NewsFeed Changelog

What's new in NewsFeed 3.8

Jan 20, 2017
  • This release introduces a workaround for a KDE GUI bug and some smaller improvements like printing enclosure sizes in MB instead of bytes.

New in NewsFeed 3.7 (Jul 10, 2016)

  • Images in feeds can now be displayed if Pillow (a fork of the Python Imaging Library) is installed. Image loading is off by default (because it slows things down), but can be toggled via the checkbox next the "Search News" button.

New in NewsFeed 3.1 (Dec 20, 2013)

  • Emoji characters in story titles and descriptions are replaced with a “◽” character because Tcl is unable to render them.

New in NewsFeed 3.0 (Jan 17, 2013)

  • NewsFeed now runs on Python 3.3 exclusively; Python 2.x is no longer supported by the latest version. (NewsFeed 2.16 is still available for Python 2 users.)
  • If you are upgrading from NewsFeed 2.x, it is recommended to back up your .newsfeed subscriptions file first. (Or at least run to export your subscriptions list.)

New in NewsFeed 2.15 (Jun 5, 2012)

  • Upgraded to Feedparser 5.1.2, converted README to Markdown, improve searches, especially a long-standing bug where "Next Unread" would jump to the middle of a search feed instead of the beginning.

New in NewsFeed 2.14 (Jan 3, 2011)

  • Fixed some minor annoyances related to feed auto-discovery that were due to the new multiprocessing setup. Also, this update to 2.14 should work on Windows again. If you are using yesterday's version, you may want to download the update (same filename as before). Just compare the MD5 checksum for the archive file if you are in doubt which version you have.

New in NewsFeed 2.12 (Jun 18, 2009)

  • Upgraded to the latest version of FeedParser (4.1) to address problems with certain Atom feeds.

New in NewsFeed 2.11 (Apr 8, 2009)

  • This release features significantly better performance for searches, as well as highlighting of the search terms in the results.

New in NewsFeed 2.10 (Aug 12, 2008)

  • Added a command line option for the console interface (--nogui) and some other minor improvements.