Game featuring overweight Barbie who needs surgery gets yanked

Jan 17, 2014 15:01 GMT  ·  By

Remember that god awful game that encouraged little girls to embrace plastic surgery as a method to gain social acceptance? Yeah, it got pulled.

Earlier this week I’d heard about an app called Plastic Surgery for Barbara and I decided to convey the news to my readers, expressing discontent towards the developers and the content in their application.

In a nutshell, the game is about this overweight Barbie whom you must take to the doctor to cut out the fat with a scalpel and a suction apparatus. It wasn’t just gross, but potentially harmful too, as it was targeted at girls as young as 12.

The description said, “Barbara likes to eat a lot of burgers and chocolates and once she found out that she looks ugly. She can’t make it up with this situation any additional second. And today plastic surgeon is going to make operation on her body and face in order to return cute Barbara’s look. She is afraid of all of this, but I know you will check that everything is over normally.”

Soon after the news broke out that this app encouraged little girls to think fat is ugly, Apple yanked it. Justice has been served.