What's new in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.33.1

Apr 11, 2024
  • This release addresses several minor issues based on user feedback and fixes a few bugs.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.33.0 (Mar 5, 2024)

  • Data Explorer Improvements:
  • Several changes have been made to Storage Explorer's data explorers as part of continuing to improve user experiences.
  • The customize columns dialog has been refreshed with enhanced usability in mind. Columns can be resized to exact values from within the dialog, checkboxes to show/hide columns were changed to buttons, and the overall look and feel of the dialog has been updated.
  • As a reminder, as of 1.32.0, all data explorers now support customizing columns. Columns can be customized by any of the following methods:
  • Click & drag column borders to resize
  • Click & drag headers to reorder
  • Right-click any header and choose Customize Columns...
  • The Customize Columns button in the toolbar (tables only)
  • For all data explorers, sorting a column which contains string values now uses natural sort instead of lexicographic sort. If you prefer to continue using lexicographic sorting, you can disable natural sort by going to Settings (gear on the left) → Data Explorers → Natural Sort Order, and unchecking the checkbox.
  • Finally, two quality-of-life changes were made to the table data explorer specifically. First, you can now reset columns via a pop out menu next to the Customize Columns button in the toolbar. This functionality makes it possible to reset table columns to the default PartitionKey and RowKey columns when a table has no entities. Second, when deleting a table, the saved columns for the table will be cleared from saved column settings. This means that when you delete a table in a storage account, and then create a new one with the same name, none of the columns from the old version of the table will appear until you add entities which have those same columns.
  • Import Queue Messages from File:
  • You can now import messages into a queue from a .csv file. To begin importing messages use the Import button in the queue data explorer's toolbar. Queue message import currently supports .csv files with no headers, where each row is a message, and the value in the first column is the message text. Each message created during import will have the default time to live and visibility timeout. If you'd like to provide input on more advanced import queue message functionality, please open an issue on GitHub.
  • Formatting Datetimes in Avro & Parquet Preview:
  • For Avro and Parquet file preview, datetimes are no longer rendered as their raw value. Instead, they will now be rendered as UTC datetimes. The decision to use UTC datetimes instead of local datetimes was made following user feedback and discussion.
  • Customize AzCopy Command Shell Language:
  • When AzCopy is invoked from Storage Explorer, a Copy AzCopy Command to Clipboard action is often made available. This allows you to easily reuse, remix, or learn from a command which does the equivalent to the operation just performed. Previously, this command would be written in a shell language which was considered to be a good match for your current OS. Now you can tell Storage Explorer to use a specific shell language by going to Settings (gear on the left) → Transfers → AzCopy Command Shell Language and choosing a language. At this time, only PowerShell and Bash are supported. If you'd like to see other shell languages supported, please open an issue on GitHub.
  • Splitting Nodes for ARM and Classic Storage Accounts:
  • The nodes for ARM and classic storage accounts have been split to be under two separate group nodes. This has been done in anticipation of Azure's retirement of classic storage accounts on 8/31/2024. More information about this retirement can be found here. As a bonus, this split has allowed for the use of a more modern API when listing ARM storage accounts, which brings better performance when listing and interacting with ARM storage accounts.
  • Navigate to Directories Using Direct Link:
  • In 1.30.0, Storage Explorer added the capability to generate direct links targeting blobs or blob directories. Starting from 1.33.0, if the direct link targets a blob or a blob directory, the "Navigate to Container" action will automatically navigate to the parent directory of the blob or the blob directory.
  • Bundling of JavaScript Files:
  • Since its inception, each release of Storage Explorer has included many tens of thousands of individual files, most notably a large number of JavaScript files. However, after a gradual four-year effort, work has been completed to consolidate these JavaScript files into several large bundles. This effort has resulted in a 98% decrease in the number of JavaScript files shipped, and partly contributed to an overall 21% reduction in app size on disk. The bundling of these files has also resulted in slightly faster startup time of Storage Explorer.
  • Electron 28:
  • Storage Explorer is now using Electron 28. As a result of this change, Storage Explorer no longer supports macOS 10.13 and 10.14.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.32.0 (Nov 2, 2023)

  • Data Explorer Pagination Updates: Global Sort Expanded Support and Load All:
  • In addition to being available in the table explorer, global sort is now also available for the blob and file explorers. As a reminder, when global sort is enabled, sorting by column will load all data for the current folder or view and then sort. While data is being loaded, progress can be monitored in the notification bar at the top of the explorer. If the load is taking too long, you can cancel it by clicking the cancel button in the notification bar. Global sort can be enabled by going to Settings → Data Explorers → Global Sort.
  • To further enhance the data explorer experience, a setting to load all items has also been added. When enabled, loading more will load all available data for the current view. Just like for global sort, progress can be monitored and canceled via the notification bar at the top of the explorer. Load all can be enabled by going to Settings → Data Explorers → Load All.
  • Finally, as a reminder, you can also control the load batch size of data explorers with the load batch size setting. This setting controls how many items are loaded per batch whenever a data explorer fetches data from the server. This includes initial loading of a view, refreshing, and when clicking load more (if load all is not enabled). This setting can be found at Settings → Data Explorers → Load Batch Size.
  • We hope that, with the global sort, load all, and load batch size settings, you will be able to easily load the data you need in the way that works best for you. If you have any feedback regarding any of these settings, please comment on this issue.
  • Customize Data Explorer Columns:
  • Customizing columns is now supported by most data explorers. To customize columns, right-click on any column header and select Customize Columns.... You can then select which columns you want to see and in what order. You can also select Reset Columns to restore the columns to their default visibility, order, and size. Additionally, you can also drag and drop columns to change their order. Finally, customized columns are saved across sessions.
  • Customizing column visibility is supported in the following data explorers:
  • Table explorer (saved per table)
  • Blob explorer (saved across all blob containers)
  • File explorer (saved across all file shares)
  • Queue explorer (saved across all queues)
  • View All Blob Containers:
  • As an alternative to loading more blob containers for a storage account in the tree view, you can now choose to view all blob containers. When viewing all blob containers, a blob container data explorer will be opened on the right-hand side which lists all blob containers in the storage account.
  • The blob container data explorer gives you the ability to sort your containers by several columns, filter by prefix, and directly open or perform other actions on the containers. When opening a container, the container will be opened in a new side-by-side tab, and a node for the container will be added in the tree view. At this time, actions can only be performed on one container at a time. However, this may be changed in a future release depending on feedback.
  • Additionally, the blob container data explorer supports global sort, load all, and load batch size, which can allow you to quickly load, sort, and find the container you are looking for.
  • To enable view all for blob containers, go to Settings → Services → Storage Accounts → Storage Nodes Trailing Action and choose View all from the dropdown menu. If you have any feedback regarding this feature, please comment on this issue.
  • New Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Forward/Back Button Support for Blob and File Explorer:
  • In the blob and file explorers, you can now use the forward and back buttons on your mouse to navigate through your navigation history.
  • You can also now use keyboard shortcuts in the blob and file explorers to open the properties dialog for items with properties. Shortcuts differ across Windows/Linux and macOS: Windows/Linux: Alt+Enter; macOS: Command+I
  • Copy DFS Path:
  • For blobs in ADLS Gen2 storage accounts, you can now quickly copy their DFS path via the Copy URL → With DFS Endpoint action in the blob context menu.
  • Copy Queue Messages to Clipboard:
  • You can now quickly copy the message text of queue messages to your clipboard via the Copy Message Text action in the queue message context menu. When copying multiple messages, their message texts will be separated by a new line.
  • Subscription Node Improvements:
  • When subscriptions with duplicate names from different accounts and/or tenants are in the tree view, their tenant's name and/or subscription ID will now be included in the status portion of the subscription node.
  • Two new actions have also been added for subscription nodes. First, you can now filter out subscriptions directly from the tree view via the Filter Out action. Second, you can quickly jump to the account panel via the Manage Subscriptions action. Both actions can be found by right-clicking on a subscription node or by selecting a subscription node and then going to the Actions panel.
  • Electron 26:
  • Storage Explorer is now using Electron 26. This version of Electron brings various improvements and bug fixes. This also means that this will be the last version of Storage Explorer to support macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and 10.14 (Mojave).

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.31.2 (Oct 6, 2023)

  • Upgrade to Electron 25.8.4

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.31.1 (Aug 23, 2023)

  • Hotfix:
  • Search inside Blob Containers takes forever in v1.31.0

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.31.0 (Aug 14, 2023)

  • macOS ARM64 (Apple Silicon) GA:
  • The macOS ARM64 (Apple Silicon) version of Storage Explorer for macOS is now generally available. This new flavor of Storage Explorer is natively compiled for ARM64 and offers improved performance and battery life. It also includes a macOS ARM64 version of AzCopy which has also recently reached general availability. For updates following this release of Storage Explorer, users on Apple Silicon devices will be automatically upgraded to the ARM64 version.
  • Global Sort - Table Explorer:
  • When sorting columns in the table explorer, you can now choose to have all data be loaded prior to sorting.
  • While data is being loaded, progress can be monitored in the notification bar at the top of the explorer. If the load is taking too long, you can cancel it by clicking the cancel button in the notification bar. This feature can be enabled by going to Settings → Data Explorers → Global Sort.
  • If you have any feedback on this new feature, please share it by commenting on this issue. We would like to bring this feature to the other data explorers in the future and would appreciate any feedback you have as part of that process.
  • Audio File Previewing:
  • You can now preview audio files in your blob containers or file shares in Storage Explorer.
  • Files must have both a supported file extension and content-type in order to be compatible with audio file preview. Supported audio file extensions and their corresponding content-type are:
  • .flac (audio/flac)
  • .mp3 (audio/mpeg)
  • .oga (audio/ogg)
  • .ogg (audio/ogg)
  • .wav (audio/x-wav)
  • Note: in file shares, .ogg files are limited to play in browser instead of in-app preview.
  • Table Import Performance Improvements
  • Work has been done to improve the performance of table import to be more in line with the performance found in previous versions of Storage Explorer. For best performance, data with existing partition keys should be sorted by partition key before importing.
  • If you still have a scenario which results in slow import performance, please consider opening an issue here.
  • System Proxy GA & Auto Managed Proxy Settings:
  • The system proxy option for proxy configuration source is now GA. Additionally, in certain situations, Storage Explorer may now automatically change in-app proxy settings to facilitate successful networking. If you wish to disable this behavior, you can do so by going to and disabling Settings → Proxy → Auto Manage Proxy Settings.
  • Electron 25:
  • Storage Explorer is now using Electron 25. This version of Electron brings various improvements and bug fixes.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.30.2 (Jul 23, 2023)

  • This is a hotfix of version 1.30.0.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.30.1 (Jul 14, 2023)

  • This is a hotfix of version 1.30.0.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.30.0 (Jun 18, 2023)

  • macOS ARM64 Preview:
  • The macOS ARM64 preview of Storage Explorer now contains an ARM64 AzCopy executable. This means that all binaries and executables in the preview now target ARM64. You can download the latest version of the preview here.
  • Avro and Parquet File Preview:
  • You can now preview Avro and Parquet files from your blob containers or file shares.
  • Avro files must have a .avro extension, and Parquet files must have a .parquet extension, in order to be previewed.
  • New Direct Link Features:
  • Just like for files and folders in Gen2 blob containers, you can now generate direct links for files and folders in non-Gen2 blob containers. To do so, select file or folder and choose Copy Direct Link in the context menu.
  • File and folder direct links, both for non-Gen2 and Gen2, will now also offer the option to navigate to the parent container under its subscription.
  • Container direct links, generated from the tree view or from Azure Portal, will now offer to either navigate to the container under its subscription or attach the container.
  • In addition to using your browser or OS run dialog, direct links can now be opened in Storage Explorer under File > Open Direct Link.
  • You can now attach non-Gen2 blob containers at a non-root path.
  • Users on Linux can now generate direct links.
  • Trailing Dot Support for File Shares:
  • Storage Explorer now supports file share folders and files with a trailing dot in their name. This support is made possible due to changes from the File Share service. More information about folder and file names in file shares can be found here. If you'd like Storage Explorer to not support trailing dot, you can disable this support under Settings > Services > Storage Accounts > Disable File Share Trailing Dot Support.
  • Delete Queue Messages:
  • Storage Explorer now supports deleting any of the first 32 messages in a queue. Previously you were limited to only dequeuing the first message in a queue. To delete messages, select the messages you want to delete and then select Delete Messages in the toolbar or context menu.
  • AzCopy Preserve Blob Tags Setting:
  • Whether or not Storage Explorer instructs AzCopy to preserve blob tags when transferring blobs can now be configured under Settings > Transfers > AzCopy > Preserve Blob Tags.
  • Removal of "?" from SAS token in Generate SAS Dialog:
  • The "?" character is no longer included in the SAS token displayed by the Generate SAS dialog. This change was made to be consistent with the definition of SAS token. However, the "?" is still present in the string placed on the clipboard after clicking "Copy". This is done to prevent disruptions to existing workflows.
  • Electron 24:
  • Storage Explorer is now using Electron 24. This version of Electron brings various improvements and bug fixes.
  • AzCopy 10.19.0:
  • Storage Explorer is now using AzCopy 10.19.0 for Blob, File Share, and Disk transfers.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.29.2 (May 25, 2023)

  • This is a hotfix of version 1.29.0.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.29.1 (May 11, 2023)

  • This is a hotfix of version 1.29.0.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.29.0 (Apr 30, 2023)

  • Removal of ADLS Gen1 Integration:
  • As previously announced, all ADLS Gen1 functionality is now being removed from Storage Explorer. This change is being made in anticipation of ADLS Gen1 itself being retired in February 2024. For more information on ADLS Gen1's retirement, see the official announcement. For information on how to migrate from ADLS Gen1 to ADLS Gen2, see Migrate Azure Data Lake Storage from Gen1 to Gen2 by using the Azure portal.
  • In-App Preview Improvements:
  • Various new features and changes have been made to in-app file previewing. As a reminder, to preview a file directly in Storage Explorer, select the file and then click on Preview in either the context menu or toolbar of the blob or file share explorer.
  • When previewing CSV files from your blob containers or file shares, a tabular based preview will now be used instead of a text based preview. Files with a .csv extension or a text/csv content type are supported. However, if you have previously added .csv to the text preview file extensions setting, then you will need to remove it in order to have CSV files previewed in the new tabular preview. The setting can be found at Settings > Services > Storage Accounts > Text Preview Extensions.
  • You can now preview PDF files from your blob containers or file shares.
  • When previewing JSON text files, you can now have the preview format the JSON for easier reading. To do so, right click in the preview and choose Format JSON. If you wish to restore the preview to its original state, right click in the preview and choose Restore JSON.
  • You can now choose to have double-clicking on files in the blob or file share explorers initiate a preview of the item instead of downloading and opening it in your system's default application. To enable this feature, go to Settings > Data Explorers > Open Operation.
  • Table Import & Export Improvements:
  • Various options for importing and exporting data from your tables have been added. These options can be configured at the start of an import or export operation.
  • When importing data into your table, you now have the option to:
  • Set what character is used as the delimiter when parsing the source CSV file (defaults to your system's regional list separator setting).
  • Generate partition and row keys automatically for rows that are missing either value (generated keys will be GUIDs)
  • Choose CSV columns that you want to skip.
  • Change the names of columns.
  • Infer data types from each value instead of asserting a data type for the entire column. The inferred or default type for each value will only be used if the value has no type annotation in the source file. This means CSV files can now be partially annotated; or in other words, you don't have to define type annotations for all values, and not all properties need a type annotation column.
  • When exporting, you now have the option to:
  • Set what character is used as the delimiter when writing the CSV file (defaults to your system's regional list separator setting).
  • Choose whether to export types.
  • Choose whether to export partition and row keys.
  • Choose whether to export timestamps.
  • Table Explorer Redesign:
  • The table explorer has been redesigned. Among the many improvements, you'll find:
  • The rendering performance has been significantly improved. If you've had problems with tables containing lots of properties/columns in the past, you should see a dramatic speed increase.
  • Column order and size are now preserved on refresh and in between sessions.
  • You can copy the values of selected rows. To do so, select the rows you wish to copy values from. Then right-click one of the selected rows and select Copy Rows in the context menu.
  • You can also copy the values of cells in a selected column. To do so, select the rows you wish to copy values from. Then right-click one of the selected rows in the column you wish to copy and select Copy Cells in the context menu.
  • Account Management Panel Improvements:
  • The account panel has received several improvements to make the management of your accounts, tenants, and subscriptions easier.
  • The filtering and un-filtering of tenants has been moved to a tenant configuration menu. This menu can be accessed by clicking on the gear next to each tenant. In this menu you can find the Un-filter action for tenants which are filtered out, and the Filter Out action for tenants which are not filtered out. This change also means that the tenant level checkboxes are now dedicated to selecting and deselecting all subscriptions.
  • You can also now hide subscriptions. To do so, hover over a subscription and click on the eye icon. To show a hidden subscription, go into the tenant configuration menu for the tenant the subscription is in, and then find and click on the subscription in the Hidden Subscriptions sub-menu.
  • Play in Browser:
  • You can now quickly open and play video files from your blob containers or file shares in your default browser. To do so select a video file and then click Play in Browser in either the context menu or toolbar.
  • Control Listing Batch Size:
  • You can now control the number of items that the blob, ADLS Gen2, and file share explorers list when a directory is opened, and each time Load More is clicked. Changing this setting can help reduce the number of times you need to click Load More to see all items in a directory. To change this setting, go to Settings > Data Explorers > Load Batch Size.
  • Clone To Different Directory:
  • When cloning a file in a blob container or file share, you can now choose to clone it to a different directory. To do so, select the file you want to clone and then click on Clone in the context menu or toolbar. Then, in the new name text input, modify the portion of the full path before the file's name to point to the directory you want to clone the file to.
  • Cross Storage Account Clone/Copy and Rehydrate
  • In Storage Explorer 1.22.0, the ability to clone and rehydrate a blob was added. This allowed you to clone an archived blob to a non-archived tier without having to rehydrate the source blob. In 1.24.0, this feature was further improved by letting you clone the blob to a different container in the same storage account. In 1.29.0, you can now clone the blob to a container in a different storage account.
  • Performing a clone and rehydrate across storage accounts is different from clone and rehydrate in the same storage account. Instead of using Clone and Rehydrate in the context menu, you will need to Copy the blob and then Paste it into the desired container in a different storage account. The clone and rehydrate process will then begin.
  • You can also now use Copy and Paste to initiate a clone and rehydrate within the same container or storage account, or you can continue using Clone and Rehydrate in the context menu.
  • Move and Rename in File Shares:
  • You can now Move and Rename files and folders in file shares. Both operations make use of server side APIs to perform the operation. Both move and rename can be found in the context menu or toolbar.
  • New SAS Generation Parameters:
  • Additional SAS generation parameters have been added. These include:
  • IP address range
  • Encryption scope
  • Cache control
  • Content disposition
  • Content encoding
  • Content language
  • Content type
  • Version
  • API version
  • All of the new parameters can be found in the Optional Parameters section of the SAS generation dialog.
  • New Columns in File Share Explorer:
  • Columns for file ID, creation time, and last write time, have been added to the file share explorer.
  • Tree View Context Menu Separators and Reordering:
  • The context menus for items in the tree view now have separators between different groups of actions. The order of some items have also been changed to improve readability and usability.
  • Tree View Search Filter Persistence:
  • The selected resource types for tree view search are now persisted between sessions.
  • AzCopy 10.18.1:
  • Storage Explorer is now using AzCopy 10.18.1 for Blob, File Share, and Disk transfers.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.28.1 (Mar 10, 2023)

