eBooks available from both Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Jan 19, 2012 15:36 GMT  ·  By

LifeWithSiri.com, a location that provides information about how to use Apple’s powerful "personal assistant" on the iPhone 4S, has been redesigned and is now featuring updated versions of its e-books.

The site features links to all the eBook reading apps on its home page, which has been completely redesigned to include links to 9 eBooks about Siri.

There are over 40 articles and 20 videos about Siri to be had. Visitors also get a sample preview of the largest of its 3 "Life With Siri" eBooks.

Most books are mainly text-based, but "Life With Siri" primarily uses iPhone screenshots to demonstrate the assistant’s cool features. The new 2nd Edition features more than 100 screenshots, according to author Jodi Dery, who believes that presenting Siri's responses in an illustrative manner “will help people remember the best way to talk to Siri and get the results they want."

The books are priced between $0.99 and $1.99 and are available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.