Bug affects jailbroken devices with crash reporting and metrics disabled

Mar 5, 2013 13:38 GMT  ·  By

Google has acknowledged a flaw inside the code of Chrome 25.0.1364.86 for iPhone and iPad. Apparently the bug in question crashes the app on jailbroken devices. A workaround is available.

Earlier today we reported that Google had launched Chrome 25.0.1364.86 for iOS devices adding a few nifty features and bug fixes. As users began downloading and using the new Chrome, crash reports started trickling in.

A member of the Chromium team writes, “We have found a bug that affects jailbroken devices with crash reporting and metrics *disabled*. The [official] fix will be in our next release.”

A temporary fix (a workaround) is already available. Google says to enable crash reporting by opening “Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Local State” and changing the “reporting_enabled” flag to “true.”

The method is rather unorthodox and Google advises users to wait diligently for the official fix.
The Chromium forum member also writes, “For those who are hitting crashes with 3rd-party add-ons, this workaround is not sufficient and you will need to contact the 3rd-party developer directly and have them update their add-on to work with Chrome M25.”