  • This is a hotfix of version 1.28.0.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.28.0 (Mar 10, 2023)

  • macOS ARM64 Preview:
  • Storage Explorer for macOS ARM64 (Apple silicon) is now available for preview. All binaries and executables other than AzCopy now natively target ARM64. This greatly reduces the amount of emulation used to run Storage Explorer, and should lead to better performance and battery life.
  • We encourage those on Apple silicon Macs to try the preview and share your feedback. We will be working towards the GA of Storage Explorer for macOS ARM64 in the near future, and all feedback helps towards this goal. You can download the preview here.
  • New Electron Version & Windows 7/8/8.1 Support:
  • Storage Explorer is now using Electron 22. This version of Electron brings various improvements and bug fixes. This change also means that this will be the last version of Storage Explorer to support Windows 7/8/8.1. This is aligned with the end of support for Windows 7 ESU, and Windows 8.1 extended support, on January 10th, 2023.
  • Text Preview Improvements:
  • Additional content-types have been added to the built in list of content-types which can be text previewed.
  • As with previous versions of Storage Explorer, if text preview is not enabled for a file you wish to preview, you can go to Settings > Services > Storage Accounts > Text preview extensions, and add the file's extension to the list.
  • Text preview also now supports previewing files of any size. However, only the first 10MB of the file will be previewed. When this happens, a status bar message will appear at the top of the preview tab to inform you that the file was too large to preview in its entirety.
  • If you wish to preview the entire file, you can download it and then open it in your default text editor.
  • Finally, you can also now use Ctrl/Cmd+F to search for text during text preview.
  • SAS Expiration Warnings:
  • When viewing data which is authenticated with a SAS token, Storage Explorer will now warn you if the SAS token is about to expire. The warning will appear at the top of the data explorer.
  • Additionally, when the SAS token does expire, a message informing you that it has expired will be displayed.
  • Trust File Extension During Open:
  • Storage Explorer allows you to quickly download blobs and files and then open them in their default application via double-click or the context menu. However, Storage Explorer only trusts a certain set of file extensions by default, and when trying to open a file with an un-trusted extension, Storage Explorer asks you to confirm that you want to open it. While there is a setting to add additional file extensions to the trusted list, this can be tedious. To make trusting file extensions easier, there is now a checkbox in the confirmation dialog that will add the file extension to the trusted list for you.
  • Auto Delete AzCopy Logs:
  • There is now a setting to automatically delete AzCopy logs for transfers which were successful. Successful transfers are transfers which have no failed or skipped items. The logs will be immediately deleted once the transfer has finished. This setting can be found in Settings > Transfers > AzCopy > Auto Delete Successful Transfer Logs.
  • Copy Between Blob Containers and File Shares:
  • You can now copy blobs from a blob container to a file share and vice versa. Note that due to the differences between blobs and file shares, some properties will be lost when performing cross-service copies. For example, blob tags will not be preserved when copying blobs to a file share, and SMB information will not be preserved when copying files to a blob container.
  • Filter by Prefix in ADLS Gen2 Blob Containers:
  • You can now filter by prefix in your ADLS Gen2 blob containers. The filter by prefix text box can be found next to the address bar.
  • Sub-Directory Prefix Search in File Shares:
  • When filtering by prefix in a file share, you can now include /s in the prefix. The inclusion of one or more /s in the prefix will result in filtering the sub-directory specified by the portion of prefix prior to the last /, by only files and folders whose name start with the portion of prefix after the last /.
  • Multi Blob Download When Filtering by Tags:
  • When filtering blobs by tags you can now download multiple blobs at once. Simply select the blobs you wish to download, and then click on Download in either the context menu or toolbar of the blob container data explorer.
  • Copy Tables with Azure AD Credentials:
  • You can now copy and paste tables exclusively with Azure AD credentials. Previously, you could only copy and paste tables if you had a SAS token or account keys.
  • Preserving of Blob Tags During Clone:
  • Storage Explorer now preserves blob tags when cloning blobs. To clone a blob, select the blob and then click on Clone in either the context menu or toolbar of the blob container data explorer.
  • Lease Operations on ADLS Gen2 Folders:
  • You can now lease and break leases on ADLS Gen2 folders. To lease or break a lease on a folder, select the folder and then click on Acquire Lease or Break Lease in either the context menu or toolbar of the blob container data explorer.
  • ADLS Gen2 Soft Delete Feature Flag Removed:
  • Now that soft delete has reached GA for ADLS Gen2 blob containers, the ADLS Gen2 soft delete feature flag has been removed from settings. All soft delete related features are available by default for ADLS Gen2 blob containers.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.27.2 (Jan 25, 2023)

  • This is a hotfix of version 1.27.0

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.27.1 (Dec 21, 2022)

  • This is a hotfix of version 1.27.0.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.27.0 (Dec 4, 2022)

  • File Preview Improvements:
  • Following the addition of in-app file previewing in 1.26 we received lots of feedback on the feature. One of the most popular feedbacks were requests for the enabling of preview to also be based on content types. Therefore, preview will also now be enabled if the selected file has a content type which matches a variety of built content types.
  • The following content types are supported for text preview:
  • text/calendar
  • text/css
  • text/csv
  • text/html
  • text/javascript
  • text/plain
  • The following content types are supported for image preview:
  • image/avif
  • image/bmp
  • image/gif
  • image/vnd.microsoft.icon
  • image/jpeg
  • image/png
  • image/svg+xml
  • image/webp
  • We've also received feedback on wanting to be able to preview tabular data in a structured table preview. This enhancement is currently being investigated. If you have any other feedback regarding the in-app file previewing experience, please let us know.
  • Blob Statistics Improvements:
  • Blob statistics has received two improvements in this release. First, statistics for snapshots, deleted blobs, and versions, are now displayed. Second, the cumulative sizes for each type of blob are now displayed in more human friendly formats
  • Rename Attachments & Quick Access Items:
  • When using attachments and quick access, you can often end up with resources sitting side by side in the tree with similar names. To help you better find and organize your attached and quick access resources you can now change their display names.
  • For resources in Quick Access, right click and choose Rename....
  • For attached resources, right click and choose Rename Connection....
  • Settings UI Changes:
  • As more and more settings have been added, it has become increasingly difficult to find settings, especially new ones. To help alleviate this problem the settings UI is now searchable via a search box at the top of settings UI.
  • The settings UI has also been reorganized into a single page so you don't have to click on the left side categories.
  • Default Download Directory Setting:
  • You can now configure the default location Storage Explorer uses for downloads. To do so, go to Settings (gear on the left) > Transfers > Default Download Location.
  • Choose Architecture When Uploading Disks:
  • When uploading VHDs you can now choose what architecture, x64 or ARM64, your disk is. This allows uploading disks for ARM64 Linux virtual machines.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.26.1 (Oct 18, 2022)

  • This is a hotfix of version 1.26.0

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.26.0 (Oct 5, 2022)

  • File Previewing:
  • You can now preview text and image files from your blob containers or file shares directly inside Storage Explorer. For most text and image files under 10MB, you can click on Preview in either the context menu or toolbar of the blob container and file share data explorers.
  • After doing so, the right side of Storage Explorer will be split into two views, and the preview will open on the side opposite to the data explorer.
  • If there's a text, image, or some other type of file that you cannot currently preview but you would like to be able to, please open an issue on GitHub.
  • User delegation SAS support for blobs:
  • Storage Explorer now supports generating user delegation SAS tokens for blob containers, and attaching blob containers via user delegation SAS authentication.
  • To generate a user delegation SAS token for your blob container, right click on the container and choose Get Shared Access Signature... from the context menu. Then, once the generate SAS dialog has opened, click on the Signing key dropdown and choose User delegation key.
  • To successfully generate a blob user delegation SAS, the account being used to create the SAS must have the Storage Blob Delegator (or equivalent) role. For the SAS itself to work, the account which was used to create the SAS must also have a role which authorizes the action you are trying to do with the SAS.
  • File watching improvements:
  • Storage Explorer now supports file watching files opened from file shares. Just like for blob containers, Storage Explorer will watch double-click opened file share files for changes by external programs. After a change is detected, Storage Explorer will ask you if you would like to re-upload the file or ignore the changes.
  • You can also now tell Storage Explorer to remember the response you choose for any future changes to that instance of the opened file. This applies both to watched files from blob containers and file shares.
  • Finally, if you'd like Storage Explorer to stop watching opened files, you can now disable the feature via settings. Simply go to Settings (gear on the left) > Transfers > File Open > Watch Opened Files for Changes and uncheck the checkbox.
  • Duplicating table entities:
  • You can now duplicate a table entity into a new entity with all of the same properties, but a new partition and/or row key of your choosing. To duplicate a table entity, right click on it and then choose Duplicate... in the context menu.
  • Additional columns in the file share data explorer:
  • The file share data explorer now shows columns for Last Modified, Attributes, and Permission Key.
  • Cloning blobs in ADLS Gen2 blob containers:
  • You can now clone blobs in ADLS Gen2 blob containers. To do so, simply select a blob and choose Clone from either the toolbar or context menu. When you clone a blob Storage Explorer will create a copy of the blob in the same location but with a different name of your choosing.
  • Delete version permission in blob access policies:
  • Storage Explorer now supports adding the delete versions permission to your blob container access policies. To manage the access policies of a blob container, you can right click on it and choose Manage Access Policies....
  • Support for creating snapshots of disks with extended locations:
  • Storage Explorer can now create snapshots of disks which have an extended location.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.25.1 (Aug 14, 2022)

  • The release hotfixes several issues following the release of 1.25.0.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.25.0 (Aug 4, 2022)

  • Adjust AzCopy bandwidth limit mid transfer:
  • The bandwidth limit of an AzCopy transfer can now be adjusted after it has been started. To do so, click on the Adjust Bandwidth Limit... action for the transfer whose bandwidth limit you wish to adjust.
  • After doing so you can adjust the bandwidth limit as needed. Do note that you can only adjust the bandwidth limit of a transfer once every 60 seconds.
  • Save and restore tab sessions:
  • You can now save and restore your explorer tabs session when closing and reopening Storage Explorer. This feature is currently opt-in. To opt-in go to Settings > Data Explorers > Preserve Explorer Session and check the checkbox. Do note that on macOS Storage Explorer must either be in the Applications folder or have been moved from the folder it was downloaded into for tab session restoration to work properly.
  • Get Started page:
  • A Get Started page will now be opened by default when launching Storage Explorer. This page contains buttons to quickly help you Get Started with Storage Explorer.
  • If you do not want the Get Started page to be shown on startup, you can un-check the Show this page on startup checkbox at the bottom of the page. If you'd like to view the Get Started page, you can do so either by going to Help > Get Started, or by re-enabling showing it on startup by going to Settings > Application > Startup > Show Get Started at startup.
  • Electron 19:
  • Storage Explorer is now using Electron 19. This version of Electron brings various improvements and bug fixes.
  • .NET 6.0:
  • Storage Explorer's authentication library is now using .NET 6.0. Users on Linux who are using the .tar.gz distribution of Storage Explorer will need to upgrade to/install the .NET 6.0 runtime to run Storage Explorer 1.25. Instructions on how to install the .NET 6.0 runtime on Linux can be found here. As always, you only need to install the .NET runtime. You do not need to install the ASP.NET Core runtime. For Windows, macOS, and Linux Snap users, this change should have no visible effect.
  • AzCopy 10.16.0:
  • Storage Explorer is now using AzCopy 10.16.0 for Blob, File Share, and Disk transfers.
  • Copy and paste blobs without keys or user delegate SAS role:
  • You can now copy and paste blobs without having either keys or the User Delegate SAS RBAC role. This change applies both to non-ADLS Gen2 and ADLS Gen2 blobs. This feature is also limited to copying and pasting between containers in the same tenant and which are authenticated via the same Azure account.
  • Azure App Configuration extension for Storage Explorer:
  • We have released a new extension for Storage Explorer. This extension allows you to manage your Azure App Configuration resources in Storage Explorer. You can learn more about this extension here.
  • ADLS Gen1 Integration Deprecation:
  • The ADLS Gen1 integration with Storage Explorer is now being marked as deprecated. All existing ADLS Gen1 functionality will remain in Storage Explorer through at least the end of January 2023. This change is being made in anticipation of ADLS Gen1 itself being retired in 2024. For more information on ADLS Gen1's retirement, see the official announcement. For information on how to migrate from ADLS Gen1 to ADLS Gen2, see Migrate Azure Data Lake Storage from Gen1 to Gen2 by using the Azure portal.
  • View rehydration status in the blob explorer:
  • You can now easily view the rehydration status of blobs in the blob data explorer. Previously you had to look at rehydration status one by one via the properties dialog.
  • Access the $blobchangefeed container:
  • Storage Explorer now lists the $blobchangefeed container for accounts which have blob change feed enabled. You can learn more about blob change feed here.
  • Table column options: Move to Top/Bottom:
  • The column options dialog for the table data explorer now includes Move to Top and Move to Bottom buttons. You can use these buttons to quickly re-order columns to the top or bottom of the list.
  • Specify Hyper-V generation during managed disk upload:
  • You can now specify the Hyper-V generation when uploading a VHD to create a new Managed Disk.
  • Optimized listing of keys:
  • Storage Explorer now defers the listing of your account keys until you interact with or access resources within your Storage Account. This change should result in increased performance when loading and searching for storage accounts in the tree view.
  • Easily configure Storage Explorer log level:
  • You can now change the Storage Explorer log level by going to Settings > Application > Logging > Log Level. You can completely disable logging by setting the log level to Silent, or you can increase the verbosity higher than the default Info level.
  • Accessibility fixes:
  • Several accessibility fixes were made. A detailed list of accessibility issues fixed can be found here.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.24.3 (Jun 22, 2022)

  • The release hotfixes several issues following the release of 1.24.0. Also, Snap users on older versions of Linux distributions should be aware of a known issue with versions 1.24.0 and newer. The issue causes incorrect results to be returned to Storage Explorer when multiple files or folders are selected in a file picker dialog.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.24.2 (May 29, 2022)

  • The release hotfixes several issues following the release of 1.24.0. Also, Snap users on older versions of Linux distributions should be aware of a known issue with versions 1.24.0 and newer. The issue causes incorrect results to be returned to Storage Explorer when multiple files or folders are selected in a file picker dialog.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.24.1 (May 13, 2022)

  • The release hotfixes several issues following the release of 1.24.0.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.24.0 (May 4, 2022)

