PokerCruncher Changelog

What's new in PokerCruncher 11.5.2

Aug 15, 2018
  • A bug fix in the players’ hand range text fields: if you cleared out these text fields they were sometimes accidentally being set to an un-named quick-saved hand range, instead of being cleared out. Now they’re cleared out correctly.
  • Ability to batch-import quick-saved hand ranges (ability to export was already there):
  • New menu button: File menu --> “Import Quick-Saved Hand Ranges…”
  • You can use this export/import feature to back up / restore your hand range library, transfer your saved hand ranges from one Mac to another (or between the other OS/device versions of PokerCruncher), and share your saved hand ranges with others.

New in PokerCruncher 11.4.1 (Jul 9, 2018)

  • New feature: enter/edit scenario notes. And improvements to the 4 “View Text” dialogs in this app.
  • Add the ability to enter/edit text notes on a scenario:
  • To view and edit a scenario’s notes, click the “Txt” button at the top of the main view, and then click the “Edit Notes” button.
  • Of course notes are handled in saved scenarios and exported/imported scenarios.
  • For example, this feature lets us record/save important info. on our key hands, so we can review/analyze our key hands better later.
  • However note that PokerCruncher is primarily an odds calculation app, not a hand tracking / note-taking app. But we’re happy to add this minimal useful note-taking ability.
  • Improve the 4 “View Text” dialogs in this app, e.g. the Scenario Text dialog (“Txt” button) in 1) above:
  • Improve the dialogs’ size.
  • Show the dialogs’ text in a separate text view in each dialog for easier viewing and copying/pasting.

New in PokerCruncher 11.4.1 (Jul 9, 2018)

  • New feature: enter/edit scenario notes. And improvements to the 4 “View Text” dialogs in this app.
  • Add the ability to enter/edit text notes on a scenario:
  • To view and edit a scenario’s notes, click the “Txt” button at the top of the main view, and then click the “Edit Notes” button.
  • Of course notes are handled in saved scenarios and exported/imported scenarios.
  • For example, this feature lets us record/save important info. on our key hands, so we can review/analyze our key hands better later.
  • However note that PokerCruncher is primarily an odds calculation app, not a hand tracking / note-taking app. But we’re happy to add this minimal useful note-taking ability.
  • Improve the 4 “View Text” dialogs in this app, e.g. the Scenario Text dialog (“Txt” button) in 1) above:
  • Improve the dialogs’ size.
  • Show the dialogs’ text in a separate text view in each dialog for easier viewing and copying/pasting.

New in PokerCruncher 11.3.1 (Jun 12, 2018)

  • Some small improvements: to the quick-save hand ranges feature (the 100 app-internal range slots), and to button tool-tips.
  • Add a clearer and more dedicated way to clear/reset a quick-saved hand range: CTRL+[Quick-Save Range] = *Clear* Selected Quick-Saved Range
  • Up til now the way to do this has been to save an empty range on top of the quick-saved range that you want to clear. But a few people have written to us about this and it’s time to add this better way to do this (CTRL+[Quick-Save Range]).
  • Improve the formatting and readability of button tool-tips that have a lot of text by adding newline’s and section divider lines in the tool-tips, across the entire UI.

New in PokerCruncher 11.2.1 (Mar 26, 2018)

  • New button “#comb” (shows a range’s stats as Number Of Hand Combos).
  • Can now mouse over the TotalHit stat.
  • Improve the red “(Mouse Over)” label and Help info. of the Mouse Over A Range's Stats feature.
  • New button “#comb” at the top of the Stats view: shows all of a range’s stats as Number Of Hand Combos / %age (Or Odds); is enabled when the Mouse Over A Range's Stats feature is enabled (but not during a calculation).
  • Can now mouse over the TotalHit stat at the bottom of the Stats view; added a checkbox button for the TotalHit stat for this.
  • Add a tooltip for the red “(Mouse Over)” label at the top-left of the Stats view, e.g. to better indicate when this feature is enabled.
  • Update and improve the Help info. of the Mouse Over A Range's Stats feature, both the in-app Help and the Tutorial.

