SkookumLogger Changelog

What's new in SkookumLogger 1.11.13 Build 11726

Jun 2, 2016
  • New features:
  • The Great Circle Map window is now scrollable. You may not notice this feature if you use the OS X default choice in General Preferences that hides the scroll bars. Do not try to drag the map to pan it; that will turn your rotator instead. Antenna ► Center Map will — you guessed! — center the scrollable area in the window.
  • Added Contests:
  • His Majesty The King of Spain CW Contest
  • His Majesty The King of Spain SSB Contest
  • Portugal Day Contest
  • RSGB 2m May Contest
  • RSGB 4m CW Contest
  • RSGB 4m Trophy Contest
  • RSGB 6m AFS Contest
  • RSGB 6m April Contest
  • RSGB 6m Trophy Contest
  • Changes:
  • The characters for identifying match sources in the Partials lists have changed to increase visual contrast with alphabetic characters. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • The names of all RSGB contests have been scrubbed to be consistent while easily associated with the “official” contest names, and to succumb to rational organization by alphanumeric sort. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • The Score window now shows only the relevant mode column for single-mode contests instead of always showing both CW and SSB columns.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Attempting to sort the Prefix checksheet on the Country column was forcing SkookumLogger into an unrecoverable state of undefined behavior. Thanks WA1Z.
  • Sending the serial number for the previous QSO was broken in the 2T2R configuration. Thanks JH5GHM and WA1Z.
  • SkookumLogger was hogging the CPU when flooded with new spots with the Activities Update Interval preference set to 0. For contests with many spots, you should set the interval to at least a few seconds and use a filter at your DX Cluster site to avoid receiving uninteresting spots. SkookumLogger now postpones spot processing for any value of the Update Interval when the log is in an unstable state such as opening the log or rebuilding checksheets. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.11.11 Build 11360 (May 5, 2016)

  • New features:
  • SkookumLogger now supports the ICOM IC-7300 radio. Thanks WD7K (implementation) and KF5JRA (testing).
  • The new Antenna ► Hide Map Controls command toggles the display of the controls in the Great Circle Map window to prevent obscuring the map display when zoomed in. The controls are now grouped into boxes with translucent backgrounds so that they are more readable when overlaying dark areas of the map. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Calls in the Partials list are now enclosed in parentheses when matched in the current log or in a list of calls you have added to an activity table, or in square brackets when the partial call was matched in your exchange database. Otherwise, the partial call was matched in the SCP database. The Partials panes have help tags describing these cases for those of us with poor memories.
  • Support has been added for displaying a Maidenhead Locator Map image instead of the azimuth equidistant world map in the Great Circle Map window. See the Maidenhead Locator Maps section in the Overview : Great circle map topic in Help.
  • SkookumLogger now handles contests with a mandatory off period. For example, the Florida QSO Party spans 30 hours, with 10 hours on, 10 hours off, then 10 hours on. Other SkookumLogger-supported contests that are affected: Georgia QSO Party, New England QSO Party, RSGB HF Low Power. When you log a QSO during a mandatory off period, SkookumLogger alerts you in the Information Messages window and marks the QSO as Suspect so that it does not contribute to your score.
  • Support has been restored for the World Radiosport Team Championship, using the same rules as for the 2014 event. The contest name has changed, but SkookumLogger can open existing logs for WRTC2014.
  • The Log table has a new column title Rover. See the During a contest : Identifying rovers topic in Help.
  • Time Tracker now has a status message area that describes why it ignored a new QSO. Sometimes SkookumLogger guesses wrong for the Start Date; the status messages should help you detect this situation and make an appropriate change to the Start Date.
  • The View ► Clear Focused QSO Entry command now supports Undo and Redo. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Changes:
  • SkookumLogger now removes "/P" from calls for USA stations received in spots.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • SkookumLogger was aborting on an unhandled exception caused by a slightly corrupted Antenna Configuration file. Now, SkookumLogger detects and repairs that corruption (a nil string instead of an empty string for the antenna switch Command field). Thanks GØDVJ for patiently helping to narrow down where the exception was happening and supplying a copy of his Antenna Configuration file for debugging.

New in SkookumLogger 1.11.10 Build 11068 (Apr 17, 2016)

  • New features:
  • SkookumLogger now supports the TenTec Eagle radio.
  • SkookumLogger now supports the YU DX Contest.
  • Changes:
  • Rules for the EU-Open have been updated.

New in SkookumLogger 1.11.7 Build 10600 (Mar 7, 2016)

  • New features:
  • Activites and Configuration preferences now have separate frequency tolerance input boxes for choices involving “nearby” frequency matching. You may want to visit these two preference panes.
  • Changes:
  • Updated Tesla contest rules; the event duration changed from 14 hours to 12 hours.
  • Create Activity clears QSO entry fields no longer clears as a side-effect of Log ► Announce Activity.
  • Log ► Announce Activity now includes ‘USB’ or ‘LSB’ in the spot comment field when sending phone mode announcements to your internet connection.
  • When constructing a spot filter containing the buddy calls token, SkookumLogger now converts each buddy call to a root callsign to avoid an AR-Cluster problem. For example, the buddy call VP9/W6PH is converted to W6PH.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Type-ahead and correct mode were mis-behaving in the 2T2R configuration. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Tapping F5 twice resulted in the second tap aborting CW sending started by the first tap. Thanks WA1Z.
  • It wasn’t possible to manually construct a sequence of messages including the F5 message. Thanks WA1Z.
  • Logging a QSO while the F5 message was playing aborted the message. Thanks WA1Z.
  • Log ► Announce Activity was constructing an announcement for the wrong logged QSO when triggered with an empty QSO Entry box.

New in SkookumLogger 1.11.2 Build 10069 (Dec 29, 2015)

  • New features:
  • A new topic has been added to the SkookumLogger web site Hints page.
  • Changes:
  • The commands that copy radio frequencies and modes from one QSO entry box to the other now copy the source receive frequency to both the receive and transmit destination frequencies. Previously, splits were preserved.
  • In the ARRL 160 Contest, SkookumLogger now pre-fills the received info field with “DX” when the call cannot be an ARRL/RAC section.
  • In the PACC Contest, multipliers are now per-mode.
  • The RSGB AFS CW Contest now includes 40m.
  • The list of Category Overlays in Log Settings has a new entry, Newcomer, for the RSGB IOTA Contest.
  • The RSGB RoPoCo (Rotating Postal Code) Contest is now the RoLo (Rotating Locator) Contest. Entrants are no longer restricted to UK&CD and the start date for the CW event changed to third Sunday October. SkookumLogger shows the locator received in the previous QSO in the sent exchange prompt.
  • The RSGB 80 & 40 Low Power Contest is now the RSGB HF Low Power Contest. The event now include 20m, and the value for the Cabrillo Contest Name tag has been updated to RSGB-LOW-POWER.
  • The RSGB 21/28 Contest will have similar changes when the 2016 rules are published. All RSGB changes, thanks GØDVJ.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • VO1 and VO2 were not being identified as separate multipliers in the ARRL 10m Contest. Thanks WA1Z.
  • DX QSOs in the ARRL 10m Contest were being incorrectly marked as suspect until checksheets were rebuilt. Thanks WA1Z.

New in SkookumLogger 1.10.17 Build 9911 (Nov 16, 2015)

  • New features:
  • When Radio Type is K3, the Radio menu has four commands that set center frequency and span for an Elecraft P3. See the new Controlling a P3 topic in the Operating section of SkookumLogger Help. Thanks W2RU.
  • The 2T2R Configuration has a new option, “Grab spots to transmit/not-transmit radio.” See the Using Activity Tables topic in the Operating section of SkookumLogger Help. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Changes:
  • The subrx pseudo-activity is now hidden when a K3 is in diversity mode.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Attempting to create a new RSGB 80m Sprint log crashed SkookumLogger. Thanks GØTPH.

New in SkookumLogger 1.10.16 Build 9861 (Nov 9, 2015)

  • New features:
  • All preference panes now have help buttons that open SkookumLogger Help showing the appropriate topics. The intent is to determine whether or not this cuts down on the number of user questions regarding serial connection issues.
  • SkookumLogger now has support for three additional radios: Omni 6 (thanks N9SE), FT-450 (thanks GØDVJ and 2EØWMG), and TS-990 (thanks JH5GHM and VU2CPL). Note that the TS-990 module supports radio DVK playback, but does not support starting and stopping DVK message recording.
  • Changes:
  • The K3 radio module has been made slightly more efficient by modifying the commands used to monitor the state of the radio.
  • When the call in the Me preference pane is W2RU, the angle read from a Green Heron rotator controller is subtracted from 360° before displaying rotator heading on the Great Circle Map, and the corresponding adjustment is applied when sending a heading command to the controller.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • SkookumLogger was unconditionally sending 5NN in CW messages containing the # token even when the sent report QSO entry field had a different report, unless the sent report field had lost focus before starting the message send. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • SkookumLogger had September as the month for the RSGB 2m Marconi contest. The correct month is November. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.10.14 Build 9697 (Oct 12, 2015)

  • Features:
  • Mouse clicks inside the Great Circle Map window can set rotator bearing and choose among receive antennas. See About the Great Circle Map topic in the Overviews section of SkookumLogger Help for links to relevant help pages.
  • SkookumLogger now supports the ICOM IC-7850 transceiver. Thanks VK2NP.
  • Changes:
  • The speed for the Yaesu FT-2000 has changed to 38400 and the internal processing of data received from the radio has been made more robust. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The Submit Log Via Apple Mail and Submit Log for SCP commands were sending emails without the Cabrillo log attachment on OS X 10.11 (El Capitan). Thanks W2RU.
  • The Maximum On Time value in the Statistics report was being rounded to the nearest hour. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Messages menu item titles for Morse messages 1 through 16 were not tracking the labels set in the Morse Messages Editor.

New in SkookumLogger 1.10.8 Build 9325 (Aug 20, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Help now has a list of default keyboard shortcuts in the Reference section. Some shortcut conflicts were discovered, resulting in a few changes. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • The statistics text file now has crude pagination to prevent splitting some tables across pages when printing. Thanks W2RU.
  • The statistics report now includes QTC count for the WAE contest. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • SkookumLogger now supports the Ohio QSO Party for participants inside and outside Ohio. Thanks K8WXA.
  • Changes:
  • Updated event dates for UKIECC 80m CW. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • The UI interface and messages for sending and receiving QTCs in the WAE contest have many small changes. See Help for details, and please provide feedback about anything you find uncomfortable. Thanks WA1Z and JH5GHM.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Grabbing spots in 2T2R failed to display the spot’s call in the QSO Entry box. Thanks WA1Z.
  • Changing Maximum On Time in Time Tracker was immediately changed back to the contest duration. Thanks WA1Z.
  • QTC sort order for QSOs spanning 00Z was flipped. Thanks WA1Z.
  • QTC count was actually QSO count in the Score window, although the score was correct. Thanks DL7ALM.
  • An unpredictable delay in starting and stopping K3 DVR messages has been eliminated. Thanks WA1Z.
  • Opening the log settings sheet after the end of a contest changed the log’s start date, causing the score to become zero. Thanks JH5GHM.

New in SkookumLogger 1.10.7 Build 9188 (Aug 10, 2015)

  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Handle an unlikely-to-occur internal error when sending a QTC series if there is exactly one available QTC to send and it is a QSO with the receiving station.
  • Improve frequency tracking for FT-857D and FT-897D. Thanks ZL1FLY and GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.10.6 Build 9161 (Jul 28, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • The Maximum On Time value in Time Tracker now matches your choice in the Time menu of the Cabrillo Category Items group in your Log Settings sheet when the choice isn’t “Not Applicable.” Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Changes:
  • The Mode and Band menus in the Cabrillo Category Items group in Log Settings now show only choices that are applicable for the log’s contest.
  • SkookumLogger now will find your tqsl application in either Applications or Applications/TrustedQSL.
  • The power QSO entry field now accepts ‘O’ and ‘-‘, needed to support logging ‘QRO’ and “no power” in the RSGB 80/40 Low Power contest. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Cabrillo generation for the RSGB 80/40 Low Power contest was modified to deal with the “no power” case. However, a log export matching the specification was rejected by the sponsor’s log processing robot. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The CONTEST Cabrillo tag for the CQ WW VHF contest has been corrected from CQWW-VHF to CQ-VHF. Thanks WA1Z.
  • Prefill of IOTA references from previous QSOs and from exchange archive was broken.

New in SkookumLogger 1.10.5 Build 9111 (Jul 20, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • The new Radio ► Toggle SubRX command turns the subreceiver on and off for radios that support this capability. The command is hidden when not available.
  • The new View ► Focus Run Transmit and View ► Focus Pounce Transmit commands change transmit focus to specific states, augmenting the View ► Toggle Transmit Focus command. The default shortcut keys for the new commands are home and end, respectively. Default shortcut keys have been added for the View ► Focus Run QSO Entry and View ► Focus Pounce QSO Entry; they are page up and page down respectively. These commands and shortcuts support efficient operation in one-transmitter configurations when using the Apple USB keyboard, which has dedicated home, end, page up, and page down.
  • The clear button on the Apple USB keyboard now performs the View ► Clear Focused QSO Entry command when a QSO entry field has keyboard focus. The default keyboard shortcut, F11, remains in effect. Shift-clear similarly performs the View ► Clear Unfocused QSO Entry command.
  • Changes:
  • SkookumLogger now disambiguates IARU society multipliers that have the same abbreviation using the country of the QSO’s call.
  • ”CRAC” is now accepted as an alias for the “CRSA” IARU society abbreviation. Similarly, “OVSV” is accepted as an alias for “OEVSV”.
  • Duplicate status is now tracked for QSOs marked as suspect unless they are incomplete. For example, if SkookumLogger marks a QSO as suspect because it cannot determine the multiplier, it will now show up as a duplicate instead of as needed.
  • Amplifier management for all suuported amplifiers except the Alpha 87A has been scrubbed and tested. SkookumLogger stores (in your preferences file) four tables of drive powers: standby powers for each radio, and drive powers for each amplifier. You will need to create new tables if you have been using the drive power management feature in previous versions of SkookumLogger. When you change a radio type or an amplifier type, you will need to update the corresponding table.
  • SkookumLogger now commands an ACOM 2000A amplifier to change band-segments if necessary when the associated radio changes transmit frequency. This feature is incompatible with (but smarter than) the ACOM 2000A CAT feature; disconnect any CAT cable between the RCU and the the transceiver when using SkookumLogger to manage the amplifier.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The zones table in the statistics report was displaying row number instead of zone number in the Zone column.
  • The date for the July RSGB SSB Club Championship was corrupted by a typo. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • SkookumLogger was crashing when attempting to create a QTC series in the WAEDC contest.
  • QTC messages were being sent without spaces between the message components. Thanks WA1Z.

New in SkookumLogger 1.10.0 Build 7911 (May 8, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • SkookumLogger uses message number 0 to keep track of how many times a message with “CQ” in the label has been sent. The Morse Message column for this message displays the count, and the count is also printed in the Statistics Report. The count includes messages sent indirectly via Beacon CQ. You can edit the count, perhaps to reset it to zero. The count is reset when you reset your log.
  • Internet Spot Filters now support a second token, . This token expands to a list of the calls in your activities blacklist, for use in filtering those calls at the DX Cluster to reduce spot traffic. See the About DX Cluster topic in the Overview section of SkookumLogger Help.
  • Support has been added for the Yaesu FTdx-1200, duplicating FTdx-2000 support with speed changed to 38400. Also, the names for FTdx-series radios have been regularized in the Radio Type menu of Serial Preferences.
  • The Generic QSO Party contest type now provides more complete support for typical QSO party rules, for use when SkookumLogger doesn’t explicitly support a particular event. See the new About Generic QSO Party Rules topic in the Overview section of SkookumLogger Help. Use this module, for exmple, to operate NEQP and 7QP and INQP concurrently. You can submit the same Cabrillo file to all three event sponsors.
  • The ARRL Field Day contest now includes the Region and Country checksheets, so you can impress visitors with the reach of your radios. The Score window will show tallies for these “multipliers” but the score computation ignores those tallies.
  • SkookumLogger now supports “call stacking” — a feature for advanced operators designed by GØDVJ. See the Call Stacking topic in the Operating section of SkookumLogger Help.
  • Hint:
  • Do not use the 1T2R radio configuration together with the K3 diversity receive mode. When K3 diversity is on, the subreceiver tracks VFO A instead of VFO B and as a consequence 1T2R will set the Pounce frequency equal to the Run frequency each time VFO A (Run) changes frequency.
  • Changes:
  • For contests with ITU or CQ zone in the exchange, SkookumLogger prefills the zone using the call and the Countries database. If you log a different zone, as may happen when you work someone who sends you a serial number for example, some contest sponsors will penalize you for logging the “wrong” zone. SkookumLogger now tags QSOs with logged zone different from expected zone with the SQ (Suspect QSO) flag, so that you can quickly find them in your log. If you determine that an SQ-tagged QSO should not be altered, turn off the “Export SQ as X-QSO” option in Export preferences before creating your Cabrillo file.
  • The changes in serial I/O and K3 timeout handling introduced in 1.9.15 have been removed.
  • ORSSerialPort 1.8.0 with SkookumLogger customizations has been merged into the code base. Thanks AC7CF (ORSSerialPort) and WD7K (customizations for microHAM protocol).
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • In the ES-Open HF Championship Contest, SkookumLogger was failing to identify calls outside Estonia as zero-pointers. Consequently they showed up as needed in activity windows.
  • In the Yuri Gagarin DX Contest, all QSOs were being marked as suspect, the email address for submitting the log was malformed, and the list of special stations was outdated.
  • In several contests, including Manchester Mineira, some QSO parties, and some events with ITU zones in the exchange, exchange information was be stored in your exchange archive incorrectly.
  • In some case the partials list was not being cleared when the active QSO entry field was empty.
  • Frequency and mode control and display for the Yaesu FT-817 radio was dysfunctional.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.16 Build 7816 (Apr 21, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Internet Spot Filters now support a second token, . This token expands to a list of the calls in your activities blacklist, for use in filtering those calls at the DX Cluster to reduce spot traffic. See the About DX Cluster topic in the Overview section of SkookumLogger Help.
  • Added support for Yaesu FT-1200, duplicating FT-2000 support with speed changed to 38400.
  • The Generic QSO Party contest type now provides more complete support for typical QSO party rules, for use when SkookumLogger doesn’t explicitly support a particular event. See the new About Generic QSO Party Rules topic in the Overview section of SkookumLogger Help. Use this module if you want to operate NEQP and 7QP and INQP concurrently. You can submit the same Cabrillo file to all three event sponsors.
  • Changes:
  • For contests with ITU or CQ zone in the exchange, SkookumLogger prefills the zone using the call and the Countries database. If you log a different zone, as may happen when you work someone who sends you a serial number for example, some contest sponsors will penalize you for logging the “wrong” zone. SkookumLogger now tags QSOs with logged zone different from expected zone with the SQ (Suspect QSO) flag, so that you can quickly find them in your log. If you determine that an SQ-tagged QSO should not be altered, turn off the “Export SQ as X-QSO” option in Export preferences before creating your Cabrillo file.
  • The changes in serial I/O and K3 timeout handling introduced in 1.9.15 have been removed.
  • ORSSerialPort 1.8.0 with SkookumLogger customizations has been merged into the code base. Thanks AC7CF (ORSSerialPort) and WD7K (customizations for microHAM protocol).
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • In the ES-Open HF Championship Contest, SkookumLogger was failing to identify calls outside Estonia as zero-pointers. Consequently they showed up as needed in activity windows. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • In the Yuri Gagarin DX Contest, all QSOs were being marked as suspect, the email address for submitting the log was malformed, and the list of special stations was outdated.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.15 Build 7552 (Apr 3, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Special Keys in Logging preferences has two new items, Begin QSO and End QSO. When you are in run mode, Begin QSO sends messages 5 and 2, and End QSO sends message 3 and logs the QSO. When you are in pounce mode, Begin QSO sends message 4 and End QSO sends F2 and logs the QSO. In 2T2R, the run/pounce decision is tied to the yellow gumdrop for each radio (pounce when you see the gumdrop). Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Changing the Operator for a logged QSO (via the popup menu in the log table) now also sets the current operator to that choice. So, a new operator who forgot to “login” can fix a QSO that he just logged and not have to also choose himself in the Log ► Operator ► menu. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • In 2T2R, a receive frequency change of the radio with transmit focus creates an activity and clears the QSO entry fields if the submode is Pounce and the call field is not empty. Enabled by a new checkbox option in Configuration preferences. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • In 2T2R, logging a QSO creates an Activity table entry when the submode is Pounce. There is no preferences option (1T1R and 1T2R already do this). Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Changes:
  • The minimum sizes of all checksheet windows have been changed to prevent clipping of the controls above the tables. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Exchange guessing now happens when you navigate out of the call field, instead of on every call character typed. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Experimental change to a Serial IO parameter. I’ve not found the change to have any effect in SkookumLogger, but please be alert for changed behavior with serial devices.
  • K3 radio module now reports timeouts to the Information Messages window and does not post an alert and disconnect. Instead, it keeps to polling the radio, which will either succeed because the timeout was a spurious event, or will report more timeouts. In the latter case, disconnect and reconnect yourself; maybe it will recover, maybe not, let me know. And let me know if you can identify what you were doing when the disconnect happened.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • SkookumLogger was pre-filling serial numbers in the RDXC contest. Thanks WA1Z, JH5GHM.
  • SkookumLogger was failing to create two off periods when separated by one QSO. I've also observed bad off-period data. TimeTracker code has been scrubbed, rinsed, and hung out to dry. Bad off-periods could affect also affect the last-100 rate computation; if you see that then use Log ► Rebuild Checksheets to reconstruct the off-periods table.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.14 Build 7550 (Mar 16, 2015)

