wxPython Changelog

What's new in wxPython

Nov 29, 2014
  • Fixed wxPython bug on OSX that was preventing the wx.App's virtual methods related to handling App Events, like open-files or reopen-app, from being handled correctly.
  • NOTE: It appears that wxPython applications on OSX will now always be getting an initial Apple Event(s) sent to `MacOpenFiles` coresponding to the name of the script and args on the python command-line.
  • Added patch #15142 which adds support for building with and using GTK3 as the wx platform. Thanks kosenko!
  • Fixed the OSX Carbon build to actually use Carbon. (Because of a change in defaults it was actually building the Cocoa build instead.)
  • Pythonized DataViewCtrl.HitTest. It now takes just the Point parameter and returns the DataViewItem and DataViewColumn objects. If there is no item at that point then item will evaluate to False, (or you can use its IsOk method.)

New in wxPython (Sep 11, 2014)

  • Updated 3rdParty addons
  • Added the newest code from AGW and FloatCanvas

New in wxPython (Sep 3, 2013)

  • wx.media.MediaCtrl on OSX-cocoa now has a functioning back-end using the QTKit framework, so it works when running in either 32-bit or 64-bit mode.
  • Printing triggered from a Javascript window.print() statement will now work on OSX when using the old wx.webkit or the new wx.html2 browser controls.
  • Updated Scintilla code to verison 3.21
  • Lots of fixes and improvements in the wxWidgets code.
  • Changed the wx.DateTime.Parse* methods to work like they did in wxPython 2.8, they now return an integer indicating how far in to the string that the parser parsed, or -1 on error.
  • Updated wx.lib.pdfviewer with patches from David Hughes.

New in wxPython (Jul 25, 2012)

  • wx.lib.pubsub:
  • Pusub now defaults to the new "kwarg" version of the API. In order to continue using the original "arg1" API you will need to import wx.lib.pubsub.setuparg1 before importing any other pubsub modules. The wx.RA_USE_CHECKBOX and wx.RB_USE_CHECKBOX constants were removed. They were only used by the incomplete PalmOS port which has been removed from the wxWidgets source tree. wx.
  • Font:
  • There is now GetStrikethrough and SetStrikethrough methods.
  • wx.StaticBox:
  • Fixed the client origin and client size on MSW so children of the static box should not overlap the box's label or border lines.
  • Added wx.HTMLDataObject
  • Applied a patch from Sam Partington that fixes some threading issues in the wrapper code and other cool stuff.
  • Added the missing wx/lib/agw/data dir to the installers.
  • Add wx.EnhMetaFile and wx.EnhMetaFileDC for MSW. This DC type is what is used by the print framework in the print preview window, so it needed to be wrapped so self.GetDC() would work properly.

New in wxPython (Feb 28, 2012)

  • Corrected some problems in the installer scripts that were not including some new files.
  • Re-enabled the wrappers for the wx.GenericDatePickerCtrl class. Applied some patches from Werner Bruhin for the sized controls classes and demo, and which also adds the SizedScrolledPanel class.
  • Fixed several other minor bugs discovered in the last release.

New in wxPython (Oct 20, 2010)

