Sia Changelog

What's new in Sia 1.3.4

Sep 7, 2018
  • There are no major UI changes, but @eddiewang has been working hard to cleanup the codebase in preparation for a larger design overhaul.

New in Sia 1.3.3 (Jul 19, 2018)

  • This is a patch release that adds functionality to the renter and improves its performance. @ChrisSchinnerl and our new employee @MSevey implemented HTTP file streaming, allowing you to stream videos and other content directly from Sia hosts. They also added rate-limiting, so you can prevent Sia from hogging all your bandwidth. @ChrisSchinnerl also moved contract data out of RAM and fixed a memory leak, resulting in greatly reduced memory usage. And as always, we made tons of smaller bug fixes.
  • Contributor @nielscastien added a new API endpoint for hosts that reports information about contracts formed with renters. I'm sure this will be widely appreciated by users who want more insight into their host's behavior.

New in Sia 1.3.2 (May 7, 2018)

  • This is a patch release that focuses on stability and performance. @DavidVorick and @ChrisSchinnerl reworked the upload and download algorithms in the renter, and also added configurable ratelimiting so that Sia doesn't eat all of your bandwidth. @lukechampine fixed a long-standing bug in the host that caused it to perform needless I/O when idle. We added a new endpoint for checking if a transaction was confirmed. And as always, we fixed many more minor bugs and inefficiencies.
  • We also had a concerted effort, beginning with #2746, to get all of Sia's package passing golint. @mharkus, @tbenz9, @mikkeljuhl, and @mjmay08 all contributed PRs to steadily improve coverage. Once #2786 is merged, we will have achieved this goal! Thanks to @tbenz9 for organizing this effort.
  • @tbenz9 also contributed an interesting PR (#2833) that includes the git commit hash in binaries built with the Makefile. This makes it possible to identify exactly what code is running, which is super helpful for debugging.

New in Sia 1.3.1 (Jan 8, 2018)

  • This is a patch release to accompany the v1.3.1 release of Sia. It fixes a few minor UI/UX bugs and adds a new allowance visualization. We also added a "Show Sia Data" button to the About tab, which will open the directory containing your wallet and other important data. Lastly, @huetsch contributed a PR that displays your download speed in the Files tab. Thanks!

New in Sia 1.3.0 (Jan 8, 2018)

  • This is a patch release to accompany the v1.3.0 release of Sia. Several bugs causing instability in the UI were fixed, including bugs leading to 'out of files' errors, and bugs related to improperly starting up and shutting down siad.
  • In the files tab, we have added support for creating new folders, dragging folders into other folders, and we have fixed several bugs related to renaming and deleting files. The 'Create Allowance' dialog now has correct estimations for the amount of fees, where previously it would often over-estimate by as much as a factor of 10. Several bugs in the 'search' function have been fixed, and the search function will now scan subfolders as well as the current folder.
  • In the host tab, we have introduced a field for your 'conversion rate'. The conversion rate of a host is the expected percent of renters that will form contracts with your host. Most hosts on the network currently have a very low conversion rate, with the majority of storage being uploaded to a just a small percentage of hosts. By watching your conversion rate, you can make sure that you are in the group of hosts which is regularly getting file contracts. You can increase your conversion rate by lowering prices, adding more storage, or by having >95% uptime for more than 3 months. A full list of conversion rate factors can be found here.
  • In the wallet tab, we have added support for backing up your wallet and changing your encryption password. As per a suggestion from @mtlynch, whitespace around passwords is now stripped.

New in Sia 1.2.2 (May 23, 2017)

  • A patch release to accompany the v1.2.2 release of Sia. It fixes bugs and improves performance related to unlocking, loading seeds, and rescanning.
  • A few major crashing bugs were fixed that especially effected users of Mac OS X, Fedora, and low-powered systems.

New in Sia 1.2.1 (Apr 26, 2017)

  • Patch release to accompany the v1.2.1 release of Sia. It contains some tweaks to the syncing progress bar and some minor style adjustments.
  • Please note that upgrading a host from v1.1.2 to v1.2.1 can take several hours. This is the last time the host will have such a long upgrade time.
  • The v1.2.1 release of Sia fixes a security vulnerability that especially affects hosts.