New in PokerCruncher 11.1.1 (Mar 1, 2018)

  • Make the Cmd-R keyboard shortcut behave as a toggle to start/stop calculation. And remove the Cmd-. keyboard shortcut (which used to stop calculation) because it isn’t needed any more.
  • Fix a few UI glitches that started happening on the latest macOS (10.13.3):
  • Fix some button text truncations (“…”) in the hand range editor view.
  • Fix the behavior of the app window’s green “+” button (3rd button) (zooms the app window to max-size).
  • A couple of more small UI improvements:
  • Make the “Filter” button (in the hand range editor view) bigger, to make this important feature easier to see.
  • Make the Deal-To-Flop/Turn/River/HoleCards label and up-arrow a little bigger.

New in PokerCruncher 10.10.1 (Oct 13, 2017)

  • An improvement to Range Equity Heat Map and Next Card Heat Map: show equities directly in the heat maps. And small improvements to popup dialogs that request user input.
  • Range Equity Heat Map: Add a new checkbox setting “View Equities”; shows each cell’s equity in the heat map, rounded to a whole number. You can also mouse over a cell to see its (unrounded) equity.
  • Next Card Heat Map: Show each possible next card’s equity in each next card’s cell, rounded to a whole number. You can also mouse over a next card to see its (unrounded) equity.
  • In all popup dialogs that request user input, put the focus on the dialog’s text field when the dialog is shown. This makes it faster to input your text (can start typing right away).
  • In the “Enter Hand Range Name” dialog (when you quick-save a hand range), add a “Cancel Quick-Save” button.

New in PokerCruncher 10.9.1 (Sep 19, 2017)

  • A small new feature (player names) and two improvements to range grid cell selection:
  • New feature: give a name to a player, e.g. “Hero”, “Villain”, anything, using the new “N” button.
  • More flexible cell multi-selection/unselection in the range grid: SHIFT+CMD+click/drag.
  • Better range grid cell selection behavior when you mouse over a stat: select the cells in the stat.

New in PokerCruncher 10.8.1 (Jul 22, 2017)

  • New section “Further Education” in the app’s “Help” menu (2 new buttons) and on the Tutorial & Videos webpage. We've partnered with some great poker pros/coaches/teachers, who like and use PokerCruncher, to help improve your game even further; please check them out!
  • A small edge-case bug fix to advanced stats Pair&GutshotStraight and GutshotStraight&Overcard (our apologies).
  • Improve the usage “Note” for the Filter Hand Range On Equity operation.

New in PokerCruncher 10.7.1 (Jun 26, 2017)

  • New stat “Ace High” (in advanced non-draw stats section).
  • Small cleanups to some of the recent new features:
  • When load previous/next calc’ed scenario, reset the undo/redo hand range edit menu command.
  • Improve the tool-tips and Help info. of the save/load and quick-save/quick-load hand range buttons. E.g. say that quick-save/quick-load can be used for sub-ranges and range refinements, in addition to for library ranges.
  • Small improvements to a few other tool-tips and Help screens, e.g. the Calc’ed Scenarios History Help screen.

New in PokerCruncher 10.6.1 (Jun 5, 2017)

  • New feature: Calc’ed Scenarios History. And a small wording change in the UI.
  • We can use the Calc’ed Scenarios History to go backwards and forwards to different points/streets of a hand that we’re analyzing, or to different scenarios that we calc’ed a while ago.
  • Calc’ed Scenarios History:
  • A history of the last 50 calc'ed scenarios is automatically saved app-internally.
  • The “File” menu --> "Load Previous Calc'ed Scenario" and "Load Next Calc'ed Scenario" menu buttons let you navigate backwards and forwards in the scenario history.
  • Keyboard shortcuts:
  • Cmd-Option-LeftArrow Load Previous Calc'ed Scenario (50 levels)
  • Cmd-Option-RightArrow Load Next Calc'ed Scenario (50 levels)
  • New Help screen in the Help menu and new section in the Tutorial on our website for this new feature.
  • A small wording change in the UI: Hand Ordering --> Hand Ranking System.