  • Hint:
  • See the new help page titled “Disabling Text Entry Focus Animation” in the Reference section if you would like to stop the pulsating border effect in Yosemite.
  • Changes:
  • The content of checksheet table cells with 0 QSOs is now empty instead of the digit zero, to make it easier to identify needed entities. Thanks WA1Z.
  • The multiplier list for the UBA Spring Contest has been updated. A few were removed, a few were added with full name “Undefined” because the contest sponsor doesn’t see fit to provide that information. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Sometimes logging a QSO resulted in two log entries with the same data. Thanks JH5GHM and WA1Z.
  • The "Pounce receive frequency change creates activity” options for 1T1R and 1T2R were not creating activities but were clearing the entry box. Thanks VE7GM.
  • Shift-Tab (backward-tab) wasn’t always tabbing to field immediately to left. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • If both call fields had content, then switching keyboard focus while sending one call would continue sending the middle of the other call. Thanks W2RU.
  • The Mode popup button in Log Setttings was disabled for “contests” that had no start date information. These were generally the events listed in the Nontest group. Thanks WA1Z.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.13 Build 7414 (Mar 4, 2015)

  • New features:
  • When keyboard focus is changed to a Call entry field and the call in the field contains a question mark, the question mark is selected. Otherwise, as before, the cursor is positioned at the end of the call. Thanks WA1Z.
  • The Special Key box in Logging preferences has a new checkbox labeled "Remap '.' key to '?' key". When this checkbox is enabled, a period typed when a Call entry field has keyboard focus is replaced by a question mark. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • The Power QSO entry field now accepts 'N' and 'T' along with digits and any of 'KWQRP'.
  • Changes:
  • When keyboard focus is changed from one QSO entry field to another, the content of the newly-focused field is selected. There are two exceptions to this behavior. One is the Call field behavior described above. The other is Report fields, where the S digit is selected.
  • It is no longer necessary to "apply" spot filter edits before choosing the Update Spot Filter function in Internet preferences.
  • Additional radio control updates have been provided by JH5GHM for the TS-590S and FTDX-3000.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The Regions statistics summary table was missing for certain contest types. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Some UBA country multipliers were not being identified consistently. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Cabrillo export silently failed when the log contained QSOs with empty station name fields. Thanks WB5EIN.
  • The Indiana QSO Party was missing the sent report entry field.
  • Some checksheets windows had no content until after a QSO was logged. Thanks many.
  • The onT (on-time) column in the rate statistics table sometimes had negative values. Thanks many.
  • In 1T1R, when changing transmit focus to an entry box with frequency equal to 0, first copy current radio frequency and mode to initialize. Thanks KV9W.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.12 Build 7131 (Feb 10, 2015)

  • New features:
  • The CW North American Sprint is now a supported contest.
  • SkookumLogger now presents a "Getting Started" alert (for new users) at start up, to reduce confusion about what to do when no log window appears. The alert has a "Don't show again" button.
  • Changes:
  • Radio control for Kenwood and Yaesu FT-3000 has been updated to support custom hardware between the computer and radio. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • In 1T2R the Autofill from activities option was active when Neither was selected. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • The FT-2000 radio module was sending an incorrect code that caused the DVR record indicator to blink. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.11 Build 7030 (Feb 3, 2015)

  • New features:
  • The “Operating Scheme” concept (SO2V, SO2R) has been replaced by a “Configuration” concept with three choices: One Transmitter One Receiver (1T1R), One Transmitter Two Receivers (1T2R), and Two Transmitters Two Receivers (2T2R). The Wizardry preference pane has been replaces by the Configuration preference pane, with some of the Wizardry preferences relocated to Logging, Messages, and Activites preferences. Part of the new concept is separation of transmit focus and keyboard focus, with some new messages that help to automate management of focus. See Help for details.
  • Indiana QSO Party inside Indiana is now a supported contest. See the “Entering a QSO” topic in Help, last paragraph, for discussion of how to deal with straddling a county line.
  • Changes:
  • Preference panes have been reordered and widened so that all buttons on the toolbar are visible for every pane. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • CW speed control has been cleaned up. See the About WinKeyer topic in Help.
  • The sent serial number no longer appears in the Sent log table column. Use the Sent Serial column if you want to see it. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • The “SM” (Suspect Multiplier) concept is gone. Instead, when you log a QSO, SkookumLogger marks the QSO as SQ if it can’t determine the multiplier(s) for the QSO; Log ► Explain Suspect QSO describes the problem.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • In 2T2R starting a CW CQ with radio 2 and toggling radio (F9) to radio 1 wasn’t aborting the message. Thanks WA1Z.
  • The last-100 rate computation was going berserk for logs with multiple off periods. Thanks WA1Z.
  • The Area chooser in the Regions checksheet had no areas.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.10 Build 6581 (Jan 19, 2015)

  • New features:
  • The multiplier status string in the logging window now identifies QSOs that count for more than one type of multiplier. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • The CW and SSB buttons in the check sheet window now appear only if the contest has per-mode multipliers and the log category is mixed-mode. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • SkookumLogger now supports the new type of multiplier in the Hungarian DX Contest, HA-DXC member numbers.
  • Serial number reservation now has an option that restores the original behavior (reserve when logged rather than reserve when sent). See the About Serial Numbers page in SkookumLogger Help Overviews. Requested by GØDVJ.
  • The Edit menu has been restored, so that common commands like Select All, Copy and Paste are available in SkookumLogger text fields. Thanks WD7K.
  • When the SO2R operating scheme is active, the CW speed indicator next to the Beacon CQ button is hidden and the speeds for each radio are shown at the top right corner of their QSO data entry boxes. Each of the three speeds is saved separately and restored when you start SkookumLogger. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Several bugs relating to SO2R operating scheme message sending and automatic transmit switching have been squished. See the About SO2R page in SkookumLogger Help Overviews for updated description of behaviors. Thanks WA1Z.
  • When toggling between the two QSO entry boxes with calls entered in each box, the check partials pane was showing matches for the wrong box. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.9 Build 6444 (Jan 13, 2015)

  • New features:
  • SkookumLogger now supports more than 100 contests. As a user convenience, each contest has a link to the sponsor’s web site page containing the contest rules. Keeping those links current has been a constant annoyance. This release replaces many of those direct links with links to appropriate contest summary pages at the WA7BNM web site. Bruce does an excellent job of keeping that information current (including links to the sponsors’ sites), in spite of sponsor indifference. These links are accessed via Help ► WA7BNM Contest Rules Summary. Bruce doesn’t have summary pages for some contests; for those cases the original scheme remains in place — the WA7BNM menu item is replaced by Help ► Open Rules Web Site. If you find a broken link or a better URL for those cases, let me know.
  • Tapping up or down arrow keys with keyboard focus in a QSO data entry field steps radio 1 frequency as determined by Wizardry preferences. Now, tapping control-up-arrow or control-down-arrow similarly steps radio 2 frequency. As noted earlier, radio 1 is always used for the SO2V operating scheme and radio 2 is additionally available in the SO2R operating scheme. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Activities ► Tables ► Open Recent is a new command that reopens all of the activity windows that were open when you last chose the Activities ► Tables ► Close All command. Thanks W2RU.
  • The Export preferences pane now has two tabs. The Cabrillo tab provides defaults for all of the Cabrillo category items when you create a new log. As before, you can change the item choices for each log in the Log Settings sheet. You can also a define default soapbox comment.
  • SkookumLogger Help has a suggestion for how to use Grab Partner Call via a single key, in the Using Partner Mode page.
  • JH5GHM provided code supporting the DATA mode feature introduced in 1.9.8 for Kenwood radios and the FTDX3000. Katsuhiro also fixed an issue with RIT/XIT for the TS-590.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Somehow the SkookumLogger author determined that WA7BNM had changed his call to K7WA. Wrong. The relevant menu items have been changed and information added to credits.
  • Serial I/O for the ACOM 2000A has been changed to avoid errors during amplifier warmup. Typically, set up serial I/O and connect once in Serial preferences, then turn amplifier power on and off as desired using the RCU button. There is no device time-out for the 2000A.
  • Logic that avoids sending mode commands to the K3 when the K3 mode is already set properly has been corrected. Sending mode commands causes stalls in P3 sweeps.
  • The SO2R scheme for automatically switching transmit focus now works for both CW and SSB modes. Thanks WA1Z.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.8 Build 6375 (Jan 8, 2015)

  • New features:
  • Code for all of the six check sheets has been scrubbed as part of adding support for mixed-mode contests. Check sheet windows now have “CW” and “SSB” radio buttons that choose the mode for the QSO totals shown in the tables. For single-mode contests, or when you have chosen a single-mode entry category, the appropriate button is selected and the other button is disabled. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • The Zone check sheet now has a Continent filter and shows only zones with at least one QSO.
  • Check sheets provide a complete listing of entities that you have worked and are not well-suited to quickly answering questions like “Which bands/modes need a particular entity?” Consider using the Pass Information window for those kinds of questions.
  • Two additional contests are supported, both in the National group: the UBA DX Contest (CW and SSB) and the ES-Open HF Championship. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Typing DATA into a call field changes QSO mode if the connected radio supports that mode. This is presently implemented for K3 and Phantom radios, and is intended to minimally support logging RTTY QSOs.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • When a call entry field became key, the field content was selected, instead of being deselected with the cursor positioned after the last character. Thanks W2RU.
  • The tqsl application must be located in the Applications folder in order to be found by SkookumLogger; otherwise the Upload to Logbook of the World command is mysteriously disabled. The Help document has been updated to explain the issue. Thanks W2RU.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.7 Build 6124 (Jan 3, 2015)

  • New features:
  • The partner feature enables collaboration via SkookumNet for multi-operator entrants. See the Using Partner Mode item in SkookumLogger Help. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Considerable effort to determine why SkookumNet sometimes fails to communicate among the local network members concluded that there is no fault in the SkookumLogger code. See the About SkookumNet item in SkookumLogger Help. Thanks JH5GHM for the initial report, and apologies that it was discovered at his WRTC 2014 operation.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.6 Build 5900 (Dec 30, 2014)

  • Note:
  • GØDVJ noticed that toggling between QSO entry boxes cleared all the other fields in the new entry box when the call field was empty. After quite a bit a trial-and-error, we found that this behavior is a consequence of choosing the “Backspacing to erase call clears QSO entry fields” Wizardry option. This is an example of an unexpected and mysterious side-effect — that is why they are named Wizardry choices. As a rule, do not enable options that you do not really need for your style of operating. Then, enable them one at a time and use SkookumLogger to ensure that you haven’t created a configuration with “odd” behavior.
  • New features:
  • Each of the Generic contests has an Info field. The content of that field is now saved in the log’s internal exchange archive when you log a QSO, and is used in guessing the exchange for subsequent QSOs with the same call. Thanks WD7K.
  • Logic for setting the sent serial number for each QSO has been changed to ensure that the logged serial matches the transmitted serial when interleaving QSOs in the two QSO entry boxes. The logic relies on your using SkookumLogger to play a message containing the serial number token and applies for both CW and SSB. If you fail to play such a message before logging a QSO, SkookumLogger will behave as before. See “About Serial Numbers” in SkookumLogger Help.
  • Message labels are now editable in the Sent Exchange and Messages editor. The Messages menu displays these labels. Any message with label containing “CQ” will be recognized by the “Automatically change QSO entry box focus” SO2V Wizardry option. Thanks W2RU.
  • The received call token may now appear anywhere within a CW message, and may appear multiple times. However, call sign type-ahead applies only when the token is the first character in a message chain.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Disable the + and – buttons for adding and deleting items in the Buddies list when there is an active DX Cluster connection. Thanks WA1Z.
  • When opening the Morse Keyboard in the SO2R operating scheme, ensure that the transmit radio corresponds to the focused QSO entry box. Thanks WA1Z.
  • When toggling the focuses QSO entry box while a message is playing, the transmit radio no longer switches in the middle of the message. Thanks WA1Z.
  • When beacon CQ is active and the “Typing stops Beacon CQ” option is checked, the option is applied only when the transmit radio matches the focused QSO entry box in the SO2R operating scheme. Thanks WA1Z.
  • The Bump Transmit Frequency command appears in the Radio 1 menu in the SO2V operating scheme. As before, it appears in the SO2R menu in the SO2R operating scheme. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • The scheme for inserting spaces between chained CW messages has been revised to prevent spurious spaces surrounding the F5 messages and following the last message. The changes have also corrected re-ordering of chained messages containing the F5 message. Thanks WA1Z.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.5 Build 5599 (Dec 22, 2014)

  • New features:
  • Contest rules for RSGB UKAC and 80m SSB AFS have been updated, including a drastic modification to the multipliers for UKAC which required adding a second check sheet (Other) in SkooumLogger. The Locator check sheet shows all locator multipliers; the Other check sheet shows UK locators that are now “double mults”. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • The choice checkbox for enabling the SO2R operating scheme is now located in the Logging preferences panel.
  • The Scheme menu has been renamed SO2R and is hidden when the SO2V operating scheme is enabled.
  • The Radio 2 menu is hidden when the SO2V operating scheme is enabled. You must use Radio 1 for this scheme; SkookumLogger ignores Radio 2.
  • Radio menu items that apply only for SO2R are hidden when the SO2V operating scheme is enabled. Thanks W2RU.
  • Logged activities are not added to activity tables in SO2R mode.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • 1.9.4 had a nasty bug discovered by WA1Z. The symptom was that the Messages menu failed to appear when you clicked on it. It is unlikely that most users will have encountered this bug, as it is the result of corruption of the SkookumLogger preferences file when choosing to play Message 19. Thanks WA1Z.
  • The invert step direction preference was broken.
  • Some users have had problems with their K3 radios disconnecting for no apparent reason. This version has additional logic for that radio type which watches for apparent stalls in communication with the radio and stops polling until either the stall clears or the 60-second no-response time-out occurs. Thanks W2RU and WA1Z.
  • Serial devices that were successfully connected and then disconnected sometimes failed to reconnect until SkookumLogger was restarted. Thanks W2RU.
  • Two notes have been added to the Trouble section of SkookumLogger help, describing what to do if the Sent Exchange and Messages Editor window fails to open, and why you may not be able to add entries to your Buddies list. In each case, these are misfeatures, but I’m documenting easy workarounds rather than making the code more complex.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.4 Build 5510 (Dec 18, 2014)

  • New features:
  • SkookumLogger now supports 20 messages. The six new messages, numbered 15 through 20, are available only in new logs. F15 through F19 are the default shortcut keyboard assignments. As always you can use System Preferences to assign different shortcuts, but first set the Menu Titles in your Messages preferences to something more interesting than the defaults.
  • Bump Transmit Frequency is a new command on the Scheme menu. Its purpose is to change your run frequency by just enough to cause skimmers to spot you again. It works like this:
  • First time: step up 1 delta, show “up” indicator: ⬆︎
  • Second time: step down 2 deltas (one delta below starting frequency), hide up indicator off, show “down” indicator: ⬇︎
  • Third time: step up 1 delta (back to starting frequency), hide down indicator.
  • The bump indicators appear adjacent to the right end of the radio frequency display in the relevant QSO entry box, showing which delta is in effect so that you know what will happen next. In the SO2R scheme, the command applies to the transmit radio — the one with the red gumdrop — and the delta is remembered separately for each radio. In the SO2V scheme, the command applies to the frequency in the Run QSO entry box and is ignored when the Run box isn’t active. The delta is remembered for Radio 1.
  • “Stepping” changes the radio to transceive on the new frequency. The size of the step is 100 Hz.
  • In the SO2V scheme, if the “Automatically change QSO entry box focus” Wizardry option is checked the radio transmit frequency change will toggle keyboard focus from Run to Pounce. The workaround is to turn off that option if you want to use the Bump Transmit Transmit frequency command with the SO2V scheme. Also, unexpected behavior ensues if SPLIT is on and the two VFOs have different frequencies when you trigger the command. Workaround: do not use SPLIT while running on CW.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The yellow gumdrop indicating that arrow keys step VFO A instead of RIT was in the wrong QSO entry box for the SO2V scheme.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.3 Build 5484 (Dec 17, 2014)

  • New features:
  • The awkward recent change to improve responsiveness for large logs has been removed, including the “Guess exchange from logged QSOs” and the “For logs less than xxx QSOs” options in Logging preferences. SkookumLogger now inserts exchange information into the exchange database when you log a QSO, and performs all exchange guessing by looking for the call in the exchange database. This is much faster than searching the log for QSOs with the call. As before, the external copy of you exchange database is not changed unless you choose File ► Update Exchange Database.
  • Each QSO entry box now has up to three gumdrops at the top left corner next to the radio mode. They are red, green, and yellow, respectively, and have help tags when you can’t remember what they mean. A red gumdrop indicates the current transmit radio. Green gumdrops indicate which radio(s) you are listening to. A yellow gumdrop indicates that the up/down arrow keys will step VFO A instead of RIT offset. These indicators apply for both the SO2V and the SO2R operating schemes.
  • The mode chooser in the Pass Information window has been removed. Instead, when the log’s mode category is Mixed (you set this via Log ► Settings…) each cell in the Pass window matrix has a pair of symbols for CW and SSB, left-to-right. The check symbol (✔︎) indicates worked, an x indicates needed (not worked). Thanks JH5GHM.
  • In activity tables, worked buddies are now shown with the Myself & Buddies color and the Worked Before font. Activity tables have a new filter choice, Buddies, which shows only activities for your buddies in the tables. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • SkookumLogger has a new special key command name Stop Sending. This provides an alternative to the escape key or tapping your paddle. Stop Sending also aborts DVR play. Thanks W2RU.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • SkookumLogger was failing to perform important processing when navigating out of the call field. This bug was introduced in 1.9.2.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.2 Build 5349 (Dec 16, 2014)

  • New features:
  • The Edit and Font menus have been removed. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The “Arrow keys in Pounce fields step VFO A” option for SO2V option was stepping VFO A in the Run fields as well. Thanks W2RU.
  • The statistics report for the ARRL 10m contest wasn’t showing data relating to country multipliers. Thanks GØDVJ and others.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.1 Build 5342 (Dec 13, 2014)

  • If you are in USA, Canada, or Mexico and plan to use SkookumLogger in the ARRL 10m contest this weekend, please update to this version. Otherwise, wait until the next version when I will include complete release notes. The update is necessary to create a new log with the correct QSO entry fields.