New in Sia 1.2.0 (Apr 18, 2017)

  • A minor release to accompany the v1.2.0 release of Sia. It introduces support for the new wallet features, adds a progress bar to the syncing status, fixes some style bugs, and adds a few transition animations.

New in Sia 1.1.2 (Mar 17, 2017)

  • Includes minor style changes and better error reporting.

New in Sia 1.1.1 (Mar 1, 2017)

  • This releases focuses on the renter and hostdb. The renter would previously slow down considerably after about 100 GB of data total had been uploaded, but now will maintain high speeds for much longer than that. While the total amount of data can now easily reach multiple TB, individual files are advised to stay below 100 GB. The hostdb is smarter about scanning and ranking hosts, though may take a few days to get fully adjusted if upgrading.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Unfortunately, our upgrades to the Renter require a full rescan of the blockchain. As a result, if you are upgrading from an older version, siad may take a long time to load the first time you run it. On an HDD, this may take up to an hour. On an SSD it should take closer to 10 minutes.
  • The UI release contains minor fixes, such as tweaking the minimization behavior and sanitizing folder paths. It also adds an overlay that appears if siad takes a while to load. There are also some additional warnings to prevent users from performing certain actions if they are not yet fully synchronized to the network.

New in Sia 1.1.0 (Jan 19, 2017)

  • A minor release to accompany the v1.1.0 release of Sia.
  • It contains minor fixes, such as adding an allowance confirmation dialog and changing the keyboard shortcuts to be non-global.

New in Sia 1.0.4 (Dec 4, 2016)

  • A patch release that adds the Logs plugin, which allows users to view Sia's various log files without leaving the UI. The Logs plugin is hidden by default, but can be revealed via Ctrl+Shift+L.
  • This release also includes bug fixes and style changes to the Files plugin, among other minor bug fixes.

New in Sia 1.0.3 (Oct 26, 2016)

  • A patch release that improves startup/shutdown behavior, adds functionality to the Files plugin, and fixes many minor bugs.
  • Signatures are now included in UI releases. They can be verified using the Sia developer key: openssl dgst -sha256 -verify sia.pem -signature Sia-UI-*.sig Sia-UI-*.zip
  • This release uses the v1.0.3 release of Sia.

New in Sia 1.0.2 (Jul 27, 2016)

  • A patch release that fixes some minor bugs. The most notable change is that the Overview plugin has been removed in favor of a status bar that is visible from all plugins.
  • @johnathanhowell has also been tirelessly expanding the UI's test coverage.

New in Sia 1.0.1 (Jun 30, 2016)

  • This is a patch release that fixes price estimation when calculating the allowance in the Files plugin. The old estimation algorithm was susceptible to overpriced hosts dominating the average. The new algorithm ignores outliers when estimating the average host price.
  • It also fixes a permissions error that prevented Windows users from adding storage folders.

New in Sia 1.0.0 (Jun 30, 2016)

  • The UI has undergone a complete rewrite in React+Redux.
  • @droghio has written a guide for updating to v1.0.0, available at
  • The most important thing to bear in mind is that the UI will now store its siad data (e.g. the blockchain and your wallet) in a globally shared directory: ApplicationSupport on OSX, %APPDATA% on Windows, and ~/.config on Linux.

New in Sia 0.5.1 Beta (Jan 28, 2016)

  • This is a patch release that fixes various minor bugs. The most notable bug caused selected files to be sorted incorrectly.

New in Sia 0.5.0 Beta (Jan 26, 2016)

  • Added a new file browser with fully navigable directory structure.

New in Sia 0.5.0 RC (Jan 22, 2016)

  • Added a new file browser with fully navigable directory structure.

New in Sia 0.4.8 Beta (Nov 3, 2015)

  • A patch release that adds file searching functionality.
  • Note that this release uses the latest version of Sia (v0.4.8), which is incompatible with v0.3.3.x nodes.