CropPlanning Changelog

What's new in CropPlanning 0.6.1

Mar 25, 2013
  • Major Bugfix:
  • Fix a program crash for some new users that prevented them from completing the setup wizard.
  • Affected users may have to manually select the crop plan they created during the setup process. If that plan is selected and displayed when you start up, you can do so by clicking the "Change Plans" button.
  • Enhancements:
  • Planting lists have been redesigned to improve readability. Multiple entries of the same crop on the same day (as when seeing different varieties at the same time) will now be grouped together with a summary line showing some information for the while group, as well as for each planting. The notes fields will not be repeated for each variety of the same crop unless they are different.
  • Columns being displayed will now be saved between sessions.
  • Seeds/rowft (or meter) and seeds/cell now included on applicable planting lists.

New in CropPlanning 0.6.0 (Mar 14, 2013)

  • New Layout:
  • All new under-the-hood layout means the program will still look familiar, but will behave like other programs when it's resized. The divider between the top and bottom parts can now be drug up and down to expand or show more of the table. Text fields no longer collapse if input is too large. Notes fields moved around and enlarged.
  • New module: "PlanStats":
  • Calculates beds in use by week per field, flats in the greenhouse per week, how many beds or rowfeet (or meters!) are tagged as needing "requirements" or inputs and how many flats/trays are needed by size. (As for "requirements", think "plastic mulch", "drip tape", "reemay", etc. This depends on the new "Weeks of Harvest" datum exposed for Crops and Plantings.
  • Better Windows Support:
  • Windows version is now all wrapped up in itself and can be moved around w/o breaking things … FINALLY!! (The .exe file can be moved to your desktop, Program Files, or any other folder and it will work just the same.) There is now a third release package just for those of you (Hi, Linux!) not using Mac or Windows. (Before, the Linux and Windows versions were bundled together.)
  • Metric support
  • Other New and Noteworthy Changes:
  • New users will have a crop, variety and planting created for them when they first start the program. I hope this will make the program a little easier to understand for new users.
  • Improved "notes" mechanism for plantings and crops/vars. You can jot down observations from this year or ideas for improvements for next year, or just notes to keep track of. Also improved the layout and entry of notes that get displayed on the planting lists; they should be easier to read in the program now.
  • Auto-Update function will now remember if you clicked "skip this version".
  • New export list: "harvest availability" generates a table of when crops will be available for harvest. Useful for planning as well as showing buyers what they might expect from you and when. Also, added harvest date to the "All Plantings" export, and added raw seed count to the "Seed Order Worksheet".
  • The cells in the table can once again be edited, and the table will sort on the numerical order of the values, not the alphanumerical value. (Whoops!)
  • Keywords and Groups should now be inherited from crops to plantings. Also, plantings can now be filtered/searched on crop family (if any was entered in the cropDB)
  • Bugfixes:
  • Plantings wouldn't save changes if the only change was wether it was DS or TP.
  • Components should behave much more consistently when no record is displayed, a record is selected or different values need to be highlighted or displayed.
  • seed quants were being calculated w/o the fudge factor

New in CropPlanning 0.5.6 (Feb 19, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug preventing some users from entering data.

New in CropPlanning 0.5.5 (Feb 18, 2013)

