Criminals replaced the valuable tablet computers with clay

Jan 18, 2012 15:20 GMT  ·  By

Canadian retail stores selling electronics such as the Apple iPad might have to do more rigorous checks on returned merchandise starting now.

Upon purchasing dozens of iPad tablets, some ingenious fraudsters managed to replace the valuable gadgets with plaster, reseal the boxes, and return them to their sellers, getting away with thousands of dollars’ worth of stolen goods.

At least 24 iPad 2 tablet computers have been replaced with modeling clay and returned at several Canadian retailers over the holidays, including Future Shop, Best Buy, and Walmart, according to CTV News.

The store managers never bothered to check what was inside the boxes as the criminals managed to reseal them to look as if they hadn’t been pried open.

The worst part about the whole ordeal is that said boxes went back on sale only to reach several very disappointed customers.