New two-finger-swipe gesture to close an article, and much more

May 10, 2012 16:41 GMT  ·  By

Instapaper 4.2 is now available in the App Store with all-new pagination, sepia, auto-fullscreen reading, and more, the developer has announced.

Calling it “a significant update with many fixes and new features,” Marco Arment, the developer, has included an all-new iBooks-Style Pagination option for fans of the offline reading app.

Other cool enhancements include a new draggable dot bar to replace the scroll bar in pagination mode, the ability to perform a two-finger-swipe gesture to close an article, an "Auto" mode to switch to full screen after a few seconds, the ability to select the subtle Twilight Sepia color tint at any time, sharing to Drafts and Quotebook apps, and several bug fixes.

Instapaper is a five dollar app (4 EUR) and works with all iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad models that support iOS 5.0 or later.

Download Instapaper for iPhone and iPad