Permut8 Changelog

What's new in Permut8 1.1

Jan 19, 2015
  • The first version of Permut8 that officially supports "alternative firmwares" (although preliminary support was there in version 1.0 already). Alternative firmwares expands the functionality of Permut8 with entirely new DSP algorithms that you load into Permut8 simply by opening a special file type. The firmware code runs in a virtual CPU that is completely isolated from your native processor and cannot crash your host. Furthermore the actual DSP code is stored in your song files, so you will never need to keep track of which version of which firmware you used for a particular project. It will just work. Forever. And it will always sound exactly the same.
  • A suite of alternative firmwares is available to download for registered customers (again free of charge) from our download page. Included firmwares are: Beatrick, Bender, BitBox, Mozaik, Reciter, Pong and RingMod.
  • Apart from this, Permut8 now supports undo / redo, bouncing to WAV file and much more.