CmapTools Changelog

What's new in CmapTools 6.01.01

Aug 11, 2016
  • Minor release to support installation under Windows 10.

New in CmapTools 6.01 (Aug 11, 2016)

  • Fixes a problem where the Validate Links dialogue box would be displayed behind the Cmap.
  • Fixes a problem where the dialogue box for the Spelling Checker would be displayed behind the Cmap.
  • Fixes a problem where on an auto Spell Check on saving a Cmap, only selected objects were being checked.
  • When finding a Cmap Cloud Folder based on the user's User Info, the userid (email address) and password are now cached for accessing resources.
  • Fixes an issues that could cause Places to not display in the Views window.
  • Fixes an issue with the magnification of a Cmap that would cause the canvas to go grey.
  • Help files links were updated to link to the new Cmap website files. Help files are not included with the program anymore.

New in CmapTools 6.00 Beta 5 (Dec 15, 2014)

  • Windows and Linux versions are now distributed with Java 1.7. The Mac OS X version continues to use Java 1.6 which in new OS X versions needs to be downloaded by the user.
  • New tab in the Views provides access to the Cmap Cloud. The Cmap Cloud offers the user a Cloud (Home) Folder in the Cmap Cloud's CmapServer with user account management (userid+password), replacing to a certain extent the IHMC Public CmapServers. The resources in the Cmap Cloud can be synced with the CmapTools for the iPad client (the CmapTools for the iPad is currently in Beta. The sync feature will be an in-app purchase). The Cmap Cloud account can be created from CmapTools or at
  • New Cloud Account entry in the Preferences panel defines the credentials (userid, password, etc.) to access the Cmap Cloud account. The entry also allows changing the Cmap Cloud account password.
  • The "Suggester" feature was removed, as Google's Websearch API on which it was based iis not available any more.
  • Added the embed button at the lower right of the Cmap window when the Cmap is stored in a CmapServer that supports the new Web Cmap Viewers showing how to embed the Cmap in a Web page iframe.
  • New style palette settings allows control of spacing of text within concepts and linking phrases.
  • New style palette setting allows the text of a concept (or linking phrase) to be set at the side (top, bottom, left or right) of the background image.
  • New style palette option allows setting a fixed width for concepts.
  • New style palette entry allows setting the viewing, exporting and printing area of a Cmap, with an option to limit the Cmap to this size.
  • Setting the the default start and ending location of connecting lines can be set in a new Cmap Editing entry in the Preferences panel.
  • The Default Style Sheet can be exported and imported in a new Cmap Editing entry in the Preferences panel.
  • The manual resizing of concepts and linking phrases can be limited in a new Cmap Editing entry in the Preferences panel.
  • New entry in the Spelling entry in the Preferences panel enables always running the Spelling Checker when saving a Cmap.
  • A bug was fixed which prevented a client to communicate using the http-sockets protocol with a CmapServer over SSL.
  • Fixed fonts that were not displayed correctly in different parts of the program.
  • Fixed a bug that caused menus to be displayed with a black background for certain Linux releases.
  • The CmapTools installer was improved to support Java 1.7 in all platforms.
  • Many bug fixes.

New in CmapTools 5.06 (May 8, 2014)

  • Fixed bug that prevented some Windows installations to export Cmaps to images, pdfs, etc.
  • Fixed a bug where the background was not being printed or exported
  • Fixed the menu option "Sentence Case', which sometimes didn't give the expected results
  • The Style Palette now has a 'width' option which makes the width of a concept node fixed.
  • Added "Shift+Return" capability to node text editing.
  • Fixed a bug where videos with .m4v extension were not beling handled properly.
  • Added an option to the cmaptools.cfg file to disable the automatic insertion of linking phrases when linking two concepts.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed OS X users to Quit the program without being asked to save Cmap that were being edited and not saved.
  • Fixed a but in the indexing (in the calculation of the topological taxonomy) that prevented the indexer to complete.
  • Many, many other bug fixes.

New in CmapTools 5.05.01 (Nov 2, 2012)

  • Support for Mac OS X Mountain Lion installation, Windows 8 Installation, and Windows Server 2012 Installation
  • Fixed bug in the Search Panel in the Views when the entry was left empty.