New in PokerCruncher 10.5.1 (May 17, 2017)

  • Improvements (new feature additions) to the Range Heat Map and Filter Hand Range operation.
  • Range Heat Map: Add the ability to set a custom value for Breakeven Equity (using the new slider under Breakeven Equity’s value).
  • Note that the default value for Breakeven Equity is (100% / [number of active (non-folded) players]).
  • Filter Hand Range operation: Add the ability to filter a hand range on equity (using the new “E” button to the right of the “Filter” button in the Range Editor view).
  • Note: We feel that the Filter Hand Range On Equity operation (the new "E" button) is useful/applicable in more-theoretical-type scenarios like range vs. range or for studying GTO play. In more-real-life scenarios like specific hand vs. range, we feel that the Filter Hand Range On Hand Types (Stats) operation (the already existing ”Filter" button) is more useful/applicable.
  • Update Help screens and Tutorial on our website with these new features.

New in PokerCruncher 10.4.1 (Apr 29, 2017)

  • A big new expert-level feature: Next Card Heat Map.
  • This feature shows how each possible next board card (for the turn or river) changes the equity of the currently selected (clicked) player. You can view this info. as a heat map and also as text.
  • This feature is enabled when specific flop or flop+turn cards have been assigned, and when there's a (blank) next board card (per the Deal-To setting).

New in PokerCruncher 10.3.3 (Apr 2, 2017)

  • Some more improvements to quick-save/quick-load (app-internal) hand ranges for managing subranges:
  • When add/remove a subrange, select the subrange’s cells in the range grid (cell-level selection, not hand-combo-level selection).
  • CMD+[Quick-Load Range] = *Select* selected SUBRANGE’S CELLS in current range (cell-level selection, not hand-combo-level selection). Note: SHIFT+… = *Add* …, CTRL+… = *Remove* …
  • Update button tooltips, Help screens, and Tutorial on our website with these new features. Use wording “subrange” (not just “range”). Explain how to use subranges more e.g. in the Filter Hand Range Help screen (how to generate subranges).
  • If the screen’s resolution isn’t high enough to run PokerCruncher-Expert (“looks like 1280 x 800” or higher), then show an error alert on app launch and disable the app window sizing operations. And just a reminder, the previous app update V.10.3.2 was: more improvements to quick-save/quick-load (app-internal) hand ranges, and to the filter hand range feature.

New in PokerCruncher 10.3.2 (Mar 14, 2017)

  • Increase the number of quick-saved (app-internal) hand ranges to 100 (from 35). This gives us enough range slots to store an extensive range library, and also to store many subranges for thorough subrange work/analysis.
  • Show all quick-saved hand ranges in the File menu -> View Quick-Saved Hand Ranges Text dialog, in a cleaner way. This dialog is useful for e.g. export and offline backup purposes.
  • Show each quick-saved hand range’s range %age and hand combo count in the quick-save and quick-load pull-down lists. This applies for ranges that you quick-save from now on, not to previously quick-saved ranges. This lets us see how big a quick-saved range is without having to load it in first.
  • Truncate the items of the quick-save and quick-load pull-down lists at the end instead of at the middle. This lets us always see the info. on the left hand side fully i.e. the ranges’ names and range %age’s and hand combo counts.
  • Enable the filter hand range feature for Deal-To = River, with specific flop+turn+river cards assigned (in addition to Flop/Turn).
  • Update button tool-tips, Help screens, and Tutorial on our website with these new features.

New in PokerCruncher 10.3.1 (Feb 21, 2017)

  • Improvements to quick-save/quick-load hand ranges (the 35 app-internal range slots) to make it easier and more convenient to work with subranges and range refinements (e.g. flop -> turn -> river). For example, add/remove subranges.
  • SHIFT+[Quick-Load Range] = *add* selected range to current range.
  • CTRL+[Quick-Load Range] = *remove* selected range from current range.
  • Turn range naming off/on (using quick-save pulldown button). Example usage: after you have the quick-save range slots named per your personal usages, you can turn range naming off for a while to speed up quick-saves.
  • OPTION+[Quick-Save Range] = quick-save range with range naming on.
  • Update button tooltips, Range Editor Help screen, Keyboard Shortcuts Help screen, and Tutorial on our website with these new features.
  • (And just a reminder, the previous update V.10.2.1 was: calculate/enable all of the Stats view’s stats/features for Deal-To = River/HoleCards, in addition to Flop/Turn.)

