Déjà Vu Changelog

What's new in Déjà Vu 5.5.2

Apr 3, 2019
  • Handle new error message caused by latest macOS update

New in Déjà Vu 5.5.1 (Mar 12, 2019)

  • Various minor bug fixes

New in Déjà Vu 5.5 (Feb 11, 2019)

  • Added an option to snooze repeating daily backups during a given time range
  • Added a 'Rest' menu item which can be used to temporarily disable scheduled backups
  • Added new 'Snooze' and 'Rest' modes to documentation
  • Dramatically improved speed and accuracy when pruning Safety Net folders. (The first time should take about as long as in previous versions, but subsequent pruning stages should be much faster.)
  • Added an option to show or hide the menu bar icon

New in Déjà Vu 5.1.6 (Nov 15, 2018)

  • When choosing 'Show Details' or 'Show History' from the Deja Vu menu, the Console app was not opening for at least one person.
  • Improved fix for "Too many open files" error.
  • Improvements when pruning Safety Net archive files.

New in Déjà Vu 5.1.5 (Oct 11, 2018)

  • Improved support for Dark Mode in Mojave
  • If needed, the Privacy Assistant can be displayed again by holding the Option key and choosing "Show Privacy Assistant" from the Deja Vu menu icon.
  • Fixed a problem which could cause "failed to set file flags" errors when backing up certain files to a remote volume
  • Fixed a rare problem which could trigger a "Too many open files" error when pruning Safety Net archives
  • Fixed a rare problem which could occur when ejecting an auto-connected remote volume
  • Updated the list of global exclusions

New in Déjà Vu 5.1.2 (Oct 11, 2018)

  • Fixed an unfortunate problem which was preventing Deja Vu from producing a bootable clone on an APFS destination volume. It should actually work as intended now.
  • Semi-fixed the "Show hidden items" checkbox.

New in Déjà Vu 5.1.1 (Oct 3, 2018)

  • Fixed an important omission from the new Privacy Assistant which prevented Deja Vu from working as intended on macOS Mojave. If you tried an earlier version of Deja Vu 5 on Mojave, please visit this link after installing and verify that your setup matches what is shown there.
  • A few other minor fixes and improvements.

New in Déjà Vu 5.1 (Sep 26, 2018)

  • Added a Privacy Assistant to help guide users through the one-time procedure required to allow Deja Vu full disk access in Mojave.
  • Fixed a problem which prevented Deja Vu from working as intended when backing up an entire system volume to a folder on another volume.
  • A few other minor changes.
  • Known Issue: Support for Mojave's Dark Mode is not entirely there yet. It will be further refined in a future release.
  • Known Issue: Mojave seems to have broken Deja Vu's "Shown hidden items" checkbox used in open dialogs. As a workaround, the keyboard shortcut "⌘⇧." (Command-Shift-Period) may be used to toggle the visibility of hidden files.

New in Déjà Vu 5.0 (Aug 31, 2018)

  • APFS:
  • Added support for APFS (Apple's new file system), including the ability to produce perfect clones of APFS volumes
  • Metadata:
  • Preserves more metadata, including ACLs and HFS Compression
  • Deja Vu now passes all Backup Bouncer tests
  • Menu Icon:
  • Modified the Deja Vu status menu so it remains running
  • Displays the time and result of the last backup
  • Displays more information about the current action being performed
  • Displays the next scheduled backup time in the menu
  • Displays nine additional upcoming backups in a submenu
  • Displays the overall backup success rate
  • Added "Show Details" to show the current or most recent backup log
  • Added "Show History" to show the backup history log
  • Added the ability to open Deja Vu directly from the menu
  • Scheduling:
  • Expanded scheduling options
  • Added the option to repeat daily backups as often as every hour
  • Added the ability to specify days of the week
  • Safety Net:
  • When enabled, create "#DV_SafetyNet" folder at the root of every destination volume
  • Prune older archives when the specified percent of available space has been exceeded
  • Added the ability to specify a minimum number of archives to keep
  • Notifications:
  • Uses Notification Center for post-backup notifications
  • Visit System Preferences > Notifications to set your preferences
  • Auto-Connect:
  • Improved the reliability of Auto-Connect
  • When unspecified, Auto-Connect now defaults to using SMB rather than AFP
  • Other:
  • Added an option for checking disk's S.M.A.R.T. status
  • Attempt to mount local volumes first before declaring them missing
  • Optimized image assets for Retina displays

New in Déjà Vu 4.8.9 (Jun 7, 2017)

  • Addresses a problem which prevented the DV status menu item from updating or quitting when performing longer backups.
  • The 'Safety Net Archives' folder was not being properly maintained when it was located on an Auto-Connected volume.
  • A few other minor fixes and improvements.

New in Déjà Vu 4.8.8 (Oct 19, 2016)

  • Worked around an apparent bug in El Capitan which caused Deja Vu to crash System Preferences upon quitting.

New in Déjà Vu 4.8.7 (Oct 6, 2016)

  • Fixed System Preferences crashing in certain cases.
  • Fixed Auto-Connect not working properly.

