gpsd Changelog

What's new in gpsd 2.94

Apr 22, 2010
  • Error-checking in the 50bps subframe code has been greatly improved.
  • The Garmin GPS driver can now use libusb, if it is present, to do device discovery.
  • The libgps library has been split apart; the service functions used by the daemon now live in libgpsd.
  • This will shave some code volume from GPSD client applications.
  • A packaging error that resulted in xgps not being shipped in 2.93 has been corrected. We now have stronger checking for valid ephemeris before extracting the leap-second offset; they should prevent many cases where gpsd migh previously have used an invalid leap-second offset.

New in gpsd 2.92 (Apr 5, 2010)

  • Fix a packaging error. The new Python library module was inadvertently omitted from the 2.91 tarball. Also, improve the json import test slightly.

New in gpsd 2.90 (Jan 18, 2010)

  • GPSD-NG, the new JSON-based command protocol, is now deployed; as a consequence, AIS is now fully supported in both daemon and client.
  • Detection of end of a fix-reporting cycle is now reliable; accordingly data is accumulated from cycle start and the "J" (nojitter) opoption on both server and client side is gone. We have abandoned the gpsflash subproject since it has become apparent that we can't do it without more vendor cooperation than we're likely to get.
  • Increase major version of shared library due to significant API change.
  • Added new driver for Motorola Oncore receivers, with help from HÃ¥kan Johansson. gpsfake can now accept multiple logfiles, interleaving test sentences from each.
  • gpsd now accepts error estimates from the NMEA $GPGBS sentence.

New in gpsd 2.39 (May 6, 2009)

  • Fixed potential core dump in C client handling of "K" responses. Made device hotplugging work again; had been broken by changes in udev. Introduced major and minor API version symbols into the public interfaces. The sirfmon utility is gone, replaced by gpsmon which does the same job for multiple GPS types. Fixed a two-year old error in NMEA parsing that nobody noticed because its only effect was to trash VDOP values from GSA sentences, and gpsd computes those with an internal error model when they look wonky. cgpxlogger has been merged into gpxlogger. Speed-setting commands now allow parity and stop-bit setting if the GPS chipset and adaptor can support it. Specfile and other packaging paraphenalia now live in a packaging subdirectory. rtcmdecode becomes gpsdecode and can now de-armor and dump AIDVM packets. The client library now work correctly in locales where the decimal separator is not a period.