  • Respecting regional settings for number group and decimal separators:
  • Storage Explorer now has the ability to respect regional settings for number group and decimal separators. For example, if you have OS settings which specify that a comma should be used as the decimal separator, Storage Explorer will respect that setting when displaying numbers.
  • To customize your number group and decimal separator settings:
  • For Windows: Open Settings > Time & language > Language & region > Administrative language settings > Formats > Additional settings > Numbers
  • For macOS: Open System Preferences > Language & Region > Advanced > General
  • For Linux: Customizing date and time display settings depends on your Linux distribution (Storage Explorer reads locale settings using the locale C API).
  • Please note that not all places where numbers are displayed have this work completed. This work will continue over the next few releases. However, if you see a number which does not respect your settings and you'd like to point it out, please open an issue on GitHub.
  • Respecting casing of metadata keys for blobs:
  • When configured to use System Proxy, Storage Explorer will now respect the casing of metadata keys for blob operations which involve getting and setting metadata. To use System Proxy, go to Settings (gear icon on the left vertical toolbar) > Application > Proxy, and change the dropdown to "System Proxy (Preview)". Note that during AzCopy transfers (e.g. service to service copies), metadata key casings are still not respected. If AzCopy is not respecting metadata key casing is an issue for you, please leave feedback here.
  • Table export can now export selected rows:
  • When using export in a table you can now choose to either "Export Selected" or "Export All".
  • Clone and rehydrate archived blobs to different containers:
  • You can now clone and rehydrate archived blobs to a different container. When in the Clone and Rehydrate dialog, simply enter the name of a different container into the "Destination blob container" text box.
  • Open by name for file shares and tables:
  • Open by name has been added for file shares and tables. You can use open by name to quickly open a storage resource for a specific storage account. You can find open by name by right clicking on the service node (e.g. Blob Containers) for the type of resource you'd like to open.
  • New version of Electron:
  • Storage Explorer is now using version 18.1.0 of Electron. This upgrade includes numerous bug fixes, security fixes, and other improvements.
  • New version of AzCopy:
  • Storage Explorer is now using version 10.14.1 of AzCopy.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.23.1 (Apr 13, 2022)

  • The release hotfixes several issues following the release of 1.23.0.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.23.0 (Mar 3, 2022)

  • Tables AAD Authentication Support:
  • Azure Active Directory based authentication is now supported for all table operations. This means you no longer need access to the keys of your Storage Account when working with table storage. You can read more about setting up and using AAD access with your tables here.
  • Table Related Bug Fixes:
  • In version 1.22.0 several table related issues were introduced. Some were hotfixed in 1.22.1 and several more are now being fixed as part of this release. This includes:
  • Not being able to overwrite existing rows during import. #5387
  • Infinite loading in the table data explorer. #5435
  • If you find any additional issues, please open an issue on GitHub.
  • New Direct Link for ADLS Gen2:
  • A new type of direct link has been added for ADLS Gen2 files, folders, and containers. This direct link allows you to quickly attach using Azure AD or download resources. You can find this new direct link by right clicking on an ADLS Gen2 file, folder, or container and then clicking Copy Direct Link.
  • When using the link, you will be asked how you would like to open it. Depending on if the target of the link is a file, folder, or container, you will be able to choose from the following actions:
  • Attach Container (files, folders and containers): attach to the target container/the container the target is in.
  • Attach Directory (files and folders): attach to the container at the parent directory of the target file/at the target directory.
  • Download (files and folders): download the target file or folder.
  • Download & Open (files only): download and open the target file.
  • Open New Tab Shortcuts:
  • You can now use Ctrl/Cmd + click to quickly open a new permanent tab for a resource that already has an open tab.
  • New Dock Icon on macOS:
  • The app icon for Storage Explorer in the dock has been updated to better match the UI language of macOS Big Sur & Monterey.
  • New Version of Electron:
  • Storage Explorer is now using version 16 of Electron. This upgrade includes numerous bug fixes, security fixes, and other improvements.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.22.1 (Jan 25, 2022)

  • This release hotfixes several issues following the release of 1.22.0.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.22.0 (Dec 15, 2021)

  • Tree view search improvements:
  • To help address feedback regarding the performance of searching for resources in the tree view, you can now specify what type of resource you are searching for.
  • When you specify the type of resource/s to search for, Storage Explorer will avoid wasting time enumerating and inspecting irrelevant resources.
  • Status information regarding the progress of search has also been added to help make it clear what search is doing, how many resources have been looked at, and to help clarify when the search is complete.
  • We hope that these changes will help alleviate the performance issues with tree view search. As a reminder, for the best tree view search performance, make sure you filter out any subscriptions that do not contain the resource/s you are looking for. You can also use Search From Here, which can be found in the context menu of most tree nodes, to help further scope your search. Also, remember that for blob containers and queues you can use Open by name..., which can be found in the context menu of the Blob Containers and Queues service nodes, to quickly open a blob container or queue if you know exactly which Storage Account it is in.
  • System theme:
  • You can now configure Storage Explorer to mirror your system/OS theme. To do so, go to Settings > Application > Theme and choose System default. When enabled, Storage Explorer's theme will automatically match the system/OS theme.
  • Additional support for System Proxy:
  • In version 1.20, Storage Explorer added the ability to use your system/OS proxy & SSL certificate settings. For that release, however, only a small subset of features supported it. Significant work has now been completed such that almost all Storage Explorer features now support system proxy. We encourage you to try enabling system proxy if you have done either of the following:
  • Manually configured proxy settings because you work behind a proxy
  • Imported SSL certificates to work around "self-signed certificate" issues
  • Clone archived blobs to non-archived tiers:
  • If you have archived blobs that you need at a non-archived tier, you can now avoid going through the rehydration process by directly cloning the blob to a new non-archived blob. To do so, open the context menu of an archived blob and select Clone and Rehydrate.
  • AzCopy 10.13.0 and new transfer settings:
  • The integrated version of AzCopy has been upgraded to 10.13.0. The release notes for this version of AzCopy can be found here.
  • Additionally, several new AzCopy transfer settings have been added.
  • Disable Auto Decoding: Disables the automatic decoding of encoded illegal Windows characters in file names when uploading.
  • Include Directory Stubs: Enables the preservation of directory stubs (blobs with metadata hdi_isfolder=true) during service to service transfers.
  • Transfer Block Blobs With Minimal Blocks: Forces AzCopy to transfer block blobs in the minimum number of blocks possible.
  • All of these settings can be found under Settings > Transfers > AzCopy.
  • App size reduction:
  • We recently noticed that Storage Explorer has significantly grown in size since version 1.0. Therefore, we made it a priority during this release to reduce the size of Storage Explorer back down to a more reasonable level. As a result of these efforts, the size of Storage Explorer on Windows has been reduced from 490 MB to almost 350 MB, with similar improvements on macOS and Linux. We'll continue monitoring app size going forward, and will look for additional ways to reduce it when possible.
  • Prompt to start emulator:
  • We often see confusion regarding errors that pop up when trying to access an emulator storage account connection where the emulator has not yet been started. To help alleviate the confusion, Storage Explorer will now prompt you to start your emulator if it doesn't appear to have been started yet.
  • Cosmos DB integration retirement:
  • In August 2020 we announced that the Azure Cosmos DB integration with Storage Explorer was being deprecated and that it would be removed no earlier than one year from then. Now that it has been over a year since that announcement, we are completing this process with the retirement of all Azure Cosmos DB features in Storage Explorer. Starting with version 1.22.0, if you attempt to expand any Cosmos DB tree nodes you will be presented with a message detailing this retirement. If you wish to hide the Cosmos DB tree nodes you can do so by going to Settings > Services > Cosmos DB (Retired) and un-checking the checkbox. Cosmos DB users should move to using the Azure Portal, the Azure Portal desktop app, or the standalone Cosmos Explorer instead – all of which contain many new features that aren’t currently supported in Storage Explorer.
  • Accessibility fixes:
  • During this release we fixed a small number of accessibility related issues.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.21.3 (Oct 26, 2021)

  • This release hotfixes several issues following the release of 1.21.2.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.21.2 (Sep 30, 2021)

  • This release hotfixes several issues with 1.21.0.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.21.1 (Sep 24, 2021)

  • This release hotfixes several issues with 1.21.0.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.21.0 (Sep 9, 2021)

  • Welcome to Storage Explorer version 1.21.0. This release includes many new features including secondary endpoint support, updates to viewing blobs, changes to how times and dates are displayed, and support for Gen2 soft delete. For a deeper dive into these features and more, continue reading below. A detailed list of all major changes can be found here.
  • .NET Core 3.1 required for Linux .tar.gz installs:
  • For users on Linux who have installed from the .tar.gz bundle, you will now need .NET Core 3.1 installed in order to run Storage Explorer. The version of .NET Core previously used by Storage Explorer, version 2.1, reached end of support in August 2021.
  • Secondary endpoint support:
  • There is now an Open Secondary Location action in the context menu for containers which have a secondary endpoint. Clicking on this action will add a (secondary) node to the tree and open the blob explorer for it as well. This node represents the container at its secondary endpoint. You can use this node to view and perform read-only actions on the data at your secondary endpoint.
  • You can also now find secondary endpoint information in the Properties panel for accounts and containers which have a secondary endpoint.
  • New features for the blob explorer:
  • Several new features have been added in the blob explorer. First, the side panel button's label has been replaced by a "toggles" icon, and the panel it opens has been renamed to the View Options panel. A setting to always have the View Options panel expanded when opening a blob explorer has been added. You can find this setting under Data Explorers > Blob Explorer > Show View Options by Default.
  • In the View Options panel, in addition to filtering, you will now find a List Mode option. This option allows you to change between Hierarchical and Flat listing of your blobs. When listing Flat, virtual directories are no longer shown. All blobs are listed at the root level and their full name is displayed.
  • If you prefer to list Flat in most cases, you can change the default List Mode in settings under Data Explorers > Blob Explorer > Default List Mode.
  • Finally, prefix and tag filters are now included in the navigation history. For example, if you were to filter by prefix foo/bar and then open a folder in the filter results, clicking Back will now take you back to the results for filter by prefix foo/bar.
  • Respecting regional settings for dates and times:
  • Storage Explorer now respects your OS settings for how to display dates and times.
  • To customize your date and time display settings:
  • For Windows: Open Settings > Time & Language > Region (click on Additional date, time & regional settings for more advanced control over date and time formats).
  • For macOS: Open System Preferences > Language & Region > Advanced
  • For Linux: Customizing date and time display settings depends on your Linux distribution (Storage Explorer reads locale settings using the locale C API).
  • If you find a date or time in Storage Explorer which does not respect your OS settings, please open an issue on GitHub.
  • ADLS Gen2 soft delete:
  • Storage Explorer now supports soft delete in ADLS Gen2 storage accounts. This support includes being able to manage your delete retention policy and view soft-deleted blobs.
  • ADLS Gen2 soft delete is fundamentally different from non-ADLS Gen2 soft delete. We encourage you to read the Azure Storage Explorer soft delete guide to learn more about the differences between soft delete in non-ADLS Gen2 and ADLS Gen2 accounts.
  • There are two known issues with ADLS Gen2 soft delete:
  • Storage Explorer cannot soft delete ADLS Gen2 snapshots. When deleting snapshots, they are always permanently deleted. #4670
  • Soft-deleted directories cannot be viewed in the "Active and soft deleted blobs" view context. You can use the "Deleted only" view context to view and manage the soft deleted directories. #4808
  • Fixes for both of these issues rely on service changes. Once the service changes are rolled out these issues will be resolved.
  • Bypass proxy setting:
  • Storage Explorer's proxy settings now include a Bypass setting. You can use this setting to specify a list of hostnames or hostname patterns you do not want Storage Explorer to apply proxy settings for. This setting only applies if Proxy Source is set to Use app settings.
  • If your Proxy Source setting is set to Use environment variables, then you can now add a NO_PROXY environment variable for the same effect. The value of this variable should be a comma separated list of the hostnames you want to bypass proxy settings.
  • Confirm quit before exit:
  • Storage Explorer will now prompt you before quitting if you try to quit while any activities are not complete.
  • Azure Data Factory extension update:
  • A new version of the Azure Data Factory extension is now available. This version adds support for Google Cloud Storage as a data source. You can download the latest version of the Azure Data Factory extension here.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.20.1 (Jul 25, 2021)

  • New:
  • AzCopy & Transfers:
  • The integrated version of AzCopy is now 10.11.
  • If Storage Explorer is not focused when an AzCopy transfer ends, the taskbar icon will flash (Windows) or the app icon will bounce (macOS). #3742
  • You can now configure AzCopy's logging level. This feature is useful if you are concerned about the size of AzCopy log files, or if you are attempting to troubleshoot a failing operation. #4305
  • Added the ability to cancel AzCopy transfers which are in a queued state. #1306
  • Storage Accounts:
  • You can now manage the properties and metadata of queues. To do so, right click on a queue and choose "Properties...". #2664
  • You can now enter a custom account name when connecting to an emulator. #4163
  • In the blob, file, and ADLS Gen2 blob explorers, there is now a "Copy Path" action in the context menu. You can use this action to copy file and folder path/s (not URL encoded, relative to the root of the container) to the clipboard. #3762
  • Icons for containers, file shares, queues, and tables, have been updated to match the Azure Portal. #4487
  • Added "Open Queue by Name..." for queues. #4499
  • Create snapshot is now disabled for non-active blob versions. #4539
  • Networking & Proxy:
  • Added "Use system proxy (preview)" to the list of available proxy sources. Choosing this option will have Storage Explorer make HTTP requests via the Chromium networking stack. By using the Chromium networking stack, Storage Explorer is able to support a wider variety of proxy authentication protocols, and utilize certificates from your OS certificate store. #245 #1534
  • Disks:
  • Additional validation has been added for resource names when creating a disk or snapshot. #4262
  • Startup Performance:
  • Delayed setting up taskbar and app dock menus until later in startup. #4327
  • Completed work to enable earlier loading of authentication processes. #4319
  • Improve startup initialization of dialog management code. #4318
  • Other:
  • Added the ability to split tabs on the right hand side tab area. #4063
  • Added a "Close to the Right" action to the context menu of tabs. #4455
  • Improved the reflow behavior of data explorer toolbars. #2618
  • When using Azure AD to authenticate attached resources, the default tenant on the "Select Account & Tenant" page is now your home tenant. #2658
  • The file version of StorageExplorer.exe now more closely matches the product version. For example, the file version of StorageExplorer.exe for this release is #2941
  • Fixes:
  • Storage Accounts:
  • Several pieces of UI in the blob explorer filter panel were not easily visible in high contrast themes. This has been fixed. #4359
  • After changing what tags you were filtering by, blobs which matched the previous filter but did not match the new filter would sometimes not disappear. This has been fixed. #4381
  • In version 1.18.0, ADLS Gen2 move path did not work if the destination path didn't start with a / and pointed to a directory other than root. This has been fixed. #4465
  • Fixed an overflow issue with the address bar in the blob explorer. #4517
  • Fixed a duplicate name validation issue in the Add Entity and Edit Entity dialogs for tables. #4388
  • If you attempted to write a table query that included a ", Storage Explorer would replace all " with '. This will no longer happen. #2769
  • Other:
  • Fixed an issue that would result in long running jobs to be infinitely queued. #4413
  • Fixed two issues related to unchecking subscriptions while the tree was in scope or search mode. #4373 #4374
  • Fixed a variety of localization issues. A full list of fixed issues can be found here.
  • AzCopy & Transfers:
  • When clicking on "Show in Folder" after downloading a file with whitespace in its name, nothing would happen. This has been fixed. #4339

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.20.0 (Jun 27, 2021)