New in CmapTools 5.04.02 (May 16, 2011)

  • Added support for ".ppsx" and ".pptx" (Powerpoint) file extensions.
  • Adds Estonian as one of the languages supported by the CmapTools GUI.
  • Fixed the handling of the "cmap://" protocol for opening Cmaps via a Web browser URL for Apple Mac OS X (10.6.4) and Java 1.6.0_22 update.
  • Fixed an export problem that was allowing multiple "_Default_" style sheets to be written to an CXL file.
  • Fixed a problem where multiple map-background images were being stored with the Cmap, resulting in large files.
  • Added fields in the Style Palette to indicate what origin XY coordinates for background images.
  • Added support to handle CXL with images stored in separate files instead of in-line Base64.
  • Added "cmap" to the list of default SLP scopes.
  • Modified the Mac Installer so Rosetta is not required to install the program, and enabling CmapTools to run as 64 bits.

New in CmapTools 5.04.01 (Nov 10, 2010)

  • Fixed the problem on the Mac that preented the program to launch when the "Check for Updates" was executed before running CmapTools.
  • Fixed the problem on the Mac where logs were truncated because of running under Jaa M 1.6.
  • Adds Greek as one of the languages supported by the CmapTools GUI.

New in CmapTools 5.03 (May 27, 2009)

  • The new short URL format provides at least two benefits over the previous URL format, which produced URLs that were quite a bit longer than the new ones.
  • The new URLs will fit more easily into an email message.
  • The URL now contains the name of the resource to which it refers.
  • Fixed selection problem on Mac OS X when right-clicking.
  • Now CmapTools provides support to iWork'09 file formats.
  • Fixed a bug where Cmaptools was unable to export a Cmap as web page; a Cmap that was created manually as CXL and then imported into Cmaptools.
  • Fixed a bug where an error message appeared in the internet browser when you tried to view a manually created CXL Cmap as web page.
  • Fixed a bug where annotations, created in a Cmap using Cmaptools v5.0 Beta14, did not appear when the same Cmap was opened using Cmaptools v4.18.
  • Both the Web Search and Concept Suggester now make use of the "language" property of the Concept Map (if the user has set it), and will try to contextualize searches and suggestions in such language. For example: if the language property of the cmap is set to Spanish, the Web Search and Concept suggestions are in Spanish too.
  • Fixed a bug that happened after selecting all the concepts in a Cmap, then adding a shadow to them, they would gain a shadow but these shadows would disappear when you added another concept, and selected "None" for shadow for that new concept and then double clicked to add yet another new concept.
  • Fixed a bug where the font used changed after a symbol from the mathematical character set had been placed. For example typing "hello" + "mathematical symbol" + "hello", would show the second hello in a times-like font, while the first hello would remain in the default Verdana.
  • Now is available a CmapTools distribution for 64-bit architecture for Windows and Linux operating systems.

New in CmapTools 4.18 (Jan 9, 2009)

  • Fixed a bug in the presentation builder where an empty string was a valid value as the name of a presentation.
  • Fixed a bug where the selected items in the Presentation Tree were not being highlighted.
  • Fixed a bug in the Style Palette. Now the Style Palette does not fail to show up when it is the first action requested by the user during a CmapTools session.
  • Now CmapTools provides support to Microsoft Office 2007 file formats.
  • Added language support for Kuna and Catalan.
  • Fixed a bug in the "Export Cmap As.." menu item. It now contains all the possible image formats.
  • Fixed a bug in the Zoom a cmap option where only 100% was available.

New in CmapTools 4.12 (Jan 24, 2008)

  • Added language support for Galician language.
  • Header and footer are included when using export as webpage features of CmapTools
  • Entering a header or footer will no longer show error for the missing field.
  • Right clicking to create a new folder no longer throws stack trace in log.
  • Creating a shortcut to another shortcut no longer give error message.
  • Opening a Cmap with a shortcut for the first time now appears in normal sized window.
  • Shortcuts can now be moved into .Cmaps in My Computer..
  • It is now possible to create a short cut to another short cut. The short cut does not actually point to the other short cut but the object the short cut is pointing to.
  • Importing Resources as links now work correctly.
  • It is now possible to export a Cmap as web-page without an author specified.
  • List View now shorts capital and lower case letters correctly.
  • CmapTools can now export over previously existing images.
  • Copy and pasting a folder into itself is no longer allowed.
  • Pressing F5 with a previously empty CmapServer will no longer show the server as empty.