New in PokerCruncher 10.2.1 (Feb 9, 2017)

  • Calculate advanced non-draw stats (Top/Second/Bottom-Pair, etc.) and Make/Hit stats for Deal-To = River, in addition to Flop/Turn. These stats are expensive/slow to calculate for Deal-To = River, so a new checkbox setting “Calc. Adv. & Make/Hit Stats For Deal-To=River” has been added near the bottom of the Stats view. We recommend turning on this checkbox setting only when you need these additional stats.
  • Enable the mouse over a range's stats feature for Deal-To = River/HoleCards, in addition to Flop/Turn.
  • Update in-app Help info. and Tutorial on our website with these new features.

New in PokerCruncher 10.1.1 (Jan 16, 2017)

  • SHIFT+[Filter] = negative-filter hand range, i.e. remove the selected hand types (stats) from the hand range. So, [Filter] is the already existing normal filter hand range operation, and SHIFT+[Filter] is the new negative-filter hand range operation.
  • Better spaces/tabs formatting in a few Help screens, e.g. the “Keyboard Shortcuts” Help screen.

New in PokerCruncher 9.4.1 (Nov 23, 2016)

  • A big new expert-level feature "%age weights in hand ranges", and some smaller new features and improvements:
  • New feature: %age weights in hand ranges. (See Details below and Tutorial on our website.)
  • New checkbox setting “Auto-Stop Monte Carlo Calculation” (under “Calculate” button); is configurable.
  • Update in-app Help info. and Tutorial on our website with these new features.
  • Minor UI tweaks/improvements across the app.
  • Improve app icon (add “EXP” label to indicate expert-level).
  • This app now requires OS X 10.9 or later.

New in PokerCruncher 9.3.1 (Sep 12, 2016)

  • A couple of new user interface features:
  • Zoom app’s window to max-size
  • Undo/redo hand range edit (1 level)
  • And a few UI improvements, e.g. to drag on range grid behavior.
  • Details:
  • Zoom app’s window to max-size. This feature is in the “Window” menu. Or click app window’s small green “+” button (3rd button).
  • Undo/redo hand range edit (1 level). This is in the “Edit” menu. Or Cmd-Ctrl-Z. Helps recover from accidental range resets. Or can use this to go back and forth and compare two variations of a range.
  • Range Editor: Drag on range grid now behaves as a toggle i.e. add/remove cells (as for click on range grid). Before, this behaved as a toggle for only clicks, not drags.
  • Remove an unintuitive and error-prone UI shortcut: click on a player’s Equity stat to fold/un-fold the player. This was causing accidental/unintended fold/un-fold’s and calculation resets. We’ll instead do this the normal and intuitive way: click/select the player, then click the “Fold/Un-Fold” button.
  • Improve “Help” menu a little, e.g. add a link to the app’s Version Release History.

New in PokerCruncher 9.2.1 (May 20, 2016)

  • Small improvements to the previous app update:
  • Better range grid cell selection behavior.
  • Text field entry for quick-saved hand ranges.
  • And some other small improvements and bug fixes (mainly UI), nothing major.
  • Range Grid: Keep all of the currently selected cells selected after adding/removing cells (instead of keeping just one cell selected). Lets you see which cells were affected by the add/remove, and lets you do another operation on the (same) selected cells.
  • Players’ Hand Range Text Fields: Can enter a quick-saved hand range’s number (e.g. “#10”) or name (e.g. “ButtonRaise”), for fast entry/loading of quick-saved hand ranges.
  • Fix/improve disabling and enabling of a few UI elements when start and stop calculation:
  • Card Deck: Dead cards and blank cards (already assigned cards).
  • Suits Grid (In Range Editor View): Suits/combo buttons.
  • Small improvements/updates to Help dialogs (main Help dialog, players’ hand range text fields Help dialog).
  • Calculation: Take folded players who have hand ranges into account in all cases. They weren’t being taken into account when no active player (non-folded player) has a hand range. But they (correctly) were being taken into account when an active player (non-folded player) has a hand range, which is the normal usage scenario, so this wasn’t a serious bug.
  • This is an important and differentiating feature of PokerCruncher. The ranges of players who have folded out of the hand (select the player, then click “Fold” button) can affect the hands and ranges and equities/stats of the active players (non-folded players), and PokerCruncher lets you model this effect of the folded players in your scenario.

