icalBuddy Changelog

What's new in icalBuddy 1.8.8

Mar 11, 2013
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when printing event attendee names.

New in icalBuddy 1.8.7 (Feb 22, 2013)

  • Fixed the short name of the --maxNumNoteChars argument: it was in conflict with the short name of the --noCalendarNames option. --noCalendarNames's short name remains -nc and --maxNumNoteChars is now -nnc. Thanks to Steffen Nauhaus for noticing this.
  • Added Chinese localization file. Courtesy of Lingtian Cheng.

New in icalBuddy 1.8.6 (Jan 30, 2013)

  • Added support for listing the attendees of an event. (This patch was submitted by Tarek Rogers — thanks!)
  • Added the -na / --maxNumAttendees argument, which allows you to limit the number of displayed attendee names.
  • Added the -nc / --maxNumNoteChars argument, which allows you to limit the number of characters shown from event notes.
  • We now trim whitespace from event notes before displaying them.

New in icalBuddy 1.8.5 (Sep 3, 2012)

  • Fixed a crash that occurred whenever the -sp ("separate by priority") argument was used on a system without a localization file. Thanks to Ed Martin for reporting this.
  • File owners and access rights (the executable, and the man pages) should now be preserved when installing/upgrading. Thanks to Jeremy Kemp for reporting this.

New in icalBuddy 1.8.4 (Aug 3, 2012)

  • Fixed a crash that occurred on Mountain Lion when the app was denied access to the user's contacts.
  • Fixed bug where some log messages about contact age calculations was printed into the output.

New in icalBuddy 1.8.3 (Jul 2, 2012)

  • When printing events in the Birthdays calendar, the age of the person will be printed as well. Note: if you are using a custom localization file, this requires that the localization string for someonesBirthday contains a placeholder for the age (e.g. %@'s birthday (age %i)). Learn more from the icalBuddyLocalization man page.
  • You can now print any part of an event or a task in the color of the calendar it belongs to. To do this, you would use calendar-color as a color value in the "formatting" section of the configuration file. Learn more from the icalBuddyConfig man page.
  • Added translations for task priority section titles for French and Spanish.
  • Added Japanese translation by Walter Scarborough (domo arigato!)

New in icalBuddy 1.8.2 (Apr 13, 2012)

  • Added the -ea (or --excludeAllDayEvents) argument, which can be used to omit all-day events from the output.

New in icalBuddy 1.8.1 (Mar 19, 2012)

  • Added the -sp (or --separateByPriority) argument, which can be used to separate tasks by priority in the output.
  • When running icalBuddy calendars, the calendar colors are now used, which should make it easier to distinguish which calendar is which if some of them have the same name (particularily a problem with Exchange calendars).

New in icalBuddy 1.8.0 (Jan 23, 2012)

  • Added possibility to list all uncompleted tasks that have no due date. The output command for this is undatedUncompletedTasks.

New in icalBuddy 1.7.22 (Jan 3, 2012)

  • Fixed mistake in documentation: the long form of the -npn argument is --noPropNames instead of --noPropertyNames.

New in icalBuddy 1.7.21 (Nov 17, 2011)

  • Calendars can now be included/excluded by type: the -ict (or --includeCalTypes) argument includes only items from calendars of the given types, and the -ect (or --excludeCalTypes) argument excludes items from calendars of the given types. The calendar types you can specify are CalDAV/iCloud, Exchange, IMAP, Local, Subscription, and Birthday. See the man page for more info on this feature.

New in icalBuddy 1.7.20 (Nov 2, 2011)

  • Added the syntax specifiers for the -df and -tf (or --dateFormat and --timeFormat) argument values into the main man page because Apple's documentation for those has mysteriously disappeared from their web site.

New in icalBuddy 1.7.19 (Jun 29, 2011)

  • Added Spanish localization file by Mario Carballo (gracias!)