  • Splitting and reordering tabs:
  • The tab area can now be split vertically. With split tabs, you can easily view two resources, or have two views of the same resource, side by side.
  • To create a split view, right click on a tab, and click Split.
  • Once you have split at least one tab, you can also use drag and drop to quickly split additional tabs.
  • You can also reorder tabs, regardless of whether the tab area is split or not.
  • There are some limitations to this initial version of tab splitting:
  • You can only split the tab area into two groups.
  • There is currently no support for drag and drop of items between tabs. However, you can use copy and paste.
  • When splitting a tab for a resource that supports directory navigation, such as blob containers, the resource will be opened at the root directory in the new tab.
  • We will continue to improve on this feature in the future. If you have any suggestions for how these features or other aspects of tab management could be improved, you can open an issue on GitHub.
  • System proxy (preview):
  • Configuring proxy settings and importing SSL certificates are two of the biggest hurdles many users face when using Storage Explorer. Starting with this version of Storage Explorer, we're introducing a new feature which should make that hurdle much smaller.
  • You can now find an option to use system proxy in the proxy sources dropdown in settings under Application > Proxy > Proxy Configuration.
  • When you select this option, Storage Explorer will use your OS proxy settings. More specifically, it will result in network calls being made using the Chromium networking stack. The Chromium networking stack is much more robust than the NodeJS networking stack normally used by Storage Explorer. In addition to proxy settings, the Chromium network stack will use your OS:
  • SSL/TLS settings
  • Certificate revocation check settings
  • Certificate and private key stores
  • For now, this feature is still in Preview. It is in preview because not all features of Storage Explorer support it. In general, the vast majority of blob, queue, and managed disk features support it. File share, table, ADLS Gen1, and CosmosDB features do not support it. A detailed list of features which support this setting can be found here.
  • If you are exclusively using features which support system proxy, we encourage you to give it a try. And if at any point you run into a problem while using it you can open an issue on GitHub.
  • Toolbar button resizing:
  • To better support a wider variety of monitor sizes and zoom settings, the toolbars in data explorers now automatically resize to a smaller form factor if the size of the data explorer falls below a certain threshold.
  • If you prefer the toolbar to always be regular or small, a setting has been added to disable toolbar resizing and instead choose a specific size. You can find this setting under Data Explorers > Toolbar size.
  • Open queues by name:
  • In version 1.19.0 the ability to open blob containers by name was added. Similar to that feature, you can now also open queues by name. This feature allows you to quickly open a specific queue for a storage account, without having to click load more or wait for search.
  • To open a queue by name, right click on the Queues node for your Storage Account and click "Open Queue by Name...".
  • System notifications for data transfers:
  • Previously the only way to know when a transfer had finished was for you to have Storage Explorer visible and be watching the transfer in the activity log. Now, if Storage Explorer is not focused when a transfer completes, you will be notified via the taskbar on Windows/the dock on macOS.
  • All major changes:
  • New:
  • AzCopy & Transfers:
  • The integrated version of AzCopy is now 10.11.
  • If Storage Explorer is not focused when an AzCopy transfer ends, the taskbar icon will flash (Windows) or the app icon will bounce (macOS). #3742
  • You can now configure AzCopy's logging level. This feature is useful if you are concerned about the size of AzCopy log files, or if you are attempting to troubleshoot a failing operation. #4305
  • Added the ability to cancel AzCopy transfers which are in a queued state. #1306
  • Storage Accounts:
  • You can now manage the properties and metadata of queues. To do so, right click on a queue and choose "Properties...". #2664
  • You can now enter a custom account name when connecting to an emulator. #4163
  • In the blob, file, and ADLS Gen2 blob explorers, there is now a "Copy Path" action in the context menu. You can use this action to copy file and folder path/s (not URL encoded, relative to the root of the container) to the clipboard. #3762
  • Icons for containers, file shares, queues, and tables, have been updated to match the Azure Portal. #4487
  • Added "Open Queue by Name..." for queues. #4499
  • Create snapshot is now disabled for non-active blob versions. #4539
  • Networking & Proxy:
  • Added "Use system proxy (preview)" to the list of available proxy sources. Choosing this option will have Storage Explorer make HTTP requests via the Chromium networking stack. By using the Chromium networking stack, Storage Explorer is able to support a wider variety of proxy authentication protocols, and utilize certificates from your OS certificate store. #245 #1534
  • Disks:
  • Additional validation has been added for resource names when creating a disk or snapshot. #4262
  • Startup Performance:
  • Delayed setting up taskbar and app dock menus until later in startup. #4327
  • Completed work to enable earlier loading of authentication processes. #4319
  • Improve startup initialization of dialog management code. #4318
  • Other:
  • Added the ability to split tabs on the right hand side tab area. #4063
  • Added a "Close to the Right" action to the context menu of tabs. #4455
  • Improved the reflow behavior of data explorer toolbars. #2618
  • When using Azure AD to authenticate attached resources, the default tenant on the "Select Account & Tenant" page is now your home tenant. #2658
  • The file version of StorageExplorer.exe now more closely matches the product version. For example, the file version of StorageExplorer.exe for this release is #2941
  • Fixes:
  • Storage Accounts:
  • Several pieces of UI in the blob explorer filter panel were not easily visible in high contrast themes. This has been fixed. #4359
  • After changing what tags you were filtering by, blobs which matched the previous filter but did not match the new filter would sometimes not disappear. This has been fixed. #4381
  • In version 1.18.0, ADLS Gen2 move path did not work if the destination path didn't start with a / and pointed to a directory other than root. This has been fixed. #4465
  • Fixed an overflow issue with the address bar in the blob explorer. #4517
  • Fixed a duplicate name validation issue in the Add Entity and Edit Entity dialogs for tables. #4388
  • If you attempted to write a table query that included a ", Storage Explorer would replace all " with '. This will no longer happen. #2769
  • Other:
  • Fixed an issue that would result in long running jobs to be infinitely queued. #4413
  • Fixed two issues related to unchecking subscriptions while the tree was in scope or search mode. #4373 #4374
  • Fixed a variety of localization issues. A full list of fixed issues can be found here.
  • AzCopy & Transfers:
  • When clicking on "Show in Folder" after downloading a file with whitespace in its name, nothing would happen. This has been fixed. #4339

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.19.1 (Apr 30, 2021)

  • Hotfixes:
  • In 1.19.0, resources under Quick Access and Local & Attached would not refresh after signing in or out. This could cause confusion because resources which are broken due to an Azure AD account being unavailable would not automatically become fixed after signing in to that account. This issue has been fixed. #4346 #4354
  • Some text elements, such as the blob explorer address bar, were running spell check on their inputs. The spell checking is now disabled. #4347
  • New:
  • General:
  • The version of Electron used by Storage Explorer has been updated to 10.3.2. This upgrade includes various performance, security, and accessibility fixes. #3676
  • The Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) is now the default authentication library for Storage Explorer. MSAL has improved support for conditional access scenarios, including MFA and domain joined device. If you have not been using MSAL, then you will need to sign back in. If you were already using MSAL, then this change should not be noticeable. Finally, if you wish to sign in with multiple Microsoft accounts at once, please see Known Issues. #4064
  • Account management has been refreshed to better let you control what tenants Storage Explorer tries to access, and help you decide when you want to reenter credentials. This refresh includes the following changes. #460
  • When you sign into Storage Explorer, you will only be signed into your home tenant.
  • In the account panel, there are now two levels of checkboxes under each of your accounts. The first level is for tenants and the second level is for subscriptions.
  • You can use the tenant level checkboxes to enable or disable tenants. However, at this time, you cannot disable your home tenant.
  • When a tenant is disabled, Storage Explorer will not load subscriptions for it and you will not be able to interact with resources in that tenant.
  • When a tenant is enabled, Storage Explorer will attempt to load subscriptions for it. If subscriptions cannot be loaded, you can view any error encountered during loading and reattempt to authenticate for that tenant.
  • One tenant failing to load does not block other tenants.
  • Changes to tenants and subscriptions will immediately take effect. You no longer need to click Apply on the account panel.
  • The tree view no longer does a full refresh after changing what subscriptions you have filtered. Subscription nodes are added or removed as needed.
  • Storage Explorer is now using AzCopy v10.10.0.
  • Blobs:
  • You can now open a container by name directly from a blob service node. This feature can search for containers by prefix. To open a container by name, right-click on a "Blob Containers" node and choose "Open Container by Name...". Enter all or a prefix of the name of the container you're looking for, select it from the list of containers found, and then click "Open". #75 #1790
  • Properties related to immutability policies are now viewable in the properties panel. #4055
  • Support has been improved for uploading or pasting to a blob container which has been connected with a SAS with create permissions instead of write permissions. #4286
  • Last modified is now viewable in the properties panel for ADLS Gen2 blob containers. #3567
  • If you want to enable support for the ADLS Gen2 append blobs preview, go to Settings > Services > Storage Accounts and check Enable ADLS Gen2 append blob (Preview). #4052
  • File Shares:
  • Similar to blobs, when uploading or pasting to a file share which has been connected with a stored access policy based SAS, you will now be asked how you want to handle overwrites and data integrity checking. #4287
  • Disks:
  • When copying disks, the hyperVGeneration property is now preserved. #4288
  • Documentation:
  • Documentation has been added on direct links and Storage Explorer's startup arguments. #2630
  • Azure Data Factory & Extensions:
  • The Azure Data Factory extension is now generally available. Version 1.0.0 can be downloaded from here. The following changes are available in the new version of the extension:
  • Support for Azure US Government and Azure China.
  • Hide existing factories associated with git.
  • Bug fixes.
  • We're looking for developers who are interested in previewing the ability to create your own Storage Explorer extension. If you are interested, then fill out this survey. You can find more information about the preview here.
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed not being able to add container level resources (e.g. blob containers, queues) with a SAS URL that contained an account level SAS token. #4185
  • Fixed an issue that might cause a "cannot find uids of undefined error" when attaching a resource. #4245
  • The connection summary for an emulator once again shows the account name, account key, and default endpoints protocol. #4254
  • Fixed not being able to open the stored access policies dialog if a policy did not have permissions, start time, or expiry time. #4196
  • Known Issues:
  • Changing selected subscriptions while the tree is scoped or searching can lead to unexpected behavior, including a "Nothing to display message" with no way to refresh. If this happens you will need to restart Storage Explorer. #4374
  • If you want to sign in to multiple Microsoft Accounts (MSAs) at once, it is recommended that you use Integrated Sign-In. To do so, go to Settings > Application > Sign-in > Sign in with and choose "Integrated Sign-In". #4307
  • If the refresh token for your home tenant expires, and you are using Integrated Sign-In, you may be asked to reauthenticate twice. #4281
  • If you use Azurite with a custom account name, the default emulator node and attached emulator connections won't work since they are hardcoded to target the default development account name. As a workaround, you can construct a connection string and attach the emulator storage account itself. #4163
  • When transferring data to a blob container which has been connected with a SAS with create permissions instead of write permissions, transfers may fail due to network instability. This happens because writes performed with a create permission must be done in a single network call. Therefore, if the network call fails part way through, the entire transfer must be restarted. And eventually, if the call keeps failing, it will be aborted. This is most likely to happen with large files. It is recommended to use SAS tokens with write permissions when transferring large files. #4311

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.19.0 (Apr 16, 2021)

  • New:
  • General:
  • The version of Electron used by Storage Explorer has been updated to 10.3.2. This upgrade includes various performance, security, and accessibility fixes. #3676
  • The Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) is now the default authentication library for Storage Explorer. MSAL has improved support for conditional access scenarios, including MFA and domain joined device. If you have not been using MSAL, then you will need to sign back in. If you were already using MSAL, then this change should not be noticeable. Finally, if you wish to sign in with multiple Microsoft accounts at once, please see Known Issues. #4064
  • Account management has been refreshed to better let you control what tenants Storage Explorer tries to access, and help you decide when you want to reenter credentials. This refresh includes the following changes. #460
  • When you sign into Storage Explorer, you will only be signed into your home tenant.
  • In the account panel, there are now two levels of checkboxes under each of your accounts. The first level is for tenants and the second level is for subscriptions.
  • You can use the tenant level checkboxes to enable or disable tenants. However, at this time, you cannot disable your home tenant.
  • When a tenant is disabled, Storage Explorer will not load subscriptions for it and you will not be able to interact with resources in that tenant.
  • When a tenant is enabled, Storage Explorer will attempt to load subscriptions for it. If subscriptions cannot be loaded, you can view any error encountered during loading and reattempt to authenticate for that tenant.
  • One tenant failing to load does not block other tenants.
  • Changes to tenants and subscriptions will immediately take effect. You no longer need to click Apply on the account panel.
  • The tree view no longer does a full refresh after changing what subscriptions you have filtered. Subscription nodes are added or removed as needed.
  • Storage Explorer is now using AzCopy v10.10.0.
  • Blobs:
  • You can now open a container by name directly from a blob service node. This feature can search for containers by prefix. To open a container by name, right-click on a "Blob Containers" node and choose "Open Container by Name...". Enter all or a prefix of the name of the container you're looking for, select it from the list of containers found, and then click "Open". #75 #1790
  • Properties related to immutability policies are now viewable in the properties panel. #4055
  • Support has been improved for uploading or pasting to a blob container which has been connected with a SAS with create permissions instead of write permissions. #4286
  • Last modified is now viewable in the properties panel for ADLS Gen2 blob containers. #3567
  • If you want to enable support for the ADLS Gen2 append blobs preview, go to Settings > Services > Storage Accounts and check Enable ADLS Gen2 append blob (Preview). #4052
  • File Shares:
  • Similar to blobs, when uploading or pasting to a file share which has been connected with a stored access policy based SAS, you will now be asked how you want to handle overwrites and data integrity checking. #4287
  • Disks:
  • When copying disks, the hyperVGeneration property is now preserved. #4288
  • Documentation:
  • Documentation has been added on direct links and Storage Explorer's startup arguments. #2630
  • Azure Data Factory & Extensions:
  • The Azure Data Factory extension is generally available now. Version 1.0.0 can be downloaded from here. The following changes are available in the new version of the extension:
  • Support for Azure US Government and Azure China.
  • Hide existing factories associated with git.
  • Bug fixes.
  • We're looking for developers who are interested in previewing the ability to create your own Storage Explorer extension. If you are interested, then fill out this survey. You can find more information about the preview here.
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed not being able to add container level resources (e.g. blob containers, queues) with a SAS URL that contained an account level SAS token. #4185
  • Fixed an issue that might cause a "cannot find uids of undefined error" when attaching a resource. #4245
  • The connection summary for an emulator once again shows the account name, account key, and default endpoints protocol. #4254
  • Fixed not being able to open the stored access policies dialog if a policy did not have permissions, start time, or expiry time. #4196
  • Known Issues:
  • If you want to sign in to multiple Microsoft Accounts (MSAs) at once, it is recommended that you use Integrated Sign-In. To do so, go to Settings > Application > Sign-in > Sign in with and choose "Integrated Sign-In". #4307
  • If the refresh token for your home tenant expires, and you are using Integrated Sign-In, you may be asked to reauthenticate twice. #4281
  • If you use Azurite with a custom account name, the default emulator node and attached emulator connections won't work since they are hardcoded to target the default development account name. As a workaround, you can construct a connection string and attach the emulator storage account itself. #4163
  • When transferring data to a blob container which has been connected with a SAS with create permissions instead of write permissions, transfers may fail due to network instability. This happens because writes performed with a create permission must be done in a single network call. Therefore, if the network call fails part way through, the entire transfer must be restarted. And eventually, if the call keeps failing, it will be aborted. This is most likely to happen with large files. It is recommended to use SAS tokens with write permissions when transferring large files. #4311

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.18.0 (Mar 2, 2021)

  • New:
  • General:
  • The Connect dialog has been overhauled and refreshed in order to reduce complexity and confusion. This has been accomplished by optimizing the flow of the Connect dialog towards more clearly guiding you through the connect experience. The dialog now asks you what type of resource you want to connect to, how you want to authenticate the connection, and finally the specific details for that connection. If you have any feedback regarding the new experience, please open an issue on GitHub. #2965
  • Several optimizations have been completed to decrease the startup time of Storage Explorer and the time it takes to load actionable resources in the tree view. If you have any feedback regarding startup performance please open an issue on GitHub. We will continue addressing startup related performance over the next few releases.
  • Storage Explorer is now using AzCopy v10.8.0.
  • Log files now have more descriptive file names. You can find Storage Explorer log files by going to Help → Open Logs Directory. #3735
  • You can now easily clean up old log files by going to Help → Delete Old Logs. This action will delete Storage Explorer logs which are 30 or more days old. #3817
  • Storage Accounts:
  • Generating shared access signatures is now enabled for ADLS Gen2 Storage accounts. You can now attach an ADLS Gen2 Storage account via a SAS connection string. #2252
  • Blobs:
  • You can now generate shared access signatures for ADLS Gen2 containers and folders. You can attach now ADLS Gen2 containers and folders via a SAS URI. #3738
  • When generating shared access signatures for blobs and blob containers you can now choose which account key to use. #1659
  • Propagating ACLs for ADLS Gen2 containers (the root directory) is now supported. #3876
  • Setting public access level is now supported for ADLS Gen2 containers. #3138
  • When viewing properties of blobs and folders in an ADLS Gen2 container both the blob and DFS URLs are shown. #3357
  • An activity is now displayed when saving properties for blobs. #2534
  • An activity is now displayed when changing public access level for blob containers. #3620
  • File Shares:
  • An activity is now displayed when changing access policies for a file share. #1837
  • An activity is now displayed when saving properties for files and folders in a file share. #2534
  • Azure Data Factory & Extensions:
  • Version 0.1.5 of the ADF extension is now available. If you have already installed the extension, you can update it from the Extensions panel. Otherwise, you can download it here. The new version includes:
  • A tutorial will now be shown the first time you use the ADF extension.
  • You can now use Amazon S3 temporary security credentials to authenticate connections to your S3 data.
  • When creating a new factory, the subscription dropdown will default to the last used subscription.
  • A variety of accessibility fixes.
  • Are you interested in creating your own Storage Explorer extension? We're looking for developers who want to create their own Storage Explorer extension. For more information about how to have an opportunity to create one see here.
  • Fixes:
  • General:
  • In several textboxes, you could not use keyboard shortcuts (such as Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Key to jump-highlight). This issue has been fixed. #3230
  • After canceling/clearing search in the tree view, the node which was selected in the search results did not remain selected. The node should now remain selected. #33
  • After clicking load more in the tree view, selection would move to the parent of the "Load more..." node. Now, the node which was before the "Load more..." node will be selected. #1846
  • Operations which involved the use of AzCopy would fail to start on Windows ARM devices. This issue has been fixed. #2553
  • The theme menu did not make it clear what the current theme was. There is now a checkmark next to the current theme. #1194
  • Ellipses for button labels in explorer toolbars were not being themed properly. This issue has been fixed. #2555
  • In the data table for explorers, ampersands would sometimes be rendered as "&". This issue has been fixed. #3377 #3955
  • Storage Accounts:
  • Service nodes for file shares, queues, and tables, were incorrectly being showed under classic premium Storage accounts. This issue has been fixed. #3821
  • Blobs:
  • After downloading a blob, using the "Open Folder" action would not focus the downloaded blob. A new "Show in Folder" action has now replaced "Open Folder" and will correctly show the downloaded blob. #753
  • Renaming ADLS Gen2 blobs which contained special characters, such as ' or /, would fail. This was due to an issue in the storage-file-datalake SDK. The issue has been fixed both in the SDK and Storage Explorer. #3360 #3744
  • The validation for new names when cloning blobs has been updated to not allow for names with trailing ".". #3361
  • Changing the public access level for blob containers in Premium GPV1 and GPV2 accounts has been disabled. Containers in such Storage accounts cannot be made publicly accessible. #3598
  • When cloning an emulator blob container, blobs in subdirectories were not being cloned. This issue has been fixed. #3720
  • Renaming ADLS Gen2 folders to the name "?" would fail. This issue has been fixed. #3820
  • When cloning or creating a folder, the use of name which was already taken by an existing folder was not always being detected. This issue has been fixed. #3903 #3985
  • Creating a folder in an ADLS Gen2 container with a name that contains % would fail. This issue has been fixed. #3987
  • Attempting to edit the tags of a blob whose name contains % would fail. This issue has been fixed. #3990
  • The validation for metadata keys for ADLS Gen2 blobs and folders has been updated to properly detect if a key is a valid C# identifier. #4049
  • File Shares:
  • A consistent format is now being used for snapshot related timestamps in the file share explorer and activities in the Activity Log. #3890
  • When viewing properties for a file or folder in a file share, URI encodable characters in the URL are no longer encoded. This is consistent with the view properties experience for blobs. #3786
  • The validation for new names when cloning files in a file shares has been updated to better look for invalid characters. #2566 #3374
  • The validation for metadata values for files and folders in file shares has been updated to allow for empty strings. #3408
  • The validation for metadata keys for files and folders in file shares has been updated to properly detect if a key is a valid C# identifier. #3581
  • Queues:
  • The validation for queue names when creating a new queue regressed to allow for invalid characters. This issue has been fixed. #3899
  • Known Issues:
  • If you have a file extension which looks like the URI encoded version of a character which cannot be used on Windows, and you upload that file from a Windows machine, the file extension will be decoded during upload. #4045
  • If you have '%' characters in your blob path, they won't be encoded in the generated SAS url. This would result in the generated SAS url being invalid. You can replace those non-encoded '%' characters with '%' to workaround this issue. #4141

