For developers looking to take advantage of all the new stuff in OS X 10.9

Oct 9, 2013 18:16 GMT  ·  By

Although Mavericks is first and foremost geared towards consumers, the new Mac OS packs a ton of new stuff under the hood. So much so that Apple had to create a 35-page PDF to document them all.

For this year’s Mac OS refresh, Apple has set up not one but three main marketing pages to describe the nuts and bolts of its next-generation desktop software.

One page is aimed at the general population, with descriptions for features like iBooks, Maps, Safari, Finder Tabs, etc. Another page takes a closer look at the technologies that make Mavericks faster and more power efficient, while a third page (available as a downloadable PDF) goes deep inside these technologies, with a detailed overview of each one in part.

Apple provides in-depth knowledge on such features as System Startup (BootROM, EFI, Kernel, etc.), Disk Layout, Process Control, Network Access, Dociment Lifecycle, Data Management, Developer Tools, and more.