Photivo Changelog

What's new in Photivo 2012-05-21

May 22, 2012
  • Added a second luma denoise curve on the “Lab Sharpen/Noise” tab. It’s hidden by default. Use the tab’s context menu or the “UI settings” config to make it visible.
  • Completely new architecture for filters. Basically a filter now is a well encapsulated, reasonably independent component with a standard interface to the rest of Photivo. The major benefits:
  • Big long-standing feature requests like a flexible pipe or undo are now possible (though still a lot of work, so don’t expect any of them in the near future).
  • Much cleaner code throughout Photivo.
  • Flexible filter config and GUI creation. GUI creation can be fully automatic from a single list of config items, or fully customised including Qt Designer .ui files and any bells and whistles you want, or anything in between.
  • Added an option to disable auto-opening the file manager when Photivo is started without an image.
  • Old stand-alone curve files (the ones from the “Curves” folder) are deprecated. They cannot be opened or saved via the GUI anymore but .pts presets using them still work and will continue to work in the future.