New in PokerCruncher 9.1.2 (Apr 1, 2016)

  • Two poker coaches (Hunter Cichy of CheckShovePoker, and SchoolOfCards) have each made good videos on how to use PokerCruncher (thanks guys!). Links to the videos are on our website. Also, the app’s Help menu -> “Tutorial & Videos” button takes you to the PokerCruncher Tutorial and videos.
  • In the range grid in the range editor view, cells are now added to the range right away as you click/drag on them (single-click = toggle i.e. add/remove). This is faster than the old (default) 2-step behavior where you first selected cells (orange color) and then had to click the “Add” button to add them to the range.
  • The “Auto-Add Range Grid Cells” setting has been removed. You may have been using this setting to make editing faster (1-step), but now we’ve made auto-add the default/only behavior, because it’s faster and is more standard in desktop programs in this space.
  • Selected cells are now indicated by dimming the cells (the old method was to color selected cells orange). Using dimming lets us see the cells’ underlying color e.g. yellow (added to the range) or non-yellow (not added).
  • NOTE: The behavior of the Top X% slider has *not* changed. It only selects cells; you then need to click the “Add” button to add the selected cells.
  • To just select cells (not add/remove them), use the SHIFT modifier key; there are 3 modifier keys:
  • SHIFT + Click/Drag = SELECT cell(s)
  • CTRL + Click/Drag = REMOVE cell(s)
  • CMD + Click = ADD+ cell
  • Can now give user-assigned names to quick-saved ranges (when you quick-save a range into one of the #1 .. #35 slots). To give names to your existing quick-saved ranges, quick-load them in one by one and quick-save them back to their corresponding slots, entering a name for each of them.
  • Range names are now also shown under a player’s text field on the LHS. This applies to quick-saved ranges and also to regular ranges saved as .rng files on your filesystem.
  • Increase the number of quick-saved ranges to 35 (from 30).
  • File menu -> “View Quick-Saved Hand Ranges Text” shows you all of your quick-saved ranges and lets you export them using copy/paste.

New in PokerCruncher 8.2.1 (Jul 31, 2015)

  • A big new feature: filter hand range (on flop/turn). And some small UI improvements.
  • New ”Filter" button in the Range Editor view lets you filter (narrow down) a hand range based on hand types (stats) that you select (turn on) in the Stats view using the stats' checkbox buttons. This operation applies (is available) when specific flop or flop+turn cards have been assigned, and when Deal-To = Flop/Turn.
  • See this feature's in-app Help for more information (click the "?" button that's under the "Filter" button). Also see the Tutorial.
  • Undo/Redo:
  • Click the left and right buttons under the "Filter" button. (1 level of undo)
  • Or, quick-save each variation of the hand range into the #1 .. #30 slots so you can go back to any previous point (using the quick-save pulldown button at the top of the Range Editor view). (multiple levels of undo)
  • Some small UI improvements:
  • Disable the AddPlayer and RemovePlayer and Deal-To left and right buttons if they don’t apply.
  • Better visual indication of the enabled/disabled state of the “mouse over a range’s stats” feature in the Stats view.

New in PokerCruncher 8.1.2 (May 21, 2015)

  • Cleaner and more modern app icon.
  • Improve range heat map details text (e.g., sorted list of hands, better spacing between fields). Also range distribution graph details text.
  • New stat “PocketPair Below (only) Top Card”, for Deal-To-Flop/Turn:
  • I.e., a pocket pair that’s weaker than TopPair but stronger than SecondPair, e.g., when a player has JJ and the flop is K92. This new stat works with all of the other features in the program e.g. the mouse over a range’s stats feature.
  • Ability to deal random cards to just one specific player:
  • Click/select the player, hold down the Shift key and then click the "Rnd" button (or use Shift-Cmd-Ctrl-R keyboard shortcut).
  • Improve range heat map details text, range distribution graph details text:
  • Heat map: show a sorted list of all hands at the bottom (sorted on Equity).
  • Clarify the wording of the handling of card and range removal effects. No changes to stats/functionality.
  • Use commas to separate the fields, and improve the spacing between the fields.
  • Heat map: small bug fix: If there’s exactly 1 assign-able hand combo in a cell then the specific suits of the hand combo were sometimes being written incorrectly; write the suits correctly. This was just a printing error; didn’t affect the stats.

