS X. That was a bit of an overstatement because iOS (then iPhone OS) and OS X were two very different animals eight years ago.

But that claim holds some water for iOS 8 today. Especially so thanks to the work of Evan Swick, a crafty developer who figured out a way to port the OS X dock – along with its main perks – over to the mobile OS powering iPhones and iPads.

He describes Harbor as “the ultimate dock tweak, inspired by OS X Yosemite,” and explains that “It allows you to place a nearly unlimited amount of icons in the dock of your iOS 8 device, while still being able to view all icons at once.”

Going by the video demonstration he threw in with the $2.99 Cydia tweak, the hack is amazingly efficient. The dock automatically resizes when apps get inserted or extracted, it has a cool magnification effect, and various settings to change its behavior and appearance. It even has the bounce effect for notifications!

Check it out in the video below and let us know what you think. Before you ask, yes you need a jailbroken iPhone to use it.

Harbor screenshots (7 Images)

Harbor tweak: expandable, flexible dock for iOS
Landscape mode on iPhone 6 PlusMagnification