New in SkookumLogger 1.9.0 Build 5175 (Dec 9, 2014)

  • Notes:
  • A reminder: SkookumLogger no longer automatically rescores your log when you edit a Log table field. You must cause the rescan yourself using the Log ► Rebuild Checksheets function. There is no default shortcut for this menu item; I assign ⌘R.
  • Another reminder: If you use multiple monitors with SkookumLogger and want to preserve window positions on all screens, turn off the “Displays have separate Spaces” option in your Mission Control preferences. Otherwise, OS X gathers all open SkookumLogger windows onto the same screen as the main window; that is an OS X “feature.”
  • There have been many behind-the-scenes changes in SkookumLogger which have likely introduced new bugs. Please let me know if you encounter a reproducible problem.
  • You can control the sequence of columns visited by pressing the tab key in the Log table by dragging the column titles to rearrange the columns, then quitting and restarting SkookumLogger. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • If you experience too-frequent time-outs with a K3 radio, check whether or not you are using the latest production firmware in your K3. If you have a P3 between your computer and K3, also check the P3 firmware version. Thanks WW4B.
  • New features:
  • SkookumLogger now changes Alpha 87A tune settings when band changes only when the amplifier is in operate mode. Thanks W2RU.
  • The “Invert frequency step direction in LSB” Wizardry option now has an additional option, “Only in SSB mode”. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Many changes have been made to clarify and expand SkookumLogger appearance and behavior for the two “operating schemes”, SO2V and SO2R. In the SO2V scheme, you operate with one radio, possibly with a sub-receiver. In the SO2R scheme, you operate with two radios, with the restriction that you cannot transmit at the same time with both radios.
  • SkookumLogger now has two Radio menus labeled Radio 1 and Radio 2, and another new menu labeled SO2R. The Radio menus are identical, but may have different items enabled depending on the capabilities of the transceivers selected in Serial preferences. SkookumLogger also now supports two amplifiers, each associated with the corresponding radio and controlled through the Radio menus.
  • Radio ► Save Drive Power now remembers radio power settings separately (per-band) for each transceiver type in standby mode and for each amplifier type in operate mode. Existing settings are lost; you will need to create new ones. If there is no saved power setting when Radio ► Autoset Drive Power is enabled and band or operate mode changes, 25W is set for operate and 100W is set for standby.
  • The SO2R menu has these commands:
  • Switch Transmit Radio determines which of the two radios is the active radio. The background color of the radio mode label (in one of the QSO entry boxes) for the active radio is bright green. When you switch the active radio, SkookumLogger configures your WinKeyer to use the corresponding KEY1/PTT1 and KEY2/PTT2 ports; it is your responsibility to cable these ports to the correct radio. SkookumLogger also changes WinKeyer speed to the setting that was last used with the newly-active radio. Typing a number or mode into either Call entry field changes the active radio.
  • Enable SO2R Mode changes SkookumLogger between the SO2V and SO2R operating schemes. The easiest way to see which scheme is active to note the labels at the lower right corners of the QSO entry boxes. Run and Pounce indicate the SO2V scheme, Radio 1 and Radio 2 indicate the SO2R scheme.
  • Listen to Both Radios configures your YCCC SO2R Box to deliver Radio 1 audio to your left headphone and Radio 2 audio to your right headphone, with optional blending.
  • Listen to Radio 1 and Listen to Radio 2 configure your YCCC SO2R Box to listen one or the other radio in both headphones.
  • There are many new menu items. They all have unique names and no shortcut keys. You can use Keyboard System preferences to define shortcuts for the commands you use frequently. Most existing menu item names and shortcuts have not been changed.
  • The items in the SO2R preferences pane have been moved to the Wizardry preferences pane, and the SO2R pane has been deleted. The Wizardry preferences pane now has three tabs. The General tab has options that apply in both operating schemes, while the SO2V and SO2R tabs have options that apply only for their respective schemes.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • An unusual combination of the hide signal report entry field options was preventing navigation out of the call field with the space-bar.
  • The source call for activities created internally is now always the current operator call. Previously it was sometimes the call for the sent exchange. Thanks W2RU.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.18 Build 4982 (Dec 4, 2014)

  • New features:
  • Activity table Needed Multipliers filters now include calls of entries with unknown multipliers.
  • Great circle maps have been added to the web site, for Alaska (thanks AB8XX/KL7) and Iceland (thanks TF4M).
  • The Yaesu FT-857 radio is now supported. Thanks AB8XX and GØDVJ.
  • The ACOM 2000A amplifier is now supported for use with radio 1. SkookumLogger optionally sets drive power and antenna per-band. See the Controlling an Amplifier topic in the Operating section of SkookumLogger Help. Thanks W2CS.
  • SkookumLogger 1.8.18 has two new options in Logging preferences:
  • “Guess exchange from Logged QSOs” is a checkbox that enables searching the log for previous QSOs with the call of a spot. Exchange guessing still uses other information sources, such as your Exchange database, when this choice is disabled. The default is enabled, the present behavior.
  • “For logs less than xxx QSOs” sets a threshold beyond which log searching is disabled. The default for xxx is 10000.
  • These options address delays in handling keyboard key presses when you log has many QSOs and you are receiving many internet spots. Advanced users might want to leave log searching enabled via the checkbox, then set xxx to the current number of QSOs in a contest when they notice keyboard delays becoming bothersome.
  • Deleted features:
  • The K3 SPEED control no longer affects CW sending speed in SkookumLogger. There was some evidence that the feature was causing spurious speed changes. Not polling for the speed setting also increases the update rate for other information (frequency, mode) without increasing the polling rate. Thanks TF4M.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Corrected the fix in 1.8.17 for RSGB Sprint Cabrillo format. Thanks again M1ACB.
  • Resolve a crash when adjusting SO2R blend when there is no connected SO2R Box. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Correctly fixed the K3 timeout issue associated with stalled K3 poll responses, claimed to have been fixed in 1.8.17.
  • The Mode and Band choices in the Log Settings sheet were being reset each time the sheet was opened. After the end of a contest, the Mode choices were also improperly disabled after the log's contest had ended. Note that if you change a setting, such as Band, that affects how your score is computed, then you must choose Log ► Rebuild Checksheets after closing the Settings sheet.
  • The URL for AR-Cluster DX Spots Guide led to a defunct site and has now been changed.
  • Under some circumstances, the P3 sweep was stalled for many seconds after changing bands.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.17 Build 4769 (Nov 21, 2014)

  • New features:
  • SO2R preferences now has a checkbox and slider controlling the blend feature of the YCCC SO2R Box. Requested by JH5GHM.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Now ask for permission to use Location Manager at startup only if the Set from Location Services item is checked in Exchange preferences.
  • Help has a new topic titled Getting Started with a direct link in the “Of special interest” box on the anchor page. This topic is intended to assist new users who wonder why they don’t see anything when starting SkookumLogger the very first time. Thanks MØPKW.
  • RSGB changed the format of the Cabrillo QSO record for their sprint contests, and perhaps others as well. SkookumLogger has been updated for the RSGB Sprint events. Thanks M1ACB and GØDVJ.
  • K3 poll timeout has been increased from 10 seconds to 60 seconds. Holding some K3 buttons, such as REV, stalls poll responses and was causing spurious timeouts.
  • In SO2R mode, Radio ► Switch Transmit Radio wasn’t working unless the log window was active.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.16 Build 4712 (Nov 12, 2014)

  • New features:
  • The firmware version for a connected YCCC SO2R box is displayed in the SO2R preferences pane.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The Sent Exchange and Messages Editor code has been updated. There should be no apparent changes in appearance or behavior, but the window should open more reliably.
  • The default sent exchange template for ARRL SS contests now includes sent call.
  • SkookumLogger no longer automatically turns on SO2R mode when it discovers a YCCC SO2R Box.
  • SkookumLogger now selects the second full weekend in November instead of the first for the OKOM CW DX Contest. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • SkookumLogger now updates the partial call adornments (font and color) when keyboard focus leaves a QSO Info entry field. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • SkookumLogger now trims extra spaces surrounding the enitity name in the QSO Information text.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.15 Build 4494 (Nov 10, 2014)

  • Notes:
  • When SkookumLogger suddenly begins to act strangely, it is usually best to quit and restart. If you can, let me know what you were doing just before the problem arose. One example of strange behavior: typing into a call entry field doesn’t do anything after frantically pounding many different keys.
  • If you force-quit SkookumLogger, changes that you made to preferences will be lost so you will need to change them again when you restart.
  • A very rare hang deep in serial port communications has reappeared, perhaps only in Yosemite. This release attempts to prevent that hang, but it is difficult to test because I don’t know how to cause the hang. The symptom is that SkookumLogger stalls trying to connect to a serial device. Force-quitting and restarting SkookumLogger doesn’t help, nor does logging out and logging in. Worse, OS X hangs forever when you attempt to restart; the only solution is to power-cycle your computer.
  • Some operators like to truncate the acknowledge-and-log message after the TU by tapping the esc key. This is convenient when you are running and you know there is another station ready to call you. As your log grows, the time required for SkookumLogger to process the newly-logged QSO increases and the esc key tap isn’t recognized until that processing completes. Instead of tapping the esc key, tap your paddle; that aborts sending immediately without adding an extra dot or dash.
  • New features:
  • The Great Circle map now has crosshairs. The color of the lines is the same as the stroke color for the target point. Set the opacity of that color to 0% if you don’t want to see the crosshairs.
  • The status string for calls with unknown multiplier status is now *** POSSIBLY A MULTIPLIER *** instead of *** MULTIPLIER ***.
  • Activities created from DX Cluster spots are now tagged with the time in the spot message instead of time that the message was received. If the age of a “new” spot is greater than the Entry Age Threshold preference, then the spot is ignored. Thanks WA1Z.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Editing items in your Buddies list in Me preferences works again. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • The log table column widths for the two suspect columns has been increased slightly so that the SQ and SM titles fit when running SkookumLogger on Yosemite.
  • The OK-OM DX Contest configuration was incomplete, with the side effect of disabling some popup menus in Log Settings. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.14 (Nov 10, 2014)

  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The previous release was somehow corrupted: missing application icon and other issues. I will avoid .13 version numbers in the future.
  • For certain contests and preference settings the contest chooser dialog would never close no matter how many times you hammered the Done button. Thanks KW4E.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.13 (Nov 10, 2014)

  • New features:
  • OTHER appearing in the info field of a skimmer spot defaults to Data mode.
  • Always use SPLIT mode (instead of RIT offset) when grabbing split spots with a K3 radio.
  • Replace 30-year-old approximation for sun position with modern calculation to improve terminator plot. Thanks W2RU.
  • Updated default SCP and countries databases.
  • Activity tables now always show spots for your buddies and yourself regardless of filter choices.
  • File ► Submit Log for SCP sends your Cabrillo log to the Super Check Partial database maintainer.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Add detection of some types of file corruption when loading a log, instead of simply crashing. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Use QSO’s sent grid when computing distance to received grid. Was using grid from preferences; not necessarily the same.
  • Correct some subtle UI visual inconsistencies made obvious by Yosemite.
  • Do not display CW Speed when WinKeyer is not connected. Was displaying speed set by K3 radio without checking for connected keyer.
  • Grabbing a phone spot on another band where the LSB/USB choice was different was failing to change the radio mode for K3.
  • Log ► Rebuild Checksheets wasn’t clearing checksheets before rebuilding them, so the QSO counts in the checksheets and the Silly Statistics reports had inflated values. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.12 Build 4350 (Oct 21, 2014)

  • New features:
  • Transmit antenna selection is remembered per-band.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Setting up a split when changing bands and mode was sometimes settling on incorrect frequencies.
  • Left-clicking on a QSO entry field to change keyboard focus was sometimes changing split radio set up. Thanks W2RU.
  • Choosing Clear (F11) wasn't always clearing all QSO entry fields in the active QSO entry box.
  • QSX detection in DX Cluster spots was failing for the case of a split specified as an offset in kHz.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.11 Build 4310 (Oct 11, 2014)

  • New features:
  • When updating your exchange archive with a QSO containing a grid:
  • If there is no grid in the archive for the QSO’s call, then save the new grid.
  • If there is an existing grid for the call and the new grid has more characters than the existing grid, then replace the existing grid with the new grid.
  • If there is an existing grid for the call and the new grid has the same or fewer number of characters as the existing grid and the new grid doesn’t match the beginning characters of the existing grid, then replace the existing grid with the new grid.
  • Otherwise, do not change the existing grid.
  • When pre-filling a grid QSO entry field from your exchange archive:
  • Truncate the grid from the exchange archive to a contest-dependent number of characters, typically converting a 6-character grid to 4-characters for HF contests.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Fixed a rarely-occurring crash discovered by W2RU. More than you want to know: the crash was an abort on an unhandled exception caused by a nil info field value. None of the QSO entry field values are expected be nil; an empty field is represent by an empty string. But pressing the delete key, for example, sets the field value to nil instead of to the empty string when the last character is erased. SkookumLogger was anticipating that situation (by setting any nil fields to empty strings) when saving a QSO (return key), but not when updating the QSO entry status (tab or spacebar out of a nil-valued field) for some contest types.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.10 Build 4289 (Oct 7, 2014)

  • New features:
  • Added support for UKEICC 80m Contest. Requested by GØDVJ.
  • Added support for RSGB 21/28 MHz contest, both sides. Requested by GØDVJ. Note: RSGB defines many custom Cabrillo tags and requires log submission via a web page linked on their rules page. So, SkookumLogger cannot submit your log for you via email. Also, the rules page URL has a date component, which implies that the link to the rules in SkookumLogger will be broken next year.
  • The Operator column in the Log table now has a pop up menu listing the operator calls from the Cabrillo Operator List table in Log Settings. Suggested by 2EØGUI.
  • Changes:
  • Frequency and mode setting for the K3 radio has been reworked to improve behavior when a frequency change causes a band change. One side-effect of this change is that the per-band settings for P3 SPAN and CENTER are now correctly restored.
  • The & Message string (Morse sent exchange message) in Sent Exchange and Messages Editor is now initialized from default sent exchange elements when a new log is created, and no longer changed when a sent exchange element is edited. This removes various cases where your customized & message gets clobbered, but you may need to edit the & message yourself when you change a sent exchange value.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.9 (Oct 7, 2014)

  • New features:
  • JH5GHM has updated code for the TS-590S and FTDX-3000 to improve DVR support and frequency up/down control via keyboard and media wheels.
  • The About SO2R page in the Overviews section of the help book now describes SkookumLogger support for the YCCC SO2R Box.
  • The new wizardry option “Change radio mode when set frequency” determines whether or not SkookumLogger guesses radio mode using the phone subband table when you set radio frequency using Radio ► Set Frequencies… or by typing a number into the active call field.
  • Typing CW or SSB into the call field followed by space or return sets the radio mode and clears the QSO entry box. Thanks JH5GHM.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.8 Build 4199 (Sep 25, 2014)

  • New features:
  • The source call for internally-created activities is now the current operator call instead of the sent call. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • MicroHAM-related code has been updated by WD7K.
  • Calls that appear in the Buddies list in your Me preferences are now decorated with the font and color specified by the new Myself and Buddies choice in the Fonts and Colors box of Logging preferences. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • The Set SSB Beacon Interval item in the Messages menu has been relocated in the menu and renamed Set Voice Beacon Interval.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The Messages ► Record Voice Messages ► menu item was always disabled.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.7 Build 4152 (Sep 15, 2014)

  • New features:
  • The antenna configuration dialog has several new pattern types for half-wave dipoles operated on harmonically-related bands. See the Configuring Antenna page in the help book for details.
  • SkookumLogger now posts a message in the Information Messages window and stops trying to discover your location when the OS X Location service returns a failure. Typically this happens because WiFi is unavailable. SkookumLogger tries to use the Location service each time SkookumLogger is started.
  • The activity blacklist is now persistent. Blacklisted calls are saved in ~/Application Support/SkookumLogger/BlacklistedCalls.txt. You can edit this file with any text editor to remove entries. I got tired of seeing skimmers spotting B4JR.
  • It is now possible to change the call of the station on the other end of a QTC Series exchange after beginning the exchange. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • It is now possible to edit the timestamp (UTC column) for logged QSOs. See the Editing a QSO page in the help book for details.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Prevent beginning to receive a QTC Series unless there is a valid call sign in the call entry field of the QSO data entry box with transmit focus. A nil call sign was previously accepted, causing disaster. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.6 Build 4004 (Sep 2, 2014)

  • New features:
  • The Radio ► Switch Transmit Radio command is disabled unless there are two open radio connections. Thanks WD7K.
  • The selected transmit radio is now identified in the QSO data entry boxes by a distinctive background color for the radio mode label. This identifier is closer to where you are usually looking than the previous identifiers — the box labels at the right edge of the boxes. Thanks W2RU.
  • SkookumLogger supports the new CERTIFICATE Cabrillo tag. See the help tag for the Certificate checkbox in the Log Settings window for information. The default value for new logs is YES. Thanks WWROF.
  • Changes:
  • The SkookumLogger extensions to the ORSSerialPort framework have been merged with the latest version of Andrew's ORSSerialPort code. There should be no change in behavior, except perhaps somewhat more robust reaction to unplugging cables to in-use USB-serial devices.
  • ICOM radio support has been tested in the 2-radio configuration. Thanks WD7K.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The Hawaii QSO Party multiplier list changed since last year. Thanks W2RU.
  • When you open Log Settings, SkookumLogger normally builds a list with all future contest event dates for the next year. For CWT events only (which occur three times every week — 156 times per year), SkookumLogger instead determines one date: the next event with end date beyond the current date. This date is used when you create a new CWT log or reset a copy of an existing CWT log. Thanks WB5EIN.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.5 Build 3893 (Aug 18, 2014)

  • New features:
  • Added support for Kenwood TS-480 radio.
  • Implemented support for band change commands for Yaesu FT-2000.
  • Added support for two simultaneous radio connections. See the Radios page in the Overviews section of SkookumLogger Help for details.
  • SkookumLogger now automatically enables WinKeyer output ports based on the selected transmit radio; the corresponding preference items have been removed.
  • SkookumLogger has a new preference pane, SO2R, with a single option. See the About SO2R page in the Overviews section of SkookumLogger Help for details. Additional items relating to SO2R mode will appear in the new pane as we expand support for SO2R mode.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Corrected an error in Yaesu FT-2000 module when stopping transmission. The error initially appeared to be related to a blinking LED on the radio, but the behavior of that LED did not change. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Multipliers were not being tracked in the RDAC contest.
  • The SubRX on/off commands were enabled for all Kenwood radio types, instead of only the types that have sub-receivers. Thanks W2RU.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.3 Build 3831 (Aug 16, 2014)

  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • A classic programming error (assignment where comparison was intended) was causing keyboard focus to jump from Run to Pounce when attempting to log a QSO under some circumstances.
  • Layout of items in the Cumulative Rates section of the Rate Window was botched in a different way after the repairs in 1.8.2.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.2 Build 3819 (Aug 14, 2014)

  • Notes:
  • A reminder: SkookumLogger no longer automatically rescores your log when you edit a Log table field. You must cause the rescan yourself using the Log ► Rebuild Checksheets function. There is no default shortcut for this menu item; I assign ⌘R.
  • If you use multiple monitors with SkookumLogger and want to preserve window positions on all screens, turn off the “Displays have separate Spaces” option in your Mission Control preferences. Otherwise, OS X gathers all open SkookumLogger windows onto the same screen as the main window; that is an OS X “feature.”
  • New features:
  • Log changes made by editing QSOs in a log table are now broadcast to other logs via SkookumNet. However, changes made by undoing such edits are not broadcast.
  • SkookumLogger now supports the Elecraft KX3 radio.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • It is now possible to edit the content of a grid field in the Log table. More generally, the formatters for all editable table columns have been scrubbed and described in the Help Book text entry page. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Serial numbers are now right-justified in the log table and displayed without leading zeros since padding isn’t necessary.
  • The Region check sheet for WAE was initially showing all regions, but the Area popup said AF instead of All. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • The numerical values for cumulative rates were drawn on the wrong rows for contests like WAE that didn’t span all HF contest bands. This bug has existed since the numerical values were introduced many releases ago. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • The Reset Log function has been moved to the end of the Log menu, where it is less likely to be accidentally invoked. Thanks W2CS.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.1 Build 3615 (Jul 29, 2014)

  • New features:
  • Radio ► Turn SubRX On and Radio ► TurnSubRX Off are implemented for the TS-950SDX radio.
  • Using the arrow keys to bump K3 RIT/XIT now turns RIT on if it is off.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Use of the CLLocation class, introduced in 1.8.0, was causing a crash at startup on MacBook Pros running Lion (10.7.5). You won’t be able to use 1.8.0 to update to 1.8.1 in this case. Instead, download the latest version of SkookumLogger via the link on the main web page. Thanks HB9CEY and WT4BT.
  • Use of the Location Service to set your coordinates was being turned off prematurely.

New in SkookumLogger 1.8.0 Build 3564 (Jul 24, 2014)

  • New features:
  • JH5GHM has optimized control of the TS-590 radio for use with his custom-built interface.
  • WD7K has increased the polling rate for ICOM radios, enhanced control of RIT/XIT, and added support for the IC751A.
  • The Edit QSO panel has been replaced by direct editing in the Log table. The Received exchange column in the Log table has been replaced by separate columns for the exchange fields relevant to the Log’s contest type. The cell content for all columns except UTC, Band, Sent, and the flag columns can be edited in place. See Editing a QSO in SkookumLogger Help. Thanks N1AA.
  • SkookumLogger optionally can use Location Services to monitor your geographic coordinate and update your sent exchange grid preference. See Exchange Preferences in SkookumLogger Help. Thanks W6FB.
  • Changes:
  • A new menu, Activities, has been added to the menu bar, containing items relocated from the View, Log, and Radio menus.
  • The Morse Keyboard menu item has been moved from the View menu to the Morse menu.
  • Paper logging mode has been removed.
  • Conditional use of SCP and import of a IARU HQ call history file for WRTC2014 have been removed, along with other code specific to that contest.
  • The automatically rebuild log option has been removed. See Editing a QSO in SkookumLogger Help.
  • “UBN” reporting for the CWT nontest has been removed.
  • Information from the web site Notes section has been moved into the Help book and deleted from the web site. The Notes section is now “Roadmap”.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • It was possible to create a call sign containing lowercase letters in the Sent Exchange and Messages Editor. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • K3 radio control was causing stalls in P3 sweeps by polling the radio too frequently. Thanks N1JM and W6FB.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.26 Build 2975 (Jun 10, 2014)

  • New features:
  • Activities created by yourself (“spotted by me”) are added to a list that is searched by the check partials function. Now, calls that you type into a call entry field are matched against calls in the current log, calls in the spotted-by-me list, and (except for WRTC 2014) calls in the SCP database. The list is transient; it is empty each time you start SkookumLogger. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Changes:
  • The SCP database is now reloaded after downloading. Previously, the downloaded file wasn’t used until SkookumLogger restarted.
  • Support for CWops “call history file” and for the special “UBN” report has been removed.
  • Credit for SCP in the About window have been updated to show the new maintainer.
  • The “Main receive frequency change creates activity” Wizardry option now also clears the QSO entry fields. As before, this option applies only when the Pounce QSO entry box is active. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • SkookumLogger no longer strips “/P” from calls before adding them to activity tables.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The Locator checksheet wasn’t showing counts for single-band contests. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.25 Build 2934 (May 28, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • The new command Log ▶︎ Merge With Peer ▶︎ adds QSOs from the peer’s log that are not already in your log into your log, then rescores your log. For example, you can use this command to make two logs the same by running the command on one of the pair of computers and then on the other computer. Of course the command requires that you have at least two computers running SkookumLogger and communicating via SkookumNet. The command typically takes about 3 seconds to complete for logs with 1500 QSOs.
  • Changes:
  • The special case for identifying the USA HQ station in the IARU HF Championship (and WRTC 2014) looks for the call W100AW instead of W1AW.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Radio ▶︎ VFOs ▶︎ B Down had no effect. Thanks WD7K.
  • The xml message for posting scores in WRTC 2014 was broken by recent code “improvements".
  • A very unusual malformed call was causing a crash in string handling.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.24 Build 2904 (May 15, 2014)

