Jürgen Ulbrich of Apfellike.de envisions a flowy interface for the iPhone

May 17, 2013 13:20 GMT  ·  By

When some people say they expect iOS 7 to be completely re-imagined, they’re not kidding. Take for instance Jürgen Ulbrich of Apfellike.de. He sees iOS 7 as a radical departure from what we know to be Apple’s mobile operating system.

Granted, Jürgen’s concept doesn’t re-imagine the whole OS, but rather only the lockscreen. With no application icons in sight, the designer believes all that empty space we currently have on our lockscreens is going to waste. And he’s most likely right.

Using inspiration from Google Now (though he doesn't specifically state it), Jürgen envisions an iOS where the lockscreen doubles as a system-wide backend which offers key features from your most used apps, such as Messages, Calendar, Maps, and Weather, as well as key services.

Go ahead and give it a glance. I wouldn’t keep my fingers crossed for this thing to materialize, though. After all, Apple won’t fix the things that aren’t broken, if you know what I mean.