Former Yahoo! SVP to save Apple’s advertising efforts

Jan 5, 2012 09:02 GMT  ·  By

Apple has reportedly snagged Todd Teresi for the position of iAds chief. Teresi replaces Andy Miller, who resigned in August from his leading position within the iAd division to take a job at Highland Capital as a partner.

Todd Teresi is still listed as a VP and GM of Media Solutions at Adobe, and prior to that he was Chief Revenue Officer at Quantcast, BusinessInsider reports. He arrived there from Yahoo, where he had held an SVP position.

iAds have not been very profitable for Apple, reports suggest, and even less so after the departure of Andy Miller last year.

The Mac maker was prompted to cut the prices of iAds and potential investors are not exactly flocking to get on the iAd train. Only time will tell whether Teresi can make a difference for Apple’s advertising initiative.