  • New features:
  • ICOM updated firmware to support some RIT/XIT functionality. This releases enables toggling RIT and XIT on and off, and clearing the offset. Thanks WD7K.
  • SkookumLogger now supports the IC-756ProII radio. Thanks JH5GHM and WD7K.
  • Changes:
  • MicroHam support code has been edited to remove unnecessary console messages. Thanks WD7K.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Tests for malformed messages from FT950 radios now prevent SkookumLogger crashes when another application tries to use the same serial port. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • SkookumLogger wasn’t disconnecting WinKeyer before quitting, improperly leaving WinKeyer in host mode. Thanks W6UB.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.23 Build 2891 (May 10, 2014)

  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Typo in 1.7.22 release notes; the TS-590 (not TS-950) no longer uses hardware flow control. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Code for checking duplicates in the case of a rover entrant in a QSO party was dysfunctional. At present only New England QSO Party In New England has this feature.
  • Editing a QSO in a SkookumNet configuration with two or more instances of SkookumLogger was incorrectly incrementing the next serial numbers for all network members except the member that performed the edit. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Notes Regarding Serial Numbers
  • SkookumLogger has a simple scheme for keeping track of your next serial number which works well as long as only one instance of SkookumLogger is logging QSOs.
  • When two or more instances are adding QSOs to the same log, then:
  • If two QSOs are completed nearly simultaneously, they will have the same sent serial number.
  • Messages ▶︎ Serial Number will send the sent serial number for the most-recently logged QSO when the active QSO entry box is empty, which may differ from the previous serial number sent by that instance of SkookumLogger.
  • Similarly, the sent exchange prompt line shows the next serial number, which may not be one greater than the previous serial number that you sent.
  • In principle, log-checkers should care only that your log contains the information that you actually transmitted, so duplicate sent serials numbers shouldn't matter. I have, however, encountered anal robots which insist that sent serials start at 1 and increase in steps of one for every QSO.
  • To be sure you are sending the right serial number when replying to a request for fill, make the sent exchange column of your log visible and send the number for the appropriate QSO.
  • Some categories in some contests have more complex rules regarding serials numbers. For example, multi-transmitter categories in CQ WPX require separate serial number sequences for each band. That level of complexity is not supported in SkookumLogger.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.22 Build 2842 (May 1, 2014)

  • New features:
  • SkookumLogger now presents a Service named Focus QSO Entry on the standard OS X Services menu. Choosing this menu item makes SkookumLogger the active application and focuses the most-recently-focused QSO data entry field. The effect is the same as Log ▶︎ Focus QSO Entry, except that it works whether or not SkookumLogger is the active application.
  • You can assign a shortcut for the new Service menu item in your System Keyboard preferences, Shortcut tab. Select the Services item in the left-hand list and the Focus QSO Entry item is the right-hand list. I use F10 as my shortcut.
  • If SkookumLogger finds a file named clublog.scp in its Application Support folder at startup, it will add the calls in the file to the internal SCP database. Calls longer than 10 characters are ignored. Using this feature will significantly slow down SkookumLogger startup, as the clublog database has more than 200,000 calls.
  • Changes:
  • When Immediate Morse Mode is active (caps lock is on), typing a message-related special key now send the message instead of the morse character. Thanks W2RU.
  • Generic QSO Party now has “multiplier” tracking, where a multiplier is whatever you type into the received exchange Info field. These multiplier codes show up in the Other check sheet. QSOs are per-band and per-mode, multipliers are per-band. QSOs with the same call and different multiplier code are not duplicates.
  • SkookumLogger no longer uses hardware flow control (RTS/CTS) for the TS-950 radio. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • WinKeyer Preferences was setting PTT delays too large by a factor of 10. This bug has existed since the very first public release of SkookumLogger.
  • Call sign parsing has changed to extract correct calls from garbage spots like W1AW/4/SC.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.21 (May 1, 2014)

  • Changes:
  • Internal efforts to discover the cause of mysterious radio comm failures are on-going. Please send me email if you discover a reproduceable issue with radio control.
  • Processing to drop old activities is now performed in a background thread to prevent stalling UI and serial comm.
  • OS X 10.9 has a built-in kernel extension for FTDI-based USB-serial adapters. Information about this has been added to SkookumLogger Help.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • SkookumLogger now correctly determines prefixes for portable calls that start with a digit. Example: prefix for 8N1FUJI/1 was 1N1, is now 8N1. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • At startup, the radio mode for both Run and Pounce are now set from the radio mode. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • When the Pass Information window is first opened, the mode chooser is set to the mode of the active QSO entry box. If the logging window hasn’t been set up yet (which can happen when you restart SkookumLogger after quitting with the Pass Information window open), then the mode chooser is set based on the mode category in the log’s Cabrillo settings. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • The RIT/XIT Up and Down commands for the TS-950SDX were broken. Thanks W2RU.
  • The poll rate for the TS-950SDX has been reduced to prevent sluggish response to some commands. Thanks W2RU.
  • The “to” pane in the DX Cluster window was broken; typing was accepted but not displayed.
  • SkookumLogger now has added logic for Region multipliers that accounts for the “can’t be a multiplier because I’ve worked them all” case. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • The Regions check sheet now remembers column sizes across restarts. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • The Statistics report now has an added line below the Off Times table that prints the total on time. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.20 Build 2503 (Mar 25, 2014)

  • Misfeatures fixed - Prevent a crash at startup on some versions of OS X.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.18 Build 2315 (Feb 25, 2014)

  • Notes:
  • If you find that SkookumLogger isn’t computing a score while operating a contest, open Time Tracker and check that SkookumLogger has guessed Start Date correctly; change it if not. Thanks K3DCW.
  • Here is one among possibly many Wizardry option side-effects: if you grab a spot and fill in the exchange, then toggle to Run and back to Pounce, the exchange will be cleared when the ”Autofill Pounce from Activities” option is enabled. This happens because SkookumLogger notices the change of radio frequency and replaces the contents of the Pounce entry fields with data from an activity.
  • New features:
  • The QSO table in the main logging window now has a context menu:
  • The items on the menu perform the same functions as the corresponding items on the Log menu. To apply a context menu function, first left-click on a table row to select it, then right-click on that row to show the menu and choose the function.
  • The Internet preference pane has a new set of three radio buttons:
  • Manually-generated DX Cluster spots have no reliable mode information, while skimmer spots do have that information. SkookumLogger guesses the mode for non-skimmer spots using one of these three options.
  • Changes:
  • Elecraft K3 radio control now turns both XIT and SPLIT off when changing bands, and sets the state of RIT on/off to whatever it was before the band change. I recommend that CONFIG:SPLT SV be set to “no”, and CONFIG:VFO OFS be set to “OFF”. Thanks W2RU and W2CS.
  • The Set Pounce function (available in the context menus of Activity tables) no longer sets subreceiver frequency as a side-effect. This prevents a premature band change when setting up to grab a spot on another band.
  • The File ▶︎ Submit Log Via Mail menu item title is now File ▶︎ Submit Log Via Apple Mail, to emphasize that the function uses Apple's Mail application to (electronically) send your log. Thanks W2RU.
  • The Internet preferences pane has been revamped. SkookumLogger now supports one connection to a DX Cluster node instead of two, because there are now many choices for nodes that provide “aggregate” spots — both traditional manual spots and skimmer spots from the Reverse Beacon Network. The pane has a new button, Edit List, that opens a window for modifying your list of nodes:
  • You can use any name that you like for a node. The address value must be a valid internet URL, optionally followed by a colon and a port number. The DX Cluster Web Site button opens a web page with a large list of these addresses. Look for sites running ARCluster 6.x software (like N1EN, W9PA, and WC2L in the example list), for aggregate spots and for Spot Filter support in SkookumLogger.
  • The User Interface for manipulating the date and time for the terminator plot in the Great Circle Map window has been revised:
  • When the Automatic box is checked, the date picker is disabled and the date picker value is set to the value for the terminator each time the terminator is drawn (which happens at least every 5 minutes). When the Automatic box is not checked, the date picker is enabled and its value is used for computing the terminator. Changing the date picker value cause a redraw. Thanks W2RU.
  • When the KPA500 amplifier is switched to OPERATE mode by SkookumLogger, a Clear Fault command is sent first.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The release note for 1.7.17 failed to mention corrections made for RSGB events that require six-character grids. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • The CATEGORY-BAND Cabrillo record was being written with the value “HF” instead of the correct value of “ALL” for the ARRL DX contest. Thanks W2CS.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.17 Build 2242 (Feb 15, 2014)

  • New features:
  • The top-right corner of the Great Circle Map window has two new controls:
  • When the Use Current UTC choice is checked, the terminator overlay is drawn as before. When it is unchecked, the overlay is drawn for the UTC date and time set by the date picker. Select one of the picker components, by clicking on it, and either type over the value or click the up-down arrows to change it. Note that changing the year will have no effect. Thanks W2RU.
  • Activity tables now have a Mode column. The three modes in SkookumLogger are CW, SSB, and Data.
  • The Activity table context menu (right-click on a row in the table) has three new items for setting the mode of the row that you clicked on. If you click on the or rows, the radio mode will be set. SkookumLogger often has to guess the mode for an internet spot; now you can fix the mode when SkookumLogger guessed wrong.
  • Activity windows have a new mode filter chooser next to the “needed …” filter chooser. The two chooser choices are combined. For example, "Needed Multipliers” together with “CW & SSB” limits the table to new multipliers on either CW or SSB.
  • Calls for which SkookumLogger cannot determine the multiplier are now distinguished by applying the Needed Multiplier color with reduced opacity. The effect is that “might be multipliers” are slightly faded out. The don’t know case happens for contests where the multiplier depends on information in the received exchange that hasn’t yet been entered.
  • The PhoneBandLowerEdgeFrequencies.txt file may now specify just bands that need to be overridden; bands not specified will use the USA sub-band edges.
  • Transmit antennas are now sorted by name. The default antenna when changing bands is the first on the list, so clever naming can now determine the per-band default choice.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • A programming error caused the first component of the sent exchange for the ARRL DX contest from the DX side to be Name instead of Call. Thanks KH6CW.
  • K3 radio control had some small bugs. When changing both band and mode, the radio frequency was wrong by the value of PITCH. Changing bands sometimes left QRQ mode disabled when it normally should have been enabled.
  • SkookumNet is now much more robust in handling computers joining and leaving the network, thanks to considerable assistance in testing with large configurations by JH5GHM.
  • The Cabrillo Mode category popup menu in the Settings sheet was improperly disabled for mixed mode contests.
  • The Information Messages window now displays status lines in descending chronological order, so that you can see the most recent messages without scrolling the text field. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Attempting to create a statistics report failed at the Score step.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.16 Build 2084 (Feb 4, 2014)

  • New features:
  • Setting radio frequency using the Radio ▶︎ Set Frequencies… window or by typing a number into a call entry field now infers mode from the transmit frequency and changes the radio mode if necessary. As for activities, phone subband edges are defined in your PhoneBandLowerEdgeFrequencies.txt file and default to USA phone bands when that file doesn’t exist.
  • SkookumLogger prepares a list of contest start dates within the next year and chooses the first item on the list for new logs. The list was chronologically ordered beginning with the next start date after “now” — where “now” is the current date when creating your new log. This befuddled users who created a log after a contest started. The date logic has been changed so that an in-progress contest is now the first item on the list.
  • The new Wizardry option “Copy Run fields when focusing Pounce from Run” automates SO2V operation by allowing you to enter a call sign that you hear on the sub-receiver in the Run call entry field for duplicate checking, then switch focus to the Pounce QSO entry box to work that station without retyping the call. Any other exchange information that you enter is also copied.
  • The new Wizardry option “Clear Run fields when focusing Run from Pounce” further automates SO2V operation by erasing information in the Run field that you copied to Pounce using the above feature, when you return to your run frequency.
  • The new Wizardry option “Autofill Pounce from Activities” populates Pounce QSO entry fields with information from an activity in the current band’s Activity table that is near the current receive frequency. The tolerance for ‘near’ is set by your Activities preference for Frequency Matching Tolerance. When Pounce has focus, the feature matches near the main receive frequency. When Run has focus and the “Pounce pane tracks SubRX” option is enabled, the feature matches near the sub-receiver frequency. The Pounce fields are cleared when the receive frequency changes and there is no activity table entry within the matching tolerance.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Do not print misleading WARC band titles in Statistics Reports tables. SkookumLogger does not track multiplier data for WARC bands. Thanks W2CS.
  • The special list of Canadian “provinces” for CQ160 was broken.
  • Code for guessing an entrant’s location to determine sent exchange for CQ160 was broken, resulting in zone being the default for all entrants.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.15 Build 1891 (Jan 25, 2014)

  • Note:
  • SkookumLogger uses the caps lock key to toggle Immediate Morse mode. Apple keyboards have a deliberate delay for that key which interferes with the purpose of Immediate Morse Mode — quickly sending CW snippets from the keyboard. Here is a way to defeat that delay. I’ve found that I have to reapply the trick each time I reboot OS X.
  • New features:
  • The statistics report rate breakdown now includes per-band number of pounce-mode QSOs.
  • Statistics report generation now includes progress messages written to the Information Messages window.
  • Uploading a log to LoTW now happens in the background, with additional progress messages written to the Information Messages window.
  • The Sent Exchange and Messages Editor now has a Save button. There are some cases where SkookumLogger is unable to detect that a message edit has been made and then do the save for you; this button ensures that edits are preserved.
  • Changes:
  • Updated ICOM and MicroHam support code. Thanks WD7K.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Log ▶︎ Reset Log was resetting possibly-edited sent exchange fields back to values defined by preferences. Thanks W2CS.
  • ADIF export was stuffing the OPERATOR field with the wrong call. That has been fixed, and OWNER_CALLSIGN and STATION_CALLSIGN are added. Thanks W2CS (OPERATOR), W1AW/2 (STATION_CALLSIGN), W2CS (OWNER_CALLSIGN).

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.14 Build 1789 (Jan 22, 2014)

  • Misfeatures not fixed:
  • SkookumLogger guessed the date incorrectly for ARRL January VHF this year. To quote the ARRL web site: “… third or fourth weekend …”; hence the need to guess. Rational contest sponsors specify predictable dates, like “fourth full weekend”.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Morse Keyboard mode was confused by the apostrophe/double-quote key when typed with Smart Quotes enabled. Thanks W2CS.
  • Contests with “VHF” as the band type wasn’t enabling the relevant items in the Bands popup menu in Log Settings. Thanks K2QO.
  • Messages ▶︎ Abort (esc) wasn’t stopping DVR message play. Thanks K2QO.
  • Confusion abounds regarding beacon mode, so elaborated the labels and help tags for the CW Beacon Delay in Messages preferences and the Messages ▶︎ Set SSB Beacon Interval menu item. Thanks K2QO.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.13 Build 1768 (Jan 15, 2014)

  • New features:
  • Support GA QSO Party for entrants in Georgia. Thanks KW4E.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Repaired the rate computation in statistics report for table rows with less than 60 minute duration.
  • The Last 100 QSOs rate computation now excludes off time, to puff your ego.
  • The Last 5 minutes rate label has changed to Current. This rate is the number of QSOs made between now and N minutes ago divided by N, where N is set by your Rate Averaging Interval preference in the Logging pane. The default for N is, you guessed it, 5 minutes.
  • The “Automatically change QSO entry pane focus” mode was failing to change from Run to Pounce when transmit frequency was bumped slightly. Thanks W2RU.
  • Kenwood radio support has been specialized to support TS-950SDX sub-receiver frequency control. Thanks W2RU.
  • Support for rover entrants in QSO parties had a bug that caused new QSOs to be flagged as duplicates.
  • The info field in the Sent Exchange and Messages editor is no longer case-sensitive.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.12 Build 1676 (Jan 14, 2014)

  • New features:
  • When editing a Notes field in the Log table and the table content has been filtered using the search field, the escape key simulates clicking the search field cancel button and returns keyboard focus to the most-recently-focused QSO entry field.
  • Immediate Morse Mode is now functional when the WAE QTCs window is active and no table cell in that window has keyboard focus.
  • Misfeatures fixed
  • The Bedford (BEX) multiplier has been removed from the Virginia QSO Party multiplier list. Thanks W6SX.
  • Updated the NAQP rules web site URL for very recent changes made by the NCJ folks.
  • Repaired truncated text in the Wizardy preferences pane. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Sent signal report entry field is again properly initialized, instead of “59(9)”. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Log ▶︎ Reset now also resets the Rate Tracker bars to zero. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.11 Build 1627 (Jan 11, 2014)

  • Note:
  • When SkookumLogger starts up and needs to reconnect to a cluster node, it pings my web site to determine whether or not you have an internet connection. In late December, the data center hosting my web site was off-line for most of a day. In this case, the ping succeeded but subsequent connection steps failed in an unexpected way, resulting in a rather long SPOD before abandoning the connection attempt. My service provider (MacHighway) assures me that this will be a rare event, so I won’t try to handle it in SkookumLogger. Bottom line: if you see an unusual stall while starting SkookumLogger, be patient.
  • New features:
  • File ▶︎ New now opens a window with a popup menu listing all contests supported by SkookumLogger. After you choose one and click the Done button, SkookumLogger posts the standard Save panel with the contest name as the proposed file name. When the new log file is saved the log is ready to go. The new log is set up with defaults from your preferences and the rules for the contest. Check the sent exchange prompt shown in the log window; change it if necessary in View ▶︎ Sent Exchange and Messages Editor. The start date for the new log is the closest future event date. Review that choice and your Cabrillo choices in Log ▶︎ Settings…. In particular, your choices for Mode and Band in the Cabrillo Category Items box will affect how SkookumLogger colors QSOs.
  • It is no longer possible to change the contest type for an existing log. To prepare for a contest, use either the File ▶︎ New command or the Log ▶︎ Reset command. To use the Reset technique, which preserves custom Morse Messages, open a previous log for the contest, do File ▶︎ Save As… to make a copy with a new file name, then use Log ▶︎ Reset to remove all the QSOs from the copy and change the start date to the closest future event.
  • The new File ▶︎ Submit Log Via Mail command simplifes the steps for sending your log to the contest sponsor. After you have reviewed your log (resolve suspect QSOs and check Cabrillo choices in Log ▶︎ Settings), choose the new command. In a few seconds you will hear the sent mail sound; you’re done. Normally you will soon receive an email from the sponsor acknowledging log receipt.
  • The to email address is taken from the contest rules for the log’s contest; if there is no such address then the menu item is disabled. Some sponsors do not support email submittal, and a few do not accept Cabrillo format.
  • Here is how it works. First, SkookumLogger quietly exports a Cabrillo file. Then it creates an email from you to the sponsor with that file as an attachment. Then it sends the email. The from email address is the Email item in your Me preferences. The email subject is the call that you used in the contest. The attachment file is ~/Library/Application Support/.cbr and is overwritten each time you run the command.
  • The command assumes that Apple’s Mail application exists somewhere on your computer. It also assumes that Mail is configured to send and receive email using the email address specified in SkookumLogger Me preferences. If not, you can always submit your log the hard way.
  • This release adds support for the RSGB RoPoCo (Rolling Postcodes) contest. This event was “interesting” to program, because the sent exchange depends on the received exchange value (UK postcode) for the previous QSO. No other contest among the 94 supported by SkookumLogger has that “feature.” Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Changes:
  • The contest name chooser that was in the Log Settings sheet has moved to the New dialog as described above. The Sent Exchange box has moved from the Log Settings sheet to the Morse Messages Editor window. That window is now named Sent Exchange and Messages Editor. Log Settings now has just two kinds of controls, one for choosing the contest event date, and all others for setting Cabrillo items.
  • Some of the contest types in SkookumLogger have been divided into two or more contest types. For example, CQ WW has been replaced by CQ WW CW and CQ WW SSB. If you open a log that uses one of the old contest types, a warning dialog will alert you to beware. In particular, and you should not use Log ▶︎ Reset to create an empty “new” log.
  • Spent a couple of days updating and testing the contest rules web site URLs for every contest supported by SkookumLogger (we are approaching 100 of them). That was a lot of mindless work, and isn’t likely to happen again unless I lose the rest of my mind. So, I need your help with maintaining these data. Please let me know if you encounter a bad URL or find a better one. Note that I’ve sometimes chosen to point to a page at the sponsor’s web site rather far away from the page containing the rules, because some sponsors change where they locate the rules every year.
  • Misfeatures fixed
  • It is now possible to change the info field value for the sent exchange. Repairing this issue led to many, many changes to the source code. Please do let me know if you discover something that doesn’t seem right. Thanks WW4B.
  • Several issues associated with contest start dates have been exterminated. A possible issue remains for the case where a start date is defined relative to a previous start date and the current date lies between them. When creating the list of start dates shown in Log Settings, SkookumLogger compares the current date with the start date of each event and bumps past dates by one year. As a consequence you will not see the date for an in-progress contest in the list, not a bug.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.10 Build 991 (Jan 4, 2014)