New in Déjà Vu 4.8.6 (Sep 21, 2016)

  • Sierra compatibility.

New in Déjà Vu 4.8.5 (Nov 12, 2015)

  • El Capitan compatibility.

New in Déjà Vu 4.8.4 (Dec 17, 2014)

  • Addresses an issue which caused the Deja Vu preference pane to become slow and unresponsive for certain users.

New in Déjà Vu 4.8.3 (Oct 25, 2014)

  • Yosemite compatibility

New in Déjà Vu 4.8.2 (Nov 8, 2013)

  • Updated German localization.
  • Fixed some text being truncated in other localizations.

New in Déjà Vu 4.8.2 (Nov 8, 2013)

  • Updated German localization.•Fixed some text being truncated in other localizations.

New in Déjà Vu 4.8 (Oct 31, 2013)

  • Mavericks compatibility
  • The volume containing the Safety Net Archives folder is now also checked for low disk space.
  • Fixed a problem which affected people backing up between two SMB volumes.

New in Déjà Vu 4.7 (Nov 1, 2012)

  • Added an option to be warned when disk space is low on any backup disk. ("Low" means that the disk is more than 90% full.) See the Options > Notifications tab.
  • Auto-Connect is now usable with servers that do not require a password.
  • Updated French localization.

New in Déjà Vu 4.6 (Oct 12, 2012)

  • In the list of backup items, selecting an existing folder or disk in any popup menu will now open that item in the Finder if possible. This was done mainly to improve the accessibility of files in the backup destination, but it will work with source folders as well.
  • Ensure that the system stays awake while a backup is being performed. This was necessary due to Mountain Lion's more aggressive energy saver mode.
  • Avoid backup collisions. For example, if a daily backup begins and detects another daily backup already in progress, then it will silently exit. This will become more important in a future release.
  • Fixed various text encoding problems which affected people who were trying to backup folders with names in certain non-Roman languages like Hebrew. (Other languages were likely also affected.) Fixed in Deja Vu for Lion and Deja Vu for Snow Leopard as well.

New in Déjà Vu 4.5 (Oct 6, 2012)

  • Added a "History" button to the log sheet which will give you an overview of all of your Deja Vu backups from now on.
  • Fixed a problem related to using Auto-Connect with remote user names or volume names containing spaces.

New in Déjà Vu 4.4 (Sep 28, 2012)

  • You can now rename or move your source and destination folders as found in the main list of backup items and Deja Vu should still be able to find them, provided that they are located on a Mac-formatted disk and that they remain on the same disk if you move them. This will also work if you rename a Mac-formatted disk that is part of your backup.
  • Show proper document icons in the exclusions table whenever possible.
  • Removed 'Edit Custom' button from the Exclusions tab and updated documentation.
  • Fixed status menu item crash when notification prefs set to not play any sound.
  • Fine-tuned the backup engine so that fewer errors should occur, particularly when backing up over a network and when backing up volumes which are set to ignore ownership.
  • Ignore any file copying errors that occur within ~/Library/Mobile Documents.

New in Déjà Vu 4.3 (Aug 10, 2012)

  • Exclusions may now be added in the new 'Exclusions' tab in Deja Vu's options. Read the Deja Vu help for more details. (Click the purple "?" button next to "Options".)
  • Added a "Show hidden items" checkbox to choose file/folder dialogs.
  • The main Deja Vu window will now also show the percentage complete when "Show backup progress" is selected.
  • Made changes which should help anyone who experienced problems related to folder name encodings.
  • Fixed "Prompt before scheduled backups" which had been broken by Mountain Lion.
  • Fixed a problem which caused Deja Vu to be erroneously opened when a backup finished.
  • Fixed problem with Swedish localization which rendered the Options sheet unusable.
  • Fixed uninstaller which had been broken by Mountain Lion.

New in Déjà Vu 4.2 (Jul 24, 2012)

  • Signed for Gatekeeper.
  • Workaround for Mountain Lion breaking scheduled Auto-Connect backups to AFP servers.
  • Make sure Safety Net archived files are owned by user, not root.
  • Replace any spaces in Auto-Connect 'Volume' field with ' '.
  • Ignore any file copying errors that occur within '/private/var/spool' or '/Library/Server/Mail/Data/spool' directories.
  • Date formats with four-digit years were being truncated on the "View Log" buttons.

New in Déjà Vu 4.1.1 (Sep 28, 2011)

  • General fixes and improvements for remote backups
  • Minor Auto-Connect improvements
  • We now enable ownership on a given destination volume only if ownership is currently enabled on the corresponding source volume.
  • Fixed a regression which was causing ownership to be enabled more than once per volume.
  • Disable UI when a backup is in progress.