New in icalBuddy 1.7.18 (Apr 18, 2011)

  • Fixed a bug where the formattedKeywords feature did not work when the command argument tasksDueBefore:DATE was used. (Thanks to John V. for reporting this.)

New in icalBuddy 1.7.17 (Mar 23, 2011)

  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash whenever items that have a completely empty title would be printed.

New in icalBuddy 1.7.16 (Jan 25, 2011)

  • Fixed a bug introduced in the latest version where some arguments stopped working whenever they were used with their long names (e.g. --showUIDs instead of -uid).

New in icalBuddy 1.7.15 (Jan 20, 2011)

  • Fixed bug where date sections were listed for each day that all multi-day-spanning events that occur during the specified date range spanned, even when these dates fell outside of the user-specified range. (Thanks to Karin H. for reporting this.)
  • Fixed bug where dates without a time (especially natural-language dates such as 'january 18, 2011') specified in the eventsFrom:DATE to:DATE command were considered with the time 12:00:00 by default. Now the times considered for dates specified without a time are 00:00:00 or 23:59:59 depending on whether the given date specifies the start or the end of a range.
  • Note: This means that if you have scripts or GeekTool commands that use eventsFrom:to: without specifying times for the date ranges, and expect the times to be interpreted as 12:00 (noon), you will have to modify them to explicitly specify the times.
  • Fixed bug where incorrect date ranges were listed when using the -sed (or --showEmptyDates) argument for printing tasks.

New in icalBuddy 1.7.14 (Jan 6, 2011)

  • Added Dutch localization file by Patrick Buntsma (Dank je wel!).

New in icalBuddy 1.7.13 (Aug 30, 2010)

  • It's now possible to use some relative dates when using the eventsFrom:to: command argument (e.g.: icalBuddy eventsFrom:tomorrow to:"day after tomorrow").
  • It's now possible to specify a shift amount (i.e. number of days to add to or remove from) for relative dates (day before yesterday, yesterday, now, today, tomorrow or day after tomorrow) by adding +NUM or -NUM to the end (e.g. icalBuddy tasksDueBefore:yesterday-10).

New in icalBuddy 1.7.9 (Jul 10, 2010)

  • If no date or time formats are specified (via the -df or -tf arguments) icalBuddy will use the standard formats from the system preferences (in Snow Leopard, they're under Language & Text → Formats).

New in icalBuddy 1.7.8 (Jul 8, 2010)

  • Dates (for eventsFrom:DATE to:DATE and tasksDueBefore:DATE) can now be given in a more free format: for example "tomorrow at noon" or "june 10 at 6 pm".
  • The -d (or --debug) argument has been added; this will make icalBuddy print out some diagnostic information into the standard error stream (at the moment, it will print out info about how dates given in the input are interpreted).
  • Implemented custom date format specifier %RD which stands for "relative day" (or "date difference in days"): for example yesterday or 5 days from now. This (just like the "relative week" specifier %RW) can be used in the -df (or --dateFormat) argument values.

New in icalBuddy 1.7.6 (Jul 5, 2010)

  • Added argument -uid (or --showUIDs) which will let you see the UIDs (unique identifiers) of events or tasks in your calendars.
  • The install.command script now allows for specifying a custom prefix for installation (example: install.command --prefix=~/opt) and it also automatically adjusts the default installation path to wherever icalBuddy seems to be installed already (for updating).
  • The uninstall.command script is able to search for the files to uninstall from nonstandard locations as long as the icalBuddy executable's parent directory is in the PATH environment variable.

New in icalBuddy 1.7.5 (Jun 10, 2010)

  • Added output command tasksDueBefore:DATE which can be used to output only uncompleted tasks/todos that have a due date before the given DATE value (which can be given as today+NUM, tomorrow or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ±HHMM")

New in icalBuddy 1.7.4 (Jun 9, 2010)

  • Added argument -npn (or --noPropNames) which tells icalBuddy to omit property names from the output (e.g. output "My house" instead of "location: My house" etc.)
  • Calendar names are now colored using the calendar color in section titles as well (i.e. when using the -sc (or --separateByCalendar) argument) unless a section title foreground color has been specified in the configuration file's formatting section.

