WRF Portal Changelog

What's new in WRF Portal 2.83

Oct 30, 2012
  • Implemented the new HWRF 3.4 program logic (e.g., 2 nests now instead of 1 nest). fixed bug where setting "io_form_history" had no effect (it always got reset to "2")
  • fixed bug where loading domain after loading HWRF domain resulted in the screen not displaying new domain (no refresh seemed to occur).

New in WRF Portal 2.75 (Dec 13, 2011)

  • Doubled the resolution of world maps (see the difference here). Fixed mpirun error on some systems when using the def_real.rb and def_wrf.rb scripts. Improved thread syncing in RunMonitor window, fixed a couple minor bugs.

New in WRF Portal 2.71 (Dec 7, 2011)

  • fixed bug related to having new workflow run open and attempting to open an old workflow run,
  • eliminated the annoying nag message "Save this run?" after launching a run (even though it was already saved),
  • fixed bug where changing the selected computer on Run Workflow window didn't change the list of workflows,
  • fixed bug in FileBrowser where pressing the Enter key to change directories did not work on some systems,
  • fixed bug in WorkflowRunReport where task env vars were duplicated in report (e.g., 3 entries for each env var)
  • fixed bug where task env vars were not being copied to new computer when copying workflows to a new computer, updated SQL library.

New in WRF Portal 2.30 (Feb 4, 2011)

  • Added support for Ubuntu. added support for running workflows on systems where system date is not set to UTC, fixed bug where process IDs were incorrect in Run Monitor, improved support for different Linux configurations and shells, fixed bug related to halting a workflow failed to kill all jobs, add help for FORMAT env variable, fixed bug related to running multiple simultaneous workflows or halting/restarting a workflow and the original workflow was still in system, prevented users from editing env vars for "locked" workflows, numerous improvements to error messages and minor bug fixes, improved support for external workflow manager (WFM), fixed fonts for Ubuntu. Improved accuracy of HWRF domains, added support for a wider variety of Linux based systems with different shells and configurations. Improved error messages.

New in WRF Portal 2.19 (Dec 30, 2010)

  • fixed bug related to running real and wrf for domains with nests. run monitor enhancements. improved support for WFM (external workflow manager) with complex dependencies. cosmetic improvements. numerous small bug fixes.

New in WRF Portal 2.01 (Aug 5, 2010)

  • Numerous small bug fixes.
  • Improved reliability of monitoring and launching workflows on a variety of computing platforms.
  • Updated file viewing capabilities (from File Browser to include .png, .jpg, .gif, NetCDF, and GRIB files).

New in WRF Portal 1.43 (Feb 9, 2010)

  • Added additional display support files for Panoply viewer (color tables and map overlays)