  • New features:
  • The Exchange preferences pane has several new items. These items are used to pre-fill your sent exchange when you create a new log. Most have a help tag — hover your cursor over the text input field to see it. It is OK to leave fields empty that do not apply; for example, the IOTA field for those of us not operating from an official RSGB island. Note that it is still vital that you check the pre-filled sent exchange in the Log Settings sheet and make corrections before you log any QSOs.
  • The Wizardry pane has a new option named “Pounce pane tracks SubRX”. When enabled and the Pounce pane is not focused, the transceive frequency of the Pounce pane tracks the radio’s subreceiver frequency.
  • The Wizardy pane has another new option named “Monitor SubRX”. When enabled, then when switching focus between Run and Pounce the main receiver frequency is copied to the subreceiver frequency before switching. The consequence is that the subreceiver monitors the frequency that you just switched away from. This is an existing side-effect behavior that could not be disabled before this release. You might want to turn it off for two reasons. First, it is likely to confuse things when you enable the Pounce pane tracks SubRX option. Second, the additional radio commands involved result in stalling updates of the Elecraft P3 Panadapter display for several seconds. (A similar stall occurs when you change bands by selecting an activity table entry; that stall is reduced by using the Radio ▶︎ Band ▶︎ menu items or the buttons on the radio to change bands.)
  • The Radio menu has two new items, Turn SubRX On and Turn SubRX Off. These commands are disabled when the connected radio does not support them. At present the list of radios that do support them has one member, the Elecraft K3. Thanks W2RU.
  • Help ▶︎ Logbook of The World Web Site opens the login page for your LoTW account.
  • Changes:
  • The source of data for the CWops Database has changed, again. SkookumLogger now downloads and parses the N1MM call history file.
  • SkookumLogger now uses the W9ZRX ARCluster node for the Reverse Beacon Network connection.
  • The Logging preferences pane now has separate options for hiding the sent and received signal report fields. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Start time and duration for RSGB 70cm AFS contest have been updated to track changes made by RSGB. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The 80m bar in the Cumulative Rates box was missing for some contests. Thanks JH5GHM.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.9 Build 895 (Dec 27, 2013)

  • Changes:
  • GØDVJ remarked that the new Rate Tracker window consumes more than its fair share of screen space. I’ve redone the layout to reduce whitespace within the window, and made the bars in the Cumulative QSOs Per Hour box adapt to the bands for the current log’s contest. When you are operating a single-band contest, or a single band entry in a multiband contest, you can drag the bottom of the Rate Tracker window up to hide all but the topmost bar in the Cumulative QSOs Per Hour box, which is now the “All” bar.
  • W2RU remarked that the Rate Tracker window insists on staying in front of other utility windows, like the Morse Message Editor window, causing consternation when the Rate Tracker completely covers them. That bossy behavior has been moderated.
  • The new option for using arrow keys to step VFO A frequency uses the UP and DN commands for the Elecraft K3. These commands change VFO A in 10 Hz steps, which yields smooth but very slow frequency scanning when you hold down an arrow key. Now SkookumLogger uses UP2 and DN2 to match the 20 Hz step size of the RIT/XIT offset stepping. Also note that settings in your System Preferences Keyboard pane determine the Key Repeat rate and the Delay Until Repeat.
  • JH5GHM reported that the Phantom radio is not usable on his system, with an alert claiming that a Bluetooth device is unavailable. SkookumLogger no longer uses a Bluetooth serial device behind the scenes for the Phantom radio.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.7 Build 726 (Dec 17, 2013)

  • New features:
  • When a QSO entry field has keyboard focus, the up and down arrow keys now step the radio RIT/XIT offset up and down, respectively. Hold the key down to step repeatedly. The size of the step is determined by the radio module. For the Elecraft K3, the step is 100 Hz in SSB mode and 20 Hz in other modes. Use this feature, for example, to tune near your run frequency without moving your hands away from your keyboard. I redefine the shortcut for Radio ▶︎ RIT/XIT ▶︎ Clear to be ⌥← so that I can manage the RIT offset with one hand.
  • In the new Immediate Morse Mode, when a QSO entry field has keyboard focus and caps lock is on, anything you type is sent by WinKeyer instead of being added to the entry field. The new Logging preference “Immediate Morse Mode” enables this feature; it is initially disabled. Immediate Morse Mode supports sending brief custom messages without moving your hands away from the keyboard. The mode has several effects on normal SkookumLogger behavior:
  • SkookumLogger will seem to be ignoring keystrokes when caps lock is on unless you are in CW mode and monitoring transmissions.
  • All letters, numbers, punctuation, symbols, and spaces are intercepted. So, with caps lock on, you cannot use the spacebar to navigate among QSO entry fields (tab still works for that), and Special Key characters are sent by your WinKeyer instead of triggering their functions. Other keys, such as escape, tab, return, function keys, and arrow keys, have their normal behavior.
  • Once you type a character it cannot be edited even if it hasn’t been sent yet.
  • If WinKeyer is already sending something, such as a CQ message, typed characters are appended to the end of the message.
  • The Logging preference “Hide Sent Report Entry Field” is now “Hide signal report entry fields.”
  • The Reverse Beacon Network (RBN) DXSpider node has been changed to an ARCluster node. According to N4ZR, DXSpider cannot handle the volume of spots generated by skimmers in popular contests, and so direct RBN access must now interact with ARCluster syntax. The RBN node type chooser has been removed from SkookumLogger Internet preferences, and a text field has been added for defining your spot filter using ARCluster syntax for the “set dx filter” command. A special token, , is embedded in the example filter shown in the new text field; that token is replaced by the list of your buddy calls when constructing the command. As before, the node remembers your spot filter (associated with your login call), so you only need to choose the Update Spot Filter button after you have edited the content of the text field.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The Log menu commands for copying radio frequencies and mode from one QSO entry panel to the other were not copying the transmit frequency correctly.
  • Edits made to the sent signal report were not reset for subsequent QSOs after logging the QSO. Thanks GØDVJ, W2CS.
  • Sometimes the most-recently logged call would show up as a dupe in the Partials panel, now the panel is properly cleared. Thanks GØDVJ, W2RU.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.6 Build 592 (Dec 12, 2013)

  • New features:
  • If you manage to create a log with no sent call in each QSO, SkookumLogger will now substitute the sent call from Log Settings when exporting a Cabrillo file. This badness may happen if you had entered an invalid call in Log Settings (see Misfeatures fixed); enter the correct call there before exporting to Cabrillo.
  • SkookumLogger now tests the received call that you type into a QSO entry field against a set of rules and marks QSOs saved with that call which fail the tests as SQ. The rules are applied to the “root” call (with portable designators, /QRP, etc):
  • At least three characters
  • Only letters and digits
  • At least one letter
  • At least one digit
  • Does not begin with Q or zero
  • Matches one of these patterns (thanks WA1Z)
  • [letters][digits][letters]
  • [digit][letters][digits][letters]
  • [letters][digits]
  • [digit][letters][digits]
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • File -> New failed to open the Log Settings sheet due to a bug introduced in 1.7.5. Instead a default log was created, and the setttings sheet for that log was inaccessible as well. Thanks WW4B.
  • SkookumLogger was endlessly posting an alert advising you to download the CWOps database if the database had never been downloaded and you configured SkookumLogger to receive internet spots. Now SkookumLogger will post that alert no more than once each time it runs until you successfully complete the download; then it will never bother you again. Thanks W2CS.
  • The sent call entry field in Log Settings was accepting anything you typed with no processing other than conversion to upper case. Now SkookumLogger ignores any characters other than letters, numbers, and /.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.2 Build 327 (Oct 8, 2013)

  • New features:
  • Me preferences now has a table listing the calls of your buddies. Calls in this list are always visible in activity tables, regardless of which activity filter is selected.
  • Internet preferences now has a button labeled Update Calls Filter. If you are connected to the Reverse Beacon Network node running DXSpider, then clicking the button sends a command to the node that sets spot filter 0 to accept all of the calls in your buddies list.
  • The Yaesu FTDX-3000 is now a supported radio.
  • Kenwood radios now support VFO ▶ Copy A to B and RIT/XIT ▶ Reverse.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.1 Build 277 (Oct 4, 2013)

  • New features:
  • Self-spots (activities created by you) are added to the list of calls used for partials matching. That list includes calls in the current log, and calls from the Super Check Partial (SCP) list except for the WRTC 2014 and CWT events. Now partial matching also works against calls you have heard but haven't yet worked. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Changes:
  • The Logging preferences "Include worked calls in partials matching" and "Use SCP in partials matching" have been removed. The first option is now always on. The second option is automatically set by the choice of contest name. These preferences were added as a means to turn off computationally-intensive partial testing to improve logging responsiveness, but subsequent improvements in the code have made that unnecessary.
  • The event dates for CW Open changed, again.
  • Some too-complex code dealing with setting default values for sent and received reports has been cleaned up. Please let me know if you see odd behavior, such as empty report fields.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The hard-to-reproduce crashing bug mentioned in the previous release still existed. This release has another attempt to squish it.
  • The code for determining call area was wrong when the call began with a digit. For example, 5Q2T was thought to be OZ5 instead of OZ2, which matters in the Scandinavian Activity Contest.

New in SkookumLogger 1.7.0 Build 213 (Sep 19, 2013)

  • New features:
  • The SkookumLogger Guide has been updated. It should be current as of this release and has quite a bit of new information; you should read it. Thanks GØDVJ and W2RU.
  • A few commands and preferences were created or renamed to improve support for SO2V. Log ▶ Insert In Activity Table is now Log ▶ Create Activity. Log ▶ Insert SubRX In Activity Table is now Log ▶ Create Activity At SubRX. The Activities preference “Insert in Activity Table clears entry fields” is now “Create Activity clears QSO entry fields”. Log ▶ Create Activity At SubRX And Pounce adds a new activity to the table for the band of the sub-receiver, copying the information from the active QSO entry box, copying the radio mode, and setting sub-receiver frequency as the new activity’s receive and transmit frequencies. Then, after creating the activity, pounces on it (equivalent to double-clicking the new entry in the activity table). Please read to the section titled “Using Run and Pounce QSO Data Entry” in the new guide for additional information.
  • Added limited support for ARRL VHF contests in January, June, September. SkookumLogger support is limited to 6m, 2m and 70cm, and the same point value scheme (1 point for 6m and 2m QSOs, 2 points for 70cm QSOs) is used for all three events. Thanks W2CS.
  • Tested with soon-to-be-released TQSL version 2 software for uploading to Logbook of the World.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The tooltips for the info lines in the QSO entry boxes have been updated again to make them consistent and correct., along with other cosmetic changes accompanying general clean-up while updating the user guide.
  • Some Pounce QSO entry fields were not being filled when pouncing on activities that were created with a Log ▶ Create Activity … command.
  • The “All” choice for band in the Antenna Configuration dialog was not being recognized, so all-band antennas never showed up on the menu listing available antennas.
  • The event date for 2013 CWOpen was incorrect. Investigation led to a change in the “last weekend” rule to mean “last weekend with start and end in the same month.” However, the date for the 2014 event is still wrong, because the sponsors keep changing the rule. SkookumLogger doesn’t prevent you from logging outside what it believes to be the contest period, but you can correct the event data for your log in the Time Tracker window if you want to. Thanks W2CS.
  • Sometimes QSO entry fields for signal reports were not being initialized with the mode-dependent defaults. Badness ensued. For example, there is no way to edit the report fields, but SkookumLogger will not allow saving an edited QSO that has an empty report field.
  • Fixing the signal report issue may have fixed a crash observed by GØDVJ, W2CS, and me. “May have” because I could not reproduce the crash so I cannot test the solution.

New in SkookumLogger 1.6.22 Build 117 (Sep 3, 2013)

  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The tooltip for info text in QSO entry boxes was out-of-date.
  • Crash if reset WAE log when there was no selected QTC Series.
  • Failed to send report or log QSO with certain preference settings for first QSO in a new log. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Tabbing into report entry field wasn’t selecting the “S” digit. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Rebuild log was setting previous QSO to the first QSO in the log, instead of the most recent QSO in the log.
  • Name lookup for the CWOps CW Open Competition contest was broken.
  • Geek speak:
  • This version of SkookumLogger is built using Xcode 5 Developer Preview 6. There should be no differences noticeable by users.
  • The Analyze function in DP6 identified these issues, which have been fixed:
  • Deprecated NSDate method call
  • Possible attempt to insert nil into a dictionary, GDCX -initWithLog:, RDAC -validateInfo:error:, CwOpsMiniCwt -initializeExchangeGuessDatabase
  • Deprecated rand(), use arc4random() in KDMicroHam -startMicroHamHeartbeat
  • SkookumLogger has simple unit tests that exercise the method for extracting a prefix from a call sign using the CQ WPX rules. The foundation classes for unit testing have changed from OCUnit to XCTest; XCTest is present in the SDK for OS X 10.9 but not 10.8. This affects only developers who want to run the unit tests.

New in SkookumLogger 1.6.21 Build 57 (Aug 13, 2013)

  • Changes:
  • SkookumLogger now ignores a hyphen in the IOTA Reference Number QSO entry field when detecting multipliers. A hyphen is entered for you if you log a QSO with that entry field empty.
  • SkookumLogger now downloads the “call history file” for TR4W to construct the CWOps database. The previous approach, downloading the web page containing the roster table and parsing the html was broken by recent changes to that page. You don’t need to know this, just keep using the File / Update CWOps Database command as before.
  • The telnet connection information for the EA7URC DXSpider cluster node has been updated, and DBØSUE has been added to the list of nodes. Thanks DL7ALM.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Logic for detecting multipliers in the IOTA contest was broken, resulting in no multipliers and zero score. Thanks G6NHU.

New in SkookumLogger 1.6.20 (Aug 13, 2013)

  • New features:
  • ADIF export records now include the DXCC field, thanks to a change made to cty_wt_mod.dat made by AD1C. This has nothing to do with contesting, but K7GQ asked for it and Jim volunteered to add the necessary information. You will need to update your countries database via File / Update Countries Database.
  • WD7K has provided code supporting the microHAM Digikeyer II. Neither of us has the hardware to test whether on not this works.
  • Changes:
  • The feature that wipes the Pounce QSO entry fields when main receive frequency changes now works for Assisted and Non-Assisted log categories. In programmer-speak: When radio main receive frequency changes and a Pounce QSO entry field has keyboard focus and the difference between the new frequency and the main receive frequency of the Pounce QSO is greater than the Activities Frequency Matching Tolerance, then Clear the Pounce QSO entry fields; then replace the main receive frequency of the Pounce QSO with the new radio main receive frequency. If you tune slowly in small steps, the clear won't happen.
  • JH5GHM has updated Kenwood radio support to handle the LCW/UCW preference that was introduced in 1.6.19.
  • The sample antenna configuration has been simplified and cleaned up.
  • The builtin Counties and SuperCheckPartials databases have been updated. Note that these are unconditionally overridden by databases that you have downloaded, which may be older.

New in SkookumLogger 1.2.4 (Aug 11, 2011)

  • Changes:
  • The WAEDC contest has an odd rule that requires you to set the serial number to zero if the station you worked didn't send you a serial number. Of course, 0 is not a valid serial number, and SkookumLogger had validation code to that effect. I've changed that code to accept serial number values of zero or greater to accomodate. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The radio mode for the Pounce data entry box wasn't being initialized, exposing the possibility of creating a log entry with no mode. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • The QTC window is now available after setting up a WAEDC log without restarting SkookumLogger.
  • Construction of the list of QTCs to transmit was confused, sometimes missing available QSOs not yet sent as QTCs. Thanks JH5GHM.

New in SkookumLogger 1.2.3 (Aug 6, 2011)

  • New features:
  • Activities created from internet spots now infer mode from frequency using a table of phone sub-band lower edges for the 10 bands supported by SkookumLogger. The built-in table is based on the ARRL “US Amateur Radio Bands” chart. You can override the table with a plain-text file named PhoneBandLowerEdgeFrequencies.txt in the application support directory.
  • When you grab an activity, the radio mode is now changed if the radio mode is different from the activity’s mode. When changing to phone mode, LSB is set if the frequency is less than 14 MHz, otherwise USB. When changing to CW mode, UCW is set. If you change the radio mode yourself, the changed mode applies to the active QSO data entry box only. A manual mode change when Pounce is active does not affect the inferred mode for an activity that might have been transferred into that box.
  • Added support for Elecraft KPA500 amplifier (on/off and standby/operate).
  • Added support for the North American QSO Party, requested by K5ND.
  • The Internet preference pane has a new checkbox, Ignore band-edge DX announcements. The preference is checked by default to match prior behavior, which prints such announcements to the Console log and otherwise ignores them.
  • Revised internet “DX de” announcement parsing to handle the case of a missing colon after the source call. DX Spider nodes seem to omit this delimiter when the source call has 7 characters. SkookumLogger now digests the announcement normally instead of discarding it.
  • The Windows menu is gone, the “open...WithLog” Logging preferences are gone, and nearly all utility windows are now toggled open and closed using items on the new View Menu. The View menu has four sections. The top section lists windows that are always available. The next section lists windows that are available only when a Log window is open. The third section, listing multiplier checksheets, also requires an open Log window, and only items pertinent to the Log’s contest are enabled. Finally, the last group lists contest-specific items.
  • The positions, sizes, and visibility states of utility windows are remembered and restored when you quit and restart SkookumLogger. The positions, sizes, and visibility states of Log-dependent utility windows are remembered when you close a Log window, and pertinent utility windows are restored when you open another Log window.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Don’t update the QSO Information string when the received call field is empty, to prevent spurious displays like “Excluded Multiplier.” Thanks GØDVJ.
  • The content of the Info data entry field is now unconditionally validated before logging a QSO, possibly causing the content to be refined. For example, an empty Info field is converted to a hyphen in the IOTA contest, and an IOTA reference with less than three digits is converted to canonical form. Previously, there were scenarios involving Magic Message that failed to perform the validation. This change also allows you to enable the Refuse to log incomplete QSOs preference and successfully log QSOs with initially-empty Info fields.
  • The Morse exchange message corresponding to the sent exchange defined in Log Settings now excludes the hyphen character. The hyphen is used in the Info field of sent exchanges to indicate “not applicable” in contests where the field applies for some entrants and not for other entrants, like IOTA.
  • In some circumstances, SkookumLogger was retrieving an empty string as the sent call, making it seem that Morse messages containing the sent call token, “~”, were not being sent.
  • The Run data entry box is now unconditionally the initially-active box when SkookumLogger starts running.
  • State management for both Beacon CQ mode and for Morse keyboard mode was getting confused in some usage scenarios.
  • The support for Kenwood TS-590S radio added in 1.2.2 broke support for the TS-850SAT radio. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • The time stamp for QSOs entered in paper logging mode wasn’t be set from the UTC picker. Thanks N6GQ.
  • Customizations to the Morse message template made in the Log settings sheet were being discarded each time a log was reopened. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.2.2 (Jul 30, 2011)

  • New features:
  • In the IOTA contest, if the iota reference field is empty when you hit return, SkookumLogger substitutes a hyphen character, so that you can quickly log non-island QSOs with the Refuse to log incomplete QSOs preference enabled.
  • Added support for the IOTA Calls.txt file used with N1MM logger. Place a copy of that file in your Application Support/SkookumLogger file. The file has both specific callsigns and iota references by DXCC country code for single-island countries like FM.
  • Added support for the TS590S radio. Tested by G6NHU.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • In the IOTA contest, QSOs with malformed iota references, such as activities, caused silent errors in computing QSO points that caused subsequent bizarre behavior. Thanks G6NHU.

New in SkookumLogger 1.2.1 (Jul 29, 2011)

  • New Features:
  • Added support for WAEDC, including QTCs. See the updated Guide for details. Special thanks to GØDVJ for quite a bit of interactive (via iChat) testing as we developed workable QTC user interfaces for both sides.
  • Added support for QRP-ARCI QSO Party contest. The contest has report, location, and member fields. Type state or province code into the location field, or skip over it to accept the pre-filled country code. Type ARCI member number or power in the member field. Member numbers are distinguished from powers by the presence of a “W” in the latter case. Scoring lacks application of the entrant’s power-level multiplier; do that yourself when you submit the log. Use File ▶ Export Cabrillo to get a text file listing your QSOs. Requested by WF4I.
  • Added Support for RSGB 2m and 70cm Low Power Contests, under the label RSGB Low Power Contest. Requested by GØDVJ.
  • Added IOTA reference exchange-guessing for the IOTA contest, using a database provided by GØDVJ.
  • For a QSO on 4m, 2m, or 70cm, the locator for a call now excludes lookup in cty.dat. When a locator cannot be determined for a call, the bearing, distance and locator fields are omitted from the QSO Information string, and SkookumLogger does not try to turn your antenna when the Automatically turn rotator option is checked. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Messages ▶ Magic Message now behaves differently depending on which data entry well is active. Associated with this change, the definition of Morse messages has been modified subtantially. See the updated Guide for details. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Many, but not all, contests supported by SkookumLogger use the “Info” data entry field to capture part of the exchange. The expected content for this field varies from contest to contest. SkookumLogger now displays a customized help tag when you hover the mouse cursor over an Info entry field. For example, for the RSGB Low Power contest the help tag is “District Code,” while for the IARU HF Championship the help tag is “ITU Zone/IARU Society.” The Info data entry field always accepts a hyphen character, indicating that the information does not apply for that QSO, so that you can use the Refuse to log incomplete QSOs option (which blocks on any empty data field). For example, in the RSBG Low Power contest, QSOs with stations that do not have UK district codes are valid.
  • Previously, highlighting of the Run and Pounce buttons was your primary clue for identifying the active QSO data entry well. Now, the buttons are replaced by text labels and the background color of the active well is the indicator. Thanks, W2RU.
  • Several keyboard shortcuts have been changed. As always, look at the menu items to see their shortcuts, and modify them to suit yourself in your System Keyboard Preferences.
  • The Morse Keyboard window now shows WinKeyer version number.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The Automatically turn rotator feature now tests whether or not the rotator has already been instructed to turn to a particular heading, and if so does not repeat the instruction. This prevent quite a bit of relay clatter with the SARTEK controller. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • The computation of Morse CQ message duration, used when Beacon CQ is active, was confused when the token for sent call (‘~’) was present in the message definition.
  • The Morse message token for sent signal report (‘^’) was always expanded to ‘5NN’. Now it is expanded to the content of the active QSO data entry sent report field, with ‘9’ characters replaced by ‘N’ characters.

