What's new in Microsoft Expression Media 2.0.1331.0 Beta

Mar 17, 2008
  • Support of new file formats - Expression Media 2 now supports the Microsoft Office 2007/2008 file formats DOCX, DOTX, PPTX, POTX, XLSX and XLT. Expression Media 2 also now supports XAML, Design, CSS, JS, and VBS file formats.
  • Improved network performance - Expression Media 2 now performs much more quickly across networks, and enables catalog locking so multiple users can access and view a catalog from a shared location while someone has it open and is editing it.
  • Updates to the Info and Organize panels - Each panel contains new menus in annotation fields that include options for sorting media items using either a union or an intersection of keywords.
  • Hierarchical keywords - With the new Keyword finder display in the Organize panel, you can create and view hierarchies of keywords for your media files. For example, you can describe the properties of a photograph. Instead of merely tagging your photograph "Europe," you can create a keyword hierarchy that specifies the country, the city, the street, and even the physical location of the scene (for example, "upstairs and to the right"). Or, instead of tagging a photograph "dogs," you can create a keyword hierarchy that specifies animals, mammals, and even specific breeds. The Keyword finder gives you many options for clearly and accurately categorizing your media files.
  • Improved performance - Common tasks such as importing media, building catalogs, and creating thumbnails are now faster. Also, smart importing functionality prevents corrupted files from hindering import. Expression Media 2 will continue the import even when it encounters corrupt files and will report any problematic files once the import is complete.
  • Windows Live Virtual Earth positioning - Using Windows Live Virtual Earth technology, you can locate the origin of any photograph that includes GPS information. Expression Media 2 displays the location on a virtual world map.
  • Multi-monitor Light Table - You can increase your productivity by having the Light Table open on one monitor while your catalog and tools are open on another. There's no longer a need to switch back and forth between views.
  • Changed QuickTime functionality (Windows only) - Although Expression Media 2 no longer requires that you have QuickTime installed, you will see a "QT" logo next to features that require QuickTime in order to run properly. These include: Slideshow as movie, Convert sound files, Convert movie files, Image rotate, Image Editor, PDF Maker. If you already have QuickTime installed, the "QT" logo will disappear and all features will work as expected.
  • Quick Look support on Leopard (Mac only)