  • wx.Bitmap: Add ConvertToDisabled method.
  • wx.AboutBox: Added support for setting a long version string in
  • addition to the normal version string.
  • wx.App: Add ScheduleForDestruction, which will allow you to cause a
  • window to be destrpyed sometime in the near future. (Most likely to
  • be used to ensure that there are no more envents pending for the
  • widget.)
  • More methods and properties moved from wx.MouseEvent to the
  • wx.MouseState base class. Same for wx.KeyEvent and wx.KeyboardState,
  • which is used to hold modifier key states, and which is also a base
  • class of wx.MouseState.
  • wx.Button can now have both a text and a bitmap label (or just one or
  • the other.) wx.BitmapButton is pretty much redundant and will likely
  • be phased out sometime in the future. (The OSX Carbon build does not
  • support this new feature, but the Cocoa build does.)
  • wx.ComboBox: Added Popup and Dismiss methods for programatically
  • showing and hiding the popup, although they are not implemented for
  • all platforms yet.
  • wx.GenericDirCtrl can now select multiple paths.
  • Removed the deprecated wx.Effects class.
  • wx.Image: Added ConvertToGreyscale and ConvertToDisabled methods, also
  • new resampling scaling methods.
  • wx.Toolbar now suports inserting stretchable space between tools.
  • wx.Dialog can now be Window-modal or the usual App-modal. On Mac this
  • results in the dialog sliding down in a sheet from the parent window's
  • top edge. For platforms that don't support Window-modal dialogs it
  • will fall back to an App-modal behavior. See
  • wx.Dialog.ShowWindowModal and the wx.Dialog sample in the demo.
  • wx.wizard.Wizard: Add a new EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_SHOWN event.
  • Added wx.InfoBar, which is similar to the message bar used in some web
  • browser windows that is shown above or below the content window to
  • display messages and/or buttons in a way that doesn't interupt the
  • user's workflow like a modal message dialog does, but is much more
  • noticeble than simply putting some text in the status bar.
  • Updated the Scintilla code used by wxStyledTextCtrl to version 2.03.
  • Added wx.GraphicsGradientStop[s] classes and updated the
  • Create*GradientBrush APIs to allow gradients with more than two color
  • stops. Similar changes were also mare to the Cairo specfic classes in
  • wx.lib.graphics to help maintain compatibility between the two.
  • Added the wx.lib.pdfviewer package which is a contribution from David
  • Hughes. It implements a simple cross-platform PDF viewer widget using
  • the 3rd party pyPdf package for parseing the PDF file. It's not super
  • fast nor is it feature complete, but for simple and small PDF files
  • (such as those produced by ReportLab) it works well.
  • Probably the most notable change in this release is the addition of
  • the OSX-Cocoa build, including a 64-bit architecture in the fat
  • binaries. The Cocoa port requires at least OSX 10.5, and the Carbon
  • port requires 10.4 or better. There are still some rough edges in the
  • Cocoa port, but a lot does work and works well. If you run into
  • issues that seem to be Cocoa specific then be sure to create tickets
  • for them at http://trac.wxwidgets.org with the component set to
  • wxOSX-Cocoa, after having searched for any existing tickets for the
  • same issue of course.

New in wxPython (May 25, 2010)

  • A new class has been added that is also a context manager, called
  • wx.FrozenWindow. It will freeze the window passed to it upon entry to
  • the context, and will thaw the window upon exit from the context.
  • Applied the final version of patch #10959 to the PyCrust code. It
  • adds many enhancements to the Py suite, inlcuding the ability to edit
  • blocks of code (called slices) as a whole before executing them, and
  • also the ability to execute some simple shell commands.
  • Replaced the wx.lib.pubsub module with the new pubsub package from
  • http://pubsub.sf.net. By default it is backwards compatible with the
  • old pubsub module, but it also has a more advanced API available that
  • can be switched on at import time. See the pubsub web site for more
  • details.
  • The wx.Effects class is deprecated.
  • Added Python 2.7 builds for Windows and Mac.
  • Added Debian package builds for Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.4.
  • Many fixes and enhancements for the wx.lib.agw pacakge, including the
  • addition of pybusyinfo, ribbon, ultimatelistctrl and zoombar.

New in wxPython (Feb 20, 2009)

  • Added the wx.lib.agw package, which contiains most of the widgets from http://xoomer.alice.it/infinity77/main/freeware.html written by Andrea Gavana. Andrea's widgets that were already in wx.lib were also moved to the wx.lib.agw package, with a small stub module left in wx.lib. As part of this addition the demo framework was given the ability to load demo modules from a sub-folder of the demo directory, to make it easier to maintain collections of demo samples as a group.
  • Added the wx.PyPickerBase class which can be used to derive new picker classes in Python. Used it to implement a color picker for Mac that uses a wx.BitmapButton instead of a normal wx.Button. This makes the color picker look and behave lots better on Mac than before.
  • You can now pass the handler function to the Unbind method. If it is given then Unbind will only disconenct the event handler that uses the same handler function, so if there are multiple bindings for the same event type you'll now be able to selectively unbind specific instances.
  • Added a new tool to the Widget Inspection Tool that allows you to watch the events passing through a widget. It can also be used independently, see wx.lib.eventwatcher.

New in wxPython (Oct 27, 2008)

  • Fixes a compatibility problem with Python 2.4.