MagicDraw UML Changelog

What's new in MagicDraw UML 19.0 SP4

Jun 30, 2020
  • The new release presents significant Licensing, Installation, and Other Changes. Additionally, it adds improvements to the Project Statistics tool.
  • Users can now handle conflicts by Resolving Conflicting Changes Automatically in Merge in Collaborative modeling, and major Memory Consumption Improvements in Merge have been made.
  • Last but not least, a number of key issues detected in earlier versions, including those affecting modeling tool performance, have been fixed.

New in MagicDraw UML 19.0 SP2 (May 2, 2019)

  • The 19.0 SP2 release introduces new cutting-edge capabilities focusing on unique users’ needs to further enhance their modeling experience. These include:
  • Resource/Plugin Manager on Premises,
  • Customizing Tree View in Matrices,
  • New Predefined Metric Suites for SysML and MagicGrid,
  • Validation-based Metric Definition,
  • Managing Navigation in Diagrams,
  • New Way to Create Relations, and
  • Assigning Keyboard Shortcuts Using the Redesigned Keyboard Panel.
  • Others:
  • We also have good news for users who opt for Collaborative modeling. The new release comes packed with a number of useful features, consisting of (but not limited to) Used Project Update Impact Analysis and Merge usability improvements.

New in MagicDraw UML 19.0 SP1 (Mar 8, 2019)

  • This 19.0 SP1 release delivers major new capabilities to the desktop client. These include Complete Diagrams, Composite Structure Diagram / Internal Block Diagram-based Layout Templates, Vertical Labels, and enhanced Sequence Diagram modeling with Execution Specifications.
  • A number of new and exciting features enrich your Collaborative modeling, including, but not limited to: Pre-commit validation, update-free locking, archived branches, etc. Additionally, the 19.0 SP1 release introduces a command line utility for switching used projects to the latest version.

New in MagicDraw UML 19.0 (Mar 8, 2019)

  • MagicDraw version 19.0 focuses on enterprise level scalability, integrations with other engineering products, and usability. No Magic, Inc. always supports the latest standard versions. UML 2.5.1, SysML 1.5, and UPDM 3 will be supported in the upcoming version of the modeling tool and related plugins, along with enhanced support of the ISO 80000 standard. For some time now, No Magic has presented the MagicGrid method for MBSE. In this release, MagicGrid will be available out of the box in our products.

New in MagicDraw UML 18.5 SP3 (Mar 8, 2019)

  • Performance related issues:
  • Solved the memory leak issue concerned to Mac OS X.
  • A drop-down menu for choosing commands in the Find and Find and Replace dialog text boxes now works in Mac OS.
  • Fixed the issue of text in shapes of images exported in the .svg format not shown correctly in Chrome or Firefox browsers.
  • Fixed the issue causing collapse of expanded elements in the Model Browser while switching between projects.
  • Fixed the issue related to selecting several elements in the Validation Results window to apply the same solver.
  • Created a passive validation rule to check if a Member of an Index is from the same table.
  • Solved some critical program issues related to stability of common operations and general performance while working with server projects in Teamwork Cloud server, including:
  • Enhancing performance of updating Used Projects by optimizing element-level operations.
  • Clearing the local cache more effectively now by removing unused server projects and their earlier versions.
  • Solving issues related to selecting symbols on diagrams and causing performance degradation of the modeling tool.
  • Fixing the issue related to losing references when a project is selected to be used in other project.
  • Diagramming related issues:
  • After a State Machine is copied, the references from original substates now remain to the original State Machine and not to a copy.
  • Relation properties can now be copied and pasted in MagicDraw tables.
  • Handled unexpected expanding of symbol labels on State symbols after changing the property Show Element Properties. Labels are displayed correctly on the diagram now.
  • When reconnecting the Connector to another Port using API, checking the arbitrary nested Port depth, full property path, and Part with Port are now performed to ensure correct visualization on the diagram.
  • Provided proper navigation information for Message labels in the Sequence diagrams images generated during publishing to Cameo Collaborator.
  • Fixed the issue causing an incorrect Type being set for an element in cases when the element has a colon : sign(s) in its name.
  • Fixed the issue of a Connector type not being displayed on the diagram after selecting not to show a name of the Connector.
  • There was an issue - table columns represented by stereotype tags became invalid after setting the stereotype customization. Now it fixed, and all columns represented by tags as properties are available just after setting the customization property HideMetatype to true.
  • Report Wizard related issues:
  • Added a new function $report.filterClassName(elementList, classNames) for retrieving a list of desired elements by specifying class names while generating reports. It solved an issue of some customized elements not being added to the report.
  • Other issues:
  • After a stereotype is applied to an element, newly added stereotype properties are now ordered the same way as specified in the stereotype.
  • Recursive child elements are numbered from a defined initial value correctly now.

New in MagicDraw UML 18.5 SP2 (Aug 29, 2017)

  • Modeling Related Issues:
  • The issue in the Activity Diagram where several Output Pins to call a Behavior are created instead of one was corrected
  • Users can select properties of a custom element to display as columns of the Generic table
  • Users are warned about the limitation of reversing the flow direction if the flow source and target are the same elements
  • In tables, users can select a cell when pasting a group of words, instead of pasting a cursor in it
  • The size of Requirement shapes no longer changes to default if you align the Requirement diagram in the Grid Layout type and set the Make Preferred Size option to false
  • SP2 has eliminated the ability to add Entry/Exit Point to State or Transition. To meet UML specifications, users can add an Entry/Exit Point to the Composite or Orthogonal State
  • Corrected the issue related to losing the Sync Element property value after converting an Input Pin to a Value Pin in the Activity Diagram
  • In the Object Diagram, users can assign several classifier types to one Instance Specification
  • DSL Related Issues:
  • Evaluating expressions in JRuby language: a parameter THIS is always available
  • Derived properties defined as an Integer type: the Long type value returned by the JRuby script of the derived property expression is converted to Integer
  • Automatic numbering of custom elements: the continuity of unique IDs for every new instance of the custom element is correct in all numbering schemes
  • Collaboration Related Issues:
  • Enhanced performance of updating Used Projects by optimizing diagram-related operations
  • Connectors can no longer be locked without their classifiers while mapping port types. This prevents automatically locking irrelevant connectors
  • Corrected displaying dates of the Norwegian, Bokmal (Norway) format in server project dialogs
  • Updated the locking mechanism to prevent lock-stealing related issues after saving a model containing locked elements as an offline project
  • Corrected the issue related to opening a server project after it was saved and edited offline, and thus treating it as outdated
  • Added the progress bar to show indexing progress when importing a server project with a deep hierarchical structure to the DataHub
  • Corrected the issue with potentially failing commits after changing package permissions
  • Model Validation Issues:
  • Updated the No Type for Parameter UML completeness validation rule
  • Corrected the spell check issue for validating tagged values
  • SP2 offers enhanced validation rules to detect issues related to invalid item flow direction
  • Other issues:
  • Full element names (without ellipsis) are visible in the column names while printing matrices in a PDF. The issue appeared depending on the screen resolution
  • Users can generate an HTML report from thousands of files with the Web Publisher 2.0 template from the command line
  • Z ordering of dialog windows issues were corrected in the native full screen mode in Mac OS X

