Sonogram Changelog

What's new in Sonogram 4.0

Sep 21, 2011
  • Ultrazoom function with the Viígner-Ville-Distribution including analyze window and rendering dialog with 3D-Perspectogramm and PNG-Image export.
  • MP3 Support.
  • Redesign of the whole user interface including the „Look and Feel“, extended Toolbar, new Dialog designs, new splash screens and new default color themes.
  • Redesigned Transformaton-Algorithms with multicore parallelization for the SPWV and FFT Algorithms and better memory management.
  • Java 7 ready.
  • Many major and minor Bugfixes (new Colors, new Splash, System Dialog, about Dialog...).

New in Sonogram 3.2 (Jun 20, 2011)

  • Can now make use of two or more CPU‘s, because the core of the FFT-Transformation Allgorithm was parallelized.
  • This means if you have for example a processor with 4 cores in your machine, the Sonogram will be generated 4 times faster.

New in Sonogram 3.0.1 (Dec 27, 2010)

  • Added a welcome screen with basic instructions what Sonogram is and how to get a quick first glance of the programm. The welcome screen will be shown when the application starts first time.
  • Added a floating information window in the main sonogram which shows the amplitude, frequency, time and level under the mouse.
  • The logarithm frequency-scale was rewritten and became like the image smoothing functions a tolbar-button in the main window.
  • The single spektrum view in the main window was rewritten and shows now a smarter spektrum image.
  • The whole GUI was over-worked and the application startup procedure became like the image painting routines a strong a performance boost. The design became a facelift.

New in Sonogram 2.80 (Oct 13, 2008)

  • Many many bugfixes in the core Java code (rendering, display, windowing...) and all bugs reported in the Sourceforge bug tracking area are fixed (thanks for all the bug reports).
  • Improved anti aliased 3d Perspectogram engine with coordinate system, rotation effect, point cloud...
  • Most of the dialog, tooltip and GUI element text labels are revised and rewritten.
  • Feedback message system for bug report and information exchange.
  • Rewritten pitch tracking algorithm.
  • Smarter design of the whole GUI.
  • Java 6 ready.