Jigloo Changelog

What's new in Jigloo 4.6.2

Oct 29, 2010
  • New Feature: templates are now stored in separate folder inside jigloo plugin installation folder - after backing up this folder, users can modify individual templates, eg templates/swing/JFrame.txt is the template for a JFrame. Some documentation and more flexibility will be added in future versions.
  • New Feature: when a form is reloaded using the context-menu "reload form editor" option, all classes are reloaded in addition to the form being re-built.
  • Bug fix: SWT widgets with borders would be moved a few pixels when resizing.
  • Bug fix: SWT widgets would lose their FormAttachments when their style was changed
  • Bug fix: when a form uses a widget class defined in a related project, and that widget class was changed, the original form would not be reloaded and would only update on restarting eclipse.
  • Bug fix: when changing the text for a text component, the Java representation of the code is edited, allowing back-slashes to be handled more intuitively.

New in Jigloo 4.6.0 (Apr 30, 2010)

  • New Feature: JLayeredPane support added
  • Bug fix: GUI editor fails under certain perspective configurations
  • Bug fix: when creating a new class, changing the superclass in the "New" dialog had no effect

New in Jigloo 4.4.3 (Apr 10, 2009)

  • Root container (eg, JFrame Shell) now does not have it's size set in code (unless the user holds "shift" down while resizing the form). This allows the form to adjust to it's preferred size so that it's elements are layed out correctly. If "shift" is held down while resizing the form the the size is set as in older versions of Jigloo.
  • Bug fixed: several small useability bugs in the GroupLayout editor have been fixed
  • Bug fixed: Jigloo failed to parse the form correctly if "this" was used infront of variable assignments.
  • Bug fixed: Icons for SWT buttons and menu items would sometimes appear as the "bean" icon.