SLiteChat Changelog

What's new in SLiteChat 1.6.3

Jan 13, 2011
  • This release patches a major bug that was introduced on the 1.6.X line--when SLiteChat loses connection to the server and times out, a dialog pops up informing the user that the connection was lost. However, in previous versions, that dialog would pop up so many times recursively that it was shown that this crash could render the user's computer completely inoperative.

New in SLiteChat 1.5.1 (Nov 11, 2009)

  • Features:
  • XGridChat is now included in the distribution (except for Win32). This is a group chat relay program contributed by and written by Catherine Pfeffer which allows one to bridge group chats between grids. In the future will be the ability to do the same for instant messages.
  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a major problem with non-SL grids. Please upgrade today if you plan to use SLiteChat on other grids.

New in SLiteChat 1.5.0 (Oct 29, 2009)

  • Features:
  • Added the ability to connect to a different grid.
  • Bug Fixes:
  • Improved the timer resolution which should improve chat lag (especially in group-chat).