Topologic Changelog

What's new in Topologic v10

Apr 13, 2016
  • This is a long-overdue update that improves the fractal flame rendering algorithm, adds new primitives - such as random attractors, tori and Dini's Surface - adds the option of forcing the view to use polar coordinates, adds JSON import/export and generally syncs up to the F/OSS version.

New in Topologic 7 (Nov 7, 2013)

  • Added fractal flames and random affine IFSs; Cleanups for the code to run on iOS and in WebGL.

New in Topologic 6 (Oct 17, 2013)

  • This version is the result of a large number of internal cleanups. Among other things it greatly improves mouse handling and OpenGL render speeds and it introduces two new IFS-based polytopes: the Sierpinski Gasket with a cube base, and the Sierpinski Carpet in 2D and 3D. Additionally the website now contains the full sources for a CLI and a GLUT variant.