New in MagicDraw UML 18.2 (Nov 5, 2015)

  • Integration with Cameo Enterprise Data Warehouse:
  • We are proud to offer our users the integration with Cameo Enterprise Data Warehouse (CEDW), a new server for collaborative development and versioned storage of models. CEDW is envisioned and architected to provide significant future improvements in the areas of model-governance, model-analysis, and integration with third-party tools.
  • Completely Reworked Model Comparer and Upgraded Merge:
  • Now you can easily track modifications by comparing different project versions, effortlessly review changes in the difference tree, change details panel, and on diagrams, as well as conveniently save everything to your documentation.
  • Scrum Project Template:
  • A bundle of MagicDraw project templates was extended with a new item for software engineers, who use the Scrum methodology! In this template you can find brief guidelines and predefined artifacts for all phases of Scrum-based software development process recommended by No Magic.
  • Increased Modeling Efficiency:
  • We are pleased to introduce validation and Relation Map enhancements, smarter diagram layout, transparent unconnectable shapes, and many more features that save modeler's time and allow focusing on what to model, but not how to model and keep the result well-formed.

New in MagicDraw UML 18.2 Beta (Jun 22, 2015)

  • Integration with Cameo Enterprise Data Warehouse
  • Completely Reworked Model Comparer and Upgraded Merge
  • Scrum project template
  • Increased Modeling Efficiency:
  • Validation enhancements
  • Automated management of Use Case subjects
  • Smarter diagram layout
  • Transparent unconnectable shapes
  • Relation Map enhancements
  • Classifier Behavior in Classifier's specification
  • Activity Parameter Node enhancements
  • Miscellaneous:
  • A new Display Parts button has been added to the smart manipulator toolbar, making access of the command quicker.
  • Due to the newly introduced symbol property Inner Elements Sort Mode, you can now choose how to arrange your Package inner elements. Keeping the default selection No Sorting leaves the elements sorted by the date of their creation, whereas selecting By Name sorts Package inner elements alphanumerically.
  • Converting a State to a Composite State no longer requires you to manually create a Region inside that simple State. The conversion is carried out by simply dragging a vertex on a simple State symbol.
  • Now you can adjust the position of labels of several Port shapes at once. In earlier versions this was possible only for a single shape.
  • Now all the relations that can be connected to a property can be directly connected to the Association name label as well.
  • Finding your diagrams in the Containment tree is more quick and easy due to the changed sorting – now they‘re displayed right after the Relations group and Packages, so you can access them in seconds whenever you need to.

New in MagicDraw UML 18.1 (Jan 16, 2015)

  • Easy Transition from Documents to Models:
  • Good news for modelers, who frequently exchange information with project stakeholders that are not modelers and work exclusively with documents! Information exchange becomes easier and faster, because now you can copy listed texts and tables to your MagicDraw model directly from documents, web pages, email messages, presentations, or other text sources.
  • Projects with File and Report Template Attachments:
  • Do you use hyperlinks to external files in your project? If so, then you must be familiar with several common issues that are solved in the latest version of MagicDraw. Now you can attach any type of file to your project! Report templates from the local report templates folder can be attached to your project too.
  • Transferring Projects between Consciously Disconnected Environments:
  • Teamwork Servers, which run in consciously disconnected or secured environments, can still exchange projects! MagicDraw Teamwork Server 18.1 supports transferring project data from one Teamwork Server to another by using any external storage device, such as CD, DVD, hard disc, or flash memory device.
  • Editable Relation Maps:
  • Now with the Relation Map you can do more than just analysis! You can expand your model with new elements or edit the names of the existing ones directly in the relation map.
  • Increased Modeling Efficiency:
  • Smarter diagram layout, simplified search options, more efficient synchronization of elements and their properties, rake icon, and many more features save modeler's time and allow focusing on what to model, but not how to model and keep the result well-formed.
  • Conceptual changes in modules:
  • Starting from this version, module is referred as a used project. Keywords "used project" and "project usage" replace the keyword "module" everywhere in MagicDraw UI.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Easily create a Behavior for the Operation. With the new Create Method command on the shortcut menu of the Operation and the Signal Reception, you can create a Behavior (and diagram) faster.
  • With the new Display Inner Elements command on the shortcut menu of the State Machine diagram, you can display the shapes of State Machine inner elements faster. The same command is available on the shortcut menu of the Composite State symbol, Activity diagram, and Structured Activity Node symbol.
  • Activity diagram created under the Activity now instantly displays all inner elements on this diagram. The same is valid when creating a State Machine diagram under the State Machine.
  • Any inherited part can now be quickly redefined directly in the Composite Structure diagrams. Select Refactor > Redefine To, choose a compatible subtype, and let this job be done for you. A new part redefining the original one will be created and graphically replaced in the diagram with all ports and connectors remaining in their places.
  • MagicDraw no longer forces the selection of a Metaclass on a Stereotype creation. You can change the Metaclass later from the stereotype's smart manipulator toolbar.
  • Selecting a Stereotype or Metaclass no longer requires using the mouse. Use the Up and Down Arrow keys to walk through the lists, press Ctrl+Spacebar to select a desired item, and then press Enter to apply the selected Stereotype or Metaclass.
  • Derived properties created using simple navigation operations are now editable.
  • The position of text within a shape can be set to the top, center, or bottom by using a new Text Vertical Position property in the Symbol Properties dialog.
  • Multiplicity value of an association end can now be edited directly on the diagram pane. Just select the multiplicity area and press F2 to switch it to the edit mode. Then press Ctrl+Spacebar or Ctrl+Backspace to see available suggestions and choose one of them or type a new value.
  • Standard and custom subtypes of the selected element type can now be included into search results optionally.
  • For example, if you need to search for packages as well as for profiles, models, smart packages, and other custom subtypes of the Package, select the new Include Subtypes check box on the Select Element Type dialog after you choose the Package as element type.
  • Table export to a Microsoft Excel worksheet was improved, and multiline textual values are no longer stripped in the worksheet, if they are stripped in the table - actual, but not displayed data is exported.
  • When working with a server project, you can now choose whether to ignore validation rule failures just for you or for all users contributing to that server project.
  • Foreign, non-editable projects transferred from other servers can now have domestic, editable branches on the current server.
  • File format changes:
  • File format reflects changes made in UML metamodel.
  • Open API changes:
  • UML metamodel related changes: removed associations (parameter between ValueSpecification and Parameter, parameter between Pin and Parameter) and added associations (syncElement between two Elements)
  • IntelliJ IDEA project for MagicDraw development:
  • An IntelliJ IDEA project with modules for developing two sample plugins was pre-configured and can be found in /openapi/ide.