New in SkookumLogger 1.1.13 (Jul 12, 2011)

  • New Features:
  • Initial support for WAEDC entrants outside Europe. I’ll document the QTC user interface for entrants from either side sometime before the CW event in August.
  • SkookumLogger offers completions for items in the Info data entry field (type one or more characters and press option-esc). The list of completions was formed from the keys in the dictionary of region multipliers; for example, New England county codes in the NEQP contest. Now, if the contest has no region multipliers, the list of completions is formed from the list of other multipliers, providing completions for IARU society codes in IARU HF Championship.
  • Logging preferences has a new checkbox, Automatically turn rotator, default unchecked. When checked, SkookumLogger will tell your antenna rotator to point at the target bearing each time you cause an update of the QSO information line in either of the two data entry wells. Typically this happens when you change keyboard focus away from a call sign entry field by tabbing or pressing spacebar. Feature request by K2MIT.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • IARU HF Championship was counting the zone of HQ stations as a multiplier, contrary to the rules. Now, there is one list of “other” multipliers, containing all ITU zones and all IARU society abbreviations, so that each QSO is identified as zero or one multiplier.
  • The list of “other” multipliers for IARU HF Championship was missing the International Secretariat club station (NU1AW), code IARU.

New in SkookumLogger 1.1.2 (Jul 4, 2011)

  • Changes:
  • Previously, SkookumLogger began presenting known calls containing the characters in the data entry field when you typed a second character. Now, SkookumLogger waits until you have typed three characters, which reduces a small pause when typing call signs. Also, SkookumLogger now excludes the ‘?’ character when counting the number of typed characters, in order to prevent a much more obnoxious pause.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Changing the contest name in the log settings sheet was failing to change the default event choice before enabling Category items like Mode. The consequence was that, for example, if a single-mode contest was previously selected and a mixed-mode contest was chosen, only the mode menu item for the original contest choice would be available. Thanks JH5GHM.

New in SkookumLogger 1.1.11 (Jun 30, 2011)

  • Changes:
  • Renamed Category class to ContestCategory in order to avoid clash in the forth-coming Lion with a new Objective-C declaration of a struct named Category.
  • Revamped export code (Cabrillo, ADIF, CSV) to avoid using deprecated Cocoa methods.
  • Changed function key binding for Log ▶ Grab Pounce Frequencies from ⇧F9 to ⌥F9 to remove conflict with Radio ▶ Band ▶ 2m.
  • The Reverse Beacon Network connection now uses the AR-Cluster port instead of the telnet (DX Spider) port. The consequence is that the commands for filtering spots are much different. The new Window ▶ Reverse Beacon Network Filtering menu item opens the relevant web page; study the Set DX Filter section. Also see the “A New Way to Access the RBN, and Why You Should Care” blog entry at for examples that include filter items not documented on the web page. My motivation for doing this is the ability to select only spots from specific skimmers, which can significantly reduce the processing load in SkookumLogger as it tests each spot to detect duplicates.
  • New Features:
  • Reinstated support for IARU HF Championship, on request of JH5GHM, N5ND.
  • In contests that have Maidenhead locators as part of the exchange, tabbing out of the locator field now updates the QSO entry status text, in order to provide distance and bearing to the entered locator whether or not there is a valid entry in the call field. If the locator itself is incomplete, the default of JJ00AA is assumed. Requested by GØDVJ.
  • QTC logging for WAEDC entrants in Europe is now supported, including Cabrillo export. The user interface for this facility is encapsulated in the Receive QTCs window, and has quite a few subtleties. Documentation will be addressed after the facility has been more thoroughly evaluated.
  • Added Logging preference: Automatically rebuild log. The preference is checked by default, so that SkookumLogger behavior is unchanged. A log needs to rebuilt when first loaded, when the contest rules choice is changed, and whenever a logged QSO is changed or deleted, in order to maintain correct data structures for duplicate testing, multiplier checksheets, and known calls. The process can block SkookumLogger with larger logs. For example, rebuilding an ARRL Field Day log with 1900 QSOs blocks for 7 to 10 seconds. To avoid this delay while contesting, turn off the new preference, and manually execute Log ▶ Rebuild when you can tolerate the delay. The function is always run when loading a log, regardless of the preference setting. Thanks W2CS and W2RU.
  • Misfeatures Fixed:
  • Toggling between data entry wells was forgetting K3 RIT on/off state. State is now preserved unless the offset is zero. In that case, RIT is turned off so that QRQ mode is enabled. Thanks W2RU.

New in SkookumLogger 1.1.10 (Jun 6, 2011)

  • Changes:
  • Activity needed flags are now updated only for bands where the corresponding activity windows are open. If you sense that the SkookumLogger UI is being bogged down by many Reverse Beacon Network spots, try closing Activity windows for bands you don’t really need to monitor. In any case, you should use DX Spider filter commands to limit the traffic between RBN and SkookumLogger.
  • By the way, I noticed rather substantial backlogs in spots from RBN during WPX. Nothing would be received for sometimes several minutes, then a massive number of spots would arrive. Often, at least one of the spots in the batch would be malformed with a spurious line break in the middle of a spot record, probably due to a buffer size limit somewhere. SkookumLogger simply discards such records and carries on.
  • Attempted to regularize the appearance of all SkookumLogger windows.
  • New Features:
  • Added support for ARRL Field Day. This is not a contest, and SkookumLogger doesn’t try to deal with the bonus points, but QSO entry and Cabrillo generation are implemented. The QSO entry fields are “check” for the entry class, and “info” for the ARRL section.
  • Beginnings of Worked All Europe DX Contest (WAEDC) support. Inside/outside Europe entrant status is inferred from the Sent Exchange call in the Log Settings sheet. Duplicate and multiplier tracking should be working, along with scoring and Cabrillo output, sans QTCs. QTC support remains (SMOP) accompanied by thorough testing.
  • Misfeatures Fixed:
  • When starting SkookumLogger and reopening Activity windows, the log window is made key after all windows are open.
  • Subordinate window titles show their purpose instead of their parent log, now that there can be only one open log.
  • Log ▶ Show Locator Checksheet is now disabled when the log’s contest doesn’t have locator multipliers.
  • Activity needed status for new activities is updated by asking the current log for that status. If the log is in the midst of being rebuilt, perhaps because you just edited a QSO, then the status is likely to be wrong. Worse, query-while-rebuilding appears to sometimes cause very long stalls. Now, SkookumLogger blocks the queries while rebuilding, and updates status for all activities (as before) when the rebuild is complete.
  • When an edited QSO is committed, the log table is now scrolled to the end.
  • The exchange-guessing feature for the check field was broken.
  • When a QSO commit was aborted by the Refuse to log incomplete QSOs Logging preference, the content of the active data entry field was selected. The behavior has been changed to leave the selection untouched. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.1.9 (Jun 3, 2011)

  • Yikes:
  • The 1.1.8 upload is broken (missing a required library). Thanks K5ND.
  • New Features:
  • SkookumLogger will now refuse to open more than one log at a time. This is a prequel to internal changes that will considerably simplify code and perhaps make some things faster. Hasn’t been tested much, because I want to get a working version uploaded quickly to address my 1.1.8 goof.

New in SkookumLogger 1.1.7 (May 24, 2011)

  • Changes:
  • The code for building the list of partial-match callsigns has been, I think, made somewhat faster, and now begins displaying matches after two characters are entered in the call field (was three). I’ve been bothered by sporadic cases where callsign type-ahead was failing to notice characters typed after the first two. With this change, an hour of running in CQ-M at 35 WPM had zero misses.
  • In Morse Keyboard mode, typing the character assigned to the Acknowledge + Log special key now clears the keyboard buffer and closes the keyboard window as soon as sending reaches that character.
  • Added a new contest for W2RU: CWops CW Open Competition. Needs testing.
  • Revived support for California QSO Party entrants both inside and outside of California, for KH6CW/K7GQ. There is one Log Settings menu item for entrants from both sides. SkookumLogger assumes that if the contest call is in the United States 6th call area and the sent exchange info matches a California county code, then the entrant is inside California. Needs testing.
  • Revived support for Salmon run entrants both inside and outside of Washington state, for WD7K. There is one Log Settings menu item for entrants from both sides. SkookumLogger assumes that if the contest call is in the United States 7th call area and the sent exchange info matches a Washington county code, then the entrant is inside Washington. Scoring doesn’t handle bonus. Needs testing.
  • Revived support for Scandinavian Activity Contest entrants both inside and outside of Scandinavia. There is one Log Settings menu item for entrants from both sides. SkookumLogger assumes that if the contest call is a Scandinavian country, then the entrant is inside Scandinavia. The multiplier list for outside Scandinavia is formed by appending 0, …, 9 to the Scandinavian country prefix (except OHØ and OJØ), irregardless of whether or not the result is a legitimate Scandanavian call area. Worked multipliers are listed in the Other Checksheet. Definitely needs testing.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The serial number input field now automatically converts these cut-number characters in either uppercase or lowercase: a e n t u. Helpful to CW operators who type what they hear.
  • The Log Settings Sheet wasn’t being opened by File ▶ New.

New in SkookumLogger 1.1.6 (May 12, 2011)

  • Changes:
  • The logic for defining a “base” callsign for duplicate-testing now ignores /M suffixes.
  • The display of transmit frequency in the two QSO data entry wells now shows the offset of the transmitter from the receiver, in Hz. The offset is positive when the transmit frequency is above the receive frequency, and reddish when not zero.
  • Log ▶ Reset now changes the event information for the log to the closest future event. All events throughout one year are listed in the Log Settings sheet, ordered by month.
  • Islands on the Air contest support has been resuscitated. Be very careful to set your IOTA reference in the Log Settings sheet, if you have one, and confirm that it is correct by logging a test QSO before the contest starts (show the Sent Exchange field in the log to see it). This parameter cannot be corrected after you have logged a QSO. If you use the Refuse to log incomplete QSOs option in this contest, you must enter something in the received info (IOTA reference) field; a hyphen will suffice.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The list of event dates in the Log Settings sheet was showing current-year dates instead of future dates ordered by month.
  • Locator-guessing for RSGB UKAC contests was supplying cty.dat-based grid instead of nothing when the call was not found in the LocatorForCall database. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • NEQP was listing 160m as a contest band.
  • NEQP was failing to decorate activities that were duplicates for log with entrants in New England.

New in SkookumLogger 1.1.5 (May 3, 2011)

  • Changes:
  • Option-double-click on a row in an activity table deletes that activity without moving keyboard focus away from QSO data entry. This adds to the list of activity table gestures: double-click grabs the activity (loads into Pounce data entry and switches radio to activity’s frequency); command-double-click sets the radio subreceiver frequency to the activity’s frequency; shift-double-click sets the radio subreceiver frequency to the activity’s frequency and loads the Pounce data entry but does not switch to it.
  • The calls arriving from internet spotting networks are no longer altered in any way. Previously, SkookumLogger was attempting to strip suffixes other than /P, but the algorithm was designed to recognize only legitimate suffixes and a few common add-ons like /QRP. So, it was not stripping most county abbreviations in the Florida QSO Party. Sadly, CW skimmers truncate those suffixes to two characters; otherwise SkookumLogger could attempt to extract the county code and do a better job of identifying needed QSOs. With this change, at least you can scan the activity table and apply your own mental skills to find needed QSOs, with help from Log ▶ Find QSOs.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • K3 radio was failing to turn on RIT or split for activities with QSX information.
  • Log ▶ Grab Pounce Frequencies was failing to update transmit frequency decoration (color) in the Run QSO data entry well.
  • Sartek rotator wasn’t working for some bearings. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.1.4 (Apr 26, 2011)

  • Changes:
  • The background region of the Great Circle Map window is now light gray instead of white.
  • The QSO information string now includes the continent abbreviation.
  • Added exchange guessing (continent abbreviation) for the Manchester Mineira DX Contest.
  • Restored click-on-map-chooses-receive-antenna gesture, equivalent to Antenna > Receive Antenna > commands.
  • Refactored rotator-related code and added second rotator type: Sartek. The Sartek rotator interface is write-only; it does not provide access to the actual rotator bearing, so the Show Transmit Antenna preference does not apply.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Repaired a misspelled contest name that was causing lookup of rules for Manchester Mineira DX Contest to fail.
  • The Activity table age filter was failing to remove entries for self.
  • Contests with more than one multiplier list were displaying Excluded Multiplier in the QSO information string under some circumstances. Now SkookumLogger instead displays the DXCC country information.
  • QSOs are now per-band in RSGB NFD contest. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.1.2 (Apr 6, 2011)

  • Changes:
  • ADIF export has been updated to spew a few more fields, and to remove redundant items from the SRX_STRING and STX_STRING fields.
  • Re-added Yuri Gagarin DX Contest.
  • In Helvetia contest from HB side, the Info (Canton) field is pre-filled with “--” when the station being worked is not in Switzerland. So, you can set the “Refuse to log incomplete QSOs” logging option without being forced to enter something in that field for every non-HB QSO.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Clearing a QSO entry field with the “Clear removes entries near current receive frequency” Activity table option enabled was temporarily setting the activity filter to All. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Now restrict multipliers based on Maidenhead locators to the first four characters of the locator string, known as the “square.” Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Restored missing information in Cabrillo export for RSGB UKAC contest. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.1.1 (Apr 4, 2011)

  • Changes:
  • QSOs that are not needed multipliers, are not needed (for points) QSOs, and are not duplicates, are labeled *** NO-VALUE QSO *** with zero QSO points in the QSO Information string.
  • The Pass Information window is updated whenever QSO status changes, rather than only when the call entry field is unfocused.
  • Receive exchanges are guessed for new activities, so that internet spots that are multipliers can be identified in contests where the multiplier isn’t know from the call alone.
  • Needed QSOs is now the default filter for Activity tables.
  • The new Log > Grab Pounce Frequencies command copies the frequencies of the pounce entry well to the run entry well.
  • Handling of K3 radio split frequencies has been revised to enable more fluid SO2V operation with the run and pounce wells.
  • An expensive reconstruction of the internal list of known calls when rebuilding a log after editing a QSO has been recoded to significantly reduce SPOD duration.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Editing a logged call which is not in the SCP database now removes the call from the internal list of known when the log is rebuilt.
  • Tabbing in the Me preferences pane was getting stuck in the Email field. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Cabrillo export for the SPDX contest was missing the sent serial information. It seems to me that I’m spending a great deal of time dealing with export challenges caused by unique sponsor-defined Cabrillo QSO record formats. That’s making me testy, so beware of asking me about ADIF export.

New in SkookumLogger 1.1.0 (Mar 29, 2011)

  • This release is not able to read log files created by prior releases.
  • Changes:
  • SkookumLogger keeps track of any combination of six kinds of multipliers: Country, Locator, Other, Prefix, Region, and Zone. The log table has columns for each kind of multiplier; only the relevant columns for a contest are shown. Country multipliers are determined from the cty.dat database, for the ARRL DXCC list, the WAE Country list, or both. Locator multipliers are Maidenhead “grid squares,” determined by an intricate lookup scheme involving the QSO locator entry field, possibly a user-supplied list of calls and their locators, and the cty.dat database. Region multipliers are contest-specific lists of multipliers like states, counties, oblasts. Other multipliers are like Region multipliers, for handling contests that have two multiplier lists, such as states and counties. Prefix multipliers are formed from call signs using the CQ WPX definition of prefixes. Finally, the Zone multiplier is either CQ zone or ITU zone depending on the contest.
  • SkookumLogger displays checksheets for each of the six kinds of multipliers. A checksheet lists all of the possible multipliers, with checkmarks for bands and modes where you have worked them. Exception: the prefix checksheet lists only prefixes that you have worked at least once. Checksheets for multiplier types that do not apply for a contest are disabled. Exception: the Locator checksheet is useful in contests where locators are not multipliers but are part of the exchange; in those cases the checksheet shows worked locators.
  • SkookumLogger keeps track of a sent exchange and a received exchange for every QSO. An exchange has some combination of these fields: call, check/age, club status, club name, info, locator, name, power, precedence, report, serial, zone. The QSO data entry wells have text-entry fields for the received exchange components relevant to the chosen contest. The Log Settings sheet similarly shows fields for the sent exchange components. The Log Settings sheet also shows the Morse exchange message derived from the sent exchange components with placeholder tokens for report, serial number, and so on.
  • The Log Settings sheet has a popup list at the top, next to the contest name popup, that lists event information for the chosen contest. The event information includes contest dates in the current calendar year, and the mode(s) and band(s) for each date. Choosing one of the events sets up information for the Time Tracker, and defines the available mode and band choices in the Cabrillo Category popup lists.
  • Double-clicking on a log table row, in any column other than Notes, transfers the information for that QSO to the Pounce data entry well and changes that well to Edit status. Any changes made in the data entry wells are immediately reflected in the log. You can also change the mode and/or frequency of a QSO by changing the radio mode and/or frequency while the Edit well is active. When you press return or choose Log > Clear QSO while the Edit well is active, the Edit well reverts to Pounce and the log is rescanned to pick up the possible effects of edits on dupes and multipliers. You can toggle back-and-forth between the Run well and the Edit well (Log > Toggle Active Entry Well) to interleave making new QSOs and correcting old ones. You can edit Notes for logged QSOs directly in the table, as before.
  • The QSO Information window has been replaced by the Pass window. The title of the Pass window shows the call for the current QSO and a matrix of checkmarks showing the bands where you have worked the call and the multiplier(s) for that call. Use the empty cells in the matrix to decide whether or not to ask the station to QSY to another band or mode.
  • Morse messages recognize new token, the tilde character (~), as a placeholder for “my call.” Message preferences now use this token for the F1, F3, and F4 messages.
  • The calls of activities arriving from the internet are cleaned up using an algorithm provided by K1EA. The algorithm discards useless /suffixes and repairs obvious typos involving oh and zero.
  • The display of serial numbers in the log table is padded on the left with zeros as needed to show at least n digits, so that exchange information is vertically aligned. The number of digits, n, is determined by the Serial Number Precision item in the Logging preferences panel.
  • The code related to implementing contest rules has been massively revised to simplify maintenance and ease adding new contests. Only a subset of the prior rule sets have been migrated to the new scheme. The others have been removed from the contest names list until their time arrives.
  • Internal changes:
  • Updated the ICOM radio module. Thanks WD7K.
  • Updated the Kenwood radio module. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • The Log > Show QTC Window is a never-enabled placeholder for WAEDC.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Modified FT-847 module to work reliably with microHAM USB II/III interfaces. Thanks GØDVJ and G6NHU.
  • Improved extraction of prefixes and duplicate detection for calls containing suffixes like /P. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 1.0.4 (Mar 22, 2011)

  • Announcement:
  • The next major release of SkookumLogger may not be able to open existing log files due to extensive changes in internal data structures. Let me know right away if this will be a show-stopper for you.
  • Note that my objectives for SkookumLogger focus on operating a contest and preparing the (Cabrillo) report for the contest sponsor. SkookumLogger does not, and likely never will, provide post-contest analyses that so consume us between events. If anyone wants to create their own analysis software, there are several options:
  • Use the CSV export facility in SkookumLogger to get a list of QSOs into a spreadsheet application. As far as I know, this facility has never been used and is in danger of being deleted rather than expending unrewarding effort to update it to work with the data structure changes.
  • Use Core Data in a Cocoa application to directly read a log file.
  • Use keyed archiving in a Cocoa application to read an exported list of QSOs. This is simpler than using Core Data, but misses out on all the other information in a log file. The data structure changes mentioned above make it possible for SkookumLogger to export a log’s QSOs using NSCoding; I won’t actually implement that capability unless somebody asks for it.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The default folder for the Save dialog when exporting now has standard Mac OS X behavior: it is set to the folder selected when the Save dialog was last opened. Before it was unconditionally set to your home folder. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Updated mode support in Kenwood radio module. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Internet connections (DX Cluster, Reverse Beacon Network) are now disconnected if the computer enters sleep mode, and reconnected when the computer awakes. In general though, you should not allow your computer to sleep while operating a contest, and it is senseless to leave SkookumLogger running when you aren’t operating a contest.