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.17.0 (Mar 2, 2021)

  • New:
  • Blobs:
  • There is now a setting to preserve the access tier of blobs when performing a copy & paste. To enable this setting, go to Settings → Transfers → AzCopy → Preserve blob access tier. #2125
  • For storage accounts that have static websites enabled, there is now a Web Endpoint property in the properties panel. #532
  • ADLS Gen2:
  • Alongside the release of the new recursive access control list (ACL) APIs, Storage Explorer has a new feature called "Propagate Access Control Lists". You can use this feature to propagate the current ACLs of a folder to all of its existing file and folder descendants. #3695
  • Several pieces of helpful info have been added to the Manage Access Control List dialog. #3694
  • The selection and folder statistics features are now available in ADLS Gen2 blob explorers. #964
  • Logging:
  • Several aspects of Storage Explorer are now being logged to disk. This is being done so you can easily see what and when Storage Explorer is doing things, even from previous sessions. The new things being logged include:
  • Activities #2655
  • A limited set of API calls #3733
  • Over the next few releases additional things will be added to these log files. If there is something you would like to be logged please open a feature request.
  • Azure Data Factory:
  • The Azure Data Factory extension has received several updates since first being released last month. Today, version 0.1.4 of the extension is being released. If you have already installed the extension, you can update it from the extension's panel. Otherwise, you can download it here.
  • General:
  • The activities for operations which use AzCopy now include start time and duration. #1683
  • On macOS you can now use ⌘A and ⌘Z in text boxes for select all and undo. If you find a text box which does not support either of these shortcuts please open a bug report. #2756
  • Fixes:
  • ADLS Gen2:
  • Fixed a typo in the rename dialog. #3819
  • When renaming blobs and folders you can no longer use "." as a new name. #3363
  • Blobs:
  • In the blob explorer, when viewing snapshots for a blob, the address bar would not update to indicate that snapshots were being viewed. This has been fixed. #3390
  • Queues:
  • In the queue explorer's data table, consecutive whitespaces were being condensed into one whitespace. This has been fixed. #3134
  • Disks:
  • In v1.16, disks would fail to download when certain proxy settings were active. This has been fixed. #3782
  • General:
  • In v1.16 the last chosen save location was not being saved for downloads. This has been fixed. #3802
  • When attaching a public blob container, the Back button in the Connect dialog would not work once you reached the Connection Summary page. This has been fixed. #3476
  • When attaching via SAS URI the endpoint field for the appropriate service type would not display the parsed service endpoint. This has been fixed. #1514
  • When attaching via Connection String a suggested display name was not always parsed from the given connection string. This has been fixed. #593
  • Known Issues:
  • The new "Propagate Access Control Lists" feature is not available for the root directory of ADLS Gen2 blob containers. #3876
  • Several users have encountered issues when attempting to use Storage Explorer on Windows 10 for ARM devices. #2553

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.16.0 (Mar 2, 2021)

  • New:
  • Blobs:
  • For non-ADLS Gen2 blob containers, the prefix search box has been moved to the new filter panel. So to search by prefix, you now need to click on the "Show Filter Panel" button, located next to the address bar, and then select "Prefix:".
  • Storage Explorer now supports blob index tags (preview). In Storage Explorer, you can
  • Set tags while uploading via the upload dialog.
  • Get and set tags for existing blobs. Right click on a blob and then click "Edit Tags...".
  • Query for blobs by tags. Click on the "Show Filter Panel" button, located next to the address bar, and then select "Tag Filters:".
  • An activity is now added to the Activity Log when changing CORS rules for the blob service. #3245
  • You can now set a rehydration priority when changing the access tier of a blob. #2870
  • You can now add ADLS Gen2 blob containers to Quick Access. #2361
  • Lease duration is now available in the blob properties dialog. #3515
  • File Shares:
  • A setting has been added to enable AzCopy to delete files and directories with read-only SMB property (Settings → Transfers → AzCopy → Force delete read-only files). AzCopy will require "write" permission when force deleting such files and directories. #587
  • Queues:
  • An activity is now added to the Activity Log when clearing a queue. #2507
  • Azure Data Factory:
  • The Azure Data Factory (ADF) team has created an extension for Storage Explorer. This extension allows you to leverage ADF's ability to perform high throughput, server-side transfers from Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, or Azure Data Lake Gen2 Storage to Azure Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Gen2 Storage. You can learn more about this extension here, and you can download it here.
  • General:
  • Several improvements have been made to how Storage Explorer handles proxy settings.
  • You can now choose whether the source of Storage Explorer's proxy configuration comes from environment variables or in-app settings (Settings → Application → Proxy configuration). By default no proxy configuration is used.
  • If Storage Explorer detects proxy environment variables and environment variables are not selected as the current proxy configuration source, then an activity will be placed in the Activity Log. From that activity you can choose to enable environment variables as your proxy configuration source.
  • Requests sent to a local storage emulator now automatically bypass proxy settings. #3572
  • Storage Explorer is now using AzCopy v10.7.0.
  • In the Properties panel, any values which might be considered secret, such as account keys or SAS tokens, are now obscured by default. Obscured values can be revealed by clicking on the eye icon next to the obscured value. #3144
  • The shortcut key for closing the current explorer/editor has been changed to Ctrl+W to more closely align with standard keyboard shortcuts. #2921
  • When an error occurs in an explorer, the explorer will no longer close itself. #3225
  • Colors and border styles have been updated in explorer data tables to make it more clear when a row is selected while the table not focused versus when a row is being hovered while the table is not focused. #2107
  • Fixes:
  • Blobs:
  • When downloading multiple versions, Storage Explorer would always report 0 items downloaded. This has been fixed. #3433
  • The value of a blob's "Access Tier Last Modified" would disappear after certain actions. This has been fixed. #3165 #3166
  • Deleting blob virtual directories was broken when working against an emulator. This has been fixed. #3052
  • "Get Shared Access Signature..." is now disabled when working against a public blob container. #3532
  • Batch change access tier would sometimes fail in Gen2 containers. This has been fixed. #3705
  • Fixed a typo when performing a batch change access tier. #3584
  • Queues:
  • When using drag and drop to reorder columns in the queue explorer, the column being dragged would become unexpectedly large. This has been fixed. #3074
  • File Shares:
  • Generating share level shared access signatures has been disabled when using "Get Shared Access Signature..." on a directory. To generate a share level SAS, choose "Get Shared Access Signature..." from the context menu of a file share in the tree view. #1375
  • Tables:
  • Sorting a column of booleans which contained a null would result in infinite loading. This has been fixed. #271
  • CosmosDB:
  • If CosmosDB features were enabled, performing a search in the tree view would sometimes result in a "forEach" error. This has been fixed. #3184 #3592
  • General:
  • Since version 1.14.0, some Linux users have reported a greatly increased usage of X11 sockets by Storage Explorer, sometimes to the point of using all available sockets. The cause of this leak has been fixed, and we will continue to monitor X11 socket usage. #3376
  • If MSAL was enabled, removing accounts would sometimes cause "Unable to retrieve child resource errors" to appear even though the tree view was not visible. This has been fixed. #3247
  • On Windows, Storage Explorer would not acknowledge a moved Downloads folder. This has been fixed. #313
  • Storage Explorer can now distinguish an empty list of safe file extensions and the default list of safe file extensions in the settings panel. #2889
  • Fixed a variety of accessibility bugs. See our full list of fixed accessibility bugs for more information.
  • Known Issues:
  • When used in an emulator blob container, "Folder Statistics" and "Selection Statistics" are not counting blobs in virtual directories; and "Clone" is not cloning blobs in virtual directories. #3720

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.15.1 (Mar 2, 2021)

  • Some users with Azure AD attached ADLS Gen2 Blob container paths were seeing errors after upgrading to 1.15.0. This has been fixed. #3518
  • Some Azure Stack users were unable to list resources. This has been fixed. #3519

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.15.0 (Mar 2, 2021)

  • New:
  • Blobs:
  • Storage Explorer now supports Blob versioning. Blob versioning is currently in preview and you need to enable the feature before using it. You can learn more about what Blob versioning is and how to enable it here. With the Blob versioning support, you can
  • View Blob versions
  • Download Blob versions
  • Delete Blob versions
  • Undelete Blob versions
  • Change access tier of your Blob versions
  • Promote a Blob version to become the current version
  • Generate shared access signatures with the "delete version" permission
  • You can now update the access tier of multiple Blobs at once. #591
  • Support for moving files and folders within an ADLS Gen2 Blob container has been added. #2103
  • Copying non-ADLS Gen2 Blobs is now available when you only have Azure AD credentials. #1875
  • You can now view and update metadata on non-ADLS Gen2 Blob containers. #756
  • You can now attach public Blob containers. #603
  • When uploading Blobs, you can now specify what access tier you would like to upload your Blobs to, either Hot or Cool. #2826
  • Confirmations for creates and deletes of Blob containers have been added to the Activity Log #2529
  • Rehydration status of Blobs is now included in the properties dialog. #176
  • Queues:
  • You can now move messages between queues in your storage accounts. #1064
  • Other:
  • For both Blobs and Files Shares, you can now manually edit the address bar for faster navigation. #45
  • A setting has been added to disable the automatic downloading of new updates. The setting has no effect if you downloaded Storage Explorer from the Snap Store on Linux. The setting can be found under Settings → Application → Updates → Auto Download Updates. #2632
  • You can now use HTTPS when connecting to an emulator. For help configuring Azurite and Storage Explorer, refer to this blog post #2598
  • We've added documentation that goes over best security practices when using Storage Explorer. You can find that documentation here. #3304
  • Fixes:
  • The default sort order for queue messages was by ID. The default sort order is now by insertion time. #2990
  • When opening many tabs in quick succession, the UI in each tab would sometimes not fully load. This has been fixed. #2398
  • Sorting by lease state in ADLS Gen2 Blob containers would cause infinite loading. This has been fixed. #3194
  • In 1.14, when viewing a queue message, Storage Explorer changed to always assume that messages were Base64 encoded. The previous logic which attempted to auto detect if the message is UTF-8 or Base64 has been restored. #3271
  • Storage Explorer was unable to download Blob snapshots if the name of the Blob started with whitespace. This has been fixed. #2844
  • Lease Status was missing in the properties grid for ADLS Gen2 Blob containers. It is now there. #3107
  • In 1.14, some users were seeing missing module errors. This has been fixed. #3326
  • In 1.14, Storage Explorer wouldn't start if it was opened from a symlink on Windows. This has been fixed. #3353
  • Known Issues:
  • You cannot download or copy folders in public Blob containers. #3394 AzCopy #971
  • You cannot rehydrate a Blob version from "Archive" tier. #3439
  • At the time of release, neither Azurite nor the .NET Emulator support versions. #3473

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.14.2 (Mar 2, 2021)

  • If a long running operation finished before confirming a delete, it was possible for Storage Explorer to delete the wrong items after confirming the delete. This has been fixed. #3222
  • Storage Explorer would sometimes fail to load Queues and Blob Containers under a Storage Account. This has been fixed. #3232

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.14.1 (Mar 2, 2021)

  • The integrated AzCopy version is now 10.5.0. This version of AzCopy fixes several outstanding AzCopy issues. Full release notes can be found here. Related fixed issues:
  • AzCopy now uses better content-types when uploading file types commonly used in software development. #2956 #2289
  • AzCopy now supports a broader range of timestamp formats in SAS tokens. #2457
  • AzCopy can now properly delete stub files with metadata hdi_isFolder=true. When deleting such files, AzCopy will also delete the folder with the same name of the stub file. #2466 #2466
  • Several issues were created by changing the default time to live for a new queue message to "none". The default option has been restored to 7 days. Please note that a TTL of "none" is not supported for Azure Stack or the .NET Storage Emulator. #3112 #3124 #3173
  • Queue messages that were not Base64 encoded were having their messages Base64 decoded in the queue explorer data table. This has been fixed. #3154
  • Storage Explorer is now using Electron 8.3.4. #3183
  • If you are enrolled in the ADLS Gen2 snapshots preview, you can enable ADLS Gen2 snapshot features by going to Settings → Services → Storage Accounts -> Enable ADLS Gen2 snapshots (preview).

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.14.0 (Mar 2, 2021)

  • New:
  • AzCopy:
  • There is now a setting to turn on AzCopy's --decompress flag. Enabling this flag will tell AzCopy to decompress files during download. Supported compression formats are gzip and deflate. You can find more information about this setting under: Settings → Transfers → AzCopy → Decompress Files. #758 #2359
  • There is now a setting to turn on AzCopy's --preserve-smb-info flag. Enabling this flag will tell AzCopy to preserve SMB information when transferring data between File Shares and other SMB aware resources. You can find more information about this setting under: Settings → Transfers → AzCopy → Preserve SMB information. #2969
  • Blobs:
  • If you have a custom domain for a Storage Account, you can now choose to use your custom domain instead of the Blob service endpoint when copying Blob URLs. #1153
  • When uploading Blobs with a SAS whose permissions come from an Access Policy, you will now be asked how you would like to handle overwrites and other features which require read permission. #2336
  • Support has been added for properly browsing files and folders with no name. Some operations are disabled for such files and folders though. For more information see the linked issue. #1512
  • You can now double click to open files in ADLS Gen2 Blob containers. #3044
  • Files put onto the clipboard from your operating system's file system can now be pasted into Blob containers. #1203
  • Queues:
  • Storage Explorer now supports accessing Queue resources via RBAC. #975
  • Possible values for time to live (TTL) have been expanded when adding a message. You can now specify any positive TTL or even no TTL. #314
  • You can now specify a visibility delay when adding a message to a queue. #2738
  • Linux Requirements:
  • Storage Explorer now requires .NET Core version 2.1 or 2.2 on Linux. Previously, only version 2.2 was compatible. #2752
  • The Linux dependencies section in the troubleshooting guide has been updated with new information.
  • Other:
  • Storage Explorer is now using Electron 8.2.4.
  • For most text input dialogs, the default text in the text input box is now highlighted. #2071
  • When computing statistics in a Blob container or File Share, a timestamp is now added to the final results in the Activity Log. #222
  • Fixes:
  • Disk copies would fail if the copy was from one tenant to another. This has been fixed. #2722
  • Certain queue messages would be mistakenly identified as Base64 encoded and thus be Base64 decoded. Now, you can toggle between viewing queue messages as Base64 encoded or UTF-8 encoded. #1338
  • For certain dates, the date picker in the Manage Access Policies dialog would become buggy. This has been fixed. #2812
  • The validation for Blob metadata keys was not correctly identifying all invalid strings. This has been fixed. #2567
  • The save file dialog would freeze for certain locales on macOS. This was fixed by the Electron upgrade. #2794
  • After searching by prefix in a Blob container, if a folder was returned and you navigated into that folder, the prefix to search would be lost and the navigation would fail. This has been fixed. #541 #2667
  • Known Issues:
  • If you are on Windows 10, version 1909 or older, and you try to open a file without a file extension, you will be unable to select what application you would like to use to open the file. This issue is fixed in Windows 10 version 2004. #1531
  • Messages with no time to live may cause issues when working with the .NET Storage Emulator or Azure Stack. #3124

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.13.1 (Mar 2, 2021)

  • Forward slashes ("/") in Blob URLs for Copy URL and the Properties dialog were being encoded. They are now back to being not encoded. #2939
  • For Blob snapshot URLs, the snapshot ID is now present both for Copy URL and in the Properties dialog. #2788
  • Several properties were missing from the Properties dialog for Blobs. All missing properties have been restored. #2940
  • When generating a SAS for an emulator Blob or container, the emulator account name was missing. This has been fixed. #2948
  • If you used a stored access policy while creating a Blob SAS, the SAS would incorrectly be a container SAS. This has been fixed. #2981

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.13.0 (Mar 2, 2021)

