Indiegogo project close to reaching goal funding

Nov 21, 2014 13:45 GMT  ·  By

A small device that fits in your ear has the potential to change your life by lecturing you on your eating habits. BitBite is the first device of its kind, and the project is about to reach its sought funding on Indiegogo.

BitBite is a revolutionary wearable device meant to track, analyze and change the way you eat. When you slow down, chew more and eat at regular intervals you'll be improving your nutrition, feel better and shed those extra pounds,” say the creators.

The device listens and senses the way you eat, and it comes with a neat app that converts your eating data into awesome graphs.

The cool thing about it is that it tells you when you’re doing something wrong, such as when you’re chewing too fast. T-Mobile CEO John Legere poked fun at the thing in a tweet that states, “Why would I want someone yelling at me to eat slower?! This is crazy talk.” I agree it doesn’t sound particularly enjoyable to be told how to eat. Then again, neither Legere nor I have weight problems.

Something tells me that the BitBite is addressing a whole different audience. For someone who wants to take up BitBite on its advice, I’m positive that it can make a world of difference. Plus, there’s a whole bunch of people up on Indiegogo that decided to become backers in this campaign. Speaking of which, the funding is now at 75% with 21 days left. Something tells me it’s happening.

BiteBite promos (9 Images)

Woman eating banana
Man eating while BitBite listensBitBite app