Supernova 2: Spacewar Changelog

What's new in Supernova 2: Spacewar 1.0.4

Sep 8, 2009
  • You can now set the game speed in real-time mode using the key number from 1 (pause) to 6 (max speed) beside the usual + and – on numeric keypad and P to pause.

New in Supernova 2: Spacewar 1.0.3 (Jul 27, 2008)

  • added Skirmish Mode, which lets you focus on the wargame part only: all techs are known and you get unlimited resources and money to build your fleet directly on startup
  • added �Ship Customization� screen where you'll be able to create custom ship blueprints modifying an existing one: each device now require a certain amount of space, but the possible custom combinations are thousands
  • added the �Statistics Screen� where you can see various interesting statistics about your current game like battles win/lost, total ship killed/lost, and so on
  • added a real-time turn option during the game macromanagement part, so that time advances automatically without you having to press end turn. You can use and � keys to change game speed or press �P� key to pause/unpause
  • increased the floating text speed between each turn to reduce the waiting time
  • the weapons panel now opens only if you have a target or if you hover the mouse on any of your ships
  • you now start the game with a random amount of materials and money available to build immediately a small fleet
  • added some new stronger weapons for the neutral army (Gaussian Weapons line)
  • in technology screen the weapon devices now also display the ammo available
  • you'll see the battlefield type displayed on top-right part of the wargame screen now
  • bugfix � now if you defend your homeworld, you don't lose automatically the game when you come back to the Galaxy Map screen
  • bugfix - if you don't have enough ships the next button is now disabled in the unit placement phase during the wargame battles

New in Supernova 2: Spacewar 1.0.2 (May 23, 2008)

  • fixed a bug that lets you discover some alien technologies without first conquering the starsystems containing the alien relics
  • fixed a bug that was allowing you to place only a minor number of ships in the wargame than the regular amount
  • added confirmation pop-up windows for exiting the game or overwriting old savegames
  • added the Research Lab technologies that will shorten research times considerably and lowered the cost of some initial techs to reduce the startup time
  • now the difficulty level doesn't influence the number, but the quality of the ships you'll encounter when conquering a starsystem
  • added the possibility to save your game during the wargame battles
  • added online manual for the game that can be viewed directly on the game webpage
  • you can now show/hide the Quick Tips panel in the wargame pressing the T key
  • you now undo your ship placement during the placement phase by picking up a ship and clicking on the bottom bar to remove it from the battlefield
  • you can now press the spacebar during the placement phase to have the computer automatically place the ship on the battlefield in random positions