New in icalBuddy 1.7.3 (Apr 28, 2010)

  • This is simply a new build of the latest version without a 64-bit Intel binary — some people that are running Leopard have been having icalBuddy hang on them and eat loads of memory and it seems this might be due to a bug in the 64-bit CalendarStore framework on Leopard (I don't have a Leopard machine to test on so thanks goes to Avery Chan for helping out with this). This update is a potential fix to those issues. If anyone for some reason wants a 64-bit icalBuddy, they can build it manually by executing the following command in the directory where they unzipped the release archive (before running the installation script): make 64BIT=1

New in icalBuddy 1.7.2 (Apr 8, 2010)

  • Print the ANSI escape sequences that reset the formatting applied for the section titles after the titles, but before the next newline.
  • The closest equivalent ANSI colors for colors set for calendars in iCal should be chosen more wisely now (i.e. the chosen ANSI color will more closely resemble the actual calendar color).

New in icalBuddy 1.7.1 (Feb 22, 2010)

  • Fixed a bug where when using the -sed (or --showEmptyDates) argument (and separating events by date), the date span to display sections for was interpreted as "span between the first and last found event" when the more logical solution is "span specified by user in the arguments" (which is how it works now).
  • Fixed a bug where the start time for a multi-day-spanning timed event was shown under all of the days it spans when separating events by date and excluding event end datetimes (now in these cases the start time is displayed as "..." under days on which the event does not start).
  • When printing events separated by date, the start and end times for a timed event that neither starts or ends on the date under which it's shown are now displayed as "... - ..." (instead of not at all).
  • The latin translation for "nothing" was fixed.

New in icalBuddy 1.7.0 (Feb 4, 2010)

  • Added the -sed (or --showEmptyDates) argument that display sections for empty dates (i.e. dates that have no items) that fall within the specified range as well. This argument applies only if the -sd (or --separateByDate) argument is used.
  • The tab (\t) escape sequence is now interpreted in some argument values.

New in icalBuddy 1.6.19 (Feb 1, 2010)

  • Added italian localization file by Giuseppe Sacco (grazie!)
  • A few escape sequences (most notably newlines, i.e. \n) are now interpreted for some arguments that take arbitrary strings as their values.

New in icalBuddy 1.6.18 (Jan 23, 2010)

  • The application's Universal Binary now contains 64-bit Intel (x86_64) code in addition to 32-bit Intel (i386) and 32-bit PowerPC (ppc) code.
  • Added polish localization file by RybA. (dzięki!)
  • Added latin localization file by Miller Krause (gratiae!)

New in icalBuddy 1.6.17 (Jan 18, 2010)

  • An uninstallation script is now included.
  • The default bullet point has been changed from an asterisk (*) to an actual bullet point (•).
  • Bright ANSI colors are now considered when determining the closest equivalent ANSI color for the actual color of a calendar.

New in icalBuddy 1.6.16 (Jan 11, 2010)

  • If output formatting is turned on (via the -f or --formatOutput argument) and no foreground color is specified for event/task titles (in the config file's formatting section), the closest ANSI color to the color of the calendar will be used as the title foreground color.

New in icalBuddy 1.6.15 (Jan 5, 2010)

  • If the date or time format is an empty string, the date/time separator (e.g. " at ") won't be displayed.

New in icalBuddy 1.6.8 (Jul 28, 2009)

  • Added the -std (or --sortTasksByDate) argument, which sorts tasks simply by their due dates (in descending order), as well as the -stda (or --sortTasksByDateAscending) argument, which does the same but in ascending order.
  • Fixed a bug where specifying the value "*" for either the -eep or the -etp arguments would exclude all properties instead of everything but the titles.