  • Major New Features:
  • Seed Order Worksheet:
  • Generate a 'seed order worksheet' that includes a variety by variety tally of beds, row feet, flats and … drum roll please … SEED NEEDED, based on the current crop plan. As with all other data, the seed information can be recorded per crop, variety and/or planting and then inherited accordingly. These stats are then summed up across each planting of a crop or variety based on the size of each planting, then reported on the worksheet as "total units needed". This worksheet can be exported as a PDF for printing or as a CSV for opening in a spreadsheet.
  • Copy a crop plan from one year to the next:
  • You've finished one season's crop plan and now have to manually enter every planting into next year's plan? NO MORE! When you create a new plan, you will be given the option to base it on a previous plan. All of your plantings will be copied over and the "Planned" dates for planting, transplanting and harvest with be updated to the current year. The "Actual" dates and "Done" checkboxes will be cleared, and each planting will be given a Keyword of from (e.g. - "from2012plan" if you based it on a plan named "2012plan"). If you enter this keyword in the filter or search box, it will show you all of these plantings. As you update the plantings for this next season, you can remove that keyword from them and they won't show up on that list any more.
  • Other New and Noteworthy Changes:
  • Automatically checks for new versions of the software. Can be disabled in Settings.
  • The field "Flats to Plant" can now be used to calculate backwards how many row feet and/or beds to plant. (e.g. - enter 10 flats and it will calculate now many beds or row feet that will plant)
  • The search box now recognizes "not" searches for terms starting with a minus ("-"). (e.g. - "corn -sweet" will show "popcorn" but not "sweet corn")
  • Generate weekly GH and Field planting lists for the whole season at one time. (aka Cavendish mode) Useful if you use the software for planning but not weekly record keeping.
  • If you DO use the software for week to week record keeping of completed plantings, clicking the "done" buttons will now save the date you entered and automatically enter it on the next record that you click as being "done". Useful for checking off several plantings that happened on the same day.
  • Dates can now have a year added or subtracted to them, just as then can have days or weeks added them, by adding "+1y" or "-1y" to them and saving. Useful if you did some planning last year and inadvertently got some "2012"s stuck in there.
  • Hot key to save current entry changed is Alt+Enter for Windows and Linux, Cmd+Enter for Mac.
  • Sadly, we have had to disable the ability to make changes in the table view and import CSV data. In fact, export of CSV data isn't even that reliable...
  • INTERNAL CHANGE: Complete under-the-hood rewrite of how data is handled. This will mean much faster updates when searching and working with your crop plans. It also means it's now a lot easier to add new features. This is sort of a MAJOR update, but no one's going to appreciate it as much as I do.
  • INTERNAL CHANGE: Major improvements in startup speed - almost twice as fast to start up.
  • Many, bug fixes

New in CropPlanning 0.1.5 Beta 1 (Aug 6, 2009)

  • It's much easier for new users to get started. They are stepped through a couple of introductory questions and settings before the program creates their first crop plan for them.
  • For crops and varieties which can be both direct seeded (DS) and transplanted (TP), you can now enter different information for either case.
  • Plantings (individual entries in a crop plan) are now explicitly marked as being either DS or TP. If the crop or variety has different information for DS vs TP (see previous point), the appropriate info is displayed and used in calculations.
  • There is a completely new, much easier to understand mechanism for creating, selecting and deleting crop plans. Additionally, crop plans can now have years and descriptions attached to them, making it very easy to manage different crop plans which you might create.
  • Plantings now have "actual" dates, as well as "planned" dates. Recording the actual date on which you planted, transplanted or picked something is better for record keeping and it allows the program to better represent the reality of what's happening on the farm and in the greenhouse.
  • Plantings can now be marked as having been planted, transplanted or picked ... "completed", in other words. These work even if you don't use the "actual" date mechanism mentioned above.
  • Plantings can be marked as "ignored" or skipped. They're not deleted, but they won't show up in most of the lists or in the print outs. This is useful for when a planting is just too late to be worth it, or maybe something just doesn't make sense anymore.
  • The program is better at remembering what you were doing the last time you used the program; what plan you were working on, which columns you were viewing, which -- if any -- of the predefined filters you had in place, to name a few.
  • Crops, Varieties and Plantings now track more data fields.
  • Added preliminary support for importing CSV data for crop plans and the CropDB, (Thanks to volunteer contributor: sm_zl_kimi)
  • We've added a number of settings to let you better customize the program.
  • Crop plans can now have spaces and punctuation in their names.
  • You can now enter your own farm name, which is used in the PDF output.