Access complete courses from leading universities and schools

Nov 15, 2013 15:41 GMT  ·  By

A new version of iTunes U has been released for iPhone and iPad customers. Update 1.4 adds visual enhancements to match the look and feel of Jony Ive’s new iOS 7.

According to the release notes for iTunes U 1.4, “This version of iTunes U has been updated for iOS 7 with an all-new look and feel.”

Requirements include iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 7 or later, an Apple ID set up for use on the iTunes Store, and iTunes 10.5.2 (or a newer version) to sync with a Mac or Windows PC.

Depending on the country you live in, courses, collections, and linked content may vary. Without spending a dime, you can take free courses created and taught by instructors from leading universities around the world. You can download iTunes U and start studying today with any iOS 7 device.