New in MagicDraw UML 18.0 SP1 (Sep 11, 2014)

  • New Feature: Comments in Software Engineering Portal Report:
  • Now you can provide feedback on any element or diagram while reviewing a Software Engineering Portal (SEP) report of the project. Just select the element/diagram, click the envelope icon envelope, type the comment, and click Send. The author of the element/diagram instantly gets the comment to his/her Atlassian JIRA account, e-mail system, or any other system integrated with the SEP report.
  • Model Browser:
  • Model Browser refreshes immediately after new element creation, and corrupted elements no longer appear in it without reason.
  • The unhandled error no longer appears on editing the EnumerationLiteral name in the Model Browser.
  • Performance:
  • Tables and dependency matrices open much more quickly, if compared with MagicDraw 18.0.
  • Teamwork Server integration:
  • The order of ordered elements, such as pins, operation parameters, or attributes, persists after commitment with updates, if these elements have been renamed.
  • A locally saved server project can be successfully committed to the server, after the upgrade of the server.
  • Web Portal reports:
  • Clicking an element inside the package opens the custom content of that element, but not the one of the owning package.
  • Tables and Dependency Matrices:
  • The unhandled error no longer appears, when trying to specify a slot value in the Instance table, if the type of that slot is a classifier.
  • MagicDraw no longer stops responding after you undo the removal of a satisfy relationship.

