What's new in MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.101

Sep 12, 2008
  • You can forget about these horrible "UI toggle" and "partial keyboard emulation mode" hacks. I have sent them back to the Mesozoic Era. To access the MAME/MESS UI key, all you need is simultaneously pressing the Command key and the relevant key. For instance, to pause emulation, you may press Command+ESC (instead of ESC). The only exception is the 'Tab menu', which is to be accessed by pressing Command+Return (this is because Command+Tab is already used by Mac OS to switch between applications).
  • Also, MacMESS looks for all ROM and configuration files in the "MacMESS User Data" folder in your Documents folder of your home directory. Software to run under the emulation (disk images, tape images, etc.) and the MacMESS application can reside anywhere on your file system.