Then laments about how the iOS blogosphere will misinterpret his words

Mar 12, 2012 10:57 GMT  ·  By

“5 more days until I will have a jailbroken ‘the new iPad’,” reads the latest tweet from Stefan Esser, an Internationally-known hacker. The message should cause quite a stir, knowing that work on iOS 5.1 / A5X jailbreaks has only just begun.

But don’t think Mr. Esser doesn’t know that. Before you get ready to retweet or quote him, carefully read out his subsequent entry: “And I am pretty sure my latest tweet will result in [expletive] news all over the net. There is no ‘you’ in ‘i will have a jailbroken iPad’”, he adds under his Twitter handle @i0n1c.

Of course Mr. Esser could have saved everyone the trouble of misinterpreting his thoughts by publishing a less ambiguous tweet in the first place (while also saving himself the trouble of having to explain it).

Nonetheless, it’s great to know that all of our jailbreak heroes are focused on the latest firmwares and device models from Apple.