TIQ Changelog

What's new in TIQ 1.0

Mar 27, 2012
  • The search will now go through all GenBank information, as displayed by clicking on a name.
  • You can now use the common and, or and not operators.
  • For example, if you type "toxin and RelE", the results will contain both words "toxin" and "RelE" words (the search engine is not case sensitive).
  • If you type "toxin or RelE", the results will contain at least one of the two words.
  • Finally, "toxin not RelE" will give results containing "toxin" but not "RelE".
  • By default, if two words are not separated by an operator but one or more blank spaces, the search engine will apply the or operator.
  • If you want to search for an expression, you can use quotation marks. For example, you can type RelE toxin, the results will contain this exact expression. This is totally different from typing RelE toxin without quotation marks, since this will retrieve results containing at least one of the two words, using the or operator.