  • New:
  • AzCopy:
  • The integrated AzCopy version is now v10.4.2.
  • When attaching via SAS, AzCopy features are now able to work with a wider variety of SAS permissions. #2336
  • When deleting a Blob with snapshots, you can now choose to delete all snapshots on retry. #2202 #1286
  • File Share transfers now use AzCopy. This includes:
  • Clone with new name
  • Upload & download
  • Copy & paste
  • Delete
  • Settings:
  • You can now disable the usage of Storage Account keys for all Blob actions. To do so, go to Settings → Services → Storage Accounts → Disable Usage of Keys.
  • You can now configure what file extensions Storage Explorer considers safe when opening a file. To view and modify trusted file extensions, go to Settings → Transfers → File Open → Trusted File Extensions. #164
  • You can now configure whether or not Storage Explorer shows metrics tables. This setting can be found under Settings → Services → Storage Accounts → Show metrics tables. #3
  • You can now choose whether or not Storage Explorer includes type annotations when exporting from a table. To configure this, go to Settings → Transfers → Table Import/Export → Export Type Annotations. #2104
  • Other:
  • On Windows, the Storage Explorer installer no longer requires you to have administrator permissions. #1108
  • You can now "requeue" a message in a queue. When you requeue a message, a new message with the same contents and lifespan as the original message will be added to the queue. #1064
  • You can now add or edit binary values in tables. #554
  • On Windows, Storage Explorer now requires .NET 4.7.2 at a minimum.
  • Fixes:
  • Downloading blobs with ":" in their names is now fixed. #2297
  • In the table explorer, when editing a query, shortcut keys would sometimes trigger actions in the table view. This has been fixed. #2741 #2631
  • Deleting Blob folders with * characters in their name would result in an error. This has been fixed. #2651
  • Storage Explorer now prevents you from adding too many entities to an ADLS Gen2 access control list. #2650
  • Storage Explorer will no longer check the value of a Disk's MD5 hash. The underlying blobs for Disks should not have an MD5 hash. Therefore any attempt to check the hash could result in a false alarm. #2588
  • On macOS, if you made Storage Explorer full screen and then did something that opened a dialog, the main Storage Explorer window would become unusable. This has been fixed. #2302
  • When creating access policies for containers with very long names, Storage Explorer would generate IDs which were too long. This has been fixed. #2191
  • Fixed accessibility bugs. A full list can be found here.
  • Fixed localization bugs. A full list can be found here.
  • A full list of issues closed in 1.13.0 can be found here.
  • Known Issues:
  • If any of your blobs have the metadata hdi_isfolder=true, there may be issues deleting those blobs or their corresponding virtual folder. #2665
  • When MSAL is enabled you might see duplicate accounts.
  • Copying data between file shares in different storage accounts might fail if you have Storage Firewall enabled for either account. A server side fix for this issue is being rolled out. If you encounter this issue prior to the fix’s deployment, you can use Storage Explorer v1.12.0. To see the status of the service roll out, please see #2845.
  • Copying data from a file share snapshot may fail. To restore data from a file share snapshot to its root, please use the Restore Snapshot command. #964
  • When uploading from Windows to Azure Files or downloading from Azure Files to Windows, the SMB access control list will not be preserved.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.12.0 (Mar 2, 2021)

  • New:
  • After a GPU crash, Storage Explorer will now remember if you chose to restart with GPU acceleration disabled and will always run with GPU acceleration disabled in the future. #2277
  • Storage Explorer is now notarized for macOS. #2395
  • Fixes:
  • A bug has been fixed in our authentication library which was preventing authentication library processes from closing in a timely manner. #2498 #2372
  • Fixed a variety of accessibility related issues. For a full list of issues fixed, see here.
  • Fixed a variety of localization related issues. For a full list of issues fixed, see here.
  • After upgrading, some Snap users were reporting that they could not start any long running operations, such as uploading and downloading. This has been fixed. #2320
  • After opening a blob and then making and saving a change, if you chose "Ignore for now and save later", you would not be asked how to handle later saved changes to the file. This has been fixed. #2419
  • In SAS attached file shares, an error related to "primaryHost" would sometimes occur while performing a clone with new name. This has been fixed. #2407
  • Fixed a layout issue on the "Manage Accounts" panel. #1447
  • Fixed an error message which wrongly said that Storage Explorer on Linux required .NET Core v2.1. Storage Explorer on Linux recently changed to needing .NET Core v2.2. #2322
  • Known Issues:
  • No new known issues are included in this release.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.11.0 (Nov 26, 2019)

  • New:
  • Operations for Blobs, ADLS Gen2 and Managed Disks use the integrated AzCopy. More specifically, the following operations are done using AzCopy:
  • Blobs:
  • Open for editing + Upload
  • Upload, including drag & drop
  • Download
  • Copy & paste #1249
  • Delete
  • ADLS Gen2 Blobs:
  • Upload, including drag & drop
  • Download
  • Copy & paste
  • Delete, including folder delete
  • Managed Disks:
  • Upload
  • Download
  • Copy & paste
  • Additionally, several frequently requested features have been added to the integrated AzCopy experience:
  • Conflict resolutions - you will be prompted during transfers to resolve conflicts. #1455
  • Upload as page blobs - you can choose whether or not AzCopy uploads .vhd and .vhdx files as page blobs. #1164 and #1601
  • Configurable AzCopy parameters - Several settings have been added to tune AzCopy's performance and resource usage. See more details below.
  • To enable ADLS Gen2 and Blobs multi-protocol access and further enhance ADLS Gen2 experiences, we have added the following features for the ADLS Gen2 accounts:
  • Search using friendly names to set ACL permissions
  • View hidden containers, such as $logs and $web
  • Acquire and break container lease
  • Acquire and break Blob lease #848
  • Manage container access policies
  • Configure Blob access tiers
  • Copy & Paste Blobs
  • In this release, we are previewing 17 additional languages. You can switch to a language of your choice on the settings page under "Application" → "Regional Settings" → "Language (Preview)". We are still working hard on translating additional strings and improving the translation quality. Should you have any feedback regarding a translation, or if you notice a string which is not yet translated, please open an issue on GitHub.
  • In every release, we try to onboard a few settings to enable fine turning Storage Explorer. In this release, we added settings to further configure AzCopy as well as to hide service nodes:
  • AzCopy bandwidth limit - helps control how much of the network AzCopy uses. You can find this setting at "Transfers" → "AzCopy" → "Maximum transfer rate". #1099
  • AzCopy MD5 check - lets you configure if and how strictly AzCopy checks for MD5 hashes on download. You can find this setting at "Transfers" → "AzCopy" → "Check MD5".
  • AzCopy concurrency and memory buffer size - by default AzCopy will analyze your machine to determine reasonable default values for these settings. But if you run into performance problems, these advanced settings can be used to further tailor how AzCopy runs on your computer. You can find these settings under "Transfers" → "AzCopy". #994
  • Display and hide service nodes - these settings give you the options to display or hide any of the Azure services that Storage Explorer supports. You can find these settings under the "Services" section. #1877
  • When creating a Snapshot of a Managed Disk, a default name is now provided. #1847
  • When attaching with Azure AD, if you attach an ADLS Gen2 Blob container, then "(ADLS Gen2)" will be shown next to the node. #1861
  • Fixes:
  • When copying, uploading, or downloading large Disks, Storage Explorer would sometimes fail to revoke access to the disks involved in the operation. This has been fixed. #2048
  • Table statistics failed when viewing a partition key query. This has been fixed. #1886
  • Known Issues:
  • Storage Explorer 1.11.0 now requires a DFS endpoint (such as "myaccount.dfs.core.windows.net") to attach to ADLS Gen2 containers. Previous versions of Storage Explorer allowed you to use a blob endpoint. These attachments may no longer work after upgrading to 1.11.0. If you encounter this problem, reattach using the DFS endpoint.
  • Numeric settings are not checked for whether they lie in a valid range.#2140
  • Copying blob containers from one storage account to another in the tree view may fail. We are investigating the issue.#2124
  • The Auto Refresh setting does not yet affect all operations in the Blob Explorer.
  • Managed Disk features are not supported in Azure Stack.
  • If a Disk upload or paste fails and a new Disk was created prior to the failure, Storage Explorer will not delete the Disk for you.
  • Depending on when you cancel a Disk upload or paste, it is possible to leave the new Disk in a corrupted state. If this happens, you either need to delete the new Disk, or manually call the Disk APIs to replace the contents of the Disk such that it is no l
  • When using RBAC, Storage Explorer requires some management layer permissions in order to access your storage resources. See the troubleshooting guide for more info.
  • Detaching from a resource attached via SAS URI, such as a blob container, may cause an error that prevents other attachments from showing up correctly. To work around this issue, just refresh the group node. See #537 for more information.
  • If you use VS for Mac and have ever created a custom AAD configuration, you may be unable to sign-in. To work around the issue, delete the contents of ~/.IdentityService/AadConfigurations. If doing so does not unblock you, comment on this issue.
  • Azurite has not yet fully implemented all Storage APIs. Because of this, there may be unexpected errors or behavior when using Azurite for development storage.
  • In rare cases, the tree focus may get stuck on Quick Access. To unstick the focus, you can Refresh All.
  • Uploading from your OneDrive folder does not work because of a bug in NodeJS. The bug has been fixed, but not yet integrated into Electron. To work around this issue when uploading to or downloading from a blob container, you can use the experimental AzCopy feature.
  • When targeting Azure Stack, uploading certain files as append blobs may fail.
  • After clicking "Cancel" on a task, it may take a while for that task to cancel. This is because we are using the cancel filter work around described here.
  • If you choose the wrong PIN/Smartcard certificate, then you will need to restart in order to have Storage Explorer forget that decision.
  • Renaming blobs (individually or inside a renamed blob container) does not preserve snapshots. All other properties and metadata for blobs, files, and entities are preserved during a rename.
  • Azure Stack does not support the following features. Attempting to use these features while working with Azure Stack resources may result in unexpected errors.
  • File shares
  • Access tiers
  • Soft Delete
  • ADLS Gen2
  • Managed Disks
  • The Electron shell used by Storage Explorer has trouble with some GPU (graphics processing unit) hardware acceleration. If Storage Explorer is displaying a blank (empty) main window, you can try launching Storage Explorer from the command line and disabling GPU acceleration by adding the --disable-gpu switch:
  • ./StorageExplorer.exe --disable-gpu
  • Running Storage Explorer on Linux requires certain dependencies to be installed first. Check the Storage Explorer troubleshooting guide for more information.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.10.0 (Sep 17, 2019)

  • New:
  • Storage Explorer can now be installed via the Snap store on Linux. When you install via the Snap store, all dependencies are installed for you, including .NET Core! Currently we have verified that Storage Explorer runs well on Ubuntu and CentOS. If you encounter issues installing from the Snap store on other Linux distros, please open an issue on GitHub. To learn more about installing from the Snap store, see our getting started guide. #68
  • Two major changes have been made to attach with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) which are intended to make the feature more useful for ADLS Gen2 users: * You now select the tenant that the resource you are attaching is in. This means that you no longer need to have RBAC access to the resource's subscription. * If you are attaching an ADLS Gen2 Blob Container, you can now attach to a specific path in the container.
  • When managing ACLs for ADLS Gen2 files and folders, Storage Explorer will now show the friendly names for entities in the ACL. #957
  • When adding via OID to an ADLS Gen2 ACL, Storage Explorer will now validate that the OID belongs to a valid entity in your tenant. #1603
  • The keyboard shortcuts for navigating between tabs now use more standard key combinations. #1018
  • Middle clicking on a tab will now close it. #1348
  • If an AzCopy transfer contains skips and no failures, Storage Explorer will now show a warning icon to highlight that skips occured. #1490
  • The integrated AzCopy has been updated to version 10.2.1. Additionally, you can now view the version of AzCopy installed in the About dialog. #1343
  • Storage Explorer now has a dedicated Settings UI. You can access it either from Edit → Settings, or by clicking on the Settings icon (the gear) in the left-hand vertical toolbar. This feature is the first step we're taking towards providing a variety of user requested settings. Starting in this release the following settings are supported:
  • Theme
  • Proxy
  • Logout on exit #6
  • Enable device code flow sign-in
  • Auto refresh #1526
  • Enable AzCopy
  • AzCopy SAS duration
  • If there are other setttings you would like to see added, please open an issue on GitHub describing the setting you want to see.
  • Storage Explorer now supports Managed Disks. You can:
  • Upload an on-prem VHD to a new Disk
  • Download a Disk
  • Copy and paste disks across resource groups and regions
  • Delete Disks
  • Create a Snapshot of a Disk
  • The uploading, downloading, and cross-region copying of disks are powered by AzCopy v10.
  • Fixes:
  • Many users have run into various "cannot read version of undefined" or "cannot read connection of undefined" errors when working with attached Storage Accounts. Although we are still continuing to investigate the root cause of this issue, in 1.10.0 we have improved the error handling around loading attached Storage Accounts. #1626, #985, and #1532
  • It was possible for the explorer tree (left-hand side) to get into a state where focus would jump to the top node repeatedly. This has been fixed. #1596
  • When managing a blob's snapshots, screenreaders would not read the timestamp associated with the snapshot. This has been fixed. #1202
  • Proxy setting on macOS were not being set in time for the authentication process to use them. This has been fixed. #1567
  • If a Storage Account in a sovereign cloud was attached using name and key, AzCopy would not work. This has been fixed. #1544
  • When attaching via a connection string, Storage Explorer will now remove trailing spaces. #1387

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.9.0 (Jul 3, 2019)

  • New:
  • You can now attach Blob containers via Azure AD (RBAC or ACL permissions). This feature is intended to help users who have access to containers but not the Storage Accounts that the containers are in. See our Getting Started Guide for more information on this feature.
  • Acquire and break lease now work with RBAC. #1354
  • Managing access policies and setting public access level now work with RBAC. #1355
  • Deleting blob folders now work with RBAC. #1450
  • Changing blob access tier now work with RBAC. #1446
  • You can now quickly reset Quick Access via "Help" → "Reset". #1327
  • Preview Features:
  • Device code flow sign in is now available to preview. To enable it, go to "Preview" → "Use Device Code Flow Sign-in". We encourage any users who have had issues with blank sign-in windows to try this feature, as it may prove to be a more reliable form of sign-in.
  • Storage Explorer integrated with AzCopy is currently available to preview. To enable it, go to "Preview" → "Use AzCopy for Improved Blob Upload and Download". Blob transfers completed with AzCopy should be faster and more performant.
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed being unable to load more than 50 subscriptions for one account. #1416
  • Fixed the "Sign in" button not working on the infobar that appears when a direct link fails. #1358
  • Fixed not being to upload .app files on macOS. #1119
  • Fixed "Retry All" not working for a failed blob rename. #992
  • Fixed "Cancel" not working while opening a blob. #1464
  • Fixed multiple spelling and tooltip issues throughout the product. Many thanks to all who reported these issues! #1303, #1328, #1329, #1331, #1336, #1352, #1368, #1395

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.8.1 (May 15, 2019)

  • Hotfixes:
  • In some cases, clicking "Load more" at the resource level would not return the next page of resources. This has been fixed. #1359
  • On Windows, AzCopy downloads would fail if a single file or folder was being downloaded and the name of the file or folder had a character which was invalid for a Windows path. This has been fixed. #1350
  • In extremely rare cases, while performing a rename of a File Share or a rename in a File Share, if the copies for the rename failed, or if Storage Explore was unable to confirm the success of the copies with Azure, there was the potential for Storage Explorer to delete the original files before the copy had finished. This has been fixed.
  • New:
  • The integrated AzCopy version has been updated to version 10.1.0.
  • Ctrl/Cmd+R can now be used to refresh the currently focused editor. #1097
  • The Azure Stack Storage API version has been changed to 2017-04-17.
  • The Manage Access Dialog for ADLS Gen2 will now keep the Mask in sync in a way similar to other POSIX permissions tools. The UI will also warn you if a change is made that causes the permissions of a user or group to exceed the bounds of the Mask. #1253
  • For AzCopy uploads, the flag to calculate and set the MD5 hash is now enabled. #1223
  • Preview Features:
  • Device code flow sign in is now available to preview. To enable it, go to "Preview" → "Use Device Code Flow Sign-in". We encourage any users who have had issues with blank sign-in windows to try this feature, as it may prove to be a more reliable form of sign-in.
  • Storage Explorer integrated with AzCopy is currently available to preview. To enable it, go to "Preview" → "Use AzCopy for Improved Blob Upload and Download". Blob transfers completed with AzCopy should be faster and more performant.
  • Fixes:
  • The Access Policies dialog will no longer set an expiry date on Storage Access Policies that do not have an expiry. #764
  • Some changes have been made to the Generate SAS dialog to make sure Stored Access Policies are used correctly when generating a SAS. #1269
  • When attempting to upload a non-512 byte aligned file to a page Blob, Storage Explorer will now expose a more relevant error. #1050
  • Copying a Blob container which utilized a display name would fail. Now, the actual name of the Blob container is used. #1166
  • Attempting to perform certain actions on an ADLS Gen2 folder which had unicode characters in its name would fail. All actions should now work. #980

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.8.0 (May 8, 2019)