New in MagicDraw UML 17.0.5 Beta (Nov 18, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • Smart packages:
  • Smart package is a special collection of model elements. An element can be included in the smart package either:
  • Manually - the user selects to include the particular element. Manually included elements compose the static contents.
  • For example, the user can create a smart package “My Bookmarks” and add frequently used elements to it.
  • Automatically - the element meets the set of criteria defined by the user. Automatically included elements compose the dynamic contents.
  • For example, the user can create a smart package “Requirements v5” with the criteria “all elements of type Requirement under the package Business requirements having tag version=5”.
  • Note: The membership in the smart package is not the UML ownership association: one element can belong to several smart packages.
  • Search results provide an easy way to create a smart package. Capture the results of the search as the static contents of a smart package or construct the dynamic contents of the smart package using the search criteria.
  • You can always convert the dynamic contents of a smart package into the static one by freezing the dynamic contents.
  • Note: You can also customize any stereotype to make an element with the stereotype applied a grouping element of a particular element collection selected according to the criteria defined in the stereotype customization.
  • Smart packages aggregate relevant elements so that you can
  • Easily browse, navigate, list, and discover these elements in the Containment tree.
  • Narrow the scope in both the Find dialog and the element Selection dialog.
  • Define dynamic row and column scopes in dependency matrices.
  • For example, after tagging a requirement with version=5, the requirement is automatically included into the group “Requirements v5” and thus is added to the dependency matrix where this smart package is defined as scope.
  • Favorites:
  • You can now mark as a Favorite any element that you regularly use in your model and need to access quickly.
  • Using Favorites also speeds up the scope selection in
  • Find dialog
  • element Selection dialog
  • Drop-down lists for type selection
  • Gradual upgrade of Teamwork Server clients:
  • The new version of the client application can connect to an earlier* version of Teamwork Server. This feature enables the gradual upgrade of Teamwork Server, which is expected to be a great benefit for any teamwork user, especially in larger organizations.
  • By using the gradual approach for upgrading Teamwork Server, different teams of the organization can migrate their server projects independently of each other. A team that has switched to the new version of the client application and needs to work with server projects, no longer has to wait while other teams complete their work with the earlier version of the client application in order to upgrade the server. Upgrading Teamwork Server is not required to access server projects with the upgraded version of the client application. Postpone the upgrade of Teamwork Server until all client applications are upgraded.
  • An additional benefit of the feature is the ability to try out the new version of the client application with real-life server projects without upgrading the server.
  • Open API for Dependency Matrix customization:
  • You can now use the open API to
  • Create custom types of the dependency matrix. Customize a dependency matrix as follows:
  • Configure the toolbar (1), shortcut menus of the row or column element (2), cell (3), and Criteria area (4).
  • Assign shortcut keys for commands.
  • Define custom dependencies that can be created in the matrix (5).
  • Specify the appearance of the matrix, that is, change the default colors of the cell and both row and column headers, assign custom icons to represent dependencies, etc. (6).
  • Define cases when specific dependencies should be updated without rebuilding the whole matrix.
  • Export the data of a dependency matrix to any format (7).
  • No Magic, Inc. provides instructions on how to use the open API and a sample project, which can be found in \openapi\examples\dependencymatrix.
  • Modeling / Diagramming Enhancements:
  • This release includes a number of layout and usability enhancements. MagicDraw helps you to keep your model consistent and correct. You will be able to do the right modeling instantly and skip the complex concepts. Furthermore, the number of actions has been reduced when you want to create a simple model.
  • Layout enhancements:
  • When drawing a new path, shapes are no longer overlaped, and MagicDraw automatically chooses the optimal route for the path.
  • When drawing a new path, the path end is connected to the shape center. Note this is valid if the shape is small enough.
  • Layout inside Swimlanes has been enhanced and now symbols are layed out based on the Partitions to which they belong.
  • Labels no longer overlap after applying the automatic layout on the diagram.
  • The shape no longer changes position after selecting to display related elements.
  • Enhanced layout for association classes.
  • When inserting a shape into a path in an Activity or State diagram, a space is made automatically for the new shape and shapes no longer overlap each other.
  • MagicDraw introduces the smart shape sizing when:
  • Creating a shape on the diagram by using smart manipulator while drawing a path. The size of the new shape is the same as the size of the source shape. Note that this is valid if the source shape is not large, for example, if it is not more than 3 times larger than the new shape.
  • Inserting a new shape into the flow in the activity or state diagram. The size of the newly inserted shape is the same as the size of the source shape.
  • Easier modeling in Composite Structure diagrams
  • Draw connector to / from diagram frame - You can now draw a Connector directly to or from a Composite Structure diagram frame. As a result a Port will be created on the diagram frame.
  • Select type from new Type Selection list - A type assignment is now easier and faster by using a drop-down list, which appears when creating a new element or which can be opened from the element Smart Manipulator toolbar.
  • Select compatible or create new port - You can now select from the list of existing Ports or create a new one when drawing a Connector.
  • Other:
  • You can now easily replace a Part type without losing data when Ports on the Part are created. Ports will be replaced by the new ones of a new type and Connectors will reconnect to them.
  • You can create a Port or a nested Part on the Part even if the Part type is not specified. In this case, MagicDraw will automatically create a type for the Part, on demand.
  • You can now create a Composite Structure diagram for the Part directly from the Smart Manipulator toolbar and in this way easily model the inner structure of the type and deepen the level of your model.
  • Connectors now display in the new Connectors group in the element Specification window. This new enhancement allows you to distinguish Connectors by their context.
  • The legacy “unnamed1, unnamed2 …” naming schema is replaced by more useful default naming where Ports are named the following: “p1, p2 …”.
  • Easier modeling in Activity diagrams
  • Create behavior automatically - MagicDraw introduces new Automatic Behavior Creation mode. When the mode is on, Behaviors are created automatically on Action creation. Furthermore, Parameters are created on Pin creation automatically. This helps to save time and to maintain consistency in your model.
  • Set the representative elements easily - The Represent Properties dialog is a helping hand when creating swimlanes.
  • When you create a swimlane from the Diagram pallet in the diagram of the particular classifier, the Represent Properties dialog appears. This dialog gives you all available properties related to that particular classifier.
  • Experience a quicker way of creating Swimlanes - Creating swimlanes and setting representative elements is now more convenient and quicker. Simply drag one or several elements (Property, Actor, Class, or Instance Specification) from the Containment tree to the diagram and all elements will be represented by swimlanes. The partitions will be created for each of those elements.