New in PokerCruncher 7.6.1 (Dec 12, 2014)

  • Fix an edge-case hand ranges equity calculation bug. Details below.
  • Dim all disabled buttons during calculation correctly on OS X Yosemite (10.10.x).
  • Small wording and help info. improvements.

New in PokerCruncher 7.5.1 (Oct 4, 2014)

  • Additional top x% hand orderings:
  • The “Ordering” popup selector under the top x% of hands slider lets you choose the hand ordering:
  • PokerStove
  • Sklansky-Malmuth Hand Groups
  • Sklansky-Karlson(Chubukov) All-In No-Limit Hold’em Rankings
  • Heads Up
  • 4 ProPokerTools hand orderings
  • PokerStove’s hand ordering (the only previous hand ordering the app had) is the default.
  • These hand orderings are used by the top x% of hands slider/text-field, and also when you enter a range %age in a player's hand range text field.
  • Save the currently selected hand ordering in the app’s state.
  • Add a section on the hand orderings to the Tutorial, and update the app’s Help info.
  • App Icon: Use square corners instead of rounded corners.
  • Improve some popup dialogs’ messages/instructions/buttons, e.g. the Import Scenario dialog

New in PokerCruncher 7.4.1 (Jul 29, 2014)

  • Improvements to flop/turn hit stats and TotalHit stat, some new hand range features and improvements, and many small UI improvements.
  • Flop/Turn Hit Stats: Improve the definition/meaning of flop/turn hit stats and Top/Middle/Bottom-Pair stats.
  • TotalHit Stat: Take overlapping of stats into account. So the TotalHit stat is now the union of the checkmarked stats, not a simple sum of the checkmarked stats as before.
  • Tutorial: Improve the explanation of flop/turn hit stats, add a section on TotalHit stat.
  • Hand Range Editor View: New mode “bottom x% of hands” for the range slider (in addition to the already existing “top x% of hands” mode).
  • Built-In Hand Ranges View: Don’t include pair cells in Broadway/Medium/Low selectors.
  • Range Heat Map View: ViewDetails text: If a cell has only 1 hand combo then write that specific hand combo instead of the cell’s general name (e.g., write “AhKh” instead of “AKs”).
  • UI improvements, e.g., to the base view, stats view:
  • Base View:
  • Improved indication of the selected card/player:
  • - Color the selected card light-blue (instead of dimming the card).
  • - Highlight the selected player’s number.
  • Show the number of dead cards in the card deck, e.g., “Dead: 1”.
  • Shift-Tab selects previous player (and Tab selects next player).
  • Small UI cleanup: disable the “Stop” button during enumerated calculations.
  • Stats View:
  • Highlight the selected player’s number/title.
  • Use spaces in all stat names for better readability.
  • Stats:
  • Write “0%” instead of “0.00%” for stats that have a value of exactly 0%.
  • Write infinity symbol instead of text “inf” in the UI.
  • Hand Range Editor View:
  • Small UI cleanup: when mousing over a stat (when doing flop/turn texture analysis), reset the top x% of hands slider and suits view.
  • General:
  • Improve some dialogs’ wordings.
  • Update and improve Help screens.
  • Add links to Tutorial’s sections in Help screens.
  • Improve a few buttons’ tooltips.

New in PokerCruncher 7.3.1 (Apr 22, 2014)

  • Ccalculate the full set of stats for Deal-To-Turn (as for Deal-To-Flop).
  • Change MiddlePair stat to SecondPair, to give it a sensible meaning for Deal-To-Turn.
  • Implement the “mouse over a range’s stats’ checkbox buttons” feature for when you’re doing turn texture analysis (as for flop texture analysis). I.e., Deal-To = Turn, with a specific flop+turn.
  • Updates and improvements to Help info.
  • Small app init cleanup: don’t unnecessarily show the Stats view’s red “(Mouse Over)” label and this label’s “?” Help button during app init.