New in SkookumLogger 0.11.8 (Jan 27, 2011)

  • New features:
  • Jonathan, GØDVJ, has prepared a very nice user guide and tutorial for SkookumLogger. You can download it via a link on the SkookumLogger web page, or via the new User Guide item in the SkookumLogger Help menu.
  • Changes:
  • The new dual-data-entry-well scheme is rather advanced and perhaps intimidating. The visibility of the second well is now controlled by a disclosure triangle. The default visibility is hidden, and SkookumLogger then looks and behaves as before. If you grab an activity or choose Log > Toggle Active Entry Well, the second well is automatically disclosed. If you hide the second well by clicking the disclosure button while the second well is active, the first well is automatically made active. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • More modifications to default shortcuts. Radio > VFOs > Exchange shortcut is now command-= and Radio > VFOs > Copy B to A shortcut is control-=.
  • When a QSO has zero point value, the status string is set to *** Zero Point QSO *** and the call is adorned with the Worked Before font and color. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The previously-focused entry field wasn’t being restored as key when toggling between the two data entry wells. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Editing a QSO for a contest with domestic multipliers in a manner that changed the QSO multiplier status was failing to update the Multiplier checksheet properly. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 0.11.7 (Jan 25, 2011)

  • Notes:
  • You might want to invest $11 in the new Winkeyer IC (version 23) if you like to twirl the Speed knob while you are sending. The new chip firmware is much more responsive. It also claims to abort sending more promptly, although I’ve not noticed an issue there.
  • Changes:
  • Per request by GØDVJ, the Rate Tracker window has been slimmed down by removing explanatory text, adding quick-help, and relocating the Averaging Interval parameter to Logging preferences.
  • The Reverse Beacon Network node changed its login dance; SkookumLogger has changed to adapt.
  • Added alerts that intercept attempts to connect to a DX Cluster node or a CW skimmer node without first defining a non-empty login call in DX Cluster preferences.
  • New features:
  • Added Dutch PACC contest.
  • Added ICOM IC-7600 radio type. Code provided by WD7K.
  • The Log window now has two QSO data entry wells, for the Run QSO and the Search QSO. You edit fields in the wells as before. You populate the Run QSO fields as before. You populate the Search QSO fields by grabbing an activity. To grab an activity, you double-click on a row in an activity table. You activate the Run QSO or the Search QSO well by clicking the buttons at the left side of the corresponding well, or via the Toggle Active Entry Well command in the Log menu. The Swap Run and Search command, formerly in the Radio menu, is gone. Changing wells stops message sending, changes the radio mode and frequencies appropriately, and moves the keyboard focus to the last-used field in the new well. The subreceiver frequency is set to the the receive frequency of the inactive well. The partials list applies to the call in the active well. Each well shows the radio mode, receive frequency, and transmit frequency for the QSO. Note that frequency displays account for possible RIT/XIT offset from VFO frequencies. The active well follows the mode and frequencies of the radio. The prior displays of these data (at the top right area of the log window) are gone, and some other items have been relocated to clean up the Log window layout. Each well also shows information about the call, previously shown in the QSO Information panel. The entry status text, if any, appears at the end of the QSO information. Every item in the well has quick-help (tooltip). If you hold down the shift key while grabbing an activity, the Search QSO fields are filled but the well is not activated and thus the radio doesn’t change state. At present, SkookumLogger doesn’t try to guess the mode for externally-generated activities. Instead, it uses the radio mode at the time it is received.

New in SkookumLogger 0.11.6 (Jan 19, 2011)

  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Bad one: SkookumLogger 0.11.5 crashes when the Score window is opened. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 0.11.4 (Jan 12, 2011)

  • New features:
  • Activities preferences now supports turning UDP broadcasting on and off, and setting the IP address for broadcasts. The default is not to broadcast, which is suitable for nearly all current users. If you need this facility and don’t understand UDP addresses, ask. Note that SkookumLogger must be restarted after changing this preference. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Changes:
  • Repaired and/or augmented all Related Topics links in the Help Book. Also fixed an issue with the Index, which is sparsely-populated (one item) but at least not entirely dysfunctional. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • The serial device Connect button is now enabled for the None radio type when None is the selected port, so that the None radio features are accessible on computers with no serial devices.

New in SkookumLogger 0.11.3 (Jan 11, 2011)

  • New features:
  • IC-7800 support. Thanks WD7K and K2MIT.
  • Changes
  • The default contest for new logs is now New England QSO Party. It’s great fun!
  • Skimmers announcements with fewer than 67 characters are ignored to avoid (silent) parsing errors.
  • Completed reviewing and updating Help content. Remains to test and update links, especially Related Topics.

New in SkookumLogger 0.11.2 (Jan 10, 2011)

  • Changes:
  • Additional edits to Help Book. More to come.
  • Modified the None radio type so that the Connect button behaves like real radios. Choose any item other than None in the Port menu (Serial preferences) to enable Connect. When the None radio is first connected, the mode is set to UCW and the frequencies remain at 0. Disconnecting the None radio hides the mode string and resets the frequencies to 0.
  • Revised serial communication code again, attempting to ensure that the channel is properly configured. The symptom this time was that connecting to a K3 through a P3 failed the first time after the pair was powered on, but succeeded after simply trying again. Alert messages have been expanded to provide more detail about why a connect attempt failed, distinguishing “no response” from “wrong response.” Thanks K2MIT for testing an issue with K3 + P3 communication.
  • Change copyright date in About window.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Rotator connection was succeeding but not providing bearing data when used with a Keyspan usb-serial adaptor.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.27 (Dec 29, 2010)

  • Note:
  • This site has a new page, Great Circle Maps, with links to background images for use with SkookumLogger (or any other purpose you wish). This avoids potential bloat caused by embedding maps in the application bundle for all SkookumLogger users. Just in case there is an explosion of users :-)
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Katsuhiro has found and fixed a show-stopper bug in the Kenwood radio module! Thanks JH5GHM.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.26 (Dec 28, 2010)

  • New features:
  • The Great Circle Map now optionally draws a solar terminator overlay. Color and opacity for this overlay, the receive and transmit antenna pattern overlays, and the target point, can be configured in a new preferences pane named (wait for it) Great Circle Map. The terminator contour is computed on-the-fly whenever a redraw is needed, using an algorithm developed by K1KI in 1984. See his article in June 1984 QST if you wonder why the azimuthal equidistant projection with terminator overlay is useful to HF contesters. SkookumLogger forces a redraw every five minutes, and whenever you change a relevant preference value.
  • Hint: set the opacity to 0 to “turn off” a stroke or fill without turning off the entire overlay.
  • As noted before, the background map for this display is specific to your location. If you are far from New England, send me your location (latitude, longitude or Maidenhead locator) and I’ll prepare a suitable map for you. The terminator overlay depends on the Grid parameter in your Me preferences.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Undo is now disabled for QSO commits. Previously, choosing Undo in the Edit menu after logging a QSO deleted that QSO from the log, but didn’t update the checksheets. Use the Delete Last QSO item instead. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Several releases back, a fix for the QSO Information table labels caused the third and fourth columns to have the same label, Data. Nobody noticed; either this window isn’t useful or nobody is using SkookumLogger?
  • Fixed a bug in serial comm affecting Yeasu and ICOM radios. Thanks WD7K.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.25 (Dec 27, 2010)

  • New features:
  • The Great Circle Map now optionally draws a solar terminator overlay. Color and opacity for this overlay, the receive and transmit antenna pattern overlays, and the target point, can be configured in a new preferences pane named (wait for it) Great Circle Map. The terminator contour is computed on-the-fly whenever a redraw is needed, using an algorithm developed by K1KI in 1984. See his article in June 1984 QST if you wonder why the azimuthal equidistant projection with terminator overlay is useful to HF contesters. SkookumLogger forces a redraw every five minutes, and whenever you change a relevant preference value.
  • Hint: set the opacity to 0 to “turn off” a stroke or fill without turning off the entire overlay.
  • As noted before, the background map for this display is specific to your location. If you are far from New England, send me your location (latitude, longitude or Maidenhead locator) and I’ll prepare a suitable map for you. The terminator overlay depends on the Grid parameter in your Me preferences.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Undo is now disabled for QSO commits. Previously, choosing Undo in the Edit menu after logging a QSO deleted that QSO from the log, but didn’t update the checksheets. Use the Delete Last QSO item instead. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Several releases back, a fix for the QSO Information table labels caused the third and fourth columns to have the same label, Data. Nobody noticed; either this window isn’t useful or nobody is using SkookumLogger?
  • Fixed a bug in serial comm affecting Yeasu and ICOM radios. Thanks WD7K.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.23 (Dec 22, 2010)

  • Changes:
  • Katsuhiro continues to improve Kenwood radio support.
  • Internal refactoring: use SerialDevice as base class for Green Heron rotator, Green Heron Everyware, Alpha 87A, and WinKeyer devices.
  • The WinKeyer checkbox in the Log window is gone. Use the WinKeyer Serial Port popup menu to connect and disconnect (choose None).
  • New features:
  • When a Green Heron rotator is connected, the great circle map window includes an overlay like this:
  • The direction of the wedge tracks the rotator bearing. The included angle of the wedge is 60 degrees.
  • When a Green Heron Everyware is connected, the great circle map includes another, similar, overlay with 80 degrees as the included angle. The direction of this wedge is set via the Antenna > Receive Antenna items. Currently the port for this device is wired to the address for my unit, and the four directions match those of my receive antennas. I’ll generalize this feature when someone else needs it.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.22 (Dec 20, 2010)

  • Changes:
  • BulletGrabbing an activity now updates the partials window content and the QSO Information window contest to reflect information about the grabbed call.
  • BulletItems in the Messages menu are now enabled only if messages can be sent.
  • New features:
  • BulletThe RSGB 2m AFS contest now reads a file named Grids.txt from your application support folder. Each line in the file is expected to contain a call, a colon, and a Maidenhead grid locator, in plain text. The information is used to guess content for the Location data entry field.
  • BulletA generic module for Kenwood radios has been provided by JH5GHM. The module includes fixes for the prior TS-950SDX support, and new support for the TS-850SAT. It uses the new serial port API introduced in 0.10.21. Many thanks, Katsuhiro!
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletOne of the reassigned shortcuts for radio mode was interacting with the shortcut for toggling morse message beacon mode, so the mode shortcuts have been changed again.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.20 (Dec 17, 2010)

  • New features:
  • BulletTo elaborate on message tokens described in the previous release. The sent info template itself may contain two of the four tokens: ^ and #. These are expanded as described when the & token is encountered in CW messages. However, when a QSO is logged the ^ token is ignored if present in the sent info template, since the sent report is defined by a separate data entry field.
  • Changes:
  • BulletRadio types that support band changes (specifying a band number rather than a frequency) now disable irrelevant bands in the Radio > Band submenu. Currently only the Elecraft K3 radio type does this.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.19 (Dec 15, 2010)

  • New features:
  • BulletEach log now has a private set of CW messages. When the log is first created, the content of the private set is copied from your Messages preferences. You can change the private messages using the new Edit… command in the Morse menu.
  • Morse messages can contain special characters, called tokens, that are replaced when the message is sent. The list of tokens is displayed when you hover over the Morse Messages column title in the editor window. They are: # = serial number, ^ = 5NN, & = sent info template, and * = his call. The last one is new; you can send “his call” in any of the eight messages. For now, however, the * character must be the first character in the message and must appear only once. This should be adequate for defining sprint-oriented messages. No, I’m not persuaded that SkookumLogger should automatically select which such message to send.
  • Note that the combination messages, like “His Call + Exchange” send messages with the corresponding labels. As a consequence, if you redefine the His Call message, for example, the combination message will be affected.
  • To reuse an edited set of messages in a new log, open the original log and do Save As… to create the new log. Then use Log > Reset to clear out the new log without changing the messages.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletThe signal report hack described in the 0.10.14 release notes was stomping on serial numbers beginning with 59 in new logs. The hack is only needed to generate correct Cabrillo output from old logs using newer versions of SkookumLogger, so I’ve removed it. Thanks JH5GHM.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.18 (Dec 14, 2010)

  • Changes:
  • BulletModified the FT-1000 radio module one more time to account for undocumented details in radio CAT behavior. K7GQ says this one works. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.17 (Dec 13, 2010)

  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • The default formatter for the Cabrillo QSO record wasn’t padding the exchange field to six-character width by prepending spaces. Thanks JH5GHM.
  • Changes to the signal report values in the data entry fields were ignored when logging the QSO; reports in the log were always set to the default values. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • The radio module for the Yaesu FT847 had a previously-unexposed problem that stalled the serial communications when the radio was not in Satellite Mode. Fixed with extensive assistance by GØDVJ.
  • The radio module for the Yaesu FT1000 had a bug which stalled serial communications after the first status update. This bug has been present since the module was introduced, but apparently nobody was affected until recently when K7GQ reported the problem. I believe the bug has been fixed, and that the module works properly with the FT1000D, but do not have the resources to test those assertions. Thanks GØDVJ and K7GQ.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.15 (Dec 11, 2010)

  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletARRL 10 contest type failed to display all appropriate QSO data entry fields. Thanks K6LE.
  • Misfeatures not fixed, yet:
  • BulletQSOs were incorrectly tagged incomplete. I’ve shut off the warning so that it doesn’t obscure other status messages, but haven’t corrected the logic, which has become rather more tricky due to the separate report fields. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • BulletEntering a previously-edited report field sets the field content back to the default. For, now, don’t enter such fields unless you mean to change them. Thanks G‚DVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.13 (Dec 4, 2010)

  • Changes:
  • BulletThe Time Tracker now uses contest start date instead of end date, and the four parameters entered in this window are saved with the log. Initial parameter values are inserted whenever the contest type is changed, based on the new contest type. Not all contest rules have been updated to provide appropriate data; please let me know if you encounter a contest type that seems incorrect. The default contest start date is the date and time for the next midnight UT. I’d like to instead grab this information from an iCal calendar, if anyone knows a suitable source.
  • These changes entailed considerable refactoring of code; please be alert for odd behavior.
  • New features:
  • BulletAdded the RSGB 2m Affiliated Societies contest. The points computation for this contest, like the Stew Perry contest, relies on distance from you to the worked station based on Maidenhead locators. Be sure to set the Grid value on the Me tab of Preferences to the correct six-character locator. The score depends on this value and the locator sent by the worked station.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.10 (Nov 29, 2010)

  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletSorting on the Zone column in the Zones Checksheet window was broken. Thanks W2RU.
  • BulletThe Countries checksheet wasn’t showing checkmarks for K and VE multipliers worked in CQWW. Thanks W2RU.
  • BulletLengthen time window for activities queue from 2 to 5 seconds and change count lower limit for dequeueing from 2 to 1. Now single-ops using Insert in Activity Table will see the entry almost immediately, instead of after the next one is inserted. Thanks W2RU.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.9 (Nov 25, 2010)

  • Note: There are quite a few changes in this release. You may want to hold off on updating until after CQ WW CW. The only change that you might consider important for that contest is the fix for the Countries database, which will provide more reliable CQ zone guesses.
  • Changes:
  • BulletRemoved menu items and code having to do with loading contest files in CT format into a SkookumLogger log.
  • BulletBegan adding support for additional bands: 6m, 4m, 2m, 70cm. Changed the shortcut keys for items on the Radio>Band menu to shift-command-Fn, and similarly for showing Activity windows via option-command-n.
  • BulletThe Score window now shows only rows for applicable bands, plus an All row if the contest has more than one applicable band. Applicable bands may be any combination of 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m, 6m, 4m, 2m, and 70cm. The set of applicable bands is a property of the contest; it does not depend on the entry category.
  • BulletThe Multipliers checksheet now displays worked columns only for applicable bands. For example, in ARRL Sweepstakes only one column is displayed since multipliers are not per-band. This makes it more convenient to group worked (or not-worked) multipliers by sorting on the worked column. Thanks K6LE.
  • BulletThe QSO Information window now has rows for each the 10 contest bands supported by SkookumLogger.
  • BulletThe QSO Information window now displays Maidenhead locator determined from the geographic coordinates associated with the call in the Countries database. Note that these data are typically rather coarse.
  • BulletThe QSO Information window now shows QSO points, and version information for the Countries and SCP databases.
  • BulletThe Log Settings sheet now has a Cancel button. The button is bound to the escape key.
  • BulletItems on the Band popup list in the Log Settings sheet are enabled/disabled according to the applicable bands for the selected contest. Additional work will be needed here to accommodate odd-ball things like the “Three Bands” category.
  • BulletARRL changed the multipliers for their 10m contest; instead of one Mexico multiplier there are now 32 Mexican state multipliers. Thanks W2RU.
  • BulletThe skimmer network logic now assumes that the connection is broken if nothing has been received recently and attempts to reconnect.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletWhen a Log window closes, SkookumLogger now also closes related Rate Tracker, Time Tracker, and Zone Checksheet windows. Also, their window titles are set from the related Log window title and prevented from appearing on the Windows menu. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • BulletChanged the URL for the countries database file to get the detailed version with many specializations for call areas within countries, etc. Also removed wired code that attempted to determine CQ zones for some call areas, in favor of relying on the database.
  • BulletEdits of the Ratio setting in WinKeyer preferences were not applied unless you pressed return with keyboard focus on the text field. Now clicking the up/down arrows changes ratio immediately, even while the WinKeyer is sending. Thanks W2RU.
  • BulletThe Skimmers preference table listing skimmer nodes had no effect. Instead SkookumLogger was using an immutable list containing one node.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.8 (Nov 18, 2010)

  • New Features:
  • BulletThe Log > Delete Last QSO command removes the chronologically most recent QSO from the log and decrements the serial number. The shortcut for the command has lots of keys to reduce the likelihood of invoking the command accidentally, and there is no “Do you really want to do that” alert. This command is intended to make it easy to clobber bogus QSOs created by those of us who do not use the Refuse to log incomplete QSOs preference. Thanks W2RU.
  • BulletSkookumLogger now keeps track of data entry field content for a run QSO and a search QSO. Grabbing an activity defines or replaces the search QSO and fills the log data entry fields appropriately. Radio > Swap Run and Search (renamed from Toggle Spot/Run) swaps the data entry field content, so that, for example, toggling from search to run restores whatever was present when you last toggled from run to search. Logging a run or search QSO resets the respective QSO memory.
  • BulletSkookumLogger now tags each logged QSO as run or search. The Export to Numbers command writes an additional column, titled Search, containing x for search mode QSOs and nothing for run mode QSOs.
  • BulletThe Rate display in the Log window has been replaced by a Rate Tracker window. The new window shows the rate as before, with the new ability for you to define the averaging interval. In addition, it shows the rates for the last 10 and the last 100 QSOs.
  • Changes:
  • BulletSkookumLogger now ignores requests to send the CQ message when Beacon CQ is active. This avoids an apparent reduction of the repeat to zero when you hammer F1 in the interval between CQs because you forgot that beacon mode is active. Thanks W2RU.
  • BulletSkookumLogger no longer pre-fills the serial number data entry field with information from a previous QSO. If you need that information, press F12.
  • BulletThe serial number component of the received exchange field is now padded to 4 digits instead of 3, to make the exchanges line up nicely in W2RU’s SS log next year.
  • BulletSkookumLogger was changed to allow mixed-case content in the exchange field for the RSGB Club Calls contest instead of forcing to uppercase. That has broken string comparisons in an unknown number of places throughout SkookumLogger code. For example, in ARRL SS, if you edit a section string and fail to enter the edit as uppercase, SkookumLogger will tag the edited QSO as suspect because the lowercase section name isn’t matched in the list of section names. That one is fixed, but I need feedback to help me find other bugs like this one.
  • One motivation for this change is that, previously, grabbing an activity irrecoverably clobbered whatever was in the data entry fields, perhaps including a QSO that you forgot to commit before switching to search mode.
  • BulletSkookumLogger now retains the info field as received, without tagging activities as “Not in SCP.”
  • BulletAll text in a selected row of an Activity table is now colored white, so that it shows up well against whatever highlight color you define.
  • BulletThe logic behind Activity windows has been reworked. Each table now shows at most one occurrence of a call sign, corresponding to the most-recently received activity for that call sign. Automatic removal of “nearby” activities has been abandoned.
  • BulletThe radio buttons for selecting which types of activities to show has been replaced by a popup button, allowing the minimum width for the window to be substantially reduced. Alternate-row shading in the activities tables has been turned off to reduce visual clutter and confusion with the selected row in an inactive window.
  • BulletThe on-time display in the Score window has been removed. It presented essentially the same information as now show in the On Time Used item in the Time Tracker window, but using wired parameters in the computations.
  • BulletThe name of the command that interchanges VFO A and VFO B has been changed to Exchange, to disambiguate from Reverse for interchanging RIT and XIT. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.7 (Nov 9, 2010)

  • Note:
  • Bullet0.10.6 was a during-contest quick-fix for the serial number entry field issue.
  • Changes:
  • BulletThese shortcuts have changed: Radio -> Announce Spot is command-F3, Log -> Insert In Activity Table is option-command-F3, Radio-> Toggle Spot/Run is command-F4.
  • BulletWhen a CQ message is played, the internal radio Run state is set using the current radio frequencies. When the radio changes bands, the internal radio Spot state is cleared, and the internal radio Run state is set using the new radio frequencies. These additions should reduce the occasions where the Toggle Spot/Run command jumps to unexpected places. Still, give the radio time to report its state to SkookumLogger after a toggle. In testing with the K3K3 radio type, I see the logic get confused if I hammer command-F4 too rapidly.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletNormally, when you enter a QSO data entry field by pressing tab or space bar, the existing content is not selected. When pre-fill was introduced, this behavior was changed for the serial number field so that the pre-filled number is selected, so that you can overwrite it without extra keystrokes to select it. The unfortunate consequence is that if you cycle through the exchange components after entering a serial number, using space bar to exit the serial number field clobbers what you entered unless you take care to deselect the content first. It is a bad idea to have inconsistent behavior across apparently-relating user interface elements, so I have restored the original behavior for the serial number field. Use command-A to select a pre-filled value. If this becomes a bother, it may be reasonable to not pre-fill the serial number field, at the cost of additional code complexity. Thanks W2RU.
  • BulletCabrillo export for ARRL Sweepstakes had a too-strict test that was causing an unnecessary program termination. I’ve relaxed the test, and replaced the abrupt termination with a message to the Console log. Thanks KD4ICT.
  • BulletFixed (lack of) memory for the location of the Time Tracker window, and made some cosmetic changes to its content.
  • BulletThe needed QSO filter for activities in ARRL SS was passing zero-pointers (DX).