  • You may also drag one or several elements to the existing swimlane. In that case, all elements will be represented by new partitions.
  • Note that if you want to make the particular preferences, drag elements using the right mouse button. The shortcut menu will appear, where you will be able to select available actions or specify the location for new rows or columns.
  • Other:
  • A new button has been added to the class diagram pallet for quick creation of non-navigable association classes.
  • The element name and the Element Properties compartment are now separated by a line on the element shape.
  • Designing of tables and trees in the User Interface Modeling diagram is now more flexible. Reorder columns or nodes and leaves simply by changing their numbers.
  • Symbols that overlap with an Activity Partition on the Activity diagram are now highlighted as invalid.
  • Parameter direction now displays on Activity Parameter Node shapes on diagrams.
  • By using the new change type button in the Smart Manipulator toolbar, you can now quickly create or change the behavior of the Call Behavior Action, the type of the Lifeline, the classifier of the Instance Specification, the behavior of the Interaction Use, the type of the Collaboration Use, and others.
  • If a Property, with private, protected or package visibility is converted to a Port (Refactor > Convert To > Port), the visibility of the Port becomes public.
  • Behaviors are now grouped to the Owned and Inherited groups in the Behaviors property group of the element Specification window.
  • Diagrams look cleaner now - grid lines no longer display on diagrams by default (snapping to grid lines will still be on).
  • Analysis Diagram Enhancements
  • Ability to easily identify different relation criteria in Relation Map:
  • You can now easily identify different relation criteria represented on a relation map. For this capability, the relation map has been enriched with the following enhancements:
  • Colors. Select the colors when specifying the relation criteria you need to see on the relation map.
  • Legend. Identify relation criteria by colors. The legend will be included in a report, image, or printed copy of the relation map.
  • ToolTips. Move the pointer over an arrow to see the relation criteria it represents.
  • The ability to represent colored relation criteria on relation maps will help you when performing a traceability, impact, or coverage analysis. As the following figure shows, you can now
  • Use the same or similar colors to represent different relation criteria between the elements in the same phase of a project development.
  • Use different colors to represent relation criteria between the elements that belong to separate phases of the project development.
  • Easier analysis with Dependency Matrix:
  • You can now sort both rows and columns either in ascending or descending order (see the following figure) or create your own order by shifting selected items (either grouped or non-grouped) from one place to another. The sort order persists after changing the row or column owner's display mode.
  • To shift the selected items, use either appropriate commands from the row or column shortcut menu (see the following figure) or key combinations, such as Ctrl+Arrow.
  • Now you need fewer clicks to create or remove a relationship.
  • You can now choose to select a relationship in the Containment tree or open its Specification window from the cell's shortcut menu.
  • One more popular option can now be specified directly in the Criteria area of the matrix. In earlier MagicDraw versions you could change the Show Elements option only in the Specification window of the matrix, but not in the Criteria area.
  • Relationships with stereotypes applied can now be more easily selected as dependency criteria from the Dependency Criteria dialog (in earlier versions, the Criterion Editor dialog). Now you need a single click to select a relationship with a stereotype instead of performing the whole workflow: selecting a relationship and then specifying the appropriate stereotype as the Applied Stereotype property value for the more precise filter as it was in earlier MagicDraw versions.
  • Common Usability Enhancements:
  • You can now start a quick search by clicking a new toolbar button on any open tab (Containment, Diagrams, etc.) in the Model Browser.
  • Note: You can also open the Quick Find dialog from the main menu, as in earlier versions.
  • Select Edit > Quick Find.
  • You can now see the full length of a long text that is cut off by the border of a list or a tree area. Move the pointer over a cut-off text to see the full length.
  • You can now easily navigate either to the previous or to the next open diagram. A toolbar for navigation has been added to all the diagrams:
  • In dependency matrices, relation maps, and generic tables, find the new toolbar on the toolbars area.
  • In another diagram, move the pointer over the bottom-left corner of the diagram pane to see the new toolbar.
  • A list of suggested elements can now be reduced by clicking a specific button. As a result, all irrelevant elements will be excluded from the list.
  • You can now lock, unlock, or discard changes of multiple elements just in one click. The appropriate commands have been added to the shortcut menu of multiple elements selected on a diagram.
  • The shortcut menu of an element selected in the Model Browser has been refined as follows:
  • The Create Symbol command has been excluded.
  • The Generate Code Framework and Check Syntax commands have been moved to the submenu of the Tools command.
  • ReportWizard Enhancements:
  • The capability of Web Publisher has been optimized as follows:
  • You can now see the details of an element that has an active hyperlink in the Specification tab by clicking the element's icon in the Containment tree.
  • The new Diagrams tab has been added to the Web Publisher report to allow you to easily see all diagrams that are grouped by diagram types.
  • You can now click an element in the Containment tree and see all diagrams that represent the element in the new Appears in tab.
  • A newly-added report variable allows you (when clicking a hyperlink on an element) to choose between the normal MagicDraw's active hyperlink behavior and the auto-navigation to the last active hyperlink behavior (similar to transitive behavior).
  • When generating a report via the command line, you can now choose whether to overwrite existing file(s) before generating the new one(s).
  • This release improves the DSL properties handling. You can now use any nested property in any # directive.
  • Other Enhancements:
  • Automatic Java selection - MagicDraw no longer suggests selection of a Java version on Windows OS while installing MagicDraw, as from now on the bundled Java is the default. Most testing and debugging were performed with the bundled Java version, so the use of this JVM is highly recommended.
  • Note: You still can change the default Java according to instructions provided during installation.
  • Automatic check for updates - MagicDraw now automatically checks for updates according to the Check for Updates option and displays a notification if updates are found.
  • Enhancements in expression evaluation engine
  • The expression evaluation engine now allows for
  • Defining reusable expressions in the model and calling them from another expression.
  • Calling expressions with multiple parameters, for example, calling the search operation with the following parameters: scope, search text, search options, and type filter.
  • Combining several expressions into a single expression. The results of calculation of one expression can be passed into another as arguments.
  • The redesigned Criterion Editor dialog reflects these enhancements.
  • Ability to create Duration, Interaction or Time Constraint - You can now create a Duration, Interaction or Time constraint from the element Specification window.
  • Ability to hide Name Auto Completion list for DSL element - You can now hide the list of already existing elements that appears when typing a name for a new element in the model. This list is typically needed only for elements which are displayed in several diagrams. To turn off this list for a specific element type, set the Do Not Suggest Name Auto Completion property to true while specifying the customization element.