New in PokerCruncher 7.2.1 (Feb 19, 2014)

  • This update fixes the OS X version problem that the distribution graph feature had introduced, and adds some more expert-level features. Our apologies for the previous temporary fix update (it was an exceptional situation); thanks for your patience for this full fix update.
  • Get range equity distribution graphs working on all supported OS X versions (10.6.8 or later). This also fixes problems like not being able to click on the hand range grid cells that this was causing on old OS X versions.
  • New checkbox setting “View Hand Combo Counts” in Range Editor view (each grid cell in the range shows its hand combo count). Also note the already existing related checkbox setting “View Card Removal Effect” (reworded slightly).
  • Update Help info. (“?” buttons) and Tutorial with these new features.
  • At the bottom left of the Heat Map and Distribution Graph views, add a note that the results include both card and range removal effects. Note that the Range Editor view shows only card removal effect, via a checkbox setting.
  • Fix a small bug in the InsideStraightDraw Deal-To-Flop stat (was having minor effect).
  • Reword the app’s name to call it the “Expert” version of PokerCruncher.
  • Mouse over a range’s stats’ checkbox buttons (when doing flop texture analysis, and in Range Editor view) to see which hands of the range hit a particular stat:
  • The hands that hit the stat are shown in red color in the hand range grid.
  • When mousing over a stat, the range %age (top right) adjusts and shows the %age of the range’s hand combos that hit the stat (red color). The hand combo counts in the hand range grid also adjust similarly.

New in PokerCruncher 7.1.2 (Feb 12, 2014)

  • Don’t install this update before reading the below first:
  • If you have OS X 10.7.x or earlier, install this update because it fixes some basic problems.
  • If you have OS X 10.8.x or later, you do *NOT* need to install this update, and most probably won’t want to as explained below. (But no harm done in the long run if you do install it.)
  • This update is a temporary fix update (roll back to previous version) for users that have OS X 10.7.x or earlier. Some users with these older versions of OS X have reported to us that the previous range equity distribution graph update (V.7.1.1) broke basic behavior in the app on their machines (like clicking on the hand range grid cells). We then confirmed this on our side as well. But everything is working OK on OS X 10.8.x or later.

New in PokerCruncher 7.1.1 (Jan 16, 2014)

  • Range equity distribution graphs (please see Tutorial).
  • A few more Deal-To-Flop stats e.g. TwoOvercards.
  • Clarify the “Import Scenario” feature’s instructions.

New in PokerCruncher 6.4.1 (Dec 3, 2013)

  • Some new Deal-To-Flop stats:
  • OnePair breakdown stats: TopPair, MiddlePair, BottomPair.
  • TwoCardBackdoorFlushDraw.
  • Pair&OpenEndStraightFlushDraw.
  • Improvements to hand range names:
  • Show a saved (or loaded) hand range's name more prominently in the UI:
  • In the title of the hand range view.
  • In the hand range's text and scenario's text.
  • Support hand range names in save/load scenario and export/import scenario.
  • Clean up and improve "File" menu:
  • Remove some unnecessary (non-applicable, always disabled) commands.
  • Add some new commands with associated keyboard shortcuts, e.g. "Reset Scenario" (Cmd-N).

New in PokerCruncher 6.3.1 (Oct 3, 2013)

  • Ability to change the size of the app's window.
  • Quick-save and quick-load hand ranges.
  • Hand combinations count in hand range view.
  • Button tooltips improvements.
  • Small help info. improvements.
  • A small bug fix.