New in Déjà Vu 4.1 (Sep 6, 2011)

  • Now dynamically adjusts which file attributes are preserved based on what is supported by the given filesystems.
  • You can now backup to a combination of local and remote volumes within the same backup. The "Remote backup" option has been removed. It is now auto-detected.
  • Redesigned the General options tab to make all options visible at a glance. Safety Net is now included in the General tab, and the Safety Net tab has been removed.
  • Added a new option in the General tab to "Repair disk integrity". Local disks will be repaired if possible before the backup begins. (The startup disk can only be verified while it is running.) Be aware that when verifying the startup disk, your computer may become slow and unresponsive for a few minutes until the verification process finishes.
  • Auto-Connect will now accept just a server name (like "servername.local") or an IP address in the "Server" field. AFP is used if no protocol is specified.
  • Auto-Connect will now accept long user names ("Andy Hertzfeld") or short user names ("andy") in the "Name" field.
  • Fix for Auto-Connect "Connect" button crashing System Preferences if the remote volume name contained spaces.
  • Certain errors (i.e. "disk unavailable") were being missed because the backup script was exiting before the status menu item was being launched.
  • Updated Italian localization.
  • Updated English documentation.

New in Déjà Vu 4.0 (Aug 19, 2011)

  • This is a major upgrade which provides compatibility with Mac OS X Lion. Although there are few visible changes in this release, we have completely replaced Deja Vu's backup "engine" for increased speed and fidelity, and to lay a foundation for future improvements.
  • The "View Log" buttons will now show only a summary and a list of errors if any were detected. A "Show Details" button has been added to the log sheet which will open the full log in Console.
  • When "Show Details" is selected from the Deja Vu menu bar icon while a backup is in progress, we now explicitly open Console rather than trust the system to do it.
  • If you are using Auto-Connect, you may need to re-enter your server password in Options > Auto-Connect.
  • Updated documentation.

New in Déjà Vu 3.7.6 (Jun 16, 2011)

  • Fix for backup completed notifications being displayed at inappropriate times.
  • This was most notably happening when regular system maintenance tasks were being performed.

New in Déjà Vu 3.7.5 (May 5, 2011)

  • Fixed a bug in creating the initial preferences file.
  • Updated uninstaller to include /var/db/receipts.

New in Déjà Vu 3.7.4 (Apr 28, 2011)

  • Some people were getting multiple backup completed notifications.
  • Fixed a Safety Net archiving error when backing up the startup disk.

New in Déjà Vu 3.7.3 (Apr 21, 2011)

  • Improved speed when comparing source and destination to determine which items need to be copied.
  • Auto-Connect will now make four attempts to mount the remote volume with increasing delays between retries.
  • Refinements to enabling ownership on the backup volume. The log will now suggest how to resolve an "Unable to enable ownership" problem. Additionally, this is now only considered an error when backing up a system disk. This means that backups to MS-DOS (FAT) formatted volumes, for example, will be able to succeed with only a warning.

New in Déjà Vu 3.7.2 (Mar 23, 2011)

  • Fix for files over 4.29 GB being copied every time.
  • Deja Vu's trial period is now reset when a newer version is installed.
  • We now do a better job of cleaning up child processes if a backup is stopped by the user.
  • If Safety Net is enabled, the backup log will show the number of files that were archived.
  • Improved ownership enabling on the destination volume.
  • Fixed a problem where the Deja Vu menu bar app was not always being run as the user, which in some cases prevented preferences from being restored properly if the "Open Deja Vu" button was clicked at the end of a scheduled backup.
  • Other minor fixes and improvements.

New in Déjà Vu 3.7.1 (Feb 19, 2011)

  • The new Auto-Connect system was not working for normal (non-admin) users.
  • People who had configured Auto-Connect with Deja Vu 3.6 or earlier were getting an error during backup unless they had gone into Options and clicked "OK" since updating to Deja Vu 3.7. It should no longer be necessary to do this.

New in Déjà Vu 3.6 (Sep 2, 2009)

  • Snow Leopard compatibility.
  • Made disk space checking a bit more robust.
  • Switched to a more reliable method of verifying that we are backing up to an actual disk and not an orphaned mount point.

New in Déjà Vu 3.4.2 (Feb 12, 2008)

  • Manual backups were not working reliably for some people, and for a different reason than in the prior release.
  • File type/creator codes were still being reversed on certain Macs. Even more fixed than before.
  • Safety Net archives are no longer zipped.
  • The integrity of /var/db/volinfo.database is now verified and repaired if necessary. If this file becomes corrupted, it can cause problems when Deja Vu attempts to enable permissions on the destination volume.
  • Improved registration reliability. It is finally possible to register Deja Vu from a standard (non-Admin) account.
  • Comments may be added to the exclusions file (excludes.txt). Lines beginning with a "#" are considered comments.

New in Déjà Vu 3.4.1 (Dec 10, 2007)

  • Added a visual reminder to the main Deja Vu window that indicates which backups, if any, mirroring is enabled for. Since the "Mirror folder contents" option is potentially dangerous if you are not careful, Deja Vu will now make you more aware if you have it enabled.
  • Worked around a problem which was preventing manual backups from working for some people.
  • File type/creator codes were being reversed on Intel Macs. To take full advantage of this fix, it is recommended that you erase your backup and let Deja Vu make a completely new one.
  • Updated Dutch help file.