New in MagicDraw UML 17.0.4 (May 22, 2013)

  • Usability Enhancements:
  • Increased usability of Dependency Matrices
  • Flexible inspection of model composition
  • Easier modeling in Activity diagrams
  • Simplified Find and Find and Replace dialogs
  • Validation results grouping
  • Ability to search for matching phrase anywhere
  • More options for data representation in Relation Map
  • Ability to finish entering new element names by pressing ENTER
  • Performance Enhancements:
  • Faster merge operation
  • Faster opening, saving, committing, and updating of project files
  • Performance enhancements for dependency matrices
  • Java heap size optimization
  • Merge Enhancements:
  • Ability to merge projects including modules
  • Ability to turn off order changes detection
  • Modeling / Diagramming Enhancements:
  • Stereotypes, constraints, tagged values, and element properties can now be displayed as labels of a Port symbol on a diagram.
  • Experience the remarkably enhanced automatic layout for the Class, State Machine, Protocol State Machine, Activity, and Composite Structure diagrams.
  • You can now draw a vertical separator on your diagrams as well as change a separator's position from to horizontal to vertical, and vice versa.
  • Enhancements for Collaborative Environment:
  • You can now quickly access the server project history as well as the latest version information such as comments, tags, modules, and meta information.
  • Using the enhanced discard changes operation, all newly created elements will be removed as well as removed elements restored while discarding changes.
  • The locking operation is now slightly faster since read-only modules are not updated.
  • Since now on you must have the Administer project permission, when you need to manage (create, rename, and remove) project branches or migrate projects to a later version.
  • Teamwork Server service successfully keeps running after logging off the server.
  • Teamwork Server is now more stable when started as a Windows Service.
  • ReportWizard Enhancements:
  • The Velocity Engine has been upgraded to a more stable version 1.7. Several bug fixes, better reporting, and less performance bottleneck are some of the improvements in the new Velocity Engine.
  • A new query tool has been added to ease the process of querying multiple data with conditions or a complex model. With the new query tool, it is now easier to find elements in MagicDraw.
  • The CSS 3.0 and HTML 4.01 support has been enhanced by adding colors in rgb() format, subscript, and superscript.
  • A new DocBook template is now supported. You can now add the DocBook template in Report Wizard.
  • The diagram overview elements have been equipped with a hyperlink that allows you to open them on a Web Publisher 2.0 report.
  • A new method to generate a child report template process has been added in the FileTool to enable synchronous report generation.
  • You do not need to manually declare the #import statement in the template code to include the template tools anymore. You can choose to automatically include the template tools in a template.
  • Locating icon files is much easier now that icon names have been replaced by a unique filename. Each MagicDraw element icon will now have a specific generated filename and the name will remain the same regardless of how many times you export it.
  • Report engines now generate reports 4 times faster and use 40% less memory than earlier versions.
  • Profile Changes:
  • As the old Dependency Matrix templates mechanism is no longer supported, files "matrix_templates_module.mdzip" and "Matrix_Templates_Profiles.mdzip" have been removed from \profiles.
  • MagicDraw built-in "UML_Standard_Profile.mdzip" has been reorganized. Inner Standard/System profiles "UML completeness constraints.mdzip", "UML correctness constraints.mdzip", and "Traceability Customization.mdzip" are no longer used, since their content has been imported into "UML_Standard_Profile.mdzip", and the files have been removed from \profiles.
  • Note: All your projects that have been created in any earlier version of MagicDraw will be successfully migrated once they are opened with the latest version of MagicDraw.
  • DSL Enhancements:
  • You can now create a DSL element with already specified short name - abbreviation. Use the new Abbreviation property to enter the short name while specifying the customization element.
  • You can now use DSL elements in Meta chain expressions.
  • You can now select a name of the opposite meta association end from the drop-down list when creating a Meta chain expression.
  • Other:
  • The numerical order is now used for sorting numbered elements in the Model Browser, Generic table, etc.
  • The Model Extensions, Inheritance, and Structure tabs are no longer on the Model Browser by default.
  • Non-open API Classes and Methods will be marked as Deprecated in your IDE.
  • Both importers and exporters of Eclipse EMF support the UML 2.4.1 specification.
  • The Multiple Windows interface style is no longer available in MagicDraw.
  • MagicDraw no longer supports project export to BPEL, the EJB generator, nor the integrations with ProActivity, CaliberRM, and Intellij IDEA.

New in MagicDraw UML 17.0.4 Beta (Apr 29, 2013)

  • Usability Enhancements:
  • Increased usability of Dependency Matrices
  • Flexible inspection of model composition
  • Easier modeling in Activity diagrams
  • Simplified Find and Find and Replace dialogs
  • Ability to search for matching phrase anywhere
  • More options for data representation in Relation Map
  • Ability to finish entering new element names by pressing ENTER
  • Performance Enhancements:
  • Faster merge operation
  • Java heap size optimization
  • Merge Enhancements:
  • Ability to merge projects including modules
  • Ability to turn off order changes detection
  • Enhanced Support for Enterprise Deployments:
  • New location of MagicDraw configuration files on Windows
  • User Account Control (UAC) utilization on Windows Vista / 7 / 8
  • Modeling / Diagramming Enhancements
  • Enhancements for Collaborative Environment
  • ReportWizard Enhancements
  • Profile Changes

New in MagicDraw UML 17.0.3 Beta (Oct 30, 2012)

  • New Features:
  • Project Usage Map:
  • The Project Usage Map is a live visual graph that represents Teamwork Server project usages as well as identifies potential problem areas.
  • The Project Usage Map allows for representing projects and their dependencies in two views:
  • The All Projects view that shows all projects and all the dependencies among them.
  • The Individual project view that shows a particular project along with other directly and indirectly used modules.
  • Using the Project Usage Map you can easily do the following:
  • Identify, analyze, and validate dependencies among projects (for example, you can find out easily discover all the projects, wherein a particular module is used).
  • Identify cyclic dependencies among projects.
  • Identify and fix inconsistent dependencies among projects.
  • Data synchronization between Teamwork Servers on different sites:
  • The new version allows synchronization of data among several Teamwork Server deployments. Projects available on one Teamwork server can now be accessed as read-only replicas by other Teamwork Servers that are deployed on remote sites.
  • This is extremely useful for a multinational organization that has departments all around the world. One server can be set up per each department with synchronization among them. Employees of each department can access (read or link to their projects) projects created by other departments on their local server (giving the LAN-level access performance).
  • Data synchronization between servers can be performed periodically at intervals specified by the Teamwork Server administrator.
  • Extracting in State Machine and Sequence diagrams:
  • Earlier versions of MagicDraw only supported extracting in Activity and Composite Structure diagrams. With the new version, this kind of refactoring is supported in two more UML diagrams. You can now extract any selected part of a State Machine* or Sequence diagram into a separate one, which represents a new state machine or interaction appropriately.
  • We expect that exploiting this kind of refactoring will improve the reusability and readability of your model since:
  • Some parts that often appear in many diagrams (for example, a part of a Sequence diagram describing the user logging on) can now be extracted into a separate diagram for further reuse.
  • Large diagrams can now be easy simplified by extracting their most complicated parts into separate diagrams.
  • Notification Window:
  • As of the new version, MagicDraw introduces the Notification Window (to open it, select Window > Notification Window from the main menu), which is designed to store the history of all environment and project specific messages as well as messages received from other team members.
  • Spreadsheet reports for generic tables:
  • You can now export your active table to a Microsoft Excel Workbook (an .xlsx file) and have a WYSIWYG style spreadsheet report.
  • Enhancements in Collaborative Environment:
  • Simplified adding and committing projects to server:
  • Two dialogs have been reorganized in order to simplify adding and committing projects to the server.
  • As of the new version, the Commit Project to the Server dialog allows for:
  • Reusing any comment from recent commits
  • Keeping locks for further modifications
  • Saving your project locally
  • Enhanced opening:
  • From now on any recent Teamwork Server project can be opened by one click in one of the following ways:
  • Via the Collaborate menu
  • Via the Welcome screen
  • Via the File menu
  • Usability Enhancements:
  • The Print dialog has been simplified. You will no longer need to open other dialogs, when you have to change various printing options (for example, select another printer or choose different page orientation and format). All the most usable functionality is now available on one dialog.
  • The quick find feature is now available in the Generic Table. You can perform a search either in the whole table or in a single column.
  • Modeling / Diagramming Enhancements:
  • Deletion from Activity diagram and model is now synchronized. An element, such as Activity Node, Activity Group, Activity Edge, or Expansion Node, is now removed from your model, when its last symbol is deleted from the diagram.
  • Element properties can now be displayed on the element shape. As shown in the following figure, you can select properties to be displayed on the element shape via the new Element Properties tab on the Compartment Edit dialog.
  • DSL Enhancements:
  • The enhanced DSL customization profile allows the specification of custom drag-and-drop operations. You can now set up your own drag-and-drop specification either to create a relationship between various elements or assign one element as a property value to another.
  • Merge Enhancements:
  • Equivalent changes detection - one more step towards a more precise merge. The latest version of MagicDraw can detect equivalent changes when merging so that the changes that depend on the equivalent changes can now be accepted. This new capability of the merge algorithm significantly increases the merge usability as you can accept more changes than in earlier MagicDraw versions.