  • New:
  • The integrated AzCopy version has been updated to version 10.1.0.
  • Ctrl/Cmd+R can now be used to refresh the currently focused editor. #1097
  • The Azure Stack Storage API version has been changed to 2017-04-17.
  • The Manage Access Dialog for ADLS Gen2 will now keep the Mask in sync in a way similar to other POSIX permissions tools. The UI will also warn you if a change is made that causes the permissions of a user or group to exceed the bounds of the Mask. #1253
  • For AzCopy uploads, the flag to calculate and set the MD5 hash is now enabled. #1223
  • Preview Features:
  • Device code flow sign in is now available to preview. To enable it, go to "Preview" → "Use Device Code Flow Sign-in". We encourage any users who have had issues with blank sign-in windows to try this feature, as it may prove to be a more reliable form of sign-in.
  • Storage Explorer integrated with AzCopy is currently available to preview. To enable it, go to "Preview" → "Use AzCopy for Improved Blob Upload and Download". Blob transfers completed with AzCopy should be faster and more performant.
  • Fixes:
  • The Access Policies dialog will no longer set an expiry date on Storage Access Policies that do not have an expiry. #764
  • Some changes have been made to the Generate SAS dialog to make sure Stored Access Policies are used correctly when generating a SAS. #1269
  • When attempting to upload a non-512 byte aligned file to a page Blob, Storage Explorer will now expose a more relevant error. #1050
  • Copying a Blob container which utilized a display name would fail. Now, the actual name of the Blob container is used. #1166
  • Attempting to perform certain actions on an ADLS Gen2 folder which had unicode characters in its name would fail. All actions should now work. #980

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.7.0 (Mar 11, 2019)

  • New:
  • You can now change the owner and owning group when managing access for an ADLS Gen2 container, file, or folder.
  • On Windows, updating Storage Explorer from within the product is now an incremental install. This should result in a faster update experience. If you prefer a clean install, then you can download the installer yourself and then install manually. #1089
  • Preview Features:
  • Device code flow sign in is now available to preview. To enable it, go to "Preview" → "Use Device Code Flow Sign-in". We encourage any users who have had issues with blank sign-in windows to try this feature, as it may prove to be a more reliable form of sign-in. #938
  • Storage Explorer integrated with AzCopy is currently available to preview. To enable it, go to "Preview" → "Use AzCopy for Improved Blob Upload and Download". Blob transfers completed with AzCopy should be faster and more performant.
  • Fixes:
  • You can now choose the blob type you want to upload as when AzCopy is enabled. #1111
  • Previously, if you had enabled static websites for an ADLS Gen2 Storage account and then attached it with name and key, Storage Explorer would not have detected that hierarchical namespace was enabled. This has been fixed. #1081
  • In the blob editor, sorting by either retention days remaining or status was broken. This has been fixed. #1106
  • After 1.5.0, Storage Explorer no longer waited for server side copies to finish before reporting success during a rename or copy & paste. This has been fixed. #976
  • When using the experimental AzCopy feature, the command copied after clicking "Copy command to clipboard" was not always runnable on its own. Now, all commands needed to run the transfer manually will be copied. #1079
  • Previously, ADLS Gen2 blobs were not accessible if you were behind a proxy. This was due to a bug in a new networking library used by the Storage SDK. In 1.7.0, an attempt to mitigate this issue has been made, but some people may continue to see issues. A full fix will be released in a future update. #1090
  • In 1.7.0, the save file dialog now correctly remembers the last location you saved a file to. #16
  • In the properties panel, the SKU tier of a Storage account was being shown as the account's kind. This has been fixed. #654
  • Sometimes, it was impossible to break the lease of a blob, even if you entered the name of the blob correctly. This has been fixed. #1070

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.4.3 (Oct 19, 2018)

  • Hotfixes:
  • The Azure Resource Management Api Version has been rolled back to unblock Azure US Government users. #696
  • Loading spinners are now using CSS animations to reduce the amount of GPU used by Storage Explorer. #653

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.4.2 (Oct 19, 2018)

  • Hotfixes:
  • Update Azure Resource Management Api Version to 2018-07-01 to add support for new Azure Storage Account kinds. #652

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.4.1 (Oct 19, 2018)

  • Hotfixes:
  • On first launch, Storage Explorer was unable to generate the key used to encrypt sensitive data. This would cause issues when using Quick Access and attaching resources. #535
  • If your account did not require MFA for its home tenant, but did for some other tenants, Storage Explorer would be unable to list subscriptions. Now, after signing in with such an account, Storage Explorer will ask you to reenter your credentials and perform MFA. #74
  • Storage Explorer was unable to attach resources from Azure Germany and Azure US Government. #572
  • If you signed in to two accounts that had the same email address, Storage Explorer would sometimes fail to show your resources in the tree view. #580
  • On slower Windows machines, the splash screen would sometimes take a significant amount of time to appear. #586
  • The connect dialog would appear even if there were attached accounts or services. #588
  • New:
  • External resource attachments, such as for SAS connections and emulators, has been significantly improved. Now you can:
  • Customize the display name of the resource you are attaching. #31
  • Attach to multiple local emulators using different ports. #193
  • Add attached resources to Quick Access. #392
  • Storage Explorer now supports Soft Delete. You can:
  • Configure a Soft Delete policy by right-clicking on the Blob Containers node for your Storage account.
  • View soft deleted blobs in the Blob Editor by selecting "Active and deleted blobs" in the dropdown next to the navigation bar.
  • Undelete soft deleted blobs.
  • Fixes:
  • The "Configure CORS Settings" action is no longer available on Premium Storage accounts because Premium Storage accounts do not support CORS. #142
  • There is now a Shared Access Signature property for SAS Attached Services. #184
  • The "Set Default Access Tier" action is now available For Blob and GPV2 Storage accounts that have been pinned to Quick Access. #229
  • Sometimes, Storage Explorer would fail to show Classic Storage accounts. #323

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.3.1 (Jul 13, 2018)

  • New:
  • Accessing the $web containers used by Static Websites is now supported. This allows you to easily upload and manage files and folders used by your website. #223
  • The app bar on macOS has been reorganized. Changes include a File menu, some shortcut key changes, and several new commands under the app menu. #99
  • The authority endpoint for signing in to Azure US Government has been changed to https://login.microsoftonline.us/
  • Accessibility: When a screen reader is active, keyboard navigation now works with the tables used for displaying items on the right-hand side. You can use the arrow keys to navigate rows and columns, Enter to invoke default actions, the context menu key to open up the context menu for an item, and Shift or Control to multiselect. #103
  • Fixes:
  • On some machines, child processes were taking a long time to start. When this would happen, a "child process failed to start in a timely manner" error would appear. The time allotted for a child process to start has now been increased from 20 to 90 seconds. If you are still affected by this issue, please comment on the linked GitHub issue. #281
  • When using a SAS that did not have read permissions, it was not possible to upload a large blob. The logic for upload has been modified to work in this scenario. #305
  • Setting the public access level for a container would remove all access policies, and vice versa. Now, public access level and access policies are preserved when setting either of the two. #197
  • "AccessTierChangeTime" was truncated in the Properties dialog. This has been fixed. #145
  • The "Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer -" prefix was missing from the Create New Directory dialog. This has been fixed. #299
  • Accessibility: The Add Entity dialog was difficult to navigate when using VoiceOver. Improvements have been made. #206
  • Accessibility: The background color of the collapse/expand button for the Actions and Properties pane was inconsistent with similar UI controls in High Contrast Black theme. The color has been changed. #123
  • Accessibility: In High Contrast Black theme, the focus styling for the 'X' button in the Properties dialog was not visible. This has been fixed. #243
  • Accessibility: The Actions and Properties tabs were missing several aria values which resulted in a subpar screen reader experience. The missing aria values have now been added. #316
  • Accessibility: Collapsed tree nodes on the left hand side were not being given an aria-expanded value of false. This has been fixed. #352

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.2.0 (Jul 10, 2018)

  • New:
  • If Storage Explorer fails to load subscriptions from only a subset of your tenants, then any successfully loaded subscriptions will be shown along with an error message specifically for the tenants that failed. #159
  • On Windows, when an update is available, you can now choose to "Update on Close". When this option is picked, the installer for the update will run after you close Storage Explorer. #21
  • Restore Snapshot has been added to the context menu of the file share editor when viewing a file share snapshot.#131
  • The Clear Queue button is now always enabled.#135
  • Support for signing in to ADFS Azure Stack has been re-enabled. Azure Stack version 1804 or greater is required. #150
  • Fixes:
  • If you viewed snapshots for a file share whose name was a prefix of another file share in the same storage account, then the snapshots for the other file share would also be listed. This issue has been fixed. #255
  • When attached via SAS, restoring a file from a file share snapshot would result in an error. This issue has been fixed. #211
  • When viewing snapshots for a blob, the Promote Snapshot action was enabled when the base blob and a single snapshot were selected. The action is now only enabled if a single snapshot is selected. #230
  • If a single job (such as downloading a blob) was started and later failed, it would not automatically retry until you started another job of the same type. All jobs should now auto retry, regardless of how many jobs you have queued.
  • Editors opened for newly created blob containers in GPV2 and Blob Storage accounts did not have an Access Tier column. This issue has been fixed. #109
  • An Access Tier column would sometimes not appear when a Storage account or blob container was attached via SAS. The column will now always be shown, but with an empty value if there is no Access Tier set. #160
  • Setting the Access Tier of a newly uploaded block blob was disabled. This issue has been fixed. #171
  • If the "Keep Tab Open" button was invoked using keyboard, then keyboard focus would be lost. Now, the focus will move onto the tab that was kept open. #163
  • For a query in the Query Builder, VoiceOver was not giving a usable description of the current operator. It is now more descriptive. #207
  • The pagination links for the various editors were not descriptive. They have been changed to be more descriptive. #205
  • In the Add Entity dialog, VoiceOver was not announcing what column an input element was part of. The name of the current column is now included in the description of the element. #206
  • Radio buttons and checkboxes did not have a visible border when focused. This issue has been fixed. #237

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.1.0 (May 14, 2018)

  • New:
  • Storage Explorer now supports the use of Azurite. Note: the connection to Azurite is hardcoded to the default development endpoints.
  • Storage Explorer now supports Access Tiers for Blob Only and GPV2 Storage Accounts. Learn more about Access Tiers here.
  • A start time is no longer required when generating a SAS.
  • Fixes:
  • Retrieving of subscriptions for US Government accounts was broken. This has been fixed. #61
  • The expiry time for access policies was not correctly being saved. This has been fixed. #50
  • When generating a SAS URL for an item in a container, the name of the item was not being appended to the URL. This has been fixed. #44
  • When creating a SAS, expiry times that are in the past would sometimes be the default value. This was due to Storage Explorer using the last used start and expiry time as default values. Now, every time you open the SAS dialog, a new set of default values is generated. #35
  • When copying between Storage Accounts, a 24-hour SAS is generated. If the copy lasted more than 24 hours, then the copy would fail. We've increased the SAS's to last 1 week to reduce the chance of a copy failing due to an expired SAS. #62
  • For some activities clicking on "Cancel" would not always work. This has been fixed. #125
  • For some activities the transfer speed was wrong. This has been fixed. #124
  • The spelling of "Previous" in the View menu was wrong. It is now properly spelled. #71
  • The final page of the Windows installer had a "Next" button. It has been changed to a "Finish" button. #70
  • Tab focus was not visible for buttons in dialogs when using the HC Black theme. It is now visible. #64
  • The casing of "Auto-Resolve" for actions in the activity log was wrong. It is now correct. #51
  • When deleting an entity from a table, the dialog asking you for confirmation displayed an error icon. The dialog now uses a warning icon. #148
  • Known Issues:
  • If you use VS for Mac and have ever created a custom AAD configuration, you may be unable to sign-in. To work around the issue, delete the contents of ~/.IdentityService/AadConfigurations. If doing so does not unblock you, please comment on this issue.
  • Azurite has not yet fully implemented all Storage APIs. Because of this, there may be unexpected errors or behavior when using Azurite for development storage.
  • In rare cases, the tree focus may get stuck on Quick Access. To unstick the focus, you can Refresh All.
  • Uploading from your OneDrive folder does not work because of a bug in NodeJS. The bug has been fixed, but not yet integrated into Electron.
  • When targeting Azure Stack, uploading certain files as append blobs may fail.
  • After clicking "Cancel" on a task, it may take a while for that task to cancel. This is because we are using the cancel filter workaround described here.
  • If you choose the wrong PIN/Smartcard certificate, then you will need to restart in order to have Storage Explorer forget that decision.
  • Renaming blobs (individually or inside a renamed blob container) does not preserve snapshots. All other properties and metadata for blobs, files and entities are preserved during a rename.
  • Although Azure Stack doesn't currently support Files Shares, a File Shares node still appears under an attached Azure Stack storage account.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 1.0.0 (May 14, 2018)

  • New:
  • Enhanced authentication that allows Storage Explorer to use the same account store as Visual Studio 2017. To use this feature, you will need to re-login to your accounts and re-set your filtered subscriptions.
  • For Azure Stack accounts backed by AAD, Storage Explorer will now retrieve Azure Stack subscriptions when 'Target Azure Stack' is enabled. You no longer need to create a custom login environment.
  • Several shortcuts were added to enable faster navigation. These include toggling various panels and moving between editors. See the View menu for more details.
  • Storage Explorer feedback now lives on GitHub. You can reach our issues page by clicking the Feedback button in the bottom left or by going to https://github.com/Microsoft/AzureStorageExplorer/issues. Feel free to make suggestions, report issues, ask questions, or leave any other form of feedback.
  • If you are running into SSL Certificate issues and are unable to find the offending certificate, you can now launch Storage Explorer from the command line with the --ignore-certificate-errors flag. When launched with this flag, Storage Explorer will ignore SSL certificate errors.
  • There is now a 'Download' option in the context menu for blob and file items.
  • Improved accessibility and screen reader support. If you rely on accessibility features, see our accessibility documentation for more information.
  • Storage Explorer now uses Electron 1.8.3
  • Breaking Changes:
  • Storage Explorer has switched to a new authentication library. As part of the switch to the library, you will need to re-login to your accounts and re-set your filtered subscriptions
  • The method used to encrypt sensitive data has changed. This may result in some of your Quick Access items needing to be re-added and/or some of you attached resources needing to be reattached.
  • Fixes:
  • Some users behind proxies would have group blob uploads or downloads interrupted by an 'Unable to resolve' error message. This has been fixed.
  • If sign in was needed while using a direct link, clicking on the 'Sign In' prompt would pop up a blank dialog. This has been fixed.
  • On Linux, if Storage Explorer is unable to launch because of a GPU process crash, you will now be informed of the crash, told to use the '--disable-gpu' switch, and Storage Explorer will then automatically restart with the switch enabled.
  • Invalid access policies were hard to identity in the Access Policies dialog. Invalid access policy IDs are now outlined in red for more visibility.
  • The activity log would sometimes have large areas of whitespace between the different parts of an activity. This has been fixed.
  • In the table query editor, if you left a timestamp clause in an invalid state and then attempted to modify another clause, the editor would freeze. The editor will now restore the timestamp clause to its last valid state when a change in another clause is detected.
  • If you paused while typing in your search query in the tree view, the search would begin and focus would be stolen from the text box. Now, you must explicitly start searching by pressing the 'Enter' key, or by clicking on the start search button.
  • The 'Get Shared Access Signature' command would sometimes be disabled when right clicking on a file in a File Share. This has been fixed.
  • If the resource tree node with focus was filtered out during search, you could not tab into the resource tree and use the arrow keys to navigate the resource tree. Now, if the focused resource tree node is hidden, the first node in the resource tree will be automatically focused.
  • An extra separator would sometimes be visible in the editor toolbar. This has been fixed.
  • The breadcrumb text box would sometimes overflow. This has been fixed.
  • The Blob and File Share editors would sometimes constantly refresh when uploading many files at once. This has been fixed.
  • The 'Folder Statistics' feature had no purpose in the File Share Snapshots Management view. It has now been disabled.
  • On Linux, the File menu did not appear. This has been fixed.
  • When uploading a folder to a File Share, by default, only the contents of the folder were uploaded. Now, the default behavior is to upload the contents of the folder into a matching folder in the File Share.
  • The ordering of buttons in several dialogs had been reversed. This has been fixed.
  • Various security related fixes.
  • Known Issues:
  • In rare cases, the tree focus may get stuck on Quick Access. To unstick the focus, you can Refresh All.
  • When targeting Azure Stack, uploading certain files as append blobs may fail.
  • After clicking "Cancel" on a task, it may take a while for that task to cancel. This is because we are using the cancel filter workaround described here.
  • If you choose the wrong PIN/Smartcard certificate, then you will need to restart in order to have Storage Explorer forget that decision.
  • Renaming blobs (individually or inside a renamed blob container) does not preserve snapshots. All other properties and metadata for blobs, files and entities are preserved during a rename.
  • Although Azure Stack doesn't currently support Files Shares, a File Shares node still appears under an attached Azure Stack storage account.
  • The Electron shell used by Storage Explorer has trouble with some GPU (graphics processing unit) hardware acceleration. If Storage Explorer is displaying a blank (empty) main window, you can try launching Storage Explorer from the command line and disabling GPU acceleration by adding the --disable-gpu switch

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.9.5 (Feb 26, 2018)

  • NEW:
  • Support for File Shares snapshots:
  • Create and manage snapshots for your File Shares.
  • Easily switch views between snapshots of your File Shares as you explore.
  • Restore previous versions of your files.
  • Preview support for Azure Data Lake Store:
  • Connect to your ADLS resources across multiple accounts.
  • Connect to and share ADLS resources using ADL URIs.
  • Perform basic file/folder operations recursively.
  • Pin individual folders to Quick Access.
  • Display folder statistics.
  • FIXES:
  • Startup performance improvements.
  • Various bug fixes.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.9.4 (Jan 23, 2018)