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.6 (Nov 8, 2010)

  • New features:
  • Log -> Show Time Tracker opens a new window showing various time-related statistics for the QSOs in the log. The top half of the window has fields for defining parameters for the log’s contest, including end date, duration, and information about off time constraints. The bottom half of the window shows derived properties, updated every second. The properties stop changing once the current time exceeds the end date.
  • The Time Tracker can be applied to previous logs. First, open the window and fill in the definition fields. Then choose Log -> Rebuild to update the derived properties.
  • Changes:
  • When you press return and the call field contains no letters, the QSO entry fields are wiped instead of logging a QSO. This prevents those of us with muscle-memory for CT-style direct frequency entry from accidentally creating bogus log entries with call signs containing “frequencies.”
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Fixed detection of countries database version.
  • If you attempt to grab the activity for callsign , SkookumLogger clears the log call entry field and otherwise behaves as if you had pressed the escape key. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.4 (Nov 5, 2010)

  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Bullet0.9.23 introduced an enhanced version of the countries database. That broke detection of whether or not a call might be a multiplier based on the call’s prefix, affecting several contests. I believe that issue has been repaired, but please be alert for situations where you think SkookumLogger is missing multipliers and let me know the contest type and call. Thanks W2RU.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.3 (Nov 4, 2010)

  • Changes:
  • BulletModified titles for activities windows so that they are grouped in the Windows menu, and better-distinguished from the log window title.
  • BulletIn the new Set Frequencies window, the text entry fields for defining frequencies now reject anything other than decimal digits and a decimal point. Also, the items in this window now have tool tips (hover the cursor over an item to see its tool tip).
  • BulletFT2000 frequency-setting logic has been revised to avoid mucking with VFO B and subreceiver state when grabbing simplex spots. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.2 (Nov 3, 2010)

  • New features:
  • BulletRadio -> Set Frequencies opens a dialog for setting radio receive and transmit frequencies. This replaces direct frequency entry (typing numbers into the call field), which was causing me grief (spurious log entries). The menu item is triggered by F9 to make it easily accessible. The dialog is cancelled by escape, and accepted by return, so the entire sequence can be completed with only keyboard entry.
  • The dialog has two text-entry fields, for setting receive and transmit frequency. When you open the dialog, the fields are filled with the current frequencies in kHz. If you press return without changing the transmit frequency, SkookumLogger sets the transmit frequency to the new receive frequency with split off. As before, you can set frequencies as either a complete frequency (e.g., 7019), or as an offset from the current band edge.
  • Changes:
  • BulletPunching a message function key to send a K3 DVR message now starts transmission almost immediately.
  • BulletPounding escape now aborts K3 DVR sending close to instantaneously.
  • BulletRadio -> Announce Spot now uses the most-recently-worked call if the call data entry field is zero. Before, no spot was emitted.
  • BulletThe user interface for choosing Activity table filters is now a row of radio buttons at the top of the window, replacing the table context menu.
  • BulletChanging an Activity filter now updates the table immediately.
  • BulletCommitting a QSO (return) before moving focus out of the call data entry field (tab or space bar) now runs the auto-fill function before adding the QSO to the log.
  • BulletCommitting a QSO now updates the Activity table needed flags immediately.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletThe Multipliers Checksheet for ARRL Sweepstakes now actually marks worked sections.

New in SkookumLogger 0.10.1 (Oct 29, 2010)

  • New features:
  • BulletLog -> Show Zones Checksheet opens a window containing a table with zones as rows and bands as columns, with “x” in cells where the zone has been worked. The menu command is disabled if the contest type for the active log doesn’t have zone multipliers. Both CQ and ITU zones are supported.
  • BulletWhen focus leaves the call entry field, the font and text color of the call are changed to indicate needed status, using the fonts and colors defined in General preferences. The font and text color for the call entry field are reset to the Log Font preferences when the QSO call entry field is cleared; for example, by committing a QSO, by the Log -> Clear QSO command, or by deleting the field content.
  • Changes:
  • BulletThe sent info template is no longer forced to uppercase when inserted into a QSO record. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • BulletThe Rcvd column in the log table may now be resized much larger (10x) than the previous constraint. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletThe code that extracts the location field component of a received exchange string assumes that the location field is the last component of the exchange, but was not handling the case of an incomplete exchange. The consequence was misidentification of location-dependent multiplier status.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.27 (Oct 28, 2010)

  • Changes:
  • BulletThe duplicate QSO test now runs on every keystroke in the call entry field and immediately colors all dupes in the partials list. The entered call is identified as a duplicate (or not) in the status line when you tab or space-bar out of the call entry field. Note that duplicate testing that requires information beyond call and radio state cannot succeed until the requisite information is supplied. For example, QSO parties typically allow QSOs with the same station in multiple counties, so the location field must be filled before SL can determine duplicate status.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletMajor bugfix: SkookumLogger was crashing when attempting to run on a computer with no network connection. The bug was introduced in 0.9.23; the UDP code was handling the case of no network by deliberately aborting. Many thanks GØDVJ for discovering the bug and providing Console log information.
  • BulletThe guesses file for RSGB Club Calls contains a mixture of CRLF and LF. The parser was separating lines by detecting LF; the extra CRs were retained at the ends of lines that had them, and became part of the club name. The consequence was empty lines in the Cabrillo file. Fixed; the guesses file parser now detects both types of line ends. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • BulletSkookumLogger had a formatter attached to the rcvd column in the log table. That formatter was applied whenever a received exchange field in an existing QSO was edited. One consequence was that mixed-case club names were forced to uppercase in the RSGB Club Calls contest. Fixed, by removing the formatter. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • BulletSkookumLogger assigns “000” as the default received serial number when the entry field is empty. The is-QSO-complete test for RSGB Club Calls was accepting this as valid; it is now rejected.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.25 (Oct 27, 2010)

  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletAssorted bug fixes and refinements for RSGB Club Calls. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.23 (Oct 26, 2010)

  • New features:
  • BulletInsert In Activity Table now copies the received exchange from the Log data entry field(s) into the info field for the broadcast activity. This feature automatically picks up whatever pre-fill is available for a given call if you tap the space bar before invoking the Insert In Activity Table command. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • BulletThe Activity window context menu has a new item, Show Only Spotted By Me. This filters the table content to only activities added via the Insert In Activity Table command, and DX Cluster spots sent by you. The items on this menu choose mutually-exclusive filters. Select the checked item to turn off all filtering. Be patient; for technical reasons the table doesn’t update immediately when you change the filter. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Changes:
  • BulletThe name of the Log -> Truncate command (introduced in 0.9.21) has been changed to Log -> Reset.
  • BulletSkookumLogger now uses the enhanced countries database by AD1C, named cty_wt.dat. That file has many, many specializations for cq zone, itu zone, lat/lon, and UT offset, based on either prefix (e.g., call area), or on exact call signs (e.g., AD1C). The QSO Information window displays this information for a given call (well, UT offset isn’t used by SkookumLogger). The additional data improves the location of the target dot on the antenna pattern map. Thanks AD1C!
  • BulletAdded QSO points computation for Stew Perry contest. Score does not include power-class multiplier.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletThe logging status line was displaying bogus ***MULTIPLIER*** information. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.22 (Oct 25, 2010)

  • New features:
  • BulletThe antenna pattern map (Antenna -> Beverages -> Show Map) now plots a red dot at the coordinates shown in the QSO Information window. The map is assumed to be an azimuthal equidistant projection centered on your location, commonly called a great-circle map. The radius of the map is assumed to equal earth’s circumference. Note that the red dot is only updated when the QSO Information window is open.
  • The default map is centered on my coordinates. I made it using GeoCart. To override the default, create a TIFF file named azimuthEquidistantMap.tif and place it in the SkookumLogger application support folder (~/Library/Application Support/SkookumLogger/).
  • BulletThe new Truncate command in the Log menu deletes all of the QSOs in the current log, resets the serial number to 1, and rebuilds the checksheet data structures. This feature is intended to make life simpler for those who set up a contest log before a contest, make some test QSOs, then want to start with a pristine log for the real event. Thanks W2RU.
  • BulletSkookumLogger now uses UDP broadcasts on port 7373 to communicate internal activity announcements to all instances of SkookumLogger on a local network. An internal activity announcement is created by the Insert In Activity Table command in the Log menu, and results in the activity showing up in the Activity tables on all computers. The Source field for the activity is the content of the Call field of Me preferences for the computer originating the activity announcement. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.21 (Oct 22, 2010)

  • Changes:
  • BulletRelocated the downloaded Countries and SuperCheckPartial databases into the user’s Application Support directory. These files are preferred over the databases embedded in SkookumLogger. The net effect is that responsibility for updating the databases is transferred to the user instead of the application developer (me).
  • New features:
  • BulletThe Export to Numbers command in the File menu writes a log file in comma-separated-value (CSV) format that can be brought into a Numbers table (drag the file icon onto a table). QSOs are written in ascending chronological order. Only the currently-visible QSO fields in the SkookumLogger log table are output to the CSV file. Each QSO record in the file always includes a consecutively-numbered index as the last field, beginning with number 1. Export to Numbers is intended to support post-contest analysis and report generation by users, without over-burdening SkookumLogger. Thanks W2RU.
  • BulletThere is a new radio type “Two K3s” that manages two Elecraft K3s as a separate receiver/transmitter pair. Contact me if you have any interest in this configuration.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletRepaired a bug that confused the CQ beacon timer when the beacon mode was turned off while playing a message. Thanks W2RU.
  • BulletEditing the Login Call in DX Cluster preferences no longer requires a return key press to take effect. Thanks W2RU.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.20 (Oct 19, 2010)

  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletKL and KH6 are now marked appropriately in the Multipliers checksheet for the CQP in CA contest. Thanks K7GQ.
  • BulletAccept Winkeyer version 20 or greater, to support (without testing) the new version 23 IC. Thanks W2RU.
  • BulletRepaired numerous issues with the New York QSO Party in NY contest rules. Thanks W2RU.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.19 (Oct 4, 2010)

  • BulletModifications and bug fixes for RSGB Club Calls contest. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • BulletActivity tables no longer auto-scroll to center on radio frequency unless the table is sorted on the frequency column.
  • BulletActivity table needed flags are now automatically updated when the radio mode changes. This affects contests where needed state depends on mode, as for most QSO parties. Ideally, activities would contain information about mode, but DX Clusters do not provide that data.
  • BulletThe serial number field behavior now conforms to Mac OS X standard behavior: when the field acquires keyboard focus, existing content is selected.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.17 (Sep 25, 2010)

  • New features:
  • BulletRefined support for RSGB Club Calls contest. Includes architectural changes to support exchange-guessing based on user-supplied data. After this scheme is debugged for the Club Calls contest, I’ll document it and add it to other contests.
  • BulletHacked-in support for an RSGB-specific Cabrillo tag, CLUB-CATEGORY. Interesting that some folk get to unilaterally extend standards, just like Microsoft. Choose one of the “RSGB Club Calls …” items in the Overlay popup on the log settings sheet to generate the tag in your Cabrillo export.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.16 (Sep 23, 2010)

  • New features:
  • BulletInitial implementation of support for RSGB Club Calls contest. This release posted for testing of usability, and correctness of scoring and Cabrillo export.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletCorrected errors in Cabrillo export for both sides in Scandinavian Activity Contest.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.15 (Sep 21, 2010)

  • New Features:
  • BulletCommand-double-click on a row in an Activity table sets the radio subreceiver frequency to the spot frequency, if the radio has a subreceiver. Command-return with focus on an Activity table entry has the same effect. The K3 module handles this function by setting VFO B (accounting for RIT offset), unless the radio is in split mode. A trial implementation is present for the FT2000 module; no other radio types support this feature as yet. Thanks, GØDVJ.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletRepaired damage done to logic for determining country from callsigns by the previous release.
  • BulletAlso removed CT-vestigial “Define Run” command in the Radio menu; it’s not needed. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • Changes:
  • BulletCache fonts and colors for Activity tables, to improve performance. Changes to the preferences for those items now require a restart to take effect.
  • BulletModified how often needed flags are updated in Activity tables to improve performance. Use the Log -> Update Activity Needed Flags menu item if you think the table is showing stale needed status.
  • BulletReplaced DX Cluster and skimmer message sanity tests with exception handlers. That exposed a single reverse beacon net source (EA8CAC-#) that is filling the information field differently than all the others.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.14 (Sep 15, 2010)

  • New features:
  • BulletAdded California QSO Party contest, for both in-California and outside-California participants. Supports basic stuff in the rules except 2m QSOs, 10-minute rule and similar esoterica. Does include the odd list of Canadian provinces, and the awkward rule requiring that in-CA participants must log the county code for in-CA QSOs, yet the logging software must count them all as a single potential (state) multiplier. Thanks N6RNO, W6FB, W6SX for help with Cabrillo specification.
  • BulletAdded Tennessee QSO Party contest. Not a full implementation; doesn’t handle bonus points, doesn’t handle VHF bands, digital modes.
  • BulletThe partials calls list is now updated when focus leaves the Location data entry field, to update fonts/colors, which may depend on the content of the field. For example, for most QSO parties, the multiplier status cannot be determined before the location field content is completed.
  • Changes:
  • BulletRevised K3 interface to use auto-inform rather than high-rate polling. Otherwise, connection fails when P3 is on.
  • BulletAdded checks to prevent possible indexing errors caused by malformed messages from DXSpider or Skimmer connections. Previously, when an indexing error occurred, SkookumLogger seemed to continue operating, but began behaving oddly. One example: the radio connection would be lost and reconnection attempts would fail until SkookumLogger was restarted. Now, the bad message is written to Console log, and otherwise ignored.
  • BulletRefactored code to consolidate formation of the structurally-invariant portion of a Cabrillo QSO: record.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.13 (Aug 2, 2010)

  • Note: BulletI’ve changed to a preview version of the new Xcode development environment. This has entailed quite a bit of internal restructuring, making things much better organized, but may have as-yet-undetected side-effects. Please let me know if you find something that used to work and now doesn’t work.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletGrabbing a spot from an Activity window was failing to clear all QSO data entry fields. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • BulletFixed link to bogus web site on the top-level help page.
  • BulletUpdated IOTA contest to correctly identify multipliers, and to stop flagging QSOs with hyphens in the location field as suspect. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • BulletUpdated IOTA contest to determine QSO points correctly. Was defaulting to 1 point for every non-duplicate QSO.
  • BulletAllow entering hyphens in the log’s received exchange field, so the exchange for IOTA QSOs with non-island stations can be fully edited.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.12 (Jul 23, 2010)

  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletIn the IOTA contest, there was no way to deal with a non-island entity in the location field, other than to leave it blank and accept the INCOMPLETE warning. Implemented this hack: the location field now accepts the hyphen character; enter one hyphen to signify a not-IOTA location. It will be expanded appropriately (to 6 hyphens) in Cabrillo exports. Thanks GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.11 (Jul 22, 2010)

  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletFixed duplicate QSO logic for RSGB-Sprint contest. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • BulletUpdated IOTA contest rules to the serial number field for QSO data entry, and to generate Cabrillo files with the RSGB-specified format.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.10 (Jul 7, 2010)

  • New features:
  • BulletAdded direct frequency entry for 6m, and 6m Activity window.
  • BulletAdded Yaesu FT897 radio support. Modified FT100, FT950, FT1000, FT2000 to handle “data” mode. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • BulletAdded RSGB-Sprint contest.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletFixed Cabrillo contest ID for RSGB-CC contest. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • BulletUtility windows associated with a particular log window, such as the QSO Information window, now vanish when the log window is closed. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • BulletExpanded widths of frequency “readout” strings to accommodate 3-digit MHz values. Blame GØDVJ.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.9 (Jul 5, 2010)

  • Note: For technical reasons (i.e., programmer convenience), SkookumLogger is now a 64-bit-only application.
  • New Features:
  • Added a Rate display at top center of Log windows. The value is the number of QSOs you made in the last 5 minutes multiplied by 12; i.e., QSOs per hour. The value is recomputed every second so you can watch the rate change as you add new QSOs and old ones fall out of the 5 minute averaging window. With this averaging interval, the minimum non-zero rate is 12 QSOs per hour. I’ll make the averaging interval accessible via preferences if anyone wants it.
  • Modified Activity table behavior so that the entry is hidden when an activity is selected. A selected activity indicates the frequency of the radio, and the prior behavior was annoying as the item jumped above and below the selected item with slight changes in radio frequency. Also made several other internal refinements to this code, trying to manage selections and scrolling more cleanly. When an activity window has keyboard focus, additions to that table no longer clobber the selection. However, when the table is scanned for over-age items (once per minute), the selection is lost; sorry about that.
  • Added Log>Focus Log command. This moves keyboard focus from wherever it may be in SkookumLogger to the last-focused QSO data entry field. The escape key does that as well, but escape in Mac OS X means “cancel” and thus has other effects, such as aborting CW messages.
  • Added All Asian DX Contest (outside Asia).
  • Modified “is needed QSO” algorithm to answer no if the qso would be a zero-pointer according to the contest rules. Now, for example, non-asian calls in an Activity window are never highlighted as needed in the AA contest.
  • Added QSO entry field pre-fill. When you tab or spacebar out of the callsign entry field and the call has been worked before in the current log, SkookumLogger fills empty exchange entry fields using corresponding values from a previous QSO.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • Rarely, SkookumLogger would loose comm with my K3 and refuse to reconnect without restarting the application. I believe that was a side-effect of an error (reported in Console) having to do with modifying an array (of activities) while iterating over its content. That error might be fixed. It is difficult to reproduce; please let me know if you see it.
  • Enabled Radio->Band commands for None radio type. Thanks GØDVJ.
  • After loading an Activity table from a saved file, immediately discard old entries instead of waiting for the one-minute timer to fire.
  • When spots received from a DX cluster connection have time-tags in the future, set the activity time-tag to now so that activity age is never negative.
  • Cleaned up multiplier hash code for all contests. Some corner cases were not handled properly due to unprofessional programming, resulting in mis-identified multipliers.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.8 (Jun 21, 2010)

  • New Features:
  • BulletAdded a third radio mode, named Data, supported by the K3 radio driver and by Cabrillo export. QSOs made in Data mode are labeled “RY” in Cabrillo QSO records.
  • BulletAdded IARU HF Championship contest. The location field is expected to contain either an IARU zone or an IARU society abbreviation. SkookumLogger has a table of all society abbreviations, laboriously created from Wikipedia data. Unhappily, the abbreviations are not unique. The consequence is that SkookumLogger may miss a multiplier, or may mislabel the society in the QSO Information window. Fixing this would be a lot more tedium; I’m not motivated.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletAdded computation of qso points for CQ WPX contest.
  • BulletFixed an error that caused, for example, SV5/SM8C to be tagged as a dupe although not in log, because an SV5 was in the log. Affected only duplicate QSO detection for calls containing the “/” character.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.7 (May 18, 2010)

  • New Features:
  • BulletAdded Correct mode. If the Correct mode logging preference is checked in the General pane, then, on CW, if the call that was sent is different from the call entry field content when you trigger the Acknowledge and Logit command, the call entry field content is sent before the acknowledge message. If the call entry field is empty, the logic uses the call for the most recent QSO. This sounds more complicated to use than it is: the idea is that if you edit the call after it is sent, the edited call will be sent automatically when you ack the exchange. The default preference value is off.
  • BulletThe Score window now shows On time. The value is computed only when Log > Rebuild runs, which happens automatically when you open a log. Choose the Rebuild command at the end of a contest to get a number for 3830 reports. The algorithm assumes that any two QSOs separated by less than 15 minutes are part of the same on-air interval. In other words, gaps larger than 15 minutes are considered off time.
  • BulletGeneralized the hasMultipliers contest rule to couldBeMultiplier, handling contests where some stations are multipliers and some aren’t but are valid QSOs. Example: NA stations in Manchester Minera can work other NA stations for QSO points, but only SA stations for multiplier credit.
  • BulletAdded validation of location QSO location entry for Manchester Minera, because I could. Invalid QSOs are marked suspect and explained by Log > Explain Suspect.
  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletTyping into the call entry field while beacon CQ is active now turns it off and aborts sending. I thought it always worked this way…
  • BulletTapping the WinKeyer paddle now turns off beacon CQ mode.
  • Changes:
  • BulletNow track the current log better when more than one is open, so that punching F2 while in keyboard mode sends the correct exchange. This change also does a better job of associating the Activities windows with the current log.
  • BulletThe Message Repeat Interval preference in the Messages pane now specifies the interval between the end of a CQ (F1) message and the start of the next one when beacon mode is active. Before, the preference specified the interval between message starts. Implementing this change wasn’t as easy as you may think. There is no way to know when a CQ message has ended, so SkookumLogger can only know when it starts. Now, SkookumLogger computes the duration of the CQ message by summing the CW speed-durations of all its characters each time the message repeats, adds on the repeat interval, and creates a timer for starting the next CQ message. Note that this algorithm won’t notice a speed change until the next time a CQ message starts.

New in SkookumLogger 0.9.2 (May 3, 2010)

  • Misfeatures fixed:
  • BulletWas failing to count cantons as multipliers for the Helvetia In Switzerland contest. Thanks HB9CEY. Note: HB also counts as a multiplier, but SkookumLogger data structures allow for no more than one location-based multiplier per QSO. So, the score will be off by one multiplier on each band where at least one canton was worked.
  • BulletThe Score panel was failing to update when a new QSO was committed. Thanks HB9CEY.
  • Changes:
  • BulletModify the “is needed QSO” logic to consider zero-point QSOs as not needed. This will help thin out Activity tables, for example, by tagging all not-HB spots as not needed for the Helvetia contest (outside Switzerland), or all not-K spots as not needed for USA QSO parties outside the QSO target state(s). So far this feature has been implemented for Helvetia and Florida QSO Party.
  • BulletNow do not highlight the item in Activity tables, to reduce the useless flashing of highlight as you tune across the band. Highlighting now appears only for spots (one at a time) near the radio frequency, where “near” is determined the by Frequency Matching Tolerance in the Activity preference pane.