New in MagicDraw UML 17.0.2 (Aug 6, 2012)

  • New:
  • Use Case Scenario Editor
  • Free Zachman Framework plugin
  • Model refactoring functions
  • Automatic Instantiation Wizard
  • Pusher and Magnet
  • Diagram Legend
  • Copy and paste symbol style
  • Background tasks
  • New Open API
  • New resources
  • Enhancements:
  • Performance enhancements
  • State Machine diagram enhancements
  • Generic numbering mechanism for numbering Use Cases
  • Message parsing improvements in Sequence and Communication diagrams
  • Easier handling of recovered elements
  • Better redefinition support
  • Enhanced support for displaying Parts, Ports, and Lifelines
  • Easier management of derived properties
  • DSL relation selection in Criterion Editor dialog
  • Diagramming enhancements
  • Ability to search for diagrams in the Print dialog
  • Report Wizard enhancements
  • Element Selection dialog enhancements
  • Search functionality enhancements
  • New element placing in Quick Find dialog
  • Teamwork Server enhancements
  • Code Engineering
  • Other enhancements

New in MagicDraw UML 17.0 (Dec 2, 2010)

  • The content of an opened, but inactive diagram is not loaded anymore. It is loaded only on the diagram activation.
  • Note: This feature does not occur when the Multiple Windows interface style is set on, as in this case each diagram is displayed in a separate window.
  • MagicDraw element icons, which are created from SVG images and are up to 60x60 size, are now cached on application start-up.

New in MagicDraw UML 16.8 Beta (Mar 27, 2010)

  • UML 2.3 Support
  • Traceability
  • Relation Map
  • DSL Improvements
  • Licensing
  • Select Element dialog Improvements
  • Project Categorization in Teamwork Server
  • Native User Support in Teamwork Server Integrated with Subversion/ClearCase and/or LDAP
  • Merge Plugin Improvement
  • Transformation Improvements
  • Report Wizard Improvements
  • Usability Improvements
  • C++ Improvements
  • Script Engine Improvements
  • Recommended JVM

New in MagicDraw UML 16.0 Beta 2 (Nov 15, 2008)

