NNTPGrab Changelog

What's new in NNTPGrab 0.6.90

Nov 2, 2010
  • Added a new feature: Only download PAR2 files when needed. People upgrading from older versions of NNTPGrab may need to enable this feature in the configuration first. Feature #1
  • Files can be marked optional/non-optional in the GUI by right-clicking on them and selecting the appropriate option
  • Improved the performance of download queue manipulations by replacing the SQLite-based download queue with a custom file format. Download queues created with older versions of NNTPGrab won't get converted so make sure to complete your download queue before upgrading to this version. Feature #3
  • Added a preview of a new NNTPGrab frontend written in Qt. This will replace the original GTK frontend on Win32/Win64 and Mac OS X environments as it provides a more native look and feel for those platforms. Thanks go out to chrashoverraid and tg1311 for helping out with this frontend! Feature #2
  • The integrated search engine is operational again
  • Added 'Select all' / 'Select none' buttons to the integrated search engine
  • Show all possible connections in the connections overview instead of only the active ones (a configuration option has been added to restore the old behaviour)
  • Dropped the GtkHTML dependency by rewriting the update check in the GTK GUI. Feature #19
  • Added support for GTK 3 (and prefer it over GTK 2 when both are available)
  • Added GObject-Introspection support which makes it easier to control NNTPGrab using different programming languages (like Javascript and Python). See http://live.gnome.org/GObjectIntrospection for more details
  • Improved developer documentation by using gtk-doc. This can be found at http://www.nntpgrab.nl/embedded/nntpgrab/docs/index.html
  • Dropped (optional) libgnome dependency
  • Improved the handling of startup failures
  • Added two new environment variables which can be used to influence some default settings: NNTPGRAB_CONFIG_DIR and NNTPGRAB_DEFAULT_DL_DIR. These environment variables are needed for environments like the Fonera. Feature #4
  • Allow features to be disable in the ./configure script. Feature #30
  • Dropped the libxml2 dependency from the NNTPGrab Core to avoid bloat for embedded environments. Feature #30
  • Before decoding files, make sure that the filename is in the UTF-8 charset. If this isn't the case try to convert the filename from Windows-1252 to UTF-8 first. Fixes #34
  • Ensure that the output of par2cmdline is UTF-8 before processing it. Should fix 'unknown state for PAR2 message' notification which could occur on files which are in the Windows-1252 character encoding
  • Read data from SSL connections in 16KB blocks. Should stabilize the connection a bit
  • In some situations connections could hang at 99%. Fixed
  • When disk space is low, the message 'nntpconnection.c:995 Unable to write article data to file: Success' could get shown. Fixed
  • Fixed various memory leaks in the NNTPGrab Core which occured while importing files
  • Fixed a possible race condition when using libproxy for the first time
  • Added a workaround for a Win32-specific bug in par2cmdline which could cause the PAR2 repair progress bar to keep moving infinitely
  • When par2cmdline exited unexpectedly, the progressbar in the GUI could keep going on. Fixed
  • Don't automatically remove the PAR2 files when par2cmdline was aborted unexpectedly
  • The program could crash on Linux environments when the user closes the program while a PAR2 repair is still active. Fixed
  • The unrar program could hang infinitely when an error occured while unpacking. Fixed
  • Only show messages in the terminal when the command line argument --debug is used or the environment variable NNTPGRAB_DEBUG is set

New in NNTPGrab 0.6.1 (Apr 6, 2010)

  • Prevent a crash on startup which several Mac OS X users were having
  • An error message could get shown when trying to remove both an collection and a file within that specific collection at the same time. Fixed
  • Files which are downloaded, but not yet decoded could remain stuck in the 'Waiting for decoding' state. Fixed
  • When adding files using the NNTPGrab Server which are smaller than 1024 bytes, an error message could get shown in the frontend. Fixed
  • The download queue could get suspended when having multiple servers and all the items in the download queue aren't available on one of those servers. Fixed
  • When an connection error occurs while downloading, the download queue could end up in an undefined state. Fixed
  • When a collection doesn't contain any PAR2 files, no automatic unpack would happen. Fixed
  • Also try to unpack .001 files when these are RAR archives
  • Fixed a possible crash or strange behaviour when trying to remove files from the download queue while other files are being downloaded
  • When a read timeout occurs on all active connections at the same time, the download queue could get suspended even when there still are tasks remaining. Fixed
  • Disabled the automatic import options in the GUI for Mac OS X as this feature isn't implemented yet for Mac OS X environments
  • Fixed various small memory leaks

New in NNTPGrab 0.5.90 Beta (Dec 29, 2009)

  • Improved the overall performance of the program by reducing the number of threads involved while downloading files
  • Configuration changes are applied much faster than before
  • The decoder has been rewritten for improved performance
  • Saving of downloaded files is now more efficient because the need for a temporary dump file has been eliminated
  • Don't bother checking the download queue when no servers are enabled
  • The download thread will now automatically suspend itself when no new queued items have been found in the last 30 seconds. As soon as some activity happens in the download queue (adding or restarting tasks) the download thread will automatically be resurrected
  • Several other optimalisations have been applied in the schedular, the download thread and the GTK GUI
  • Make downloading using SSL more reliable
  • Bandwidth limiting has been implemented
  • The reliability of the speed monitor has been improved
  • Support for downloading using proxy servers has been implemented
  • Use GNOME's proxy settings for the update check and NZBCreator when they're available (Linux only)
  • A plugin architecture has been implemented which makes it much easier to add new functionality to the program
  • Automatically pause/resume the download queue when a network connection has been disconnected/resumed (Linux only)
  • Added a plugin which automatically logs all debug messages to disk
  • Added a plugin which allows NNTPGrab to be controlled using JSON-RPC
  • The program can now also run on Fonera environments
  • Added French translation
  • Optimized the NNTPGrab Server by eliminating several regular expressions
  • Fixed a possible deadlock caused by the PAR2 code
  • Added a new ./configure option: --disable-ssl
  • Don't search for libcurl when running ./configure --disable-gui
  • Added a workaround for a bug in par2cmdline (the index file MUST have the extension .par or .par2)
  • Added some code to prevent the database being opened by multiple threads at the same time as this can cause 'Database is locked' errors on Win32
  • Moving items in the download queue to the bottom was broken with GTK 2.18.0 or higher. Fixed