Gmail 2.4 for iOS comes with a few improvements and better integration

Aug 28, 2013 07:21 GMT  ·  By

Google’s mobile team has been particularly busy as a new Gmail iOS app was just released.

Gmail on iOS was redesigned just a couple of months ago, but a new update has been released as some things needed to be polished a bit.

Gmail 2.4 for iOS comes with improved integration with a couple of other Google services, namely Drive and Google+, the company’s social network.

Links pertaining to these two services can open directly in their respective apps, if they are installed. Since the app offers several options regarding where to open such links, it's also possible to avoid launching another app to view a link by tweaking the settings a little bit and using the web browser instead.

The app comes with larger image thumbnails, as well, that open up in full screen mode.

You can also download Gmail's iOS app from Softpedia.