  • UML support. Latest UML 2.2 specification support. MagicDraw includes the following UML 2.2 specification changes:
  • By default Literal Unlimited Natural is used for the Weight property in the Activity Edge element in the Activity diagram.
  • Changed the following multiplicity: ComponentRealization::realizingClassifier : Classifier [1] to [1..*].
  • Deleted the Representation role from the Information Item end of the Association between Information Item and Classifier.
  • Added the Start Object Behavior Action support in the Activity diagram.
  • Added the Result property to the following element specification dialog boxes: Clear Structural Feature Action, Remove Structural Feature Value Action, Add Structural Feature Value Action, and Structural Feature Action.
  • Removed association between Classifier and Classifier Template Parameter.
  • UML Interaction Overview diagram support. The Interaction Overview diagram focuses on the overview of the flow of control between Interactions. It is based on the Activity diagram notation.
  • Instance modeling improvements:
  • Adornments on a Link. Ability to show role names and navigability on the link symbol.
  • Slot type can be optionally displayed on Instance or Part shapes.
  • Slot can be selected in a diagram. This allows the deletion of a slot straight from the diagram and to attach a note to a slot.
  • Displaying specification value on the Instance Specification symbol.
  • Region name on a State symbol. Region name can be optionally displayed on the State symbol on a diagram.
  • Improved saving of stereotype information in XMI. Ability to choose options where to save applied stereotype information in XMI file. Information can be saved at the end of the file or inside the element information.
  • MagicDraw Welcome screen:
  • The Welcome screen is displayed in the MagicDraw desktop when all projects are closed. It helps to manage projects, provides quick access to the product descriptions, samples, the latest news and updates.
  • MagicDraw News Reader:
  • Information about the latest MagicDraw events is accessible via the new MagicDraw News Reader. News is accessible from the MagicDraw "Help" main menu.
  • Usability improvements:
  • Hyperlinks creation from the element shortcut menu. Now hyperlinks can be created and edited straight from the element shortcut menu.
  • Value Specification support improvements: Now you can create a standalone Value Specification in a model using the Browser shortcut menu. Displaying Value Specifications in the Containment tree of the Browser. Ability to assign Value Specifications to Tags.
  • Diagramming improvements:
  • Diagram type conversion. Now diagrams can be converted to another type of diagram if their diagram types are compatible. Diagram type is changed on conversion. Diagram elements are not converted.
  • Element creation from the diagram toolbar. A new shape or path can be created by dragging it from the toolbar to the diagram (click on diagram is not necessary).
  • Complete coverage mode for group selection. The "Complete coverage mode for group selection" button is added to the diagram toolbar. This mode allows the selection of exact parts of a diagram by selecting only elements that are completely covered.
  • Improved label layout in the diagram. The following label positions are improved for paths, relationship ends, and shapes: Default label positions. Label positions after using "Reset label positions" function. Label positions after moving a path, shape, or related element.
  • Centerline support for "container" shapes; like Swimlanes or Structured Activities has been improved in the Activity diagram by fixing known bugs.
  • Model Merge improvements:
  • Diagram merge improvements. It is now possible to merge diagram changes. Conflicting symbols are marked with TODO notes.
  • Diagram difference viewer improvements. Differences in diagrams are highlighted when opened from the Merge window. Diagram printing from the diagram difference viewer. Synchronized scrolling and zooming of changed corresponding diagrams from different contributors.
  • Improved readability of changes by grouping some low-level changes to more user-friendly ones.
  • The Show Auxiliary Resources button has been added at the top of the Merged Result tree to show or hide the profiles, modules with applied stereotype in the Merged Result tree (for example, UML Standard Profile).
  • Merge window user interface improvements: The Merge window has been reorganized. The Change details panel is moved to another location and is now visible all the time. Now the Specification and Change details panels can be displayed as floating windows or maximized so it is easier to analyze merged models. Specification panel allows navigating to the referenced elements in the Merged Results tree. Easier navigation from the original to the new location (and vice versa) for elements that have been moved.
  • DSL support improvements. Model elements and their properties are displayed and merged using DSL rules, specified in MagicDraw DSL customization artifacts.
  • DSL improvements:
  • Ability to group elements in the Containment tree shortcut menu, the "New Element" command, and provides the optional "category" in DSL customization.
  • Code Engineering improvements:
  • Ability to enter rules that help to decide if an association or attribute must be created on reverse.
  • Sorting reversed classes according to the classpath.
  • Licensing information display:
  • Information about installed or needed licenses and the status is presented in the MagicDraw About screen with the ability to remove unused licenses.
  • Teamwork server and SVN communication improvements:
  • First time startup for Teamwork Server is twice as fast as previous versions.
  • Second time startup for Teamwork Server is five as fast as previous versions.
  • Add, commit, and project opening times are twice as fast as previous versions of Teamwork server.
  • Export/Import to MOF:
  • This feature renews the MagicDraw metamodeling portfolio. MagicDraw is able to export/import the UML model into/from the MOF (both CMOF and EMOF) XMI format.
  • Oracle DDL improvements:
  • Now the DDL generation is Velocity template based, thus the DDL generation can be customized.
  • The following Oracle support improvements are presented: sequence, data type, grant, users, and role modeling are added; syntax update to version 11g.
  • Integration with NetBeans:
  • MagicDraw version 16.0 integrates with NetBeans 6.0 or 6.1. (NetBeans version 5.5 and older are not supported).
  • Report Wizard improvements:
  • New features in Report Wizard GUI: Quick print. New menu command to generate a report directly from the Tools menu.
  • New features in ODF Engine: Added ODS/ODP bookmark support. You can use $bookmark tool to create a link to any element inside the document. Added ODS #forpage support. You can generate multiple worksheet documents from this directive.
  • New features in Custom Tool: JavaDoc Syntax Tool. A new built-in tool that provides the capability to parse the JavaDoc syntax into a report template.
  • New features in Web Publisher 2.0: Added Flash multimedia player support. Any hyperlink to a multimedia file can be played directly within a generated web publisher 2.0 report.
  • New features in Built-in Template: New set of built-in templates for the Use Case-Driven approach.
  • Improvements in Core Engine: Improved HTML document converting to RTF/ODF. Added new element support e.g. Font, Code, TT, and many more. (See Report Wizard User Guide for complete references.)
  • Improvements in Report Wizard GUI: Added keyboard shortcut to manipulate dialog buttons.
  • Improvements in Web Publisher 2.0: Improved user interface and graphic library. Automatic detection of local/server mode. Generated web page attempts to detect current web running mode between local/server. The option "server=true" is no longer used within this release.
  • Improvements in Report Wizard command line: Added new option to specify user defined variables.

New in MagicDraw UML 15.5 SP1 (Nov 15, 2008)

  • Diagramming:
  • Symbols and relations are not lost when stereotypes are applied/unapplied for elements in the diagrams which are not loaded after opening the project.
  • Display Related Elements works correctly with the stereotype.
  • Correct Tagged Values are displayed for shape on Mac OS X when MagicDraw is running with Java 1.5.0.
  • Create primary key constraints using "Set Primary Key Constraint" dialog box in DDL Diagrams.
  • Remove Represents element from a swimlane partition.
  • Model inconsistency does not appear when deleting a part name and typing in the diagram pane.
  • Draw a reply message to the existing nested activation in a Sequence Diagram.
  • Report Wizard:
  • ODF Engine: Correctly resizes output images to the paper size. Report engine VTL-ODF parser does not cause data corruption after generating a report.
  • Report Wizard GUI: Error dialogs do not display behind the wizard dialog on Mac OS X. No longer receive NullPointerException when generating a report from a template that contained an invalid report title. Fixed shortcut menu to generate report from the containment tree which may have caused the shortcut menu to freeze.
  • Core Engine: HTML font color is rendered correctly in RTF/ODF reports. Escape characters do not cause a corruption of the document format.
  • Web Publisher 2.0: Web Publisher 2.0 template automatically detects local/server mode. A generated web page will attempt to detect the current web running mode between local/server. The option "server=true" is no longer used within this release.
  • Other:
  • Properties are sorted in the Quick Properties panel according to the specified order using DSL.
  • The SysML and DoDAF plugins work in Reader edition.
  • Activations of Sequence Diagram do not cover the Combined Fragments in the saved diagram as an image.
  • MagicDraw integration now works with Eclipse version 3.4.
  • Performance of Active Validation is improved on code reverse, Teamwork Server project update, and other operations.

New in MagicDraw UML 15.5 (Jul 10, 2008)

  • Project Branching in teamwork. Project Branching support in teamwork allows deriving one project version from another. Versions may be duplicated and it enables parallel work on them.