  • Fixed a security issue.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.9.3 (Dec 9, 2017)

  • NEW:
  • Your existing Storage Explorer window will be re-used when:
  • Opening direct links generated in Storage Explorer.
  • Opening Storage Explorer from portal.
  • Opening Storage Explorer from Azure Storage VS Code extension (coming soon).
  • Added ability to open a new Storage Explorer window from within Storage Explorer:
  • For Windows, there is a 'New Window' option under File Menu and in the context menu of the task bar.
  • For Mac, there is a 'New Window' option under App Menu.
  • FIXES:
  • Old activities were not appropriately being cleaned up. This affected the performance of long running jobs. They are now being cleaned up correctly.
  • Actions involving large numbers of files and directories would occasionally cause Storage Explorer to freeze. Requests to Azure for File Shares are now trottled to limit system resource use.
  • Storage Explorer does not support ADFS accounts.
  • Shortcut keys for "View Explorer" and "View Account Management" should be Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+E and Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+A respectively.
  • When targeting Azure Stack, uploading certain files as append blobs may fail.
  • After clicking "Cancel" on a task, it may take a while for that task to cancel. This is because we are using the cancel filter workaround described here.
  • If you choose the wrong PIN/Smartcard certificate, then you will need to restart in order to have Storage Explorer forget that decision.
  • The account settings panel may show that you need to reenter credentials to filter subscriptions.
  • Renaming blobs (individually or inside a renamed blob container) does not preserve snapshots. All other properties and metadata for blobs, files and entities are preserved during a rename.
  • Although Azure Stack doesn't currently support Files Shares, a File Shares node still appears under an attached Azure Stack storage account.
  • The Electron shell used by Storage Explorer has trouble with some GPU (graphics processing unit) hardware acceleration. If Storage Explorer is displaying a blank (empty) main window, you can try launching Storage Explorer from the command line and disabling GPU acceleration by adding the --disable-gpu switch: ./StorageExplorer --disable-gpu

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.9.1 (Nov 2, 2017)

  • NEW:
  • Improved the performance of uploading/downloading many small blobs.
  • Added a "Retry All" action if there are failures in a blob upload group or blob download group.
  • Storage Explorer will now pause iteration during blob upload/download if it detects your network connection has been lost. You can then resume iteration once the network connection has been re-established.
  • Added the ability to "Close All", "Close Others", and "Close" tabs via context menu.
  • Storage Explorer now uses native dialogs and native context menus.
  • Storage Explorer is now more accessible. Improvements include:
  • Improved screen reader support, for NVDA on Windows, and for VoiceOver on Mac
  • Improved high contrast theming
  • Keyboard tabbing and keyboard focus fixes
  • Preview support for Azure Cosmos DB:
  • Online Documentation
  • Create databases and collections
  • Manipulate data
  • Query, create, or delete documents
  • Update stored procedures, user defined functions, or triggers
  • Use connection strings to connect to and manage your databases
  • FIXES:
  • If you tried to open or download a blob with an invalid Windows file name, the operation would fail. Storage Explorer will now detect if a blob name is invalid and ask if you would like to either encode it or skip the blob. Storage Explorer will also detect if a file name appears to be encoded and ask you if want to decode it before uploading.
  • During blob upload, the editor for the target blob container would sometimes not properly refresh. This has been fixed.
  • The support for several forms of connection strings and SAS URIs regressed. We have addressed all known issues, but please send feedback if you encounter further issues.
  • The update notification was broken for some users in 0.9.0. This issue has been fixed, and for those affected by the bug, you can manually download the latest version of Storage Explorer here

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.9.01 (Oct 24, 2017)

  • NEW:
  • Improved the performance of uploading/downloading many small blobs.
  • Added a "Retry All" action if there are failures in a blob upload group or blob download group.
  • Storage Explorer will now pause iteration during blob upload/download if it detects your network connection has been lost. You can then resume iteration once the network connection has been re-established.
  • Added the ability to "Close All", "Close Others", and "Close" tabs via context menu.
  • Storage Explorer now uses native dialogs and native context menus.
  • Preview support for Azure Cosmos DB:
  • Online Documentation
  • Create databases and collections
  • Manipulate data
  • Query, create, or delete documents
  • Update stored procedures, user defined functions, or triggers
  • Use connection strings to connect to and manage your databases
  • Storage Explorer is now more accessible. Improvements include:
  • Improved screen reader support, for NVDA on Windows, and for VoiceOver on Mac
  • Improved high contrast theming
  • Keyboard tabbing and keyboard focus fixes
  • FIXES:
  • If you tried to open or download a blob with an invalid Windows file name, the operation would fail. Storage Explorer will now detect if a blob name is invalid and ask if you would like to either encode it or skip the blob. Storage Explorer will also detect if a file name appears to be encoded and ask you if want to decode it before uploading.
  • During blob upload, the editor for the target blob container would sometimes not properly refresh. This has been fixed.
  • The support for several forms of connection strings and SAS URIs regressed. We have addressed all known issues, but please send feedback if you encounter further issues.
  • The update notification was broken for some users in 0.9.0. This issue has been fixed, and for those affected by the bug, you can manually download the latest version of Storage Explorer here
  • Storage Explorer does not support ADFS accounts.
  • Shortcut keys for "View Explorer" and "View Account Management" should be Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+E and Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+A respectively.
  • When targeting Azure Stack, uploading certain files as append blobs may fail.
  • After clicking "Cancel" on a task, it may take a while for that task to cancel. This is because we are using the cancel filter workaround described here.
  • If you choose the wrong PIN/Smartcard certificate, then you will need to restart in order to have Storage Explorer forget that decision.
  • The account settings panel may show that you need to reenter credentials to filter subscriptions.
  • Renaming blobs (individually or inside a renamed blob container) does not preserve snapshots. All other properties and metadata for blobs, files and entities are preserved during a rename.
  • Although Azure Stack doesn't currently support Files Shares, a File Shares node still appears under an attached Azure Stack storage account.
  • The Electron shell used by Storage Explorer has trouble with some GPU (graphics processing unit) hardware acceleration. If Storage Explorer is displaying a blank (empty) main window, you can try launching Storage Explorer from the command line and disabling GPU acceleration by adding the --disable-gpu switch: ./StorageExplorer.exe --disable-gpu

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.8.15 (Jul 19, 2017)

  • New:
  • Improved the performance of blob upload and blob download.
  • Improved the conflicting files experience for blob upload and blob download.
  • Improved displaying of errors in the Activity Log during blob upload and blob download.
  • Increased the maximum size of blob uploads and downloads to 8TB for Page Blobs and ~4.7TB for Block Blobs.
  • Known Issues:
  • After clicking "Cancel" on a task, it may take a while for that task to cancel. This is a limitation of the Azure Storage Node library.
  • After completing a blob upload, the tab which initiated the upload is refreshed. This is a change from previous behavior, and will also cause you to be taken back to the root of the container you are in.
  • If you choose the wrong PIN/Smartcard certificate then you will need to restart Storage Explorer in order to have it forget that decision.
  • The account settings panel may show that you need to reenter credentials in order to filter subscriptions.
  • Renaming blobs (individually or inside a renamed blob container) does not preserve snapshots. All other properties and metadata for blobs, files and entities are preserved during a rename.
  • Although Azure Stack doesn't currently support Files Shares, a File Shares node still appears under an attached Azure Stack storage account.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.8.14 (Jun 26, 2017)

  • New:
  • Updated Electron version to 1.7.2 in order to take advantage of several critical security updates
  • You can now quickly access the online troubleshooting guide from the help menu
  • Storage Explorer Troubleshooting Guide
  • Instructions on connecting to an Azure Stack subscription

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.8.13 (May 15, 2017)

  • New:
  • Storage Explorer Troubleshooting Guide
  • Instructions on connecting to an Azure Stack subscription
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed: File upload had a high chance of causing an out of memory error
  • Fixed: You can now sign in with PIN/Smartcard
  • Fixed: Open in Portal now works with Azure China, Azure Germany, Azure US Government, and Azure Stack
  • Fixed: While uploading a folder to a blob container, an "Illegal operation" error would sometimes occur
  • Fixed: Select all was disabled while managing snapshots
  • Fixed: The metadata of the base blob might get overwritten after viewing the properties of its snapshots

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.8.12 (Apr 7, 2017)

  • New:
  • Storage Explorer will now automatically close when you install an update from the update notification
  • In-place quick access provides an enhanced experience for working with your frequently accessed resources
  • In the Blob Container editor, you can now see which virtual machine a leased blob belongs to
  • You can now collapse the left side panel
  • Discovery now runs at the same time as download
  • Use Statistics in the Blob Container, File Share, and Table editors to see the size of your resource or selection
  • You can now sign-in to Azure Active Directory (AAD) based Azure Stack accounts.
  • You can now upload archive files over 32MB to Premium storage accounts
  • Improved accessibility support
  • You can now add trusted Base-64 encoded X.509 SSL certificates by going to Edit -> SSL Certificates -> Import Certificates
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed: after refreshing an account’s credentials, the tree view would sometimes not automatically refresh
  • Fixed: generating a SAS for emulator queues and tables would result in an invalid URL
  • Fixed: premium storage accounts can now be expanded while a proxy is enabled
  • Fixed: the apply button on the accounts management page would not work if you had 1 or 0 accounts selected
  • Fixed: uploading blobs that require conflict resolutions may fail - fixed in 0.8.11
  • Fixed: sending feedback was broken in 0.8.11 - fixed in 0.8.12

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.8.10 (Apr 5, 2017)

  • New:
  • Storage Explorer will now automatically close when you install an update from the update notification
  • In-place quick access provides an enhanced experience for working with your frequently accessed resources
  • In the Blob Container editor, you can now see which virtual machine a leased blob belongs to
  • You can now collapse the left side panel
  • Discovery now runs at the same time as download
  • Use Statistics in the Blob Container, File Share, and Table editors to see the size of your resource or selection
  • You can now sign-in to Azure Active Directory (AAD) based Azure Stack accounts.
  • You can now upload archive files over 32MB to Premium storage accounts
  • Improved accessibility support
  • You can now add trusted Base-64 encoded X.509 SSL certificates by going to Edit -> SSL Certificates -> Import Certificates
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed: after refreshing an account’s credentials, the tree view would sometimes not automatically refresh
  • Fixed: generating a SAS for emulator queues and tables would result in an invalid URL
  • Fixed: premium storage accounts can now be expanded while a proxy is enabled
  • Fixed: the apply button on the accounts management page would not work if you had 1 or 0 accounts selected

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.8.9 (Feb 24, 2017)

  • New:
  • Storage Explorer 0.8.9 will automatically download the latest version for updates.
  • Hotfix: using a portal generated SAS URI to attach a storage account would result in an error.

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.8.8 (Feb 14, 2017)

  • New:
  • You can now create, manage, and promote blob snapshots.
  • Storage Explorer will now automatically download the latest version when it is available.
  • You can now sign in to Azure China, Azure Germany, and Azure US Government accounts.
  • You can now change the zoom level. Use the options in the View menu to Zoom In, Zoom Out, and Reset Zoom.
  • Unicode characters are now supported in user metadata for blobs and files.
  • Accessibility improvements.
  • The next version's release notes can be viewed from the update notification. You can also view the current release notes from the Help menu.
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed: the version number is now correctly displayed in Control Panel on Windows
  • Fixed: search is no longer limited to 50,000 nodes
  • Fixed: upload to a file share spun forever if the destination directory did not already exist
  • Fixed: improved stability for long uploads and downloads

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.8.7 (Dec 20, 2016)

  • New:
  • You can choose how to resolve conflicts at the beginning of an update, download or copy session in the Activities window
  • Hover over a tab to see the full path of the storage resource
  • When you click on a tab, it synchronizes with its location in the left side navigation pane
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed: Storage Explorer is now a trusted app on Mac
  • Fixed: Ubuntu 14.04 is again supported
  • Fixed: Sometimes the add account UI flashes when loading subscriptions
  • Fixed: Sometimes not all storage resources were listed in the left side navigation pane
  • Fixed: The action pane sometimes displayed empty actions
  • Fixed: The window size from the last closed session is now retained
  • Fixed: You can open multiple tabs for the same resource using the context menu

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.8.6 (Nov 22, 2016)

  • New:
  • You can now pin most frequently used services to the Quick Access for easy navigation
  • You can now open multiple editors in different tabs. Single click to open a temporary tab; double click to open a permanent tab. You can also click on the temporary tab to make it a permanent tab
  • We have made noticeable performance and stability improvements for uploads and downloads, especially for large files on fast machines
  • Empty "virtual" folders can now be created in blob containers
  • We have re-introduced scoped search with our new enhanced substring search, so you now have two options for searching:
  • Global search - just enter a search term into the search textbox
  • Scoped search - click the magnifying glass icon next to a node, then add a search term to the end of the path, or right-click and select "Search from Here"
  • We have added various themes: Light (default), Dark, High Contrast Black, and High Contrast White. Go to Edit -> Themes to change your theming preference
  • You can modify Blob and file properties
  • We now support encoded (base64) and unencoded queue messages
  • On Linux, a 64-bit OS is now required. For this release we only support 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
  • We have updated our logo!
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed: Screen freezing problems
  • Fixed: Enhanced security
  • Fixed: Sometimes duplicate attached accounts could appear
  • Fixed: A blob with an undefined content type could generate an exception
  • Fixed: Opening the Query Panel on an empty table was not possible
  • Fixed: Varies bugs in Search
  • Fixed: Increased the number of resources loaded from 50 to 100 when clicking "Load More"
  • Fixed: On first run, if an account is signed into, we now select all subscriptions for that account by default

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.8.5 (Oct 5, 2016)

  • NEW:
  • Can now use Portal-generated SAS keys to attach to Storage Accounts and resources
  • FIXES:
  • Fixed: race condition during search sometimes caused nodes to become non-expandable
  • Fixed: "Use HTTP" doesn't work when connecting to Storage Accounts with account name and key
  • Fixed: SAS keys (specially Portal-generated ones) return a "trailing slash" error
  • Fixed: table import issues:
  • Sometimes partition key and row key were reversed
  • Uable to read "null" Partition Keys
  • Search handles searching across roughly 50,000 nodes - after this, performance may be impacted
  • Azure Stack doesn't currently support Files, so trying to expand Files will show an error

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.8.4 (Sep 13, 2016)

  • New:
  • Generate direct links to storage accounts, containers, queues, tables, or file shares for sharing and easy access to your resources - Windows and Mac OS support
  • Search for your blob containers, tables, queues, file shares, or storage accounts from the search box
  • You can now group clauses in the table query builder
  • Rename and copy/paste blob containers, file shares, tables, blobs, blob folders, files and directories from within SAS-attached accounts and containers
  • Renaming and copying blob containers and file shares now preserve properties and metadata
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed: cannot edit table entities if they contain booleans or binary properties

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.8.3 (Aug 4, 2016)

  • New:
  • Rename containers, tables, file shares
  • Improved Query builder experience
  • Ability to save and load queries
  • Direct links to storage accounts or containers, queues, tables, or file shares for sharing and easily accessing your resources (Windows-only - macOS support coming soon!)
  • Ability to manage and configure CORS rules
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed: Microsoft Accounts require re-authentication every 8-12 hours
  • Known Issues:
  • Sometimes the UI might appear frozen - maximizing the window helps resolve this issue
  • macOS install may require elevated permissions
  • Account settings panel may show that you need to reenter credentials in order to filter subscriptions
  • Renaming file shares, blob containers, and tables does not preserve metadata or other properties on the container, such as file share quota, public access level or access policies
  • Renaming blobs (individually or inside a renamed blob container) does not preserve snapshots. All other properties and metadata for blobs, files and entities are preserved during a rename

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.8.2 (Jul 9, 2016)

  • New:
  • Storage Accounts are grouped by subscriptions; development storage and resources attached via key or SAS are shown under (Local and Attached) node
  • Sign off from accounts in "Azure Account Settings" panel
  • Configure proxy settings to enable and manage sign-in
  • Create and break blob leases
  • Open blob containers, queues, tables, and files with single-click
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed: queue messages inserted with .NET or Java libraries are not properly decoded from base64
  • Fixed: $metrics tables are not shown for Blob Storage accounts
  • Fixed: tables node does not work for local (Development) storage
  • Known Issues:
  • macOS install may require elevated permissions

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.8.0 (Jun 9, 2016)

  • New:
  • File share support: viewing, uploading, downloading, copying files and directories, SAS URIs (create and connect)
  • Improved user experience for connecting to Storage with SAS URIs or account keys
  • Export table query results
  • Table column reordering and customization
  • Viewing $logs blob containers and $metrics tables for Storage Accounts with enabled metrics
  • Improved export and import behavior, now includes property value type
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed: uploading or downloading large blobs can result in incomplete uploads/downloads
  • Fixed: editing, adding, or importing an entity with a numeric string value ("1") will convert it to double
  • Known Issues:
  • $metrics tables are not visible for Blob Storage accounts

New in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer 0.7.20160509.0 (May 25, 2016)

  • New:
  • Better error handling for app crashes
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed bug where InfoBar messages sometimes don't show up when sign-in credentials were required