Strife Changelog

What's new in Strife Beta

Mar 9, 2015
  • My name is Marc DeForest, I am the CEO of S2 Games. I wanted to stop by and give an update about what is going on with Strife. The game is currently still in beta. While albeit open beta, we are still looking to fine tune the game and get it to a place we are happy. We chose to go from closed beta to open beta to achieve a wider, more realistic audience to gain feedback and identify potential short comings in the game.
  • We are unhappy with Strife as it exists. That said, we have been readying a pretty significant update that makes some major changes to impactful systems. Some of these changes touch overall health & power values, mini-boss changes, hero scaling, item impact, game length, gold distribution, and other game mechanics. We have also completely overhauled the launcher and in game UI and have a few heroes to add to the mix.
  • As stated, it is a big patch, there were no areas of the game we identified as untouchable. We have successfully re-engineered things to create something that is identifiabley Strife yet feels completely different (and yes, we think better). Your decisions have more impact on the game, there are higher high's to achieve, and the game is slightly less forgiving. Great players will be truly dominating heroes and feel the glory of their triumphs. There is greater separation in skill and performance and the overall experience is far less numb.
  • We are putting the finishing touches on this patch, but to perfect it we will need the help of the entire community. Our small, internal test groups are simply not capable of creating enough dynamic situations to fine tune our changes. We plan to offer this experimental patch, gather data and feedback, and quickly iterate our changes.
  • What I hope you will all see from these changes is that we are committed to making this game great and we have to see trends in data to show that we can go to commercial release and grow the community.
  • Expect it in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned :)

New in Strife 0.4.12 Beta (Jan 29, 2015)

  • New Hero:
  • Bandit.0:
  • Bandit.0 is an ex-slot machine droid from Vorbis. After a number of hacking attempts by unscrupulous casino patrons, Bandit.0 gained sentience and adopted a personality based on his most frequent users: brash, bold and competitive. Armed with attitude, random number generation, and years of gambling experience, he sees the Trials of Strife as a bracket tournament that he is destined to win.
  • How to Bandit.0:
  • Token Toss (Q): Sends a token in a target direction, damaging and stunning the first enemy hit. If the target is a hero, the token will rebound of them and back to Bandit.0 - granting him a sum of gold!
  • Searing Cards (W): Sends a burning card at each nearby enemy, dealing initial damage and additional damage over time.
  • Gambler’s Fortune (E): Target an ally to heal them and give them a short burst of speed.
  • Double Down (R): Passively grants a chance that your abilities will refund their cooldown and mana cost on use. Activate to guarantee your next ability will refund, and double the odds of additional refunds for the next 8 seconds! But beware, once this wears off you’ll lose your passive for the next minute!
  • New Hero Gearset:
  • Dark Embrace Hale gearset is now available.
  • Bug Fixes:
  • Iah’s Quickpit now properly damages bosses.
  • Hot Fixes:
  • These are the fixes that occurred with the previous hot fix patch.
  • GoKong’s illusions now properly deal reduced damage from all items.
  • Bastions W is no longer blocked by Iah’s minions.