New in PokerCruncher 6.2.1 (Jun 20, 2013)

  • New keyboard shortcuts:
  • For: add/remove player, Deal-To, reset players/board, deal random cards, fold/un-fold player, and clear card/HandRange.
  • Change ResetAll's keyboard shortcut to Cmd-Ctrl-L (from Cmd-Shift-L).
  • Click a player's Equity stat to fold/un-fold the player (as a shortcut for the Fold/Un-Fold button).
  • Graphics, UI, and Help info. improvements:
  • Improved (retina) card and Suits buttons graphics.
  • Better disabling/dimming of inactive buttons while a calculation is running.
  • Change dead card graphics (dead cards are heavily dimmed).
  • Improve Deal-To feature's info./help popup note.
  • Improve the main Help screen and the hand range "?" Help screens. E.g., add Help info. for the top x% of hands slider's hand ordering. Also, a new "?" Help button for Built-In Hand Ranges.
  • Terminology change: hand histogram --> hand type stats (OnePair, TwoPair, etc.).
  • Fix a bug in the disabling/enabling of the (52) assign-card buttons when you calculate/stop.

New in PokerCruncher 6.1.2 (Mar 27, 2013)

  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Range %age entry in players' text fields
  • Improved Help menu and Help screens

New in PokerCruncher 6.1.1 (Jan 25, 2013)

  • Change the location of the calculation results output file (to a more standard and safer location). The main "Help" screen and "Txt" button give the location of this output file.
  • Better error handling when loading and importing scenarios and hand ranges. E.g. the current scenario or hand range is retained now (isn't cleared) if there's an error in the load/import text.
  • New app icon.

New in PokerCruncher 5.4.1 (Jun 13, 2012)

  • New app icon and logo.

New in PokerCruncher 5.2.1 (Jan 31, 2012)

  • Ability to import scenarios via their export-text (export was already there).
  • Minor fix to the definitions of the Sklansky hand groups.
  • Minor rewordings.

New in PokerCruncher 4.4.1 (Sep 2, 2011)

  • Minor update: improve the app's icon.

New in PokerCruncher 4.3.1 (Jul 6, 2011)

  • Small fix/improvement to the hit OnePair Deal-To-Flop *hit* stat. The normal/default *make* OnePair stat isn't affected by this issue.
  • If the flop pairs to help a non-pair hand like A9o make TwoPair, e.g. if the flop is AKK, then the app was giving A9o credit for hitting OnePair (the thinking was, because A9o has hit exactly one of its cards). However a poster on our TwoPlusTwo forum thread pointed out that this is inconsistent with the strict meaning of making/hitting OnePair, so now the app doesn't give a non-pair hand credit for hitting OnePair in such cases (because it has made TwoPair).

New in PokerCruncher 4.2.2 (Jun 15, 2011)

  • Small improvements: change a Deal-To-Flop stat, and add two one-time alerts explaining the Deal-To feature.
  • It looks like some users don't understand Deal-To and think the odds are completely wrong when they set Deal-To to something other than River. Hopefully these alerts will help users understand this feature (and not write "odds are wrong" reviews e.g. as they have on the iPhone version of this app).
  • Change Deal-To-Flop stat PocketPairAndNoOvercard to OverPair. OverPair is a more useful stat (e.g. it doesn't overlap with 3OfAKind) and is a more standard stat. Thanks to customer Gabriel V. for suggesting this.
  • Show one-time alerts explaining the Deal-To feature the first time you change Deal-To and the first time you calculate with Deal-To set to something other than River.
  • Also:
  • Add a note in the main Help screen for following us on facebook and twitter; we'd love to have more fans.

New in PokerCruncher 4.2.1 (May 30, 2011)

  • Change Deal-To-Flop stat PocketPairAndNoOvercard to OverPair. OverPair is a more useful stat (e.g. it doesn't overlap with 3OfAKind) and is a more standard stat. Thanks to customer Gabriel V. for suggesting this.
  • Show one-time alerts explaining the Deal-To feature the first time you change Deal-To and the first time you calculate with Deal-To set to something other than River.
  • Added a note in the main Help screen for following us on facebook and twitter; we'd love to have more fans.

New in PokerCruncher 4.1.2 (Apr 19, 2011)

  • Add a link to the app's TwoPlusTwo forum thread in Help Menu --> PokerCruncher TwoPlusTwo Forum Thread. We would love to hear your feedback and suggestions on our thread or in an App Store review.
  • Small UI improvement: reset the hand range view when reset/clear/assign cards, so that the hand range view is in a clean state even with respect to e.g. selected grid cells.