mpowerplayer Changelog

What's new in mpowerplayer 2.0.1185

Nov 4, 2008
  • Core: improved graphics performance and fidelity on OS X, finally (Java 5 required)
  • Core: fixed keyboard arrow keys not received by canvas.
  • Core: better handling for international characters in file url paths when opening jads/jars.
  • Core: support for bango purchasing: use MPP-Bango-Product-ID in your jad.
  • Core: jad properties in an mpz were not getting whitespace trimmed.
  • Core: fixed bug in skip() where EOF was ignored causing long pauses while reading.
  • Core: jads can now refer to other jads as well as jars or mpzs.
  • Core: open URL dialog no longer requires explicit http://
  • Core: can override keycode mapping for softkeys with MPP-Keypad-*-Keycode: useful for emulating devices
  • Core: can specify MPP JAD properties with java environment properties (using -D): useful for build scripts.
  • Core: can now suppress record store reading/writing in webstart player with MPP-Suppress-Record-Stores
  • M3G: universal binaries for OSX!
  • M3G: fixed errors in deserializing KeyFrameSequences.
  • M3G: improved lighting with normals.
  • M3G: fixed errors in deserializing Image2D with custom palettes.