FreeLords Changelog

What's new in FreeLords 0.0.4

Jan 6, 2015
  • In this version, multiple clients can select scenario to play in the configuration room, and start a new game. The current UI can display a simple static scenario. The clients can also chat in the game room.

New in FreeLords 0.0.3 (Oct 9, 2012)

  • The most noticeable change is the addition of a GUI with some dialogs replacing the console chat demo client from before.
  • Behind the scenes, we have prepared the server to support multiple contexts ("rooms") to allow players to do different things on the server, including playing more than one game.
  • Also, all game data structures have been finalized to the point where you can load a scenario from a definition file. This